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Accepted RelayRP | Teacher Application


Level 10
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


How old are you?:
14 years of age

Do you have any previous bans?:
I have one previous ban, due to RDM, if you'd like to see what had happened, here is the ban appeal where I stated what I did wrong.

What Country are you from?:
I am from Ghana, Africa. I live in the United States though.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Yes I do, StayStrapped#0354

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
Yes, I understand this, as It states on the forums.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I do realize this, I believe if I get this job, my inactivity rate will go down and I will be more active due to this job, as I am already a bit active, it'll just boost up my activity rate.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?:
I do as it should be known to the school and staff members. I understand that when I teach It should be able to be seen by anyone.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I believe I am active on the server a lot, I usually am active due to the things I participate in and I do look at the forums a lot, sometimes to make sure I am not breaking any rules, other times to look at new post, or just to post something new that may benefit my character.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: [ ACCEPTED ] [ ACCEPTED ] [ ACCEPTED ] [ DENIED ] [ DENIED ] [ DENIED ] [ UNANSWERED ] [ UNANSWERED ]


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My personal motivation for becoming a teacher is to improve the overall experience of the people that are playing on the server. I just wish for each individual that spends time on the server, actually enjoys what they're doing, and I wish to help people to do this. To be blunt, I've simply always looked up to teachers. The effort they put in, how much of their life they devote to the students, and just how much they do, and I wish to do the same thing so many teachers have done for me, and pass it on to others.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I think I have a fairly large experience in roleplaying considering just how much effort I have put into this. I've been enjoying my time personally on this server, and through the time that I've spent here, I've matured with this sense.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?:
Yes, I have read the handbook and understand it.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are essential for teachers to log the lessons and classes that they host for the students to attend. It shows how much effort the teachers are putting in as well as how often they hold classes. It helps to show which of the teachers are devoting themselves to teaching and those who slack off.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
Firstly I would make sure that every possible detail of the trip would be planned out. A field trip would flow much more efficiently with the help of another teacher, therefore I would enlist the help of another teacher to go on the trip alongside me. I would see how many people could help supervise the event, as well as check with the Vice-Principal or higher to get clearance to go on this trip, then ensure that the students are allowed to go.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

1. You cannot eat in class, unless granted permission.

2. Do not drink anything other than water in the classroom.

3. You cannot interrupt the class while learning, you must raise your hand when wanting to state something, or ask something.

4. No profanity or violence in the classroom or outside the classroom, this can result in severe consequences.

5. You must follow the school rules, inside of the classroom and out.

6. You cannot be moving excessively during class, without permission.

7. You are expected to try your best, please put 100 percent effort into everything you do in the classroom and outside the classroom.

8. Please respect your peers and the teacher while in class, disrespecting them can result in some consequences.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP): During my time on SRP, I have been apart of the college system, as a student, along with the standard Highschool student system. I have also been apart of a family mafia, which I am currently in, along with a well known gang, going by the name of Ghost.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: Head of department, the head of department can be viewed as a wiser version of yourself, knowing more about what they are doing and more about how to handle things considering their greater experience.

- QTLS: Qualified Teacher of Learning Skills, these teachers, overall would be considered efficient teachers and able to teach without much assistance.

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teacher, a newly qualified teacher would not have nearly as much efficiency at running a classroom. not knowing much, they'd just need assistance to get going on the right path.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

A teachers job is to accommodate to the students, to teach them what is needed to succeed later on in life and how they should do so. A teacher's purpose is to teach the students how to succeed in life, without struggle. Whether this be an actual lesson, or whether it be a class lesson, teaching what they're meant, or teaching them something about simply how to succeed, no matter how this is said. I'm cannot be certain of the salary as I haven't asked or anything, but by what I have heard so far, the salary ranges from 200,000 yen to 250,000 yen. Despite I know that being a teacher is a fulfilling job along with a difficult task it fills a person with, it can be a rewarding job, knowing that you are helping the future generation. As far as the teachers I have crossed in my life, there can be about three kinds I've 'discovered'. There's the kind of teacher that sees that its their job to teach you everything that you need to know about life, as they want you to succeed, no matter the cost. The second type of teacher is the teacher who cares deeply about their students, the one that will go out of their way to make sure a student feels safe, welcome, and loved. The third type of teacher I have come encountered would be the teacher that only cares for their well being, they believe that since it's 'their' salary, they only fulfill their task to the 'desired' amount, not caring for the students, just for themselves. The first type of teacher usually sticks around school for some time, completing their work so they can further help their students tomorrow. The second type of teacher is usually speaking to students in a friendly manner, they ask them what's going on in their life, trying to make them feel better. The third type of teacher is usually not seen around school grounds after it is over, they finish what they have to do to gain their money, while going on with their day.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
The name SchoolRP can sort of give you an Idea on what this server is about. This server is more so focused on school on the school. While every school needs teachers so the next generation of students can be taught in the way the ones before them were too. Without teachers a school would just be a place of gathering, you would not learn anything that would help you succeed in life, but rather just going to a building, speaking to random people. Alongside teachers help, a school becomes a place of learning which is what is needed on the server.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school's lesson planning system is usually a system that builds up the students and helps them get an idea of what the world will soon be like, once they finish school and how to help them 'have a beginning' or a 'head start' on life.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?
Helios Ivankov, an African-Korean male, standing at 6'0, weighing 130 pounds. He would have green eyes that sparkled in the sun, and a un-noticeable scar stating 'Pain is our resolve'. He'd smell of Versace Dylan Blue cologne. Helios attempts to always put 100 percent effort into each task he is given, no matter how difficult or tiring. He respects everyone and treats them with kindness, as he feels positivity is what Karakura could develop in. Helios believes all students are extremely smart in their own way, each person has something they are very good at, as he believes everyone has a unique skill. He believes each student should be treated with kindness, due to the fact that you never know what that student could be going through in life. Helios believes that teachers define themselves on how they act or speak to other people. He believes that a teacher is judged by how they act and creates their character on their personality. Helios is a well mannered man, though he could let his temper, sometimes, get the best of him, he always attempts to calm himself down as he knows his anger is not on the person who is doing something rude to him right then, he knows that anger builds up from themselves and due to that he tries his best not to unleash his anger on other people. He is a kind person as he feels that you should always be kind, due to the fact that you never know what could be going on in someone else's life. Helios's plans for the future are to better develop the next generation while he can help students better succeed in life.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: First, I'd begin to calm the situation down, depending on what is going on, then I'd proceed to ask the delinquents to stop in a calmly manner. If they do not do so, I will hand them the consequences as I have asked them to stop beforehand. If they still do not learn from their mistakes, I shall report them to a higher up, such as the principal, vice principal, or a college dean.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
First I'd begin to take a deep breath, noticing nobody has been listening to my lesson, then I'd proceed to get the class's attention, then I'd ask the class what have I been saying so far, just to make sure my theory of the fact that they had not been paying attention was true, then I'd try to do the lesson in a manner of which the class would enjoy it, and take it seriously.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He would act with respect to his fellow staff members, as he believes all of them are equal due to the fact that they work together. I would not act out of character, and I'd use manners as I believe your personality defines the person you could be.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me Would stroll around the class, going by row, bearing a bright smile, checking to make sure each student is on task, doing their assigned task.

