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Accepted Receptionist Application | strawberrygems_x

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What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Open to dm's regarding notes on the application, etc.

How old are you? (Optional):

20 y/o

What is your time zone?:

Central European Summer Time

Describe your activity on the server:

I make an effort to be online as often as possible. I spend most of my free time on the server, during and around the school hours. I have made a lot of connections with other players which motivates me to be online more often as well. I am also certain that having a faculty position will make me build new connections and more reasons to be online as well.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Sunday
2pm - 12am6pm - 12am6pm - 12am6pm - 12am6pm - 12am4pm - 12am4pm - 12am

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

No, I have never been banned and I'd like to keep it that way. I do my best not to break any rules and sometimes ask friends who are also on the server if certain this are/aren't allowed in case I'm unsure.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I fully acknowledge that inactivity has its consequences and will do my best to avoid demotion.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I am applying for the receptionist role.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The school receptionist's duty is to help high school and college students to the best of their ability, whether it's with direction advice on campus, the school schedule or other burning questions the youngins may have. Upon entering the school, the receptionist is the first face you see. It's important that it should be a happy and supportive one, as often the energy of the faculty can rub off on the students. They're stationed at the front entrance (sometimes back) of the school building. Unless needed elsewhere, of course. The receptionist's station is also a good place to spot so-called tomfoolery and rule breaking, in which case it is easiest for them to step in than call over a colleague who may be busy elsewhere. Receptionists are also in charge of the token trading system, which they're familiarized with and capable of handling effortlessly. Any faculty including the receptionist may also give out reward tokens to students for reasons such as: helping other students and/or members of faculty or general good behaviour. A receptionist is often also the first person to greet and possibly direct EMS should they need to arrive to the school for medical emergencies. Last things last, the receptionists are often asked to intercom students to the front desk, due to the inability of Teachers to intercom college students, and vice versa.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I've been an active role-player for about nine years now, I have played many different characters in a variety of communities. Most of these roleplays were on social media apps such as: Amino, Discord and Instagram. I've been in a few roleplay servers as well, varying from small groups of 3-5 people to larger groups with sometimes over 50 active participants. On top of that I've roleplayed in other mediums as well, including DnD and I've been in multiple live roleplaying events too, mostly at conventions or at meetups with friends. I've been on SRP for about three months now, from the start I immediately joined a family, so I do have experience interacting with a variety of other players. I've also thouroughly familiarized myself with the roleplay rules of the server among other roleplay opportunities such as CrimeRP, the shrine and familyRP.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

Ever since I joined SRP, I’ve always fancied the idea of having a faculty position. It seems like it would be the most fun job to out of all the options out there. interacting with both students, and other adults is something i'd definetly enjoy since there would be a lot of variety in interactions i could and will have. I really enjoy helping people out, it’s something I'd like to think I'm good at and take pride in. I enjoy having a position that has structure and gives my character more purpose as well. I want the students of Karakura high school to grow and learn in a reliable environment, I believe I could add to that. Aside from that, it would give me the opportunity to interact with other faculty members as well and build my roleplaying skills more, specifically in a professional setting. I have wanted to play an adult character for a while now, as per my personal preferences with creating characters. I’m eager to become a reliable part of the Karakura school faculty, both for students as well as colleagues. On top of that, I think that the receptionist's position would allow me to help new players find their way on the server, teach them the basics and help them understand the rules and such. I was lucky enough to have someone by my side who already had been part of the server for about two years prior. They introduced me and taught me all the basics. Even now they still teach me things, but adviced me early on to seek out knwledge on my own, which I have done to the best of my ability. I would still like to learn more and focus specifically on the school faction. I'd like to be able to help other new players with that kind of stuff.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

strawberrygems_x - grade 12 [primary]


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

As Harvey walked through the hall, a cup of tea in hand, making his way to the receptionists desk, his eyes landed on a student sitting in the hallway. Noticing immediately that something seemed wrong, he approached the student and crouched down to meet their gaze "Is everything alright?" He asked with a soft tone of voice, wanting to reassure the kid that they were in a safe space to talk. When the student retaliated with an insult, harvey frowned. "That's no way to speak to faculty, or anyone for that matter. This kind of language could result in detention if you refuse to stop." He warned, calmly explaining the consequences of such actions. "Now, let's try again shall we? What seems to be the issue?" Of course knowing how teenagers are, the man had not expected the student to immediately calm down. And as expected, he was met with another insult.

The man then stood up, taking a sip of the tea that had meanwhile already cooled down a bit. "Alright, second warning. If you continue to curse I will have no choice but to send you to detention, alright?" His voice now became a bit more stern to let the student know he was serious about this. When the student eventually calmed down, Harvey's smile reappeared. "Alright, let's talk. What's going on?"

