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Accepted puppytheface's Art Teacher Application #2

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-----About Me-----

What's your Minecraft Username?: puppytheface
What's your Discord username?: puppyintheface
What's your Time Zone?: EST

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
Librarian App - Denied
Teacher app - Denied & unblacklisted (I reached out to lobsterdog)
French App - Accepted
Spanish App - Accepted
Spanish App - Denied
Spanish App - Denied
What are your current roles on the server?:
[Grade - 12] Hara Miami Totenkopf
[Grade - 11] Adelard Etolie Everston
[Grade - 12] Jules K
[Dog] Happy
[Grade - 12] Gianna Min
[Grade - 12] Tasar Louvat (The one I will be replacing & Primary )

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
Teachers play a very crucial role within SRP for many reasons. They add depth to the experience within the server, creating an interactive atmosphere for everyone. Each teacher brings unique qualities, just like they do in the real world, they enhance the world of Karakura. Their classes provide valuable information, offering opportunities to learn new things- sometimes even teaching us lessons outside of just the character we portray. Teachers are the backbone of this server. They serve as role models and authority figures, while also being fun and understanding. Their contributions significantly impact the overall server by bringing life to the roleplay, as school is a recurring setting. Everyone has gone through school somehow, and the teachers being a significant impact within it. Additionally, engaging in a roleplay that is quick yet detailed is essential for the server's success. Granted it might not have to be paragraphs upon paragraphs, but it immerses others into the server. Being a teacher allows individuals to develop their characters through roleplay, which can sometimes be challenging. Lesson plans are where the bigger detailed actions occur, however, it mimic actual teaching as that is what teachers must do in real life. For the teachers, it exercises the skill of preparing to inform, which can be used in a multitude of ways. For new players, teachers are often the first point of contact, making them vital for assistance, guidance, and empowerment within the community.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

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What's your character's full name?: Miran Junsuina ( Mr.Junsuina)
What is your character's nationality?: Japanese
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Art

Describe your character:
Miran Junsuina, 38 years of age, stands tall at 6'2". He has a confidence that causes him to hold his chin high. His dark brown hair is fluffy, complemented by a neatly shaved yet slightly noticeable beard along his jawline. His eyebrows are pointed, though they bear a remnant of a slit from his teenage years… which never fully grew in, however, it makes him unique. Miran's eyes are softer now and full of understanding, yet they also convey authority. He is a man of his word completely, and that integrity is shown in the warmth of his chocolate-brown eyes. His overall facial complexion radiates warmth, suggesting a life with experiences and stories.. Yet, there’s still a sparkle in his eyes that hints at a passion for design, which is not someone one might expect right away from him. Physically, he has a strong build; he is healthy and leans toward the slimmer side, clearly having dedicated some time and effort to working out and maintaining a balanced diet. His skin has a light yet tanned hue to it, adorned with easily concealable tattoos on his right shoulder and left ankle. These tattoos are flowers, each holding deep personal significance for him. He had drawn out each of these designs and viewed the ink as mini paintings that would be with him forever. Miran believes that flowers symbolize the essence of life—they are elegant and colorful, however they must bloom and eventually fade. It's very meaningful. He does not bear any visible scars, which adds to the beauty of his well-nourished skin. He has a daughter, so the skincare routine is prominent. Miran takes pride in his appearance; after all, he is a bright, well-put-together man who aspires to inspire others.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
Miran views students both equally and uniquely, recognizing that each one has their struggles, successes, and passions. He is humbled, this individuality is what makes them special. Miran was a rebellious teen once, so he can only relate to those students in his own way. Art serves as a means for students to express themselves, whether through visual arts, music, performance, ceramics, or graphic design. Miran understands the weight that students carry, and sometimes it's not easy. He has experienced it himself, so he cannot judge the students he works with. While some may lean towards acting out, he believes there is no place for violence. Instead, he emphasizes discipline rooted in understanding and teaching, never resorting to harm. Emotions may build up and acting out, sadly as it is, may be the only way for a student to control what's going on within. Miran aims to inspire the students he works with, celebrating their successes, no matter how big or small. He knows how crucial that is to a student's confidence. He believes that struggles— including failures—often teach us more than even successes do. Like in sports,a coach might say how one learns more from losing than winning, and, it means that there is only room to go upwards. While negativity may arise, he encourages finding the positives in every situation and will be that supportive figure. He strives to be a friendly face for all students, even those he does not teach, sometimes leaving his room open while he grades assignments. His studio is a welcoming space for creative minds to express themselves through art and, he will help provide the materials needed. The smile he radiates is infectious, or even a smirk, however, it fosters a caring environment for everyone. Studies show how even smiling will increase happiness.
As for Co-workers, Miran's colleagues are always helpful resources. He strives to brighten their day and assist them just as he does with the students. Whether it's cracking a joke with said college or even standing on the side while they teach. In his way, he acts as a mentor while also being open to learning, there is always room for improvement. He is a true team player and expresses deep appreciation for the staff. They are respectable individuals who trust and support one another as equals, like a small family, the staff is a community within itself. Miran socializes with his peers but maintains a professional atmosphere, still, teachers need a laugh here and there. He is not afraid to ask questions or provide answers, viewing his coworkers as a small community within the school.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
Art has always been a way for Miran to relax and express himself, even as a child. Throughout his life, he has experienced both ups and downs, but art has remained a constant presence. It allowed him to find control in life. From doodling in class to sparking change through his work, Miran has always found a creative outlet to explore. His high school teachers were incredibly supportive, and their encouragement helped propel him onward. As Miran reflects on his educational journey, wich may be a little rough in some patches, the individuals who have significantly impacted his life stand out the most. He feels inspired to provide the same support to others, especially for his daughter. Despite the challenges he has faced in such past, art has served as a means for him to relax, express himself, and find unity. Artwork is universal, it can be made from anything and be done by anyone. He believes that art can make a difference, reflect someone’s past, help overcome adversity, and simply brighten someone’s day. When art is created, it is for a purpose, little or big, it has significance. As a teacher, Miran aims to help students create art using a diverse range of mediums, allowing them to express their voices. Similarly, he will continue to put forth his own voice he actively will create art. He views art as a powerful medium that, when it engages one of our five senses, influences how we feel and encourages action. This teaching position will enable him to provide others with the experiences and tools needed to express themselves and make an impact on those around them.

