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Poseter | English Teacher Application


Level 13
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
What is your time zone?:
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that if I am inactive, I will be demoted.
Describe your activity on the server:
11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm11 am - 11 pm
Can be changed due to this being a date I work often.Usually the time, however, changes can be made.Usually the time, however, changes can be made.Usually the time, however, changes can be made.Can be changed due to this being a date I work often.Usually the time, however, changes can be made.Can be changed due to this being a date I work often.

Before my break, I was on daily from anywhere between the times mentioned in Availablity, usually later in the night due to school be held at that moment. However, now I am free to do a lot more at any time as long as I am not at work. I am working to be active daily like I used to and have more involvement.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Korean Application 1
Ban Appeal
Art teacher Application
Doctor Application

Korean Application 2
Math teacher Application
Mandarin Application
JSL Application

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Adult] Xiang Kaneko
[Adult] Byungho ‘Benny’ K. Lee
Other highschool chars.


What subject are you applying to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I used to be a teacher, head department, and I want to try going for it again or just simply doing this for fun. I had a huge break from SRP and would like to get into it again because I have nothing else better to do.

I taught students outside of SRP on virtual classes for a school. I volunteered doing this and found enjoyment in it, but I don’t plan to make it an actual aspiration of mine. This is because I want to be a writer and being an English teacher for SRP can help make that easier for me. I’ve learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before, even as a writer, and want to teach others this as well and inspire them to make their own books or creations, even for the school’s library. I tried multiple different other roleplays and they just aren’t as good as SRP and I miss being able to log on everyday and teach people.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I understand that I am applying for the teacher role of UT.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand if my application is accepted, I will have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teacher class logs is an automatic message sent in from the roleplay bot that describes how long the class was, how many students attended, and how many students were online [of that grade] at the time of the class ending. They are important because it helps track how many classes you've done and helps you want to reach your quota. They are also important because the more you track your classes, the more you want to do to try and be the Employee of the month!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The rules of a class should be easy to understand just by the title of it. For example, respect. My rules will be respect, phones off, stay seated, and talk quietly or not at all.

Respect is simple. Be nice to your teacher, your classmates, and yourself. If the teacher is teaching, don't ask interrupting questions that do not involve the topic and/or do not break any rules to disrupt the class.

Phones off
Phones should not be a disruption as you are allowed to have them in class. However, the phone should be on silent or off during the period or times in which you can not use it. If someone were to call you and your phone was on, all attention would be directed toward you and the teacher has to remind you to turn your phone off, so, be a dear and keep it off!

Stay seated
Staying seated helps the teacher locate each person instead of focusing on multiple people in different areas, all moving. Unless you are told, stay seated in the seat you chose so you do not disrupt the class.

Talk quietly or not at all
You are helping the teacher out a lot by staying silent during lectures. Talking loudly to the student sitting next to you can cause a disturbance and all attention toward you. Unless told so, stay silent during the period.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Personally, I feel I am very experienced and skilled in roleplaying. I like to call SRP a more 'professional' way of roleplaying since it's more complicated and complex. From my past experiences, I used to play roblox and Hypixel when it came to roleplaying. Roblox was just small roleplays I did with my friends when I was young and Hypixel was when housing was a more common place to roleplay. I used to love the idea of roleplaying with my friends but it shortly got the best of me and I quit doing it before I moved on softly to Hypixel. This transition didn't last long as I found SRP. I didn't know much about SRP and was confused about it but after two years of playing, I get the gist of it. I used to just hop into roleplays, but now since I'm more understanding of how it works, I know to read things before joining.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head department
↳ Description: The head of the department(s). If there are multiple HD's,the subject they are teaching is the department they are in charge of. However, if there is only one HD, they are the head of the entirety of the teachers. They are usually there for the longest and have the most dedication to their job.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A QT is only available to NQT's who have worked hard for their position. Usually after a month or two you will recieve this rank. Now, keep up the good work and you could be a candidate for the HD!

↳ Meaning:
Newly qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The newly qualified teacher is a teacher who's just finished their training and is available to teach. Stay focused and you could be promoted to QT.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: The unqualified teacher is a new teacher who's just been hired! They are undergoing training and can not receive NQT or teach until they have fully finished their training.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

In game:
In SRP, the idea of teaching doesn't really mean to teach people. From my past experience, it's more of giving them a few things they didn't know, especially since they don't usually come around for the next lesson. The salary of a teacher is 350k, and the highest you can get is 550k. 50k is added every 5 extra classes you get ontop of 10. For example, 10 classes, 350k. 15 classes, 400k. 20 classes, 450k. 25 classes, 500k. If you got the most classes in a month you get an extra 550k! Teachers teach in a way of either lessons or they wing it. Usually teachers have kids in SRP and spend time with them in their spare time. Otherwise, they hang out with their other teacher friends or other friends.

Out of game:
Teachers have the most important role in life. Educate. They start all the way from age 5 to 18, which is incredibly difficult. Some may even go from kindergarten to highschool teaching and experience a new wave of students. For salaries, I've seen around 39k-80k per year which isn't nearly enough for what they do. Teachers teach from around 7am-3pm, depending on the school. They stay around for maybe 1-2 hours after and then head home to their families!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
They are important because SRP wouldn't be 'School Roleplay' without them. They are the first things you may see when entering the school, especially as a grade-7. They might be the first person you interact with and the first thing you may do.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
I believe Moscow. Must have, should have, could have, wouldn't have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Xiang Kaneko is a 6'4 old man who tends to make those younger than him more important. He takes care of himself, but also wants to help people grow and roots for them. He has sun-kissed skin and blonde dyed hair. He usually has black. His hair is styled in an asian mullet and quite soft. He has blue eyes, and usually wears comfortable or formal clothing. His left ear is missing and he's got a few noticable scars on him. He also needs a hip replacement!

