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Denied PookieRP EMS Application || DOCTOR! [ATTEMPT #1]


Level 3

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Alright, let's take the first adventure back to when I started, I started around 2018-2019 area, and I was very active during that time playing and being involved with several roleplays, during that time I took the job of being a professor several times as I also got involved into EMS back then, as that lasted until 2020. I took a year-long break slightly going in and out at the time, I wasn't active during that year, and in 2023 I made a final comeback as I did start to make more of an appearance in SRP I do have to deal with school still, during 2024 so far I have been overly active almost every day I try and get on even if I don't feel the best as I do want to create more of a reputation and to make more friends with being active in SRP.
I do work and go to school as my work schedule is around 9 am-5 pm depending on if it is an easy day or not,
As of now my SRP activity will be a little less as I do start school Starting August 22nd. Which means I'll be more focused on my studies but I do try my best to be active during that time as I have done school and Professor before! As I am also moving which can decrease a lot of playtime for a month or so. But that won't happen until 6-7 months from now and If a disappearance is promised. Will be putting in an Inactivity log for the reasoning!

What is your timezone?:
My time zone as of currently is Central Daylight time in a couple of months this will change to a different Time zone due to as said before moving away from my current location.

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
As of currently my Roles Vary, As for my Main Account [PookieRP] I have my [Adult]. [HS] and a [Fox] as for my Alt PookieeRP I have [Hs] and my [Bird] As I do wish to have more roles within the server in the future!

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

Well, I do have a bit of experience, or well quite a bit, with roleplay I do roleplay on Roblox, and Minecraft and sometimes in Private chats, as for Roblox I've roleplayed in the Classical roleplay games, Blox-burg, Royale High, and Even Ro Citizens as I have roleplayed in these little servers for some time, it has let me learn many different types of roleplay and how to understand the concept of the roleplay experience, as I did move to Minecraft later on I would roleplay in Survival worlds with my friends as we would make up our lore within the world and roleplay our hearts away! Moving to private convos' as I have found people who love roleplay we would most likely go into a private chat and text roleplay as it is not as visual it does allow me to understand how different people roleplay finally moving to SRP as for this, it is the main roleplay begins as roleplaying in SRP and different jobs, as being involved within in the roleplays I have been in it has not only advanced my typing speed and imagination it has also matured me a lot. As this is my roleplay experience I do wish to expand it to different servers and places as I do love roleplay with a huge passion.

What is your motivation for applying?
What is my motivation for applying, well for beginners I think my motivation can come from experience within the EMS faculty as I did enjoy the faculty. It was interesting and I did learn a lot from the experience, as it was one of my first jobs in SRP that got me into detailRP. Going back to an old director, seeing the time has changed I see that a new director has been put in charge which intrigues me to join as I do love to see how people change their job and or keep them up to date.
For another reason, I do want to try and get into every job as I have applied to many other factions being put on pending, I do wish to rejoin the EMS faction as I do find Pleasure and enjoyment in roleplaying with various people within the experience which is provided as I also love the fact that its majority based on the type of real-life injuries as it goes into the fact of having to study and research what the specific type of specialty you do. which I love! In reality, I want to be a Doctor and I feel like doing this job can improve a lot of things in my learning and even possible studies.

Which role are you applying for?
I am currently applying for a Doctor, and if this position has been taken and or filled by one of the amazing applications out there, I would be able to also do Psychiatrist. If the position has not been filled yet

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

Hospital Director
The hospital director is the main lead, they are to have leadership and to make sure the faction is going right towards excellence. making sure that the hospital meets requirements so they can ensure proper treatment to the community as they are also the ones who are in charge of managing the financial aspect of the hospital and the hiring process! Usually, they are to be seen managing and overseeing all of the workers to ensure they are following procedures and that they are providing correct and accurate medical care to the citizens.​
Clinical Manager
The clinical manager is kinda the same as they don't have some aspect as the director they are to make sure there is quality healthcare given out and they pretty much oversee certain departments that need help to make sure the work is done efficiently too that falls along with the quality part aspect as well. From time to time you can see Clinical managers helping with hiring and or even the training part of the job as they are allowed to help alongside the Director and the Department leads if need be.​
Clinical Lead [both Doctor and Psych]
The clinical lead in each department is to be seen with leadership and to make sure they are following rules, they are the ones who are most likely gonna be doing all of the training in the hospital, these two have similar roles as they are both expected to do pretty much the same thing, as they are suppose to ensure that people are doing their job correctly and to make sure if someone needs help they are there to help and assist if needed. They also need to make sure everything is updated in the system.​
Clinical supervisor [Both]
The supervisor is the most likely the first person you go to if you have an issue or a question, they are alongside the leads as they can help with training and they can answer questions they are the ones who will be reporting certain things to the lead if there is an issue that can't be resolved during that moment.​

