Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity within the server has varied from GangRP to FacultyRP to SportsRP and I’ve learnt a lot from these as I have been through 8 years of being on this server as I’ve been a part of families and I’ve also been a tailor for many years now. I’ve been in this server for a long time and have experienced many things during my time, I may have been a troublesome player for those years, before 2020 and then I became a lot more mature during 2020-2024 as I’ve realise that my old self was really bad and had to change a lot about myself.
GangRP was the notable one of what made me at the start as I have and I was quite of a new player then, as it was the early times of being a part of that area of roleplay in SRP. FacultyRp was the second to the top as I’ve learnt how to understand more thoroughly about the server and its main goals for the main player base especially when most are literal students.
For the rest of the activity I played a minor part in how my character of myself changed and I have learnt to be more of a better person especially with all the newer changes and the things now.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
List your current roles on the server:
Professor - Bobahdish
Grade 12 - PrxfessorALT
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My experiences with roleplay - I’ve been in many role plays out of SRP and in SRP. I have mentioned what I’ve involved myself in such as Sports, Gangs, Families and Faculty as for the main roleplay experiences within the server as I have learnt many ways of showing how to do certain aspects of these roleplays. This make me quite advanced within the server of knowing these main ones as I’ve mainly been in those roleplays.
As to genuine roleplay, I’ve done many things as a part of other fandoms such as Five Nights of Freddys roleplay side of it as it became a major part of my roleplay experience since 2014. It was the best years of being able to show my development for my old characters of that era. I have also been in others such as creating my own Formula One timeline with OCs instead of the actual drivers. I have created a VALORANT timeline with OCs instead of the actual characters. It gave me a bond of having more memories of roleplaying and it helped me develop how to do certain things for characters and how to get better at understanding more and more.
As creating more timelines of other fandoms I was in, made me foresee what’s to come for my experience within the roleplay atmosphere. As I have been practicing to do better over the years of doing so many roleplays, I can only name the ones I’ve done as a good memory and some that have been recent as it is a part of what I’ve done for years and some recently. Roleplay was a massive part of me ever since I got hands on a device.
What is your motivation for applying?
As of motivation to applying, I have tried numerous of times as I have been aware that I wasn’t good enough to be a part of EMS at that time as my experience was so little and so I wanted to do it again and be more prepared as I have been fully aware of what EMS does and I am willing to try a new roleplay aspect within SRP. I have been doing other jobs as to not being able to feel as if I wasn’t good enough but since the new things. I may be new but I am well aware that I can learn new things and be able to get better and understand new things on the server.
I have always looked up to my friends who have been a part of the EMS for years and never got the chance to do these things but now, I am excited to say that the friends I have always been very supportive of me and have helped me be motivated whilst being motivated myself. I have always adored EMS in general and the respect I have for them and wanting to be a part of them for years but I’ve been rejected not once but twice, at one point and given up then but I am surely very motivated to try again.
I know I’ve had some ups and downs in the server but I genuinely do have motivation and willingness to apply for EMS. I have always wanted to be a part of it from when I first joined because it seemed like something I would love to do even if it means to do whatever it takes to be a part of the team. I know these are just words but I have genuinely been wanting to do EMS for a while even before my break as well.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)
Director - The Director is the leadership and management of the hospital. They are responsible to make sure the hospital is functioning properly and making sure there are no complications within the employees. They manage the finances of the hospital and employees of their paychecks. They make sure the hospital provides enough support towards the employees and have the correct employees to train the newer employees.
Clinical Leads - A Clinical Lead tends to lead different parts of the hospital as it helps the Director from doing everything, they are also a “Team Leader” as to aspects to leading a part of the Hospital such as the Doctors. They also are Leaders within their speciality and ensure that they are able to provide information and ensure the employees are doing fair amounts of work.
Attending - An Attending of whatever type of Hospital employee are regular employees that do what they should do as to being responsible for care overall towards the patient. They are meant to be able to care for the patients depending on the role, such as an Attending Surgeon.
Resident - A Resident is a fully qualified Hospital staff after training and ensuring they know the basis and being able to be alone and having the knowledge and research to be able to acquire the role with amounts of hard work and being able to show that they are able to be independent on their own. This also makes sure that once they are done being a trainee, they are set to be alone and knowing for sure of what they are doing.