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
His outlook on students is sharp, as he understands them since he's been working for quite a long time beside them. He's always gotten along with his co-workers and plans to work beside them even if they do decide to step down from their position. He plans to work well with everyone he comes in contact with and to be the fun guy the students like to hang around.

What are their plans for the future?
He doesn't have many plans as he's already nearly made it to the halfway mark to 100. When he reaches 60 years old, he wants to retire and live his life with his husband near the sea back in Korea. If he can't do that, he wants to live in a normal house and have his kids visit him every so often to catch up with him. I mean, he's already surprised he's a grandfather.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
As Xiang walks over to the scene, he asks them what's going on. He feels it could just be a dispute between friends, or maybe more. He doesn't want to intervene too harshly, but he wants to get his presence out there. In response to his prescense, the gang tells him what's going on and he asks them to watch their language before moving on to his next step. He'd kindly ask them to stop cursing and to separate from each other if they're making each other angry.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
He'd stop his teaching for a moment. Xiang knows the reason they aren't doing anything is because of him. If he has to shift his lesson to be more hands on, he'll do that. First, he calls out to everyone and asks them to quiet down. He'll say if they listen, they could do something different and change the plans for the period. Usually, on back up, Xiang has a 'true or false' game set up so they can review from previous classes.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He usually likes to sit in the chair next to the window. It's fun to watch all the kids walk and run and scream to their friends. It's his time to dwindle down and have a period of peace. He'd sip his coffee until he was ready to leave and greet anyone who was previously in the room, or enters the room whilst he is inside.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

was getting ready to erase the board. He'd turn and ask, 'any questions?'. [Wait for answer.] /me nodded in the silent reply. He'd erase the board and took his favorite eraser that was shaped like a dinosaur and removed the previous chalk from the board. He'd then write, 'lesson 2' on the board where 'lesson 1' was before. "Alright, time to learn!"
/me stood still as the children began to walk out of the class. He'd smile and wave as they quickly rushed out, attending to lunch. Speaking of lunch, his tummy would growl and he'd grab his bag and the bento his husband prepared for him the day before. He'd eat it silently, but enjoyed it quite well. He'd even give his husband a call during his break.
/me looked at the clock while his students silently did their assignment. He'd write all the information on the board, trying to do it quietly as to not disturb the students. After he was done, he took his microfiber rag and dusted off his hands. He'd grade other work while the students did their own.
/me he'd shush the students in the library. "Quiet you kids! The library is a quiet place, not a playhouse!" he quietly said, walking up to the students who were making the ruckus. He'd stare deeply into the students eyes until they nodded.

Xiang Kaneko, a 41 year old who has already been a teacher quite a few times before this one, lives out-of-town from Karakura. He lives with his husband who was already a teacher where he taught before, in fact, he was his replacement.

As a young boy, Xiang was quite the learner. He'd learn JSL and Chinese from his next door neighbor who was a talented old woman. He didn't learn Japanese until a little before he started learning JSL. He was born in Incheon, South Korea. Where he lived was a small neighborhood that had quite the good looking housing but he wasn't rich rich. He tried to teach his brother JSL quite a few times during highschool but it didn't work since Jaesung --his brother-- didn't want to learn Japanese at all. He was quite jealous of him for knowing 4 whole languages just by the age of 18. Korean, Japanese, JSL, and Mandarin. Xiang never thought of it that way, he just knew the languages. Xiang really wanted to teach Jaesung but he never agreed even when asked over the period of 5 years. By the time Xiang was 20, he was already getting ready to marry his first wife, Eun. It didn't help that they weren't the richest people so they could hardly afford a big and open wedding. Even when Xiang's mother, Yun, pitched in, it didn't help.

After tedious amounts of work, Xiang and Eun finally got married, having a child not long after. Things took a turn for the worse when Eun started developing another personality that Xiang had never seen before. Without going into details, Eun was a horrible mother who never took care of her children. Xiang did most of the work, even working late and having overtime most of the days. By the time he got home, he either had to go to the hospital or fell asleep almost instantly. With this, Xiang's life was incredibly busy. He wasn't able to hang out with anyone and certainly didn't find it fond to deal with his wife. Even though he wanted to divorce her, he felt sympathy for her since she said she had no where to go if he did. So he gave in. With his first job being an office job, he wasn't around much but eventually he decided to take on a job at a daycare that his friend's younger brother, Min, worked at. He liked working around children and being able to teach them things they'd never known before. He enjoyed their excitement when he'd say it was movie night and would put on a show for the kids. This is where his first thought to teach was even really there. He didn't think about teaching at a school before but after that job, he thought it might be best.

After a few years of back and forth, Xiang managed to divorce his wife and take all the kids with him to Japan. Specifically a prefecture called Karakura. He liked it here but knew it'd be dangerous as well. He took on a job at the school and taught Math there for a while before moving subjects. He really enjoyed this so he wanted to go back again after getting an illness and getting over it.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Xiang Kaneko
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Xiang
Preferred Name: Xiang

Age (Minimum is 25): 41
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Shintoism
Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Korean
Current Location: (whatever is right next to Karakura), Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Education
Year of Graduation: 2005
Major(s): Secondary Education
Minors: Special Education

Native Languages: Korean
Other Languages: JSL, Japanese, Mandarin

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

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