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Denied Receptionist Application | OEightOne


Level 3


What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):
I am 18 years old

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
19:00 - 22:0019:00 - 22:0018:00 - 23:00 11:00 - 22:0018:00 - 23:00 18:00-23:00

8:00 - 11:00

I'm quite active on SRP even though my schedule in real life is quite packed. I have internship work days on Mondays and Tuesdays, I usually work on Saturdays, though occasionally it shifts to Sundays, which is only half a day of work. I attend college on Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving Thursdays and most Sundays completely free days. Even with all these responsibilities and full agenda, I always manage to find some time for SRP, because I genuinely enjoy it. The table above this message shows when I can be online one hundred percent at a time, though most of the times I can log online for more hours than it states, it's just the times I know I can be online for sure with no troubles. I joined SRP mid to late October and quickly became hooked, logging on the server almost every single day, not counting the vacations. Even with a busy life I'd rate my activity a 7/10, because of the people I met making me motivated to hop online daily.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, I have been banned in the past for sensitive topics for 30 days. It was quite recent unfortunately, around two months ago I got unbanned. I said some things that I shouldn't have said and I understand where it came from and why my actions were wrong.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that if I'm inactive I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the school employee role 'Receptionist'.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The receptionist plays a big role in a day to day school life. They serve as the first point of contact, they greet everyone who enters the school building from students, faculty and officials like Karakura Police Department and Karakura Hospital Members. They make sure their interactions are welcoming and warming, ensuring the school provides an inviting and friendly atmosphere when entering. They manage visitor check-ins and or in-coming calls if one wishes to enter the school grounds like KPD and KH. The receptionist will hand them a Karakura School Visitor Pass, meaning they will be free to roam the school grounds for the reason they came. As said before they manage calls, anyone can call this number for questions and or help.

They help students with variety of things, either support people that come to the front desk with questions, by answering them or directing them to the person who can answer them. They also provide help with equipment for students, questions and or information about their schedules and help with directions to classrooms, places and or things. Making sure the people that are lost find the place they wish to be at.
Receptionists should be a trustable/friendly face that students are not afraid to approach for anything they need.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started very early with roleplay in 2015, I joined a roleplay Minecraft city. I was apart of that community for around 1 year. This is what started my obsession with roleplay. In 2017 I moved to Roblox with different kinds of roleplay which was mostly fantasy. I made a group of friends and I'm still close with them this day.
I stopped roleplay for a bit, but then in 2020 I picked it back up by discovering D&D through some people I met via discord. I was instantly hooked with most sessions lasting 6+ hours. D&D became a pretty big part of my life when I met group of people at my school who also showed interest, we met up most weekends for sessions. I also joined a few campaigns at game shops close to my house.
I had to quit most of these campaigns after a while to focus on studying and my exams. It lasted around 2 years. In 2023 I joined SRP to search for something easier to do than meet up for D&D. It got me back into roleplay because of the community and because I met new friends to build lore with.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
The main reason I'm applying for the School Employee faction is that I'm searching new ways to challenge myself in new ways with roleplay, constantly looking for a way to expand my knowledge. I want to contribute to the school faction, making experiences go smooth and built new experiences as I genuinely enjoy interacting with people in a variety of ways. I enjoy talking and communicating with people and I see myself doing this the most in this kind of faction. It's also to see what it's like from a different perspective, instead of interacting as a student. I just want to learn how it is to be a faculty and seeing SRP from a different side. By becoming a school employee I hope to understand more about KHS.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Highschool - [GRADE-12]

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
When a student would start cursing at him, my character would react in a professional and a calm manner. He would make sure all his responses stay respectful and address the student directly. He would be there for the student and want to help the student, by trying to figure out what is bothering the student. However, he would like the student to stay respectful, so that he can resolve the problem together. If the student does keep being disruptive by cursing or becoming more aggressive. He would request them to calm down one final time and asking if he can do anything, but he would now give a warning for them to not continue to behave like this. Should they still continue to act this way, I'd follow the schools protocols, that will probably result into giving them detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

The moment he notices two students physically fighting he would remain calm and assess the situation. First handling it with words and reason, requesting them to separate immediately, if they do not separate as he requested he will first call in on the radio before he physically separates the students. Once the students are separated he will ask one student first what has happened and then the other student, trying to hear each student from their side. After that he'd request if anyone is available to check security cameras to confirm the story of the students. Once everything is finished, he would be unbiased and either give a verbal warning, in most cases writing a detention. Because two people exchanged blows and violence is never the answer for any reason.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He'd approach the school employee and request them to talk in private, giving them a warning and or requesting to stop their behaviour immediately as it's unacceptable what they are doing. He would tell them they are in a professional setting and should act in a professional way too. Do they continue their behaviour he would inform other faculty to keep an eye out on this employee. He himself would take pictures and or videos of their behaviour and reporting it to SLT, telling them the problems this faculty employee has been causing and why it was inappropriate from his view. If in this story there were students near by he would request them to leave.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the break room Kaori will always try to be and put on a friendly face, by greeting all his colleagues. He will try and engage and join in on conversations. He might listen more than speak, showing off his calm attitude. If it's a topic that he enjoys in life, either about literature, education or another topic he will probably join in more. While he does enjoy connection and having conversations with other people, he also likes to have some time alone. He might retreat sometimes to read a book he enjoys, or scroll on his phone while taking a good sip of his daily coffee.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

as the student walked up to the front desk, he aligned his collar to be perfectly symmetrical. As his eyes met with the student in-front of him he straightened his posture. Both his hands resting on the desk, one hand neatly folded over the other hand. One thumb was gently tapping against the other thumb. "Good morning." he greeted the student with a warm smile. His voice carried a sense of calm authority. His smile was genuine as he leaned a bit forward to show that the student had his full attention, as he held his eyes steady on the student. "Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked, keeping his voice steady, inviting the student to speak up.

