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Receptionist Application | itsnotmeitsu

Mai V. Jin-Ryuk

Level 9
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself to be an extremely active player within SchoolRP. I am constantly logging on for hours on end, each day. Atleast a full 5 hours. Though when I have school I make sure to equally balance out my schedules to where I can still maintain my high activity. I am rarely 'AFK' and instead engage in many roleplay scenarios. While making it a daily habit in logging on, I find I am well known in some way within the community as well as keeping my commitment to the game stable. With that being said and to summarize it, I would agree with myself being an extremely active player on SRP

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ONLINE - 2:00 AM​

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned from SchoolRP fortunately and avoid breaking any rules or going against things that may give me warnings or even resulting in a ban.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge and understand that if I am active, I will receive a demotion from my position

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
Receptionist role

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
As a receptionist you mainly stay close by the front desk as if it were your best friend. By staying close by the desk you are able to keep an eye out on the front of the school. Say a student would come up to you and have a few questions for you. You have the most responsibility to assist said student may need help with finding certain things or informing them on the rules or where to exactly find the rule board and such. Receptionists make sure students are going where they are meant to by handing them schedules and directions on which way is where. Though, not just assisting students with locations and information they also stay on the sidelines watching carefully and intervene themselves when a situation is happening and no others around to help out. They make sure to keep stuff, as well as others, organized and on track with schedule. Receptionists are also in charge for tokens, helping students with the prizes they want and trading it in for tokens. If needed they will intercom for any student needed for any situation that's happened. Such as a student getting into a fight then successfully running away, a receptionist would be able to intercom for said student which will result in figuring out more what the cause of the situation is and how you can be of further assistance.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying since 2018, throughout multiple servers and games, I have been through many various kinds of roleplays. Most of my scenarios have come from SchoolRP. I know what is expected when it comes to roleplaying properly and how to act for each scenario.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I want to join the School Employee faction because growing more and more in my OOC life, I have always had a way with younger people, or even older. I'm perfect with communicating and understand multiple different perspectives and helping out to the best of my abilities, I am pleased with guiding others in the right direction and being great help.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted]’s-third-language-application.62619/ [Denied] [Denied] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Tao Juu​
Miki Nao​
Mai V. Jin-Ryuk​
Li Yan​
Lucia Mour​
Nii 'Kyou' Hideo​


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Well, due to my character's controlled and polite demeanor, he would caution the student for using particular phrases. He would emphasize that such improper language is completely unacceptable, while also emphasizing that swearing at an adult is rude, immature, and has a negative impact on bystanders. He'd follow his explanation with a warning, "If you keep doing this, you'll end up in detention. This is your only warning. Now please leave my desk!" If the student keeps their improper behavior, he mentions that he has already warned them once and that it was the only warning they would receive, before distributing them a detention slip.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Scenario 1 - Nii Hideo saw the two students passing fists at each other and stood from his place behind the reception desk, running towards the two and the crowd of students that had grown around them. As he neared them entirely, he shouted "Back away from each other!" and directed the gathering of kids to separate out and move away from the situation. He quickly moved between the two to prevent more harm. He shook his head, completely disapproved with how the two behaved, and went on investigating more about what had caused such a major issue. After determining the problem, he would transport everyone to the nurse's office to have their injuries examined. Though afterwards, unfortunately for the two fighting students be distributed a slip of detention, he eventually returned to his station to assist several other students.

Scenario 2 - The two students could be seen fighting and a crowd formed around them. Nii Hideo sighed and shook his head, 'Not again.' He stood up and fled the reception counter, jogging toward the incident. He slipped between the crowd and stopped across one unconscious student, his brow furrowed as he glanced up at the 'winning fighter.' He quickly yelled for the group of kids gathered around to break up and leave the area. He carried the unconscious student to the nurse's station, instructing the other student to follow. From there, he would give the conscious student detention and say, "See you after school.." Waiting for the other kid to regain consciousness, he would investigate what had happened and then decide whether or not detention was required, however he would eventually return to his desk to assist many other students.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Nii Hideo observed another faculty member at Karakura High School acting improperly and intending to do something dangerous. He took a step towards the individual, asking what they were doing but, as he got a closer look, his eyes widened and he sighed. He sent the member to the staff break area, where he left them while heading outside for a second to radio for another member to come. When the second faculty member came, Nii invited them to join the two in the staff break room. Sitting down with both faculty members, he described the incident that had played before his eyes. Finally, he suggested reporting the faculty member's improper and dangerous actions to SLT.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Though working by the desk and communicating with students can interest as well as entertain Nii, being in the break room can really bring out a more relaxed version of himself. Holding the cup of coffee he had carried from his desk he took a seat placing it slowly onto the coffee table. Reaching for his backpack, his hand diving into it and bringing out a beautiful white iPad. He placed it down onto the coffee table in front of him which now looked full, he dove back into his backpack bringing out a pen stylist. Zipping his backpack back up quickly, grasping his iPad across from him placing it in his lap he continued where he left off with his art work. As other faculty members passed through the door his head would shoot up towards them, he waved with a kind smile painted across his face. His head snapped back to the the screen on his lap. Though after 15 minutes of drawing, he looked at his watched realizing his break time was up. Shoving all the stuff back into his backpack he strolled out and back to his second passion.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

would think at his place of work, his fingers gradually resting on the keyboard keys just in front of the man. He rolled his sleeve to expose his watch, which rested on his wrist, as he observed the time tick away. His eyes slowly dimmed as his mind wandered and waited for time to pass. Then out of the corner of his eye, he observed a student waiting. He lost his composure, almost fell out of his chair, and had a lingering smile on his face. "Hello! "How may I help you?" He expressed happily, his eyes totally focused on the student in question. After a period of waiting, he attentively listened to what the student had to ask and paused before responding.