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

While walking around the school halls peacefully, Harvey could hear the sound of a fight in the distance. It sounded like it came from above. The man rushed up the nearest stairs to find two students tangled up in a fist-fight, surrounded by what seemed like their friend groups and some people who happened to walk by in that moment. "Alright break it up you two, now." He said as he approached the conflict. "Everyone else, back up. If you have nothing to do with the situation, keep moving." He sighed as the two students eventually took a step back from each other. "Alright... You" He looked at one of the two students who was involved. "Go sit over there, I'll let you do your story in a moment, and you." He looked at the other student. "Get over here, tell me what is going on."

After listening to both their stories, two completely different stories too.. He made the decision to first of all hand them both a detention slip. "Right now it doesn't matter who started this or who's fault it is. I saw both of you use physical violence towards each other, and that kind of behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated, no matter what the situation is."He took a deep breath. "Now, you two can both follow me to the nurse's office to get yourselves checked up on. As for the rest of you, unless anyone has something else to add, I'd like for all of you to continue on with your day."

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

While sitting at his desk, going over some paperwork that still had to be done, the man noticed a student approach him from the corner of his eye. He lifted his gaze to look at the student, noticing they were in a bit of distress. The student quickly explained that their teacher had been doing some questionable things in class. They explained how it started off with the teacher throwing a wet sponge at a sleeping student, but now they had thrown a book at a students head.

Harvey let out a deep sigh and immediately stood up. "Alright, lead the way." He said, following the student back to the classroom. And indeed, as the student had said, The man caught the teacher throwing another object upon arriving. He cleared his throat to catch the teacher's attention. "Could we have a talk please?" He asked kindly before escorting his colleague into the hallway. He closed the classroom door behind them before turning to the teacher. "Could you explaing to me why you're throwing things at your students? You should know damn well that this kind of stuff isn't allowed. you could lose your job if you continue to act like this." He explained with a worried expression. "I'm going to have to report this, but i suggest you go apologize to your students and stop with this behaviour." He crossed his arms as he waited for a response.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Upon entering the faculty lounge, Harvey let out a soft sigh of contentment, happy with the work he had already done for the day. He made his way over to the little kitchen area, grabbing the watercooker and filling it up from the tap. He set it back on the base, turning it on to let the water heat up. Meanwhile, he reached up into the cabinet above, grabbing a random mug from the shelf, it was a green striped one. He set the mug down on the counter before opening a little wooden box that contained a variety of tea bags. He grabbed one labeled 'chamomile and honey' his favourite. He looked over at the water cooker, it wasn't done yet. He decided to kill some time by grabbing himself a cookie out of a basket next to the coffee machine. He opened it, taking out the sweet treat and enjoyed it. By the time he was done with that, the water had finished warming up. He picked up the watercooker off its base, pouring some into his mug. Harvey then set the watercooker back down. He lowered the tea bag into the steaming hot water, watching it infuse for a moment before adding one teaspoon of sugar, stirring it in. He picked up the mug and went to sit down.

He took a book out of his briefcase, opening it on the page marked by his bookmark. The man took a careful sip of his hot beverage as he simply enjoyed the story. Though, not long into his quiet time, a knock on the door interupted his peace. He sighed and set his mug, along with the book, down on the small coffeetable in front of him. He made his way to the door and opened it, seeing a student stand in front of it. "How can I help you?" He asked in a gentle tone.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Nodded and stood up from his chair, looking through the folders on the shelf. His eyes moved over a multitiude of different folders, some filled with personal files, others filled with students documents. once he found the folder he was looking for, he took it into his hands before laying it down on the desk. He opened the planner, flipping throug the pages inside, looking for the correct document. After some searching, his eyes landed on what he was looking for. He tapped his finger on the classroom number before moving to look up at the student. He took the page out of the folder, laying it on the desk and turned it to the student, showing the classroom number to the student, explaining how to get there.

/me A tired sigh escaped the man’s lips as he walked into the faculty lounge. He made his way over to the small kitchen set up the room had, filling up the water cooker and turning it on. As he waited for the water to heat up, he grabbed his favourite mug out of the cabinet along with a bag of camomile and honey tea. He quickly checked his phone until the water was finally boiling. He turned the water cooker off, lifting it up to fill his mug. He set it back down with a smile before lowering the tea bag into the water. He grabbed one teaspoon of sugar, stirring it into the tea. He gave the herbs a moment to infuse before taking a careful sip of the hot beverage. A good way to start the morning.

/me Would hum a soft tune as he clocked in for the day. Making his way to his post, he’d look at the many young faces entering the school building. He smiled, remembering his days in high school for a moment. Good times. Once at his desk, he’d set down his briefcase and take off his coat, sitting down at his desk. He’d put on his glasses, checking the schedule to see if there was anything important happening today. Didn't seem like it. Just another normal day work. Though he didn't doubt that something would come along to make this day more interesting. There was always some students who needed help, or caused trouble..

