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Level 0

Out-Of-Character (OOC)

Section IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently, I am having holidays, therefore my activity is currently the most active. However it will change in a couple of weeks, and my schedule will become even more serious as I have 2 years ahead of me for approval to university. I will be online during weekends, but weekdays might be here and there though, yet not impossible.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
Kōki Hayate
Grade 12​

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I started to RP when I was having my first connection with Minecraft on a laptop, that should have been around the age of 9-10. I've been in the RP field now for a total of 8-9 years, aiming to increase it even further and enjoying the moments that I create it with. My field can range from games to Minecraft to Garry's Mod, ROBLOX and further on. For a while, I was active in the scene of CRP (turn-based). So RPing is something that I have grown up with and enjoyed a lot and still enjoy a lot, obviously wishing to try out new things and gather experience.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I've never really tried out yet to roleplay for medical purpose in a RP because I was kinda nervous at first, but I extremely wanna try it! I think is gonna be a really interesting RP-Experience and a lot of fun, so I am aiming to learn more in the RP-field.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

Hospital Director​
Director of the hospital
Clinical Manager​
Second in charge, helping the Director

Clinical Lead​
Department Head (Doctor and Psychiatrist)
Clinical Supervisor​
Second in charge for department
Attending Doctor/Psychiatrist​
Higher ups, done with education for the job
Senior Doctor/Psychiatrist Resident​
Education still on-going, waiting to be promoted to Attending Doctor/Psychiatrist
Doctor/Psychiatrist Resident​
Education still on-going, training to attend to reach rank Senior Doctor/Psychiatrist Resident
Doctor/Psychiatrist Trainee​
Applicant got accepted, training on-going​

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I am trying my best to fit the lessons into my schedule. In case of non-attendance, I will take responsibility for it.

In-Character (IC) Section SECTION 1:

Character’s Full Name:
Kōki Hayate

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
male | he/him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
In no religion

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory:
Kōki Hayate was born in Germany in the capital city, Berlin. His mother is Japanese and his father is German. Growing up as a kid with 2 nationalities. Kōki saw himself often as German, he had no connection to his other family in Japan, but besides grandparents from the mother's side coming over to Berlin. At the age of 8 that changed, here and there he visited his family members with his mother and father, doing that so every year at least once. Although with the age of 15, his parents have given him the choice, to decide where to live... Japan or Germany? Kōki Hayate was always interested in the culture of Japan, its respectful culture interested him more than Germany with no culture at all for him. Kōki decided to move to Japan and to be assisted by the family members there until he was capable of handling himself there on his own. Since he was born, daily lessons in German and Japanese have been a must for him because both of his parents want him to teach different cultures the countries. At the age of 18, he officially has his own apartment, capable of paying for that with the assistance of the family members. Every year, he visits his parents in Germany and spends a couple of weeks there.


What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)

Kōki Hayate has always felt interested in the emotions and mindset of others. Questions, for example: why do they feel like that? how does it come to that feeling? why is that mindset so messed up? Questions like these made him ask himself how deep the mindset of a human can go and how far the emotions can range. As a psychiatrist, you are capable of studying this deepness of mindset, allowing him to help, but also to study his interest. Kōki Hayate wants to know, how endless the mindset and emotions of us humans can be.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
He helped out in a private clinic, that specializes in mental health issues, as an intern for 4 years. Therefore he has experience in the field and is capable of seeing the good and bad sides of the job.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Besides the internship for 4 years, he has no further experience in the medical positions.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
He did not take any additional schooling.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
The boy has lemon-colored hair, is often wearing bright colors, in most cases likely yellow, and has blue-grayish eyes.
Kōki Hayate is unique in his set of mindset, but also in his interests and acting around another human being. He does his best to look at everyone equally, making decisions for him easier or harder. While working alone doesn't harm, people around him are improving his capabilities and motivation a lot! Also, he looks out for his health a lot, therefore he does sports at least 3 times a week and watches out for his mental health a lot.

How does your character act on and off duty?

Kōki Hayate is a positive person, which makes him outstanding in the crowd. No matter how deep the situation is, he does try to find a reason to laugh to make everyone around him more relaxed. Kōki tries to be helpful wherever he can help, assisting others gives him and others a smile on their face. During serious events, Kōki Hayate stays calm and gives an environment of calmness and confidence. The priority goal, during his duties, is to help as much as possible and to set the patient as a top priority. In general, Kōki is focusing on making the day yet enjoyable.​
Kōki Hayate is acting as if he is on duty. He tries to make everyone around him smile at least and loves to help others. While with close friends he shares 1 or 2 concerns, he is rather trying to keep his job and private life in 2 different dimensions. For him, the here and now is important and avoids any questions that could concern anyone around him.​

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
While sometimes working alone seems comfy and relaxing, Kōki Hayate is rather focusing on teamwork to build up a good relationship with his colleges and patients. Teamwork is for him the best way to achieve every and any goal.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Kōki Hayate is searching, like any other person, for a partner for life. Kōki wishes to live a life that fulfills his needs and his goals while remembering his past achievements and actions. He is the definition of a stubborn learner and teacher because he believes that you can do everything and anything when you believe in it and set your determination on it.​
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Level 257
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
One of the main ways to impress the higher-up team is by including detail in your application.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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