/me Would sit at his desk, grabbing a paper, one by one, sorting them as he finishes grading them.

/me Would stand at the door, bearing a bright, welcoming smile, as he shook the hands of the students walking in, while greeting them.

/me Would glance at the class, hoping someone would raise their hand after he had asked a question, keeping it a while, making more opportunities.

/me He'd be sitting at his desk, bearing his bright smile as usual, working through papers, grading them, and signing others.


Helios Atari Ivankov, was born Feburary 3, 1999 in Seoul, South Korea. He was born into a poor family, as they could not afford the most luxurious life as they wanted. Helios's father worked two jobs as he needed to, due to barely being able to fund the family. During Helios's time in Seoul, South Korea, he began to attend grade school. Due to the fact that each kid usually spoke Korean, he rarely understood them. Helios began understanding the native tongue as he grew older. By the time Helios's turned 3 he could understand the language, while being able to speak some of the language. Helios's was a slow learner and due to this fact, his speech was 'impaired' as he could speak some words, but not fully make of them. By the time Helios's turned the age of four, he could speak correctly, without error, as he now could speak to his peers. Helios's had just started turned 5 years of age, when something tragic had happened. Helios's mother had fallen under a sickness that kept her bedridden for part of Helios's life. Due to this tragedy, their house income began to lower, and soon his dad had to work late nights, barely coming home, making Helios's stay home, caring for his mother and himself. Later on, when Helios's turned 8 years old, his mother lost to this sickness, losing her life in the process. Now it had just been Helios's and his father, yet his father took this death extremely to the heart. He began drinking, unleashing his sadness and anger on Helios's, hurting Helios's whenever drunk. Soon Helios turned 10, and by that time his father had gotten out of control, he was acting weird, and his temper getting the best of him. Helios was then brave enough to tell someone, who then had him placed in foster care, and his father arrested. After years of being in foster care, a man by the name of Yaki Ivankov took pity on the boy, later adopting him, taking him back to Russia with him. Helios's did not speak any language other than Korean, while his new siblings and his mother and father spoke Russian. The Ivankov's then enrolled Helios into a Russian school. Helios did not understand the Russian tongue and during his time in Russia he slowly began to understand the Russian tongue. By the age of 11 years old, Helios's understood the Russian language, yet could not speak the language. Once Helios's turned 12, he could speak and understand the Russian tongue, with a few flaws, but he fixed those over the months. When Helios's turned 13, he moved to Karakura, Japan, with his family, so he could further pursue his education. When Helios fully finished his high school classes, he applied for college where he even further pursued his education, when he then decided he'd like to become a Highschool Teacher.

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Helios Ivankov

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): 'Sinaro'

Preferred Name: Helios

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Christian

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: African-Korean

Current Location: Karakura Japan [] House Location: Block B2, Room 109

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): At this time I do not have any experience teaching, but I have done an 'internships', learning the ropes of teaching for 2 years.

Working Experience (# of years): I have worked my last few years of college as a cashier for a new shop going by the name of Atsumaru.

Academic Degree: Associates of Political Science, Bachelors in Education

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major(s): Political Science

Minor(s): History [] Mathematics

Native Languages: Korean

Other Languages: Russian [] English

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No I do not have this certificate.

Preferred Teaching Subject: I'd like to teach History or Math, I will teach any subject though as I would be ok with any, as long as I am helping the students.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
No, not at the moment.
Do you have any questions?: None at the moment.
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Deleted member 5455

- Your character will need to be discussed further in DMS when it comes to age and their specific subject. That being said, in my eyes, this is a pretty well-made application. Welcome to the team!

Please DM me on Discord to have your role sorted out - melody#0429.

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