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Denied Religious Studies Teacher Application

What is your Minecraft username?: Sukhman121

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Singh Is King

Do you have a microphone?: No. I do not have a microphone.

What is your time zone?: BST (British Summer Time) | GMT+1.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I acknowledge that I will be demoted if I am not frequently active on SRP.

Describe your activity on the server: I usually hop on the server like nearly everyday. I Usually join in the morning but sometimes 3pm. 6-4 hours I spend on this server. However I have to go back to secondary school in September.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: Yes I didn't know how to apply.

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Grade-12


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Religious Studies

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: There aren't many R.S teachers. To enlighten others about religion, it is apparent that many people lack a clear understanding of the distinctions between Sikhism and Islam. furthermore, there is a significant gap in knowledge regarding Judaism and Hinduism. I believe the time has come to educate and illuminate minds. educating someone is not only a gift but also a blessing. after all, knowledge is power!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT? Yes, I do understand I am applying for an Untrained Teacher.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?: Yes, of course! If I didn't I would not know how to handle simple situations. And lots of people when I go into class are Very rude.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: Teacher class logs are physical reports of having taught or held a class to document sessions. This is especially useful to ensure that a teacher is doing their job and also proves that they were active in the first place.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: There are several rules everyone must follow:
Phone usage: It is rude towards the class and the teacher but it hinders the teachers, ability to learn. Anyone caught using their phone without permission during class would be given a warning, and for every subsequent offense, they will be punished accordingly for disrupting class.
Core values: This is the most important rule, to respect others like you respect yourself and your teacher. In fact, Japan is centered around respect!
Civil behavior: This is the third rule! No unwarranted fights, arguments, insults, or anything else will exist, only arguments and debates! The best learning environment is one where all students have equal opportunity to learn and aren't withheld by other students or teachers. Therefore, civil behavior is a rule that will be heavily enforced.
Talking: No shouting out! You should raise your hand when speaking!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I've been playing on this server for 2 years, and I do not have a college degree. However I have studied much about different religions including, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and Sikhism. As the years have passed, my roleplay style has evolved to the one I currently use, supported by a strong foundation of diverse vocabulary and roleplay knowledge.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head Of Department
↳ Description: As the name suggests, the head of the department oversees the training and development of new teachers and the activities and progress of existing ones. The head of department generally has a vast amount of knowledge, and in many cases, the most knowledge, in their field(s) of study. Additionally, the head of the department coordinates activities and communication between teachers and holds the most power over the rest of the ranks listed.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Qualified teachers are generally seen as seniors among the teachers and have been through extensive training as well as having obtained plenty of experience to educate their students better. Additionally, the lower ranks of teachers shadow them to learn how to properly teach and handle a classroom environment and obtain the necessary experience to become qualified teachers. QTs know a lot about the subject they are teaching and generally perform above and beyond to meet the demands of their students.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Teachers with this rank have recently been promoted from untrained teachers and can, in most cases, host their own classes. They still have lots to learn, but at this stage, teaching is the best way to gain the required experience to be promoted to QT. Newly qualified teachers will still be watching a QT to ensure they can properly handle teaching a class while also taking notes on efficient teaching methods and strategies to keep students engaged.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Untrained Teacher
↳Desciption: Being the greenie teacher rank details a newly hired teacher. They haven't had any experience teaching in their current job. They will be watching NQTs or QTs to learn efficient teaching strategies and methods to keep students engaged, ensure proper classroom behavior and etiquette, and obtain other important teaching information that will allow them to become NQT. This stage is fundamentally the most important in the learning curve as it sets a foundation for a future teacher, as if the new UT learns improper methods and strategies it will carry on into their future career, possibly jeopardizing it. UTs generally complete lesson plans and assist in teaching an NQT, QT, or HD's class. To complete their training, untrained teachers teach their own class whilst supervised by someone of higher rank. At the end of the process, an assessment is completed and the UT will either be promoted to NQT or remain a UT to gain more experience.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Like teachers out-of-game, in-game teachers get paid to educate students in their field. Their reasoning for becoming teachers varies, but most commonly, teachers decide to take up the role because they realize the importance of educating the younger population. The future depends on the children, and society can never progress and improve without proper education. Teachers are a massive foundation for the future of any society, as without them, progress will generally not be made. For people to have and share knowledge, it must be learned, and teachers exist to share this with others. However, it should be assumed that the only thing teachers ever think about is learning and education, as just like everyone else, they're people at their core. Teachers accept that work outside of class is necessary, as they dedicate their lives to the education of students and can utilize time at home or abroad to plan lessons or grade assignments. The way they teach changes to the needs of their students. People have different learning styles, whether auditory, hands-on, or visual, and it's a teacher's job to find the middle ground to teach their students their subject effectively. Teachers instruct with a goal, remaining open to finding new ways to educate students and improve their teaching most effectively. A teacher who cannot, or is unwilling to, learn should not be a teacher.

In-game, NQTs earn ¥350,000 for reaching a minimum of ten classes taught, with QTs earning ¥400,000. After the first ten classes, a pay of ¥50,000 is added for every five classes taught until the limit of ¥500,000 for a paycheck is reached. Teachers can teach a maximum of 4 classes per OOC day, giving them plenty of room to teach the minimum number of classes per month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: This would not be SchoolRP if there was no school and by no school, I mean that if there are no teacher to teach, It is not a school.The SchoolRP experience would be incomplete without them, and the server's identity would fade away.Having a teacher as an active role enables students to engage in actual classes specified to realistic subjects on the server and immerse themselves in the world of SchoolRP to the utmost.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: The SchoolRP system works unanimously with the MoSCoW System, the M standing for 'Must haves', S for 'Should haves', C for 'Could haves' and W for 'Won't haves' or 'Would haves'. Meanwhile the O's do not mean anything and are used to make the acronym readable. This method assists teachers is recognising the vital and necessary materials for their criteria. Whilst also assisting in constructing the shape of assignments and overall flux of their teaching in a classroom.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on students and their co-workers? What are their plans for the future?

