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Raymond 'Ray" Portgas | Biography

Raymond 'Ray' Portgas
Reki Kyan fanart | Reki, Infinity art, Cute anime guys

Basic Information

First Name: Last Name:
Raymond Portgas​
175 lbs​
Ray would have a build like that of a lightweight boxer. He would not have excessive muscle mass, but would have great muscle tone, his muscles clearly defined.​
Skin Color:
Ray would be mostly pale white, a bit of a olive colored tone would be evident though due to his Hispanic roots.​
Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Ray would seem to have somewhat short and wavy hair that he would typically have to fight in the mornings.​
Refer to the picture above for his hair style:)
Hair Color:
Ray would have somewhat dark red hair that would seem somewhat shiny in the sunlight.​
Fashion Sense:
Raymond would seem to dress with a red jacket, his own custom jacket that he wouldn't go anywhere without. Raymond would typically otherwise be seen wearing a tee with some jeans.​
Date of Birth:
December 4th, 2004​
Place of Birth:
Moscow, Russia​
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
General Appearance:
Ray would seem somewhat built, appearing to be a bit intimidating, his blue eyes piercing everything they looked at. He was sharp, and attentive and would appear to be somewhat standup and responsible.​
Despite his intimidating demeanor, Raymond would be very civilized and relaxed, typically using his head before getting into any situation. He would seem a bit overconfident, usually leading to his downfall though he would also know how to have a good time, despite usually being serious.​
Character Voice:
Raymond would seem to have a voice like that of Captain Levi when he spoke.​
Raymond usually carries around a pair of shades as well as an old, broken watch given to him by someone he once held dear.​
Raymond typically just does whatever he feels like in the moment, not having any real hobbies other than bullying his family members.​
Raymond is very skilled in cooking, as he would have grown up in Russia all on his own. Raymond would also be a very skilled Martial Artist, as he would have practiced Sambo for quite some time while he lived in Russia, picking up Wing-Chun from a friend once he had moved to Karakura.​
Family and Friends:
Zuko Spiegal Portgas​
Zuko is Raymond's estranged brother whom he did not know of for quite some time, though developed a special bond with since the moment he met him.​
Marcel Portgas​
Marcel would be another brother of Raymond's whom Ray would typically tease and bully but would be seen as a little brother to Ray, always looking out and making sure to keep him out of harms way.​
Hiroshi Portgas​
Hiroshi is another brother of Ray's, twin brother to Zuko. Raymond would not have as strong a relationship with Hiro as he would like to, though he does respect Hiro and typically takes most of his advice.​
"I prefer it that way"​
Ray would not have a lover, typically preferring to stay alone as it is all that he has ever known despite the fact that he yearns love.​
Seiren Reuben​
Stefan Romero​
Luna Zenith​
Soren Paskova​
Stig Viklund​
Min Jun 'MJ' Kim​
Tomoko 'Tommie' Kimura​
The first thing that Raymond woke up to in a hospital room was death; His mother's death that is. Raymond Portgas was born to Helena Trenkov and Hector Portgas on December 4th, 2004 in a hospital room in Moscow. His father, who at the time was God knows where would never have known that his son was born to a prostitute that he had once been with. Helena would have died in child birth that same day, cursing Raymond for ever being conceived, her last words spewing hatred on him.​
Raymond would have grown up a lonely child, having no next of kin and becoming a ward of the state before eventually ending up in an orphanage. At the time, the Russian Bratva would seem to have been picking up children from the orphanage that they paid off, setting their eyes on the lonely child and sending him off to dog fighting. He would have been worth a lot of money, typically fighting off most of his opponents with his wild nature.​
Eventually, his time with the gang would have come back to bite him, until he was arrested at a young age and placed in juvenile detention for 2 years at the age of 12. Once out, he decided he was placed in the foster care system from which he stayed until he reached the age of 18th birthday, he had received a letter with no return address, a letter from his father who did in fact learn of his son and would have seemed to apologized to him for his abandonment. He would have detailed the fact that he had more family and more brothers, and that his reasonings for not revealing this to Raymond until his 18th birthday were because it would do "more harm than good."​
After reading the details of the letter, Raymond set off with the money he had earned from most of his gang dealings to find his brother, Zuko Portgas. He had tracked down his brother to the city of Karakura, Japan. This is where Raymond lives to this day, making up for all the lost and waisted time in his life.​


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