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Hello everyone, I'm new to all this. I'm curious on how I can get setup through this. I'm trying to figure out Minecraft roleplay. Although I have tried FiveM, and other games like those never really tried MineCraft RP. If able to help please feel free to respond.


Level 75
Hi there! So Minecraft roleplay works a little different depending on what server you're on but generally it works the same. For this server make sure you're look at the rules section under information here on the forums, that will tell you all the IC and OOC rules you need to know to get started. If you haven't joined the server before, it will take you through a short tutorial of some basic actions and commands you will need to know.
Here all characters must be human, and the world is set on a small island off the mainland Japan so ICly we're all speaking Japanese ICly (regular chat will be your character speaking). ICly means in-characterly, OOC means out of character, and looc means local out of character. It's okay to take some time to learn how this exact server works and how to rp as there's multiple different ways too, just make sure to follow the rules and you'll be set! Though it will be additionally helpful if you have an app called discord, though this can be accessed through the web, as majority of event information, communities, etc. communicate oocly and icly through this app via different servers.

If you have anymore questions I'd be happy to answer on here or below you'll find my discord tag and you can DM me or we may even meet in game and I can teach you some basics!

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