Doctor/Psychiatrist Department
Attending. [Applies for both]
Highest rank you can get within the faction meaning you have completed all your training and are now just doing your job! You aren't under the supervision and are allowed to do your job by yourself.. But still, try to maintain a professional look!​
Senior Residence [applies for both]
This is the second highest you can get within the faction as this lets you have more freedom within the faction, you would most likely still be trained on very little things but most likely are trusted to do things by yourself! You are to ask the Attending if you need anything as they are there to help those who need it!​
Residence [Appies for both!]
You're not done training as you're still under supervision and are listening to those who are supervising you, your job has certain restrictions on what you can do.​
Doctor Trainee
Congrats! You're brand new to the faction! By doing this you're going through first training, meaning a tour and a brief introduction, as then you will have to follow alongside with people and to watch and make sure that you understand.. ASK questions all the time! You might need to take a test or show a sign of you doing your job well to upgrade to the next rank!​

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do understand that if a training is being held while I am online, I am expected to attend it if I cannot do so, I will provide a reason why I won't be able to attend it while being online, as I also do understand that not attending can lead to IC or OOC punishments depending on what the director or the head of the clinic decide to take.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:
A female enters the room she looks a bit tired she has bags under her eyes, her skin is darker and she has hints of vitiligo as she stands, she stands at 5'6 her eyes a lovely brown color, her hair complimenting the color as it was a brown with blonde highlights in the front of her face. she would be wearing a kimono with her nails painted.. she presents a hand towards you with a soft smile filling the room.. her voice was a soft but intriguing type..

"My name is Charlotte Jenkins. A pleasure to meet you.."

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
As she sits down her legs crossed she slightly leans forward looking at the Humanoid before her. As she keeps that smile on her face her fingers intertwined with each other, she blinks a bit listening to the person's words carefully making sure she understands what they want to be provided during this interview, she smiles pulling out a red silk handbag, she put her left hand into it digging around in her bag she soon pulled out an I.D which would provide her age, Gender, Status and all the fun stuff an I.D would provide.

Gender: Female,

"I go by She/her pronouns.."

Character’s Age (if accepted):
The I.D would present the age of 36

Character’s Academic Background:
She adjusts herself so she is comfortable as she speaks. Her voice seems serious as her eyes make contact with the humanoid's eyes. She smiles lightly.

"I started studying nursing in high school at grade 11 as I wanted to continue my studies. I went to college for a few years in my hometown. I studied very hard over the years as I did hit some bumps in the road. I did end up leaving college with my Doctorate."

Character’s Nationality:
“Well I am Russian, I was born in Russia and soon moved to Karakura.”

Character’s Marital Status:
“I am currently not married. Nor dating anyone as of current”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I am not Religious as I do follow Shintoism but not strongly!”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
“I speak Japanese and Russian, I did learn JSl as I moved Karakura”

Character Backstory:
August 8th 1988
Russia. Moscow.

The environment around would be filled with loud crying and talking, doctors would move past fast as it would show a classic hospital scenario. A female would be in a room with long black hair and she would be sobbing, her makeup running down her face, her eyes closed tightly as a doctor would be spitting out commands to her. as the process continued it got louder and louder the sobbing would fill the room as then it was joined by a second cry but a more simple cry a higher pitch cry.. a baby girl was born as the female sits there she smiled as she watches the doctors put the baby in a small cotton blanket soon passing it to her... her voice cracked she spoke quietly.. [!]
Woman: "Oh my dear... You're so small.. and perfect... I am going to protect you.. with my whole life...
[!] She paused before thinking of the name as she said it out loud and she smiled at herself [!]
Woman: Charlotte.. will be your name.. it fits well..."

September 20th 1995
Russia Moscow

[!] As of growing up Russia is known for not-so-friendly people. as Charlotte would walk down the sidewalk giggling away her eyes soon lured to a different place as soon... she disappeared... away from the sidewalk.....[!]
Knock knock...
[!] An officer would be at the mother's door knocking the mother seemed worried sobbing at most it was several hours and she couldn't find her little girl she looked everywhere she was trembling her makeup running down her face as she sniffled a bit looking up at the officer placed his hand on the lady's shoulder giving a reassuring smile as he spoke [!]
Officer: "We are looking for your daughter... we will find her ma'am
[!] She smiled lightly before turning into her home. She sat for several days soon turning into a month.. 60 days... her daughter was gone.. she was sobbing on her couch.. before hearing the knocking again she turned her head to the door as she got up and opened it her hand was shaky as she saw the officer he was smiling lightly as he had a little girl in his hand. The woman screamed out sobbing [!]
Woman: My baby! My Baby!