/me was intensely concentrated, clacking away at his workstation with pinched brows. What was upsetting him? He instantly stopped typing and raised his palm to his face. He massaged his eyes and groaned. Dropping his hands to the desk, he pushed back, the chair emitting an unpleasant scream as it slid over the wood floorboards. He scowled at the sound as he stood and began to walk away. 'Crap!' He recalled the coffee at his desk. He quickly turned making a 180-degree spin to fetch his coffee, and then turned back around. "Finally I can take some time away from my desk" He mumbled as he proceeded to walk towards the break area.

/me extended a hand out to the student in front of him, gently grasping the tokens in their hands. Glancing up, he smiled at the young person before swiftly glancing down and counting the reward tokens. "One.. Two.. Three.." He mumbled for a little longer. "Tw- Twenty-five!" He looked up at the student, a smile still on his face. He gazed at the computer and clicked away. It seems he was seeking for something. "Hmm.. You can get a musical instrument!" While out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the disappointment in the students' look, although he chirped, "Hey- You may also buy a choice of plushies or toys for 5! Is that not your thing? Perhaps 2 for the school's starter pack!"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Nii Hideo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Kyou

Age (Minimum is 25): 28
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: College Masters
Major(s): Business & Communications
Minors: Psychology

Nationality: Japanese
Known Languages: Korean, Minnan & Spanish

Born into the hands of Akiko Hideo and Hiroshi Hideo, Nii Hideo's path began in the heart of Karakura, a city alive with energetic urban life. Nii's early years were packed with giggles, reunions with relatives, and the vivid colors of the city. His father, Hiroshi, worked extensively at a bakery, while his mother, Akiko, took care of their compassionate residence. Nii's early stories were overflowing with spending time with the safety of his mother. As a toddler his favorite enjoyment with her was going on an adventure to the park, where she would push him up into the air on his favorite swing, then after a while, they would stroll over to the bakery where his father was employed, pick him up from work, and race back to their home. Hiroshi, Nii's father, would bring home little snacks to his young son. Hiroshi, regardless of his dedication to his profession, consistently made time for his young son. The three of them lived in a small but comfortable apartment, directly across a neighborhood, where Nii used his free time exploring with other children. Despite their financial challenges, the Hideo family was blessed with love and devotion. They had no idea that their lives were about to undergo an unexpected twist.

When Hideo was fourteen, disaster struck. Hiroshi, the Nii family's rock, died of an unexpected illness, leaving Akiko and Nii startled and heartbroken. Following Hiroshi's death, Akiko found herself faced against the immense responsibilities of taking care of her family entirely. The loss was equally emotional & financial, since the family's structure was disturbed. How was she going to pay for Nii's education, shelter, medical finances, and food. Akiko, on the other hand, promised to take the responsibility to guard Hideo from the unpleasant reality to the greatest extent imaginable. The Hideo family's home became an escape for memories, both delightful and horrific. Akiko, worked multiple jobs to afford certain things. Days passed by quickly as she worked non-stop, leaving little time for rest. Nii, acknowledging his mother's dedication along with things she has given up to provide for the two of them, came to grasp the weight of responsibility at young age. Days became weeks, and weeks became months, a fresh pattern developed in the Hideo family. Akiko's sacrifices didn't go in waste; they created the foundation of Nii's personality. He teamed alongside his mother to overcome the difficulties of single motherhood. Helping her with certain tasks, such as making a meal for the two when he got home from school or learning to drive so he could run errands for her while she went to work. They faced financial boundaries, emotional challenges, and the lasting distress of beloved Hiroshi's absence. Despite her exhaustion, Akiko taught to Nii the standards that influenced her marriage with Hiroshi. By this he learned that hard work, commitment, and love is all needed. This became the foundations for Nii's mindset. The small apartment, once filled with the laughter, now echoed with the quiet sounds of a grieving mother and son pushing forward. The loss of Hiroshi was a wound that never fully healed, but it turned into the furnace in which Nii's resilience was developed. His adolescent years were characterized by a sense of responsibility that separated him from his peers at the time. While others struggled during adolescence, Hideo lined up education with part-time work, trying to do everything to lessen his mother's stress.

Hideo's academic progress led to people beyond Karakura. Despite financial struggles, Akiko was ensured that her son received an excellent education. Nii's obsession with art and creativity, inspired by his father's the past, developed during his high school years. Nii found peace in the tiny building tasks he engaged on during quiet periods when the city was sleeping. The skills passed down by his father provided the connection between the distant past and current. The Hideo family's home was turned into a paradise of design, where dreams came true in the form of wood carvings. As Nii grew older, the desire to grow the family business and demonstrate Nii's work to the rest of the world became ever more significant. As Nii reached the end of his education, he sought a degree in business management, motivated by the kindness he had witnessed during difficult times and a desire to create welcomed places.​

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I have the desire to apply for the receptionist position because I feel my that my abilities are extremely suited for this line of work. I am certain that I can establish a pleasant and helpful environment at the front desk. I am excited about the potential of being the first point of contact for students, when in need of assistance. In addition, I am ready to use my ability to multitask to manage a variety of occupations, such as managing messages, organizing schedules, and coordinating paperwork. The possibility to be the organization's face and ensure smoothly everyday activities is what drives me to be a useful resource as a receptionist.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I enjoy my time spent in Karakura and meeting or befriending new faces. I have excellent communication skills when it comes to conversing with others while maintaining a positive and polite attitude. While I have multiple positive aspects that fit perfectly with this job position, my highest ones would be communication, working well under pressure, organizational skills. I’m extremely dedicated to whatever job I am given and take pride in the things I have worked for.

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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

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