Trainee - A Trainee is new to the Hospital atmosphere or the Medical field - they have officially been able to graduate from whatever they were doing before going into the Hospital setting. They are trained to do the correct way of what not to do and what to do. This is to make sure that they are following the procedures properly and being supervised by the higher-ups to see if they are able to learn and adapt.
Doctor - A Doctor tends to diagnose illnesses to make sure they are getting the correct treatment right after. They also do multiple jobs of care, research, help perform surgeries and so on. They are specifically to provide support and help with recovery after treatments as well as prescribing medication for the patient. They must do specific research to have their understanding with the patient especially when it comes to their lifestyles, they must understand their needs and what they need the most.
Psychiatrist - A Psychiatrist tends to the mental health department as to understanding the emotions and how to read someone by how they behave and feel. They provide medication depending on the mental illness / disorder that they are experiencing. They must do research on specific aspects of mental health and have a clear understanding on the patient’s mental health condition and physical condition and have a better understanding and idea of how they are.
Paramedics - A Paramedic tends to go to the emergency calls of those who are far away from the hospital and unable to move. This is when they get to work and get there soon, they also need descriptions of your location and make sure they get there on time. They are also trained to do minimal of what Doctors do, via assessing the patient’s condition and trying to stop the bleeding or depending on what it is.
Veterinarian - A Veterinarian tends towards animals. They are specially trained to treat and perform any need for the patient’s pet. They are required to provide the support and assistance of the animal and have the specified research to help the animal to ensure they are treated and assisted appropriately. This also includes providing care and any other necessary resources towards the animal as well.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training whilst you are online, I am expected to be punished.
In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
Tala Del-Rosario
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female and She/her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Character Backstory (Optional):
Childhood - 1900s
Tala Del-Rosario lives in Quezon City, Philippines. Her family was filled with Hospital Professionals as they were honorary students of Medical Courses from different schools that are Private and in the best schools within the Philippines. Her family mainly went to Quantum Academy, which was owned by Tala’s Auntie, who was Christie Del-Rosario. Her brother was always the second to the top as he was also on the same route as Tala of wanting to be able to in the Medical Field. She put her Auntie Christie and her brother, Robert as her role models of her journey, she was still quite of a youngster and didn’t know any better of herself. She wanted to be able to do as good as her brother and her auntie.
Whilst dealing with her academics, she does other extra curricula as a way to calm herself down as she didn’t want to be too overworked of being able to breathe from the expectations of her family, even at such a young age. She gets into sports, which she started to love especially when it becomes competitive. It definitely gives her own way of wanting to release stress and especially what is going on within her family. She got into Karting, which makes her adrenaline go crazy. She was extremely focused on her training and she would be doing well as of it not being a distraction within her academics as well - she was 7 at that time.
She was definitely different to other children at her age, she was very enthusiastic as of being at this age of hers. She was something, she was definitely someone who was brave enough to do Karting. Many others would have done the easy route and just did the generic sports. She didn’t want to overstimulate herself with academics and extracurricular so she would try to maintain herself and so, she was mostly babied half of the time as she was doing a lot for her age, of going around the world for her Karting.
Teenagehood - 1900s
She mainly had an outlook for her Karting Profession that was growing more and more. She would be more involved in it competitively going through Europe, and America for her travels to do her Karting Races especially when the season for Karting comes around. She would love training and talking to sponsors that foresee her success within that industry, but she also has to also want to look out for what her parents want, which she studies through Quantum Academy, throughout, as she was willing to change her life and willing to also make her parents proud of her. She was extremely open and outgoing.
Her years of being a teenager were going all around the world with her Karting era. She would be collecting podiums from almost all the races she participated in. She would also make sure her schedule for education was not ignored as she would self regulate and be a lot more mature for her age and would become more independent of herself due to her Karting career. She was definitely one of the types of teenagers to know herself frankly well enough about the world as of a realisation, she was 13-17 at this time.
She was definitely independent within self awareness and self regulated as well as also being babied from her parents but that comes with a price of having a wealthy family that cares for her. It always comes with a price of dealing with the downsides of her family, even if they were to look as if they were the perfect family. She was also tired of being babied but she never complained. She never would speak on it as she was a quiet one.
