[Credit: @heartcanvas and @Meii for helping me out for making this!]
If you’re reading this. . . I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Hey guys it's Sav! For those who don't know I'm a 3D Modeler for Roleplay Hub. As some of you guys know, modelers can get their own customs if they complete a certain amount of customs! Well I have no uses for mine, and I actually want to use them to give more customs out to the public, and I need your help to give me suggestions on what you guys would like to see or to have as a public community, as I've been struggling on what to do. You can suggest items, vehicles, food, wearable customs like hats, watches, bags etc. If you would like to suggest something, feel free to comment, but make sure you read the rest of this forum!
Before commenting your suggestions/ideas, please do note to follow these:
1. ) Your ideas must follow the [Custom Donation Guidelines] .
(Click the red to send you over to the guidelines)
2.) Make sure your suggestion benefits the community, and not just yourself.
3.) Your suggestion must be sellable. With this it’ll give shop-owners a chance to have more items in their shop as a whole group instead of individually where they would have to buy customs on their own, especially for those who can’t afford to buy customs.
4.) Make sure your suggestion isn’t something that is already in-game. It must be original.
5.) Your suggestions must be appropriate, any that aren’t will get instantly DENIED.
6.) You can request as many in one reply, but please try to make it organize where I can tell what is what.
Make sure you use this format, as it’ll help me keep track on what is what, especially when it comes to naming the item.
What is your Suggestions:
Why should this item you’re requesting be added, compared to others?:
What should the item be called if it gets input in-game?:
That’s all I have thank you so much, for your input and for reading this. I’ll try my best to do as many as I can. Have a good day guys!
(If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Discord ~ Sav#0002)
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