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Level 355
HS Sports Lead

This thread will explain how SchoolRP's housing system works, whether you're interested in a luxury penthouse, a conveniently located apartment or a brand-new house for your and your family to call home; we've got you covered. If you're curious about how to properly use our apartment commands or how expensive specific properties are, we recommend you give this a read!

Pricing will vary from where a property is located, to the size of the interior. You'll find a range of apartment blocks (A through H) around Karakura town with information listed on a hologram for you. However, a list will be provided below with a pricing guide for each apartment, including interior sizes.

Anyone can claim an apartment should they have sufficient funds in their balance. You can claim an unowned apartment by finding one in the many apartment blocks around the map. Upon finding an unowned apartment, the sign should show you exactly how much 30 days of rent will cost you as well as state it's unowned and ready for you to purchase. Then, simply right-click the sign to purchase the apartment and it'll claim it to your Minecraft account for 30 days.

Apartment Block​
Apartment Price (Monthly Rent)​
Apartment Size (Interior)​
Location (Near)​
Block A & C​
L25 W12 H9​
Karakura Beach​
Block B1 & B2​
L25 W12 H9​
Police Department​
Block D & E​
L19 W12 H10​
Karakura Beach​
Block F​
L25 W11 H9​
Shopping District​
Block G​
¥15,000 ~ ¥50,000​
Police Department​
Block H​
Business Park & Town hall​
Penthouse (Small)​
L16 W18 H8​
Shopping District​
Penthouse (Large)​
L58 W20 H12​
Shopping District​
Left-side of the map​

Our apartment plugin offers various commands for you to use to make customising your apartment as clean as possible. This section will appropriately list all of the useable commands you have access to, including the risks of using said command.

/apartment editmode ~ Puts you into 'editmode', allowing you to place and break blocks within your apartment region.
/apartment shop ~ Access a GUI to give yourself building materials.
/apartment add [player] ~ Allows you to add a player to your apartment. This grants the user permission to open containers and use doors.
/apartment remove [player] ~ Removes a player from your apartment.
/apartment members ~ Lists all of the players added to your apartment.
/apartment reverse ~ Removes all of the blocks from the interior of your apartment. (This cannot be undone)
/apartment disown ~ Completely unclaims your apartment. (Note that you will not be refunded any remaining rent)

/apartment admindisown ~ Forcefully unclaims an apartment.

Before adding anyone to your apartment, it's important you secure your items! This is done using our Blocklocker plugin which allows you to swiftly protect your containers and doors with a simple right-click whilst holding a sign. Need a tutorial? No worries, click here.

/bl <lineNumber> [player]

Line number corresponds to the sign, however you cannot edit the user that owns a chest (even if it's you). The only editable lines is line 2-4.

Need help with your apartment? Or perhaps you've found an inactive apartment where the owner has been offline for 30 days+. Head over to the Property & Housing Issues section of the forums, fill out the format and create a thread; a Senior Administrator will review it when one is available to do so.
As we continue to update and expand SchoolRP, bugs are inevitable, however we are working closely with developers to fix them over time. If you bump into any issues, it's always recommended to contact a member of staff via #help in the Roleplay Hub Discord or through using /help in-game.

‣ Full editmode inventory
You can clear your own inventory by emptying it into a double-chest.

‣ Broken apartment regions
This can only be fixed by an Owner.

‣ Lost editmode tools
These can only be returned by an Administrator.

‣ Glitched blocks
This can be fixed by any staff member in Creative Mode.

18. Property owned must remain realistic with accessible doors, storage and rooms.
18a. You cannot hide chests in inaccessible locations such as walls, floors, etc.
18b. CCTV cameras and security equipment cannot be placed.
18c. All builds must be appropriate, any inappropriate builds found will be removed.
18d. You cannot setup a shop within your apartment.
18e. You cannot block signs to prevent others from purchasing an apartment.
18f. Administrators will only disown an apartment if the owner has been inactive for over 30 days

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