Adulthood - 2000s
As time went on, she decided to drop her Karting career at the age of 18 as she wanted to focus on her education, after graduating Quantum Academy. She decided to take on University in England, in which she went to the University of Oxford, as she earned herself a scholarship, as she studied for days and days and tried to get on top of her classes whilst having a Karting career, which made her feel more independent and a rush of risk and love of going fast. She was definitely always on the frontlines of any risk, it took her. She was ready for what was coming for her during the years of karting before she stopped.
Oxford definitely didn’t change her whatsoever, she would go karting every now. She had thoughts of going back but as time went on, she wanted to focus on being able to have better success academically. She decided to do psychology as a university course as she was devoted to studying but it was definitely weird as she was so used to just being all around the world due to Karting and now she’s always at her study desk, doing her studies and research. She definitely was stressing and feeling pressured but she was pushing through.
Graduation came around - it’s been 7 years from being stuck in University as of being an Oxford student to now having to pay off her debts. She went into different facilities to volunteer whilst living in England and to get better work experience and to understand what can be better and to improve.. She decided to move to Japan to seek opportunities and landed as a School Councillor for mental health as to start out her journey and fill her work experience from being in Quantum Academy to Oxford and now working as a School Councillor in Japan. She lived in Kyoto, Japan to work as her workplace was based in Kyoto.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
Her medical speciality is towards Psychology as she studied for many years in Oxford as she was better within the mental health field due to also having work experience. She chose this focus to help people with mental health and to focus on how to treat and understand the issues of mental health of a human being. Her goal is to be able to help and support people who struggle to maintain or cope with how they deal with their mental issues. It definitely made her pursue her passion to research the human brain and understand it.
As her mother has taught her of her growing up throughout the years. “Seeing in someone’s shoes makes you read them.” That quote made her realise that reading people and understanding people made her realise that what she wanted to do which is, Psychology is what she wanted to do. For many years, she has studied in Oxford and has learnt from the best through volunteering, being taught by her mother and being able to understand humans better in a view of their emotions and how they behave. This really brought her to realise that her life wasn’t just about education, it was about learning the risks and to take opportunities to learn better, to understand and to cherish what humans learn and behave.
As of having many influences within her years of education and work experiences of being in the medical field especially towards mental health, she has been dedicated her life to it especially when she has had the help for years of learning and understanding, even though, she has been in the field a lot - she also understands many risks of having a career at one of the highly deadly sports, which is Motorsports so she knows that most parts of it is about mental health, dedication and being able to put yourself up.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
John Radcliffe Hospital - Activity Assistant - 2 years (Volunteering)
An activity assistant is to help patients build confidence by being open about sharing interests and hobbies and enabling them to feel as if they are accepted, even if it is hard for them. They help to understand the patient’s to understand themselves better.
Horton General Hospital - Ward Volunteer - 2 years (Volunteering)
A ward volunteer is to help tasks and keep supplies of needed prescriptions from specified patients and support parents of the patients or support them in general and help the hospital employees alongside as well.
Kyoto Prefectural Seimei Senior High School - School Counsellor - 4 years
A school counsellor is to provide support and awareness for children and to make sure to understand their troubles and letting them know that they are able to speak out. This also lets them discuss the child’s challenges and ensure that they are getting the help and support they need and direct them to possible and better ways to use certain things like coping mechanisms.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Tala Del-Rosario is quite a unique type of person. She has the generic Filipino accent but the mix of her British. She has dark brown-ish black hair with almond looking eyes. She’d around 5’2 of height as her genetics decided to be incapable of her. She has a very light-hearted personality and always has a smile on her face even when she’s having a bad day she will always somewhat have a smile on her face. She always wants to make people happy or laugh. She may seem like she’s not approachable but she’s an all rounder soft-like person as she shows kindness towards anyone.
The way she treats others is genuine respect and understanding them, making sure that they are as comfortable. She always wants to be aware and always alert - she has a genuine understanding of boundaries and making sure that those boundaries are not pushed. She always ensures anyone around her that everything will be okay and to take a breather or two. She makes it clear that she only wants for the best for someone even if it means to give them space or time to understand. She’s not pushy nor a narcissist, she just wants to be able to understand and help.
