IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: 7/12/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: "Roll To Lose" combination of both methods. You see - When you do an action to hit somebody, in order to determine how effective that hit was, you roll a certain amount. For example, let's say /me would proceed to deliver a quick jab onto the male's stomach, trying to move him a few inches from him. If they roll 1 out of 20, for example, then the other party can action to dodge it, or simply block it, whereas if they roll, let's say, a 18, you'd need to PainRP a hit that had a significant impact on your body. That would make things equal for both parties without people doing /me dodges to the point where it's unfair, but still keeping that detailed and realistic form of action. Take these rolls as something to somewhat guide what the reaction should be in the opposed party, so basically the higher you roll the more effective it is
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This could help push P2L and the rolling system and let them fit together and push PainRP since it's almost never RP'd out by most GangRPers and possibly help bring more logical fights to CombatRP as long as both parties agree, so it would be cool to add this as an official combat method on the CombatRP section of the server terminology
@YonioTheNacho came up with this and gave me permission to post it
DATE: 7/12/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: "Roll To Lose" combination of both methods. You see - When you do an action to hit somebody, in order to determine how effective that hit was, you roll a certain amount. For example, let's say /me would proceed to deliver a quick jab onto the male's stomach, trying to move him a few inches from him. If they roll 1 out of 20, for example, then the other party can action to dodge it, or simply block it, whereas if they roll, let's say, a 18, you'd need to PainRP a hit that had a significant impact on your body. That would make things equal for both parties without people doing /me dodges to the point where it's unfair, but still keeping that detailed and realistic form of action. Take these rolls as something to somewhat guide what the reaction should be in the opposed party, so basically the higher you roll the more effective it is
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This could help push P2L and the rolling system and let them fit together and push PainRP since it's almost never RP'd out by most GangRPers and possibly help bring more logical fights to CombatRP as long as both parties agree, so it would be cool to add this as an official combat method on the CombatRP section of the server terminology
@YonioTheNacho came up with this and gave me permission to post it