His name is Sidhu Singh Panesar and what makes him unique is that he has a beard that for some reason grows very fast, He wears a Turban or what we Sikhs call, A "Gol Daster" Or Pagg. He is defensive around those around him. He stands at a whopping 6,5 feet tall. He is a very intelligent person but is also extraordinarily humble and respectful. When away from work, he embraces satire and humor to express himself more laid-backly. However, he believes that living a different life outside the classroom sometimes leads to mistrust and a lack of respect, so he tries to act the same in class as he does out of class. He plans to continue teaching for the foreseeable future, believing that keeping himself busy educating students also benefits his health and happiness. He firmly believes that he will be teaching for several decades,

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: Call the delinquents out and scold them for cursing and swearing like normal, However In the case they continues give them a warning, a light one. Without raising my tone or the aggression.If they continue, The detention slip will do the talking!

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: I would continue to tell everyone to be quiet. If they continue not to listen, I would tell them that if they want to be disruptive to go in the hallway and stay out of my class room. Once this happens and they continue not to listen, I would get on my radio and get some assistance to quiet down the class. Whether it be SLT or more teachers that are available. If it was to be SLT, I would have that SLT member talk to the students and hopefully explain why they need to be quiet and not be disruptive. Once this is done, I would hopefully get back to my lesson ad continue teaching for the period.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: Sidhu would start small talk with anyone within the lounge, ranging from their day, workload and previous classes to things like any troubled students and their hobbies for after school or interest. Asking if anyone needed help.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Walked around the class, listening for any whispers or talking as he handed out the test papers for the students ready to write their name on.
/me entered his classroom with his briefcase clutched in his right hand. He bowed to his students as he entered, then carefully placed his briefcase on the desk.
/me flapped his handheld folded paper fan up and down trying to resist how hot the weather is today.
/me Gave him a long stare so he could work out what he was doing that was wrong.

1980: The birth of Sidhu

On 1980 December 25th, a mother gave birth to a child and a father with a smile that could make any baby happy. He grew up in state Punjab of India. He went to the holiest place of Sikhism (Harmandir sahib) every day. Anyone who went there would get a free meal regardless of race or religion. Only one rules, No alcohol, drugs and shoes on, and hair must be covered by a turban. 1983, his parent got a tv for their son to watch. This might seem like a happy time as it was the 80s, but it got really really dark...

1984: The years the would change Sidhu's life... forever!

Several Sikh organisations were banned and the government broke off talk with the Sikhs. All the Sikhs wanted, was to be able to control the land of their motherland but would still be in India. However this lead to them being called *********s by the government. 1984, the famous Sikh preacher spoke up and this lead to a plan to an assassination of him and his follower and destruction... June 1st 1984, Government attacked the holiest site of Sikhism. Sikhs wanted to surrender but the brave leader said to stay and fight! All the Sikhs had were Machine guns, rifles, snipers, and bombs whilst government had much more! They had tanks and helicopters. And somehow, the Sikhs were so strong that they led the battle for 6 days. When they ran out of ammo, they charged at the soldiers with their sword Talwars and killed them. After the operation, The buildings were in ruins and when Sidhu and his parents looked at this, they were outraged and felt unsafe. Then, the Prime minister was assassinated and riots began. "I love you son!" was the last thing he heard from his dad.

1985: Immigration is the only way out

Sidhu and his mother stayed at Japan where he lived better and had a nice school. He loved the art there! He was always that type of child who would get in a fight for how they look. Despite that, he was always the top of his class. He found out technology in Japan was amazing. He played computer games a lot! He had many friends! Maybe he was finally relaxing again. Or was he?

1997: The death of Sidhu's Mother

His mother was just walking on the footpath when suddenly, a drunk driver on the road turned over and hit her. Her ribs were fractured and when she heard the results, she has to make a final goodbye to her son and give him the money. Sidhu was only 18 years old. He sat on his chair and looked at his parents' pictures and said, "I will make you proud!"

2009:The rise of Sidhu

Youtube was getting popular, mobile phones, and more! Windows 7 was created and loved by many! He made a Youtube channel and gained 50thousand subscribers! he went martial arts classes and even acted in a movie!


He sees that everyone ,especially youngster, was so uneducated . He got so tired of it that he applied to get a job as a religious teacher to educate people and hopefully make them
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Sidhu Singh Panesar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr Singh

Given Name(s): Panesar
Preferred Name: Panesar

Age (Minimum is 25): 46
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Sikh
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Punjabi
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Masters
Year of Graduation: 2000
Major(s): Religious studies
Minors: Music

Native Languages: Punjabi
Other Languages: English

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: I am aware that I may be a relatively unknown person in SRP, and I wish to just say thank you for taking the time out of your day in order to read this application, I thank you for making a decision on this said application, and I hope that you have an amazing day. ^^
Do you have any questions?: Not right now!
Last edited:


Level 41
Teacher Lead
This application has been placed on pending for the following reason(s):​
The subject that you wish to teach is better suited for the Professor Faction.
If you still wish to apply, I suggest edit your application to fit the subject of History.​
If you no longer wish to apply, please change the title of this application to [REMOVED]​


Level 41
Teacher Lead
Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately this time around you have not been selected for this role due the following reasons:
- This subject would fit better with the Professor Faction.
Please feel free to re-apply next wave. If you have any questions, please contact @lobsterrdog on discord.​

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