She may be understanding but she also has a comedic side of her. She always ensures that everyone is okay with her. She always tries her best to get the best out of the day and ensures herself that everything is okay because everything IS okay! She always makes sure that she isn’t too nice to the point where it scares someone. She understands that being aware of what’s going on is what makes others feel more safe and keeps them in their comfort zone.
How does your character act around the hospital?
She is very light-hearted and always down to earth. She knows her limits and she makes sure that she is able to understand and she continuously reminds herself to always ask before doing. She is very respectful and understanding, she listens quite well. She may space out at times when she isn’t doing anything on schedule. She is very self-aware of how she is around the hospital and she does her best to not get into people’s business. She makes sure she has an overall understanding when working with others even if it's someone new, she can adapt.
She is always alerted if someone needs her, she makes sure she has time for anything, she has no problems with anyone and she is aware that even though a situation is hard - she tries her best to have an overall understanding and be as attentive as possible. She has full awareness on how she should act when she’s in the hospital. She knows what not to do and what to do especially if it is serious. She is very good at multitasking and cooperating towards anyone.
She has high respect for her colleagues and higher ups. She makes sure she has the correct etiquette for them as she does for her own patients. She makes sure to get to know them and make sure that they know her, and that she knows them. She doesn’t want to get to the point of a personal level as it can lead to her breaking a boundary so she tends to do small talk instead and try to maintain the same etiquette.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
She functions better both as it depends on the situation. She may function on her own as her speciality considers one to one usually as she is a Psychiatrist. She is good at independence but she also doesn’t mind with others as she also considers teamwork as a way of her skills too. She is extremely good at both alone or with others. She makes sure if the other party is okay to be alone or with others if it’s within a session. She, herself, can be on her own. Considering that she grew up almost alone. It made her be as independent as travelling alone.
She has had years of travelling alone as of then, so she is considered of good functioning on her own as she can have thinking time to herself and it doesn’t make her selfish but it’s just how she grew up, as she was alone half of the time. She got babied in the past but she has wanted a bit of independence for a while and she has during her Karting years. She also was used to being around others as her past involves independence and being around others.
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity within the server has varied from GangRP to FacultyRP to SportsRP and I’ve learnt a lot from these as I have been through 8 years of being on this server as I’ve been a part of families and I’ve also been a tailor for many years now. I’ve been in this server for a long time and have experienced many things during my time, I may have been a troublesome player for those years, before 2020 and then I became a lot more mature during 2020-2024 as I’ve realise that my old self was really bad and had to change a lot about myself.
GangRP was the notable one of what made me at the start as I have and I was quite of a new player then, as it was the early times of being a part of that area of roleplay in SRP. FacultyRp was the second to the top as I’ve learnt how to understand more thoroughly about the server and its main goals for the main player base especially when most are literal students.
For the rest of the activity I played a minor part in how my character of myself changed and I have learnt to be more of a better person especially with all the newer changes and the things now.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
Accepted - Bobahdish | Graphics Design Professor Application
OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: Bobahdish What is your time zone?: GMT+0 What is your discord username? 16ch_rles Link all previous applications you made on the server: N/A - I have too many, lost a lot of access to most. Describe your activity on SchoolRP: As for my activity...
List your current roles on the server:
Professor - Bobahdish
Grade 12 - PrxfessorALT
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My experiences with roleplay - I’ve been in many role plays out of SRP and in SRP. I have mentioned what I’ve involved myself in such as Sports, Gangs, Families and Faculty as for the main roleplay experiences within the server as I have learnt many ways of showing how to do certain aspects of these roleplays. This make me quite advanced within the server of knowing these main ones as I’ve mainly been in those roleplays.
As to genuine roleplay, I’ve done many things as a part of other fandoms such as Five Nights of Freddys roleplay side of it as it became a major part of my roleplay experience since 2014. It was the best years of being able to show my development for my old characters of that era. I have also been in others such as creating my own Formula One timeline with OCs instead of the actual drivers. I have created a VALORANT timeline with OCs instead of the actual characters. It gave me a bond of having more memories of roleplaying and it helped me develop how to do certain things for characters and how to get better at understanding more and more.
As creating more timelines of other fandoms I was in, made me foresee what’s to come for my experience within the roleplay atmosphere. As I have been practicing to do better over the years of doing so many roleplays, I can only name the ones I’ve done as a good memory and some that have been recent as it is a part of what I’ve done for years and some recently. Roleplay was a massive part of me ever since I got hands on a device.
