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"Question regarding the college students' timeline consistency"

As some of you who might already be veterans with years or weekly acquaintances, most of your college student characters have certainly joined during a preliminary year time of classes (in-game's consent). Even some who could've joined looking for either foreign or a scholar timeskip, for then restitution and common participation over the other grade roleplays.

Would it be encouraged or explicit to make a newcoming college character have a startup from the beginning of a school year (very first semester days, etc)? I'l leave aging as another factor without too much compromise by now. The real problem would be the presence, and if so, the timeskip option following missing encounters and all of that ScamRP that could've ever happened but with a ghost student.

I could also refer to Im6 and the team's proposals of changing ethnicities' geographical principles, and possibly other timeline circumstances according to Karakura's academic structure, but not now.

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