November 3rd 2006
Charlotte began her studies as she was in school for some time, she would have been studying more of the nurse aspect quickly being involved in medical schooling and extra credits as she has a huge passion for what she wants to do in her future as she did put in her work and hard learning, she did end up going to college before graduating. she began to start her studies in a college nearby her home. sacrificing those years of learning to follow a passion she loves truly.. [!]

January 1st 2019
Russia Moscow
Charlotte would be working in old homes and helping, as once she finished working there for a few months she started to assist with doctors she would be a little nursing assistant running around making sure patients were ready to to meet their doctor as she soon decided this year she would move to Karakura as she loved her live in Russia she thinks she has a better chance of being more happy or even safe in Karakura as she brings this up to her mother, her mother is rather upset with the thought but she nods allowing her daughter to move on. [!]

August 2nd 2024
Karakura Japan
As she moved to Karakura to her dream she instantly put in an application to the hospital in Karakura. She took a lot of time, writing it as she was dedicated.. once she was finished she would have turned it in.. soon returned later on to an interview with the Humanoid Director of the EMS faction trying her best to be professional she shakes a bit [!]


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

During her time in grade 12, she started to take more interest in the
Anesthesiology field as she read several books, and even watched several videos of people within the specific field she soon developed a greater passion for the field she knew what she wanted to do in medical school, once she was accepted into medical school at an early age she started to study the best she can as she did study a lot in the Anesthesiology field enjoying everything. As she continued school her passion only grew bigger as she soon became a nerd for the subject. having posters around her room and such about the profession

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

As she did go into a program

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
As said before, she did work in nursing assistance as she only worked in that field and never really took her actual degree into an actual hospital just yet

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
She has not done what she had to do in college and didn't need any additional schooling as she did pass her college with amazing grades!


[Character reference]

A female stands at 5 '6 she would be darker skinned with hints of white patches along her legs and arms, she would have brown eyes complimented by her long brown hair with half of it being blonde, the female had an interesting build as she was curvy but skinny! She would be seen wearing a red kimono that has a small revealing area in the side of it. As it was a red kimono to match her red silk handbag… she would have painted red nails as she would have a huge tattoo lining her left leg:

What makes her unique is that she was born with Vitiligo. She has also never met her father! She also can be seen as rather interesting in how she speaks she has a very high pitch sound in her voice but it can be calming for some odd reason, she is also too friendly for her good as she is a little peacemaker!

She can be seen as a sweetheart her voice is a calm tone and she does give off positive vibes, many people love how she acts she is a very caring person as she speaks and tries to help everyone out the best she can no matter how hard the situation is or how impossible she always thinks of a way to at least come up with a solution, she is a plain sweetheart and she makes some mistakes but not major.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Charlotte on duty, and off duty can be seen quite similarly as she doesn't really change how she acts, only wanting to be true to herself and those around her, she is still a plain sweetheart as she speaks to everyone, no matter what, she has that mindset of “Peace By everyone” as she accepts everyone. She might act a tad childish while off duty but mostly she does show a good amount of professionalism in her behavior. Keeping her and her attitude straightened and positive

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
She functions perfectly fine with both, like stated she can pretty much work with anyone, she doesn't like working by herself only so she can get feedback she enjoys feedback either negative or positive as it helps her understand what she would need to fix within her line of work or home life, she is also more of a social person as she does want to present her ideas and wants to hear ideas to allow them to work better and stronger.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Her future is hard to tell as she does want to work most of her life, she doesn't want to be alone, she does wish to have kids, but her mindset says otherwise thinking she might be a bit too old to have any kids. But in the future, she does want to attempt relationships to see where it may take her even if it's to an unknown place she wishes to see what life will take her. And if she cannot accomplish it she does wish to possible go move and live in Tokyo for awhile as she does want to explore the world and to be a onsite medical helper being able to help people whenever she is needed.

Additional Notes:

Backstory Inspo; From a Song By the Black Box Recorder

Source: WordCounter: Counting my words to know how much I typed!

Grammarly: Was used! Have no shame!​
Last edited:


Level 257
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
We recommend joining other factions to improve your reputation and/or interacting more frequently around the hospital/with hospital workers.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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