What is your motivation for applying?
As of motivation to applying, I have tried numerous of times as I have been aware that I wasn’t good enough to be a part of EMS at that time as my experience was so little and so I wanted to do it again and be more prepared as I have been fully aware of what EMS does and I am willing to try a new roleplay aspect within SRP. I have been doing other jobs as to not being able to feel as if I wasn’t good enough but since the new things. I may be new but I am well aware that I can learn new things and be able to get better and understand new things on the server.
I have always looked up to my friends who have been a part of the EMS for years and never got the chance to do these things but now, I am excited to say that the friends I have always been very supportive of me and have helped me be motivated whilst being motivated myself. I have always adored EMS in general and the respect I have for them and wanting to be a part of them for years but I’ve been rejected not once but twice, at one point and given up then but I am surely very motivated to try again.
I know I’ve had some ups and downs in the server but I genuinely do have motivation and willingness to apply for EMS. I have always wanted to be a part of it from when I first joined because it seemed like something I would love to do even if it means to do whatever it takes to be a part of the team. I know these are just words but I have genuinely been wanting to do EMS for a while even before my break as well.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)
Director - The Director is the leadership and management of the hospital. They are responsible to make sure the hospital is functioning properly and making sure there are no complications within the employees. They manage the finances of the hospital and employees of their paychecks. They make sure the hospital provides enough support towards the employees and have the correct employees to train the newer employees.
Clinical Leads - A Clinical Lead tends to lead different parts of the hospital as it helps the Director from doing everything, they are also a “Team Leader” as to aspects to leading a part of the Hospital such as the Doctors. They also are Leaders within their speciality and ensure that they are able to provide information and ensure the employees are doing fair amounts of work.
Attending - An Attending of whatever type of Hospital employee are regular employees that do what they should do as to being responsible for care overall towards the patient. They are meant to be able to care for the patients depending on the role, such as an Attending Surgeon.
Resident - A Resident is a fully qualified Hospital staff after training and ensuring they know the basis and being able to be alone and having the knowledge and research to be able to acquire the role with amounts of hard work and being able to show that they are able to be independent on their own. This also makes sure that once they are done being a trainee, they are set to be alone and knowing for sure of what they are doing.
Trainee - A Trainee is new to the Hospital atmosphere or the Medical field - they have officially been able to graduate from whatever they were doing before going into the Hospital setting. They are trained to do the correct way of what not to do and what to do. This is to make sure that they are following the procedures properly and being supervised by the higher-ups to see if they are able to learn and adapt.
Doctor - A Doctor tends to diagnose illnesses to make sure they are getting the correct treatment right after. They also do multiple jobs of care, research, help perform surgeries and so on. They are specifically to provide support and help with recovery after treatments as well as prescribing medication for the patient. They must do specific research to have their understanding with the patient especially when it comes to their lifestyles, they must understand their needs and what they need the most.
Psychiatrist - A Psychiatrist tends to the mental health department as to understanding the emotions and how to read someone by how they behave and feel. They provide medication depending on the mental illness / disorder that they are experiencing. They must do research on specific aspects of mental health and have a clear understanding on the patient’s mental health condition and physical condition and have a better understanding and idea of how they are.
Paramedics - A Paramedic tends to go to the emergency calls of those who are far away from the hospital and unable to move. This is when they get to work and get there soon, they also need descriptions of your location and make sure they get there on time. They are also trained to do minimal of what Doctors do, via assessing the patient’s condition and trying to stop the bleeding or depending on what it is.
Veterinarian - A Veterinarian tends towards animals. They are specially trained to treat and perform any need for the patient’s pet. They are required to provide the support and assistance of the animal and have the specified research to help the animal to ensure they are treated and assisted appropriately. This also includes providing care and any other necessary resources towards the animal as well.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training whilst you are online, I am expected to be punished.
In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
Tala Del-Rosario
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female and She/her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Character Backstory (Optional):
Childhood - 1900s
Tala Del-Rosario lives in Quezon City, Philippines. Her family was filled with Hospital Professionals as they were honorary students of Medical Courses from different schools that are Private and in the best schools within the Philippines. Her family mainly went to Quantum Academy, which was owned by Tala’s Auntie, who was Christie Del-Rosario. Her brother was always the second to the top as he was also on the same route as Tala of wanting to be able to in the Medical Field. She put her Auntie Christie and her brother, Robert as her role models of her journey, she was still quite of a youngster and didn’t know any better of herself. She wanted to be able to do as good as her brother and her auntie.
