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Level 36
If you had to label your character's traits, what would be the top 10? Are they naive? Exaggerative?
10 being most common, most shown to the public, 1 being something they may hide.

Format:(an example)

(Most common/shown)
10- Naive
9- Shy
8- Confident
7- Ambitious
6- Adaptable. . (etc)
(Least common/shown)

IF you choose too, you can explain why as well & you may go further than 10, that's just a basic number that I had came up with.
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Level 36
Thread starter
To a personal standpoint, which would be my main character; Annika von Moltke

10- Manipulative: She uses manipulation to influence others and get what she wants, whether it's to avoid getting caught or to gain an advantage.
9- Impulsive: She acts on her impulses without considering the consequences, which can lead to risky behavior and criminal activities.
8- Charismatic: Her charisma helps her to charm and persuade others, making it easier for her to manipulate and deceive them.
7- Deceptive: She is skilled at deceiving others, whether it's law enforcement or potential victims, to achieve her criminal goals.
6- Rebellious: She has a rebellious nature and a disregard for rules and authority, which leads her to engage in criminal activities.
5- Resourceful: She is resourceful and able to find creative solutions to problems, using her skills to commit and cover up crimes.
4- Ruthless: She is willing to be ruthless in pursuit of her goals, showing no mercy or empathy for those who might stand in her way.
3- Calculating: She is highly calculating and plans her criminal activities meticulously to minimize the risk of getting caught.
2- Intimidating: She uses intimidation to instill fear in others and ensure they comply with her demands or keep quiet about her criminal activities.
1- Vulnerable: Despite her criminal behavior, she may have vulnerabilities that could be exploited, such as personal weaknesses or emotional triggers.

(what a CRIMINAL.)
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Level 72
Also Annika sounds like my character Daphné but like more well-developed than Daphné cause I don’t play her much


Level 36
Thread starter
Also Annika sounds like my character Daphné but like more well-developed than Daphné cause I don’t play her much
Fair enough, this is my main character, now at least.. I use to swap characters every other day.


Level 36
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I’m tryna get out of making so many characters so I feel you
YEah.. the person that taught me to tailor made a LARGE mistake, i just .. didn't stop a while back, now i can't really be asked to tailor

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