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Full Name (First & Last only):
Harvey Hendrickx

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:

"I'd prefer to be reffered to as either Mr. Hendrickx or simply Sir."

Age (Minimum is 25):

"I'm currently 36 years old."


"I'm male. Pronouns are he/him I suppose? I'm not really that up to date with the lingo."

Academic Degree:

B.Sc (Bachelor of Science)
B.B.A (bacherlor of Bussiness Administration)
Bachelor of Accountancy


Enviroment and Business


Creative Writing
Enviromental Science
Human Services



Known Languages:


" I was born in belgium, at the coast more specifically, In West-Flanders. I lived there for about two years before my mother and I moved to Japan after my father's passing. I grew up in Yokohama. My mother desperately wanted to live somewhere she'd be able to go to the beach and look out onto the ocean, since that's something she had always loved about the town she grew up in. I only had a few friends growing up. I met two of them in kindergarten, the third I met in second grade when we were matched up for an assignment. my elementary school days were pretty good. I had reasonably good grades, good enough to have me finish the six years without any re-do's!

In high school, I had my first few girlfriends, one in eighth grade, two in tenth grade and onther two in eleventh grade. After that I decided to focus on my studies again instead of my love life. I studied a few years of latin, two to be exact, and a few years of modern sciences. I had always enjoyed the sciences more however. I graduated without have to re-do any years which made my mother really proud. I felt very good about myself too. And a little surprised since I mostly focused on other stuff half the time. After high school, I took a gap year to think about what I wanted to do next. In that gap year I worked as a waiter in a restaurant close to our home. I worked there for about eight months in total. with the money I earned in those eight months, I bough my mom and I some tickets to an AC-DC concert that was happening a few towns over. Part of our strong bond came from our shared interest in many bands and music genres. she taught me pretty much everything I know about music.

During my gap year I also decided that I wanted to study Psychology. Mostly because human behaviour and the human mind really interested me. I wanted to learn more so I could use that knowledge to help people! The course took three years to finish until I had my Bachelor of Science degree. After that, I decided that I wasn't quite done studying yet and enrolled into another course at 23. This time I studied Enviroment and Business which took another three years to finish. It was actually one of my professors in my first course that suggested I took this as a second course. they said the two went well together and would help me gain more opportunities for future jobs. Out of that course i got my Bachelor of Business Administration.When finishing this course, I still wasn't sure what line of work I wanted to do, so I went for a third and final course. This time I went into accounting, it was my mother who suggested I took this course. Finances would always be very important, and being able to keep track of them myself would make everything a lot easier and cheaper. At least that's what she told me.

[29- present time]
After eventually finishing my last course at 29, I decided it was time to go look for a job. By now, I knew I wanted to work in a school enviroment. during my many years in university, I noticed that a lot of things weren't as they schould be for the students. I noticed that troubled students often had nowhere to go to talk about their issues. I also saw that a lot of newly enrolled students often didn't really get much guidance to help find their way in their new enviroment. So I made it my mission to change that for the kids of our future! I then moved to Karakura at age 35, so last year, in hopes of finding a job here. My mother was so kind to help me move everything, making me promise I'd visit her at least a few times a year. Of course I agreed to that deal, she's the one that made this all possible for me after all. When I saw that there was a high school / college right in the city I lived, I immediately knew that that's where I wanted to work. "

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

He smiled immediately at the question "I really want to help work on a better future for the next generations. It is our future as well after all! Plus, working with kids or well, teens is something I've always liked the idea of! I want to be able to help them, guide them as they grow. High school and college are probably the most important times in a person's life. It's a time of self discovery and change. To be able to discover and change in a safe enviroment where you have someone that listens and will help you in need is very important. I will be that person for these kids. I won't judge them, they're just kids after all they're still learning how life works. And of course really like the structure working in a school enviroment would give me. Though, mostly I look forward to being an active and reliable member or the Karakura school faculty team!" He anwsered enthusiastically.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

He took a deep breath, pondering the question "My, my, what a question. " He chuckled "I suppose it would mostly be my enthusiasm. I'm really excited to work here, to meet all the students, to help them on their ways you know. I studied psychology along with human services so I do know quite a lot when it comes to problem solving as well. I really look forward to bonding with my colleagues a on top of that, I don't know anyone on the team yet, and I'd like to change that!" He said with a soft nod. "Besides, i would love to be a face that is recognized in the hallways. A face that both students and colleagues alike can trust and rely on." He smiled


English is not my first language , but I did my best! my mother tongue is Dutch, but I've done my best to learn English over the past eight years

Additional notes about your application:

Feel free to contact me if anything is missing or needs elaboration.

Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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