Whilst dealing with her academics, she does other extra curricula as a way to calm herself down as she didn’t want to be too overworked of being able to breathe from the expectations of her family, even at such a young age. She gets into sports, which she started to love especially when it becomes competitive. It definitely gives her own way of wanting to release stress and especially what is going on within her family. She got into Karting, which makes her adrenaline go crazy. She was extremely focused on her training and she would be doing well as of it not being a distraction within her academics as well - she was 7 at that time.
She was definitely different to other children at her age, she was very enthusiastic as of being at this age of hers. She was something, she was definitely someone who was brave enough to do Karting. Many others would have done the easy route and just did the generic sports. She didn’t want to overstimulate herself with academics and extracurricular so she would try to maintain herself and so, she was mostly babied half of the time as she was doing a lot for her age, of going around the world for her Karting.
Teenagehood - 1900s
She mainly had an outlook for her Karting Profession that was growing more and more. She would be more involved in it competitively going through Europe, and America for her travels to do her Karting Races especially when the season for Karting comes around. She would love training and talking to sponsors that foresee her success within that industry, but she also has to also want to look out for what her parents want, which she studies through Quantum Academy, throughout, as she was willing to change her life and willing to also make her parents proud of her. She was extremely open and outgoing.
Her years of being a teenager were going all around the world with her Karting era. She would be collecting podiums from almost all the races she participated in. She would also make sure her schedule for education was not ignored as she would self regulate and be a lot more mature for her age and would become more independent of herself due to her Karting career. She was definitely one of the types of teenagers to know herself frankly well enough about the world as of a realisation, she was 13-17 at this time.
She was definitely independent within self awareness and self regulated as well as also being babied from her parents but that comes with a price of having a wealthy family that cares for her. It always comes with a price of dealing with the downsides of her family, even if they were to look as if they were the perfect family. She was also tired of being babied but she never complained. She never would speak on it as she was a quiet one.
Adulthood - 2000s
As time went on, she decided to drop her Karting career at the age of 18 as she wanted to focus on her education, after graduating Quantum Academy. She decided to take on University in England, in which she went to the University of Oxford, as she earned herself a scholarship, as she studied for days and days and tried to get on top of her classes whilst having a Karting career, which made her feel more independent and a rush of risk and love of going fast. She was definitely always on the frontlines of any risk, it took her. She was ready for what was coming for her during the years of karting before she stopped.
Oxford definitely didn’t change her whatsoever, she would go karting every now. She had thoughts of going back but as time went on, she wanted to focus on being able to have better success academically. She decided to do psychology as a university course as she was devoted to studying but it was definitely weird as she was so used to just being all around the world due to Karting and now she’s always at her study desk, doing her studies and research. She definitely was stressing and feeling pressured but she was pushing through.
Graduation came around - it’s been 7 years from being stuck in University as of being an Oxford student to now having to pay off her debts. She went into different facilities to volunteer whilst living in England and to get better work experience and to understand what can be better and to improve.. She decided to move to Japan to seek opportunities and landed as a School Councillor for mental health as to start out her journey and fill her work experience from being in Quantum Academy to Oxford and now working as a School Councillor in Japan. She lived in Kyoto, Japan to work as her workplace was based in Kyoto.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
Her medical speciality is towards Psychology as she studied for many years in Oxford as she was better within the mental health field due to also having work experience. She chose this focus to help people with mental health and to focus on how to treat and understand the issues of mental health of a human being. Her goal is to be able to help and support people who struggle to maintain or cope with how they deal with their mental issues. It definitely made her pursue her passion to research the human brain and understand it.
As her mother has taught her of her growing up throughout the years. “Seeing in someone’s shoes makes you read them.” That quote made her realise that reading people and understanding people made her realise that what she wanted to do which is, Psychology is what she wanted to do. For many years, she has studied in Oxford and has learnt from the best through volunteering, being taught by her mother and being able to understand humans better in a view of their emotions and how they behave. This really brought her to realise that her life wasn’t just about education, it was about learning the risks and to take opportunities to learn better, to understand and to cherish what humans learn and behave.