/me was midway through reading a book his eyes scanning the lines from side to side. When he noticed the student asking a question he looked up and closed the book with a gentle thud. He adjusted his chair to sit more comfortably and be able to make better eye contact with the student. He offered a polite nod. "You are looking for the library, correct?" His voice was steady as he continued to speak "You'll want to head to the right, go up the stairs two floors, continue to all the way to the back of the hallway and the library should be to your left.", he explained clearly. His hand gently pointed to the right of the student that was his left, giving a direction with the gesture.

/me stayed calm as he observed the student that was acting up in-front of the desk. He didn't react immediately, trying to assess the situation with his gaze, letting the situation unfold. His hands rested lightly on the desk. When he finally spoke his voice carried a low and calm tone, "I can understand why you are upset, but I'm going to ask you to handle this maturely." He maintained eye contact with the student. His hands were now further apart, ready to offer assistance where it's needed, depending on the students response. His presence was reassuring, showing that he is ready to be understanding.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Kaori Mikoto

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Kai, Kaori or Mr. Mikoto

Age (Minimum is 25):
33 years old, born 1991


Male, he/him

Academic Degree:
Bachelors Shinishu University (2013)
Masters Shinishu University (2015)

Communication studies


Japanese Literature, Medical Science and Psychology


Known Languages:
Japanese and Japanese sign language



Kaori was born in Japan at Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital. He was a quiet kid, often keeping to himself, really showing his introverted side. He grew up in a luxurious penthouse, clearly showing he comes from a rich background, with no troubles with money. His parents very talent and ambition driven and pushed Kaori to excel against his will. They forced him to do various things sports, music, arts, get good grades and other activities. The parents wanted Kaori to end up as successful as themselves. Kaori never enjoyed the things he was forced to do, suffocated by the endless expectations from a young kid like himself. The only thing he enjoyed was literature and diving into books.
Every summer vacation Kaori would be sent to his grandparents in Shirakawa, as the parents had little time to take care off him as they had to work and he was home all day. He was always happy to go to his grandparents as those were the only times he could escape his busy lifestyle and enjoy the nature and immerse himself into books. Spending hours reading to himself, instead of playing with the other kids in the village. He found comfort in the stories he read.
When Kaori entered his teenage years he started opening up and met some rebellious friends, this was his first time feeling free in the city of Yokohama. Being with such friends he started standing up for himself and being more rebellious against his parents, quitting and or not going to the hobbies. The new friends gave him the motivation to break free and gave him a new found confidence. This did create tension at home with many fights between him and his parents, with his mother often accusing him for being ungrateful that he was allowed to do so much.
Feeling absolutely misunderstood, Kaori decided to leave home and move into the house in Shirakawa with his grandparents. This village was 5 hours away from the city he lived in. Finally free from the pressure he did have to find a new high school to finish his years. Here he found new friends and a girl that marked his first serious relationship. She shared love for literature like he did. This relationship and new friends made him a more calmer person. The fresh start gave him some time to reflect for himself. Even though literature was also forced on by his parents, he did find love in the words.
At 17 Kaori got his first time part-time job which helped him come out of his shell. Leaving his quiet introverted kid life, becoming more extroverted and enjoying talking to people more as he interacted with clients. When he graduated high school he decided to pursue his new found love for making connections with people by deciding to major in communication studies in college. Not wanting to abandon his love for literature he also decided to choose Japanese literature for his minor.
While studying the relationship grew and at 20 years old he got a child with her naming him Ren Mikoto. The girl was unhappy stuck with a child at this young age and wanted to keep going with her life. She decided to leave Kaori with the kid. Kaori unable to take care of the kid while doing his studies, Kaori's grandparents took care of him.
The girl truly opened Kaori to be a more open person too. His desire to keep studying and now also helping other people he decided to study courses like medical science and psychology. Wanting to help people he decided to learn Japanese sign language along side to volunteer to help children with special needs. He wanted to give a positive impact on others lives.
Finally finishing all his studies, he decided it was time for a fresh start with the kid. Saying his final goodbyes to his grandparents who took such care of him and the kid. He took his life and the kid and took it to Karakura, where he wishes to start a new life with him and a start a career.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
"I find comfort in helping others so when I saw the opportunity to work at Karakura High School as a receptionist it absolutely felt like a perfect fit. I know how it feels like being lost and out of place and that's the reason I want to be a welcoming presence for the people around me. Being a receptionist isn't just about handling calls and doing work for me, it's about creating a space where people feel supported by answering their questions and being there. Even if it's a small thing I want to contribute to positive environment and helping daily lives around me."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
"I think I should be accepted, because I bring empathy, quick thinking and dedication to the job. My background in communication arts has taught me how to listen, understand and connect with the people around me. I'm not just looking for a job, I want to bring a positive environment wherever I go. I want to contribute by answering questions and providing help in the best way I can. I will make sure every interaction is handled with care and professionalism."

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
- If I indeed get accepted, another player agreed to play his 13 year old kid.
- On duty he will stay professional as that is just how he works, though he might be more lenient by trying first to figure out what's happening before jumping to conclusions.​
- I will write a biography for him.​

Do you have any questions?:
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Level 201
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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