⫣[Mikhail "Rei" Seong]⫦
Preferred Name:
Rei Seong
"It was only meant to be a nickname, though I suppose it stuck a bit too well. . ."
◈Edgy Emo
“It’s a social construct, but one by which I unfortunately abide.”
”Everyone in this city is so tall…”
Date of Birth:
Dec. 13th.
“An unlucky number, and an unfortunate event.”
Sexual Orientation:
”Honestly, if I find myself attached, gender is of little importance to me."
Religious Beliefs:
Rei is unsure what his religious beliefs are, though he calls himself an Atheist. He is open to hearing and about other beliefs, but doesn’t seem very interested at all. In fact, he almost seems nervous whenever the topic is brought up.
"Interesting. . . Oh! Off-topic, but have you heard about-"
⫣[Mikhail "Rei" Seong]⫦

Preferred Name:
Rei Seong
"It was only meant to be a nickname, though I suppose it stuck a bit too well. . ."
◈Edgy Emo
“It’s a social construct, but one by which I unfortunately abide.”
”Everyone in this city is so tall…”
Date of Birth:
Dec. 13th.
“An unlucky number, and an unfortunate event.”
Sexual Orientation:
”Honestly, if I find myself attached, gender is of little importance to me."
Religious Beliefs:
Rei is unsure what his religious beliefs are, though he calls himself an Atheist. He is open to hearing and about other beliefs, but doesn’t seem very interested at all. In fact, he almost seems nervous whenever the topic is brought up.
"Interesting. . . Oh! Off-topic, but have you heard about-"
◤ Traits◢
- Critical Thinker - Rei prides himself on his critical thinking skills, always examining a situation as thoroughly as he can before leaping. However, he doesn’t always heed his own advice, and may let impulse lead him from time to time.
- Diplomatic - When faced with problems, Rei will more often than not attempt to work toward a solution that will please all parties involved.
- Debater - There’s nothing that Rei enjoys more than a good debate. Despite his tendency towards diplomacy, he will often play the Devil’s Advocate for the sake of advancing said debates.
- Rebellious - When faced with something with which he does not agree, he will rebel. It’s not always apparent as to how, as more often than not he will carry out such acts of rebellion in secret. In other words, sabotage.
- Mischievous - He can often be found getting up to mischief of varying types. Whether it’s pulling out a toy sword in the plaza to challenge someone to a duel, or simply throwing around light insults to get a rise out of someone, this mischievous side is usually only seen by those close to him.
- Formal - Rei tends to speak formally, especially over text. The more nervous he is, the more formal he gets.
- Ambivert.
- Will literally fall asleep anywhere.
- Emotionally sensitive - Rei finds his thoughts easily influenced by his emotions. If he’s been agitated, that agitation will turn into fury. If he’s hurt by something, he’ll dwell on it for the rest of the week, and so on.
- Logical to a fault.
- Unintentionally abrasive - Rei often finds himself coming off as abrasive during first impressions.
◤ General Appearance◢
“Appearances are meant to be kept up, but even so… I can’t really bring myself to care.”
An androgynous-looking individual standing at 5'9 with a tenor voice carrying a mixed accent which seems nearly impossible to pin down. His eyes are colorless, skin pale, and features cold. The scent of cigarettes and petrichor seems to follow him everywhere.
(Taken from his in-game description)
Skin Color:
Rei's skin is extremely pale, and he burns extremely easily as a result.
Eye Color:
Colourless, technically. They often appear red due to the light reflecting off of the blood vessels at the back of his eyes, however.
Hair Style:
Rei's hair is a medium sort of length which is often considered long for a male. It’s mildly wavy and lacks pigment just like the rest of him.
His sense of fashion varies from time to time, however he normally sticks to a red, black, and grey colour scheme.
◤ Relations◢
Anthea L. Shimura (Adopted Sister)
"I'm sorry that I'm not around as often as I should be. I've missed so much of your life, and we've drifted so far apart. I'm a terrible brother, aren't I?"
Ruby Van Johnson (Significant Other)
"You'll never be able to understand how highly I think of you. Even though at first we promised that there would be no feelings attached in our arrangement, I can't help myself. I care too deeply."
Zacharie T. Edgeworth (Friend)
"I'm incredibly glad that we were able to meet again. It's been ages, and I'm happy to see that you're doing well. I wish you and your fiancé the best in life."
Rikiya Kozuka (Friend/Rival???)
"Honestly, sometimes I find you to be infuriating. Still, there's something incredibly endearing about you. I regret my actions toward you terribly, and I should have been there when you needed me. I'm sorry."
Izake Zaalate (Close Friend)
"Even though it's been ages, I still find myself thinking about you. How are you, these days? . . . Ah. I'm not even sure if you're with us anymore. I do hope that I can meet you again. I miss you dearly. . . I'm beginning to see a pattern, here. I wasn't there when you needed me."
Mint Koji (Friend)
"I love being around you! There's never a dull moment with Mint around, and the antics we get up to are never boring in the least."
Aika Umemoto
"Honestly, you're like a little sister to me. I'm incredibly glad to have met you. You never fail to brighten my day, and even though you continue to absolutely decimate me in volleyball, I love to be around you."
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