As of having many influences within her years of education and work experiences of being in the medical field especially towards mental health, she has been dedicated her life to it especially when she has had the help for years of learning and understanding, even though, she has been in the field a lot - she also understands many risks of having a career at one of the highly deadly sports, which is Motorsports so she knows that most parts of it is about mental health, dedication and being able to put yourself up.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
John Radcliffe Hospital - Activity Assistant - 2 years (Volunteering)
An activity assistant is to help patients build confidence by being open about sharing interests and hobbies and enabling them to feel as if they are accepted, even if it is hard for them. They help to understand the patient’s to understand themselves better.
Horton General Hospital - Ward Volunteer - 2 years (Volunteering)
A ward volunteer is to help tasks and keep supplies of needed prescriptions from specified patients and support parents of the patients or support them in general and help the hospital employees alongside as well.
Kyoto Prefectural Seimei Senior High School - School Counsellor - 4 years
A school counsellor is to provide support and awareness for children and to make sure to understand their troubles and letting them know that they are able to speak out. This also lets them discuss the child’s challenges and ensure that they are getting the help and support they need and direct them to possible and better ways to use certain things like coping mechanisms.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Tala Del-Rosario is quite a unique type of person. She has the generic Filipino accent but the mix of her British. She has dark brown-ish black hair with almond looking eyes. She’d around 5’2 of height as her genetics decided to be incapable of her. She has a very light-hearted personality and always has a smile on her face even when she’s having a bad day she will always somewhat have a smile on her face. She always wants to make people happy or laugh. She may seem like she’s not approachable but she’s an all rounder soft-like person as she shows kindness towards anyone.
The way she treats others is genuine respect and understanding them, making sure that they are as comfortable. She always wants to be aware and always alert - she has a genuine understanding of boundaries and making sure that those boundaries are not pushed. She always ensures anyone around her that everything will be okay and to take a breather or two. She makes it clear that she only wants for the best for someone even if it means to give them space or time to understand. She’s not pushy nor a narcissist, she just wants to be able to understand and help.
She may be understanding but she also has a comedic side of her. She always ensures that everyone is okay with her. She always tries her best to get the best out of the day and ensures herself that everything is okay because everything IS okay! She always makes sure that she isn’t too nice to the point where it scares someone. She understands that being aware of what’s going on is what makes others feel more safe and keeps them in their comfort zone.
How does your character act around the hospital?
She is very light-hearted and always down to earth. She knows her limits and she makes sure that she is able to understand and she continuously reminds herself to always ask before doing. She is very respectful and understanding, she listens quite well. She may space out at times when she isn’t doing anything on schedule. She is very self-aware of how she is around the hospital and she does her best to not get into people’s business. She makes sure she has an overall understanding when working with others even if it's someone new, she can adapt.
She is always alerted if someone needs her, she makes sure she has time for anything, she has no problems with anyone and she is aware that even though a situation is hard - she tries her best to have an overall understanding and be as attentive as possible. She has full awareness on how she should act when she’s in the hospital. She knows what not to do and what to do especially if it is serious. She is very good at multitasking and cooperating towards anyone.
She has high respect for her colleagues and higher ups. She makes sure she has the correct etiquette for them as she does for her own patients. She makes sure to get to know them and make sure that they know her, and that she knows them. She doesn’t want to get to the point of a personal level as it can lead to her breaking a boundary so she tends to do small talk instead and try to maintain the same etiquette.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
She functions better both as it depends on the situation. She may function on her own as her speciality considers one to one usually as she is a Psychiatrist. She is good at independence but she also doesn’t mind with others as she also considers teamwork as a way of her skills too. She is extremely good at both alone or with others. She makes sure if the other party is okay to be alone or with others if it’s within a session. She, herself, can be on her own. Considering that she grew up almost alone. It made her be as independent as travelling alone.
She has had years of travelling alone as of then, so she is considered of good functioning on her own as she can have thinking time to herself and it doesn’t make her selfish but it’s just how she grew up, as she was alone half of the time. She got babied in the past but she has wanted a bit of independence for a while and she has during her Karting years. She also was used to being around others as her past involves independence and being around others.
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