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A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
In the realm of art, a lack of understanding often leads to frustration and the abandonment of ideas. Miran’s been there and done that. This is a common struggle for many, including artists themselves. Artistic block can be very challenging to students, especially those who really find themselves pursuing art continuously. To address this issue, Miran encourages students to view their challenges from different perspectives, this usually helps. He would recommend various viewpoints, like standing on a chair, or even jotting down ideas can be helpful. On the other hand, he would allow the student to look into other mediums of art, so if stuck with a pencil, try using crayons. Miran has several exercises to combat creative block. These activities include listening to music, writing down favorite things like colors, sports, or foods, and even walking around the classroom if they're in a studio setting. Of course, he has to maintain some normalcy within a classroom. If the situation feels overwhelming, students can also engage in free drawing. Other challenges may arise, such as difficulties with specific materials, which is where some might get stuck. When the class begins, Miran offers one-on-one meetings to go over demonstrations for those who need extra help or missed a previous lesson. He is committed to doing everything he can to support students and help them succeed, art is supposed to take time, he would never rush a student.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
Miran does not tolerate disruptive behavior in the classroom, it can be dangerous when working with specific mediums as well. If a typically well-behaved student misbehaves once, Miran will try to understand what might be motivating the behavior by pulling them aside for a discussion. He is very observant and understanding, it might even just be an off day. However, if a student is consistently causing chaos, Miran prioritizes the well-being of the other students. In such cases, he will remove the disruptive student from the class. This student may need to report to the office or be placed aside without access to materials, however, he would never shame the student. It can be stressful and teenagers deal with a lot of things in their life. Miran addresses various levels of misbehavior differently, as it should be, not one thing will work for everyone. While he can manage minor issues like not listening—understanding it may simply result in lost project time, a student could take their project home to work on it. Whereas more severe actions such as throwing clay or painting on others’ artwork warrant immediate removal from the class. This is never allowed. Ever. Not even as a joke. In these situations, Miran will clean up any mess created by the disruptive behavior himself, as well as comfort the other involved. The space he aims to create is one of constant positivity and kindness.

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Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:

1 - Elements of Design - Students will be given a piece of paper split into 6 boxes, each labeled with an element of design, Line, Space, Shape/Form, Color, Texture, and Value. This is a simple exercise that will help warm up the students on the different elements!
(For SRP, this will be within a book where the student has to describe what they drew on each page that is titled with the six above things. If the student needs more space, they can continue on to the next.)
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1.5 - Principles of Design - on the contrary, if students complete this relatively quickly, they can do a challenge! The principles. Often they get confused, Miran will hand this out and then give a lesson quickly before starting a big project. Principles of design include Balance, Unity, Variety, Emphasis, contrast and repetition.
(This will be done the same as above within a book, students will not be able to copy what they put for the Elements of Design.)
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2 - Portraits - Students will be tasked with drawing a portrait… of the teacher!! Self-portraits are fun and all, but some students may be uncomfortable drawing themselves or other people- so why not the teacher? This is fun as Miran highlights the usage of either pens, pencils, or markers, as well as greatly encourages students to tap into different art styles. Realism is not what the aim is here, maybe surrealism, cubism?
(This will be done within a book once again, however on one of the first pages it would have something like the following
Medium: __ ( pencil, crayon, markers)
Style: ____ ( Realism, Monochromatic, Cubism.. Ect.. )
This will help the student and the teacher, me, able to even further try to picture what was drawn)
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3 - Historical Redo - Take any historical art pieces, the Mona Lisa, The Statue of Nike, Scream, Egg on a Plate but Without the Plate, and change it by 80%! What does this mean? Well, in the art realm, to use a real visual reference in one’s artwork, one has to change it by 80%! This can mean drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa but then also painting her so that she was on a Roller Coaster Inteasd! It's a fun creative exercise.
(This is ALSO done within a book, it will have just like the above lesson for portraits, the format on the first page will ask what the art piece was)
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4 - Music Moving - This fun activity involves paper and crayons, Miran will play different genres of music such as a rock song from AC/DC like Thunderstruck, then a calm song like Here Comes The Sun from the Beatles. As music is playing, students are going to use one crayon ( color of their choosing) to draw to the song! This is really cool as what can that song look visually? And how does it change?
(This will involve a book for the student to write in and at the top of each page would be Song Name : ____ . They will also be encouraged to use letters and punctuation to make waves and whatnot! As for the music, a /It will get the song name out, however, (and if this is even allowed) using the link for youtube songs can be shared. )
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Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes
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