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[REMOVE] First Police Officer Application [REMOVE]


Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


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Previous bans:

(no bans, no suspensions, no detentions, no warnings)

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Describe your activity on the server:

I've been an active participant in SchoolRP for 3 months now, dedicating an average of 7-8 hours daily (in the first two months) and 5-6 hours daily (in a more balanced schedule, now) to engage in various activities. (I've been active for years on other RP servers, but never experience the depth of Minecraft RP I experienced here.) My journey on the server started somewhat slow, as I initially spent time learning the ropes with a few friends. Over time, I've been a part of club activities and events, which allowed me to develop a few strong relationships within the community and deepen my understanding of the server's rules and functionalities.

Whenever I participated in group activities, my roleplay experience was greatly enhanced. It also underscored the importance of teamwork and collaboration, which crucially lacked on all other RP servers I joined to this day. Furthermore, I've consistently shown dedication and commitment, even altering my sleep schedule to interact with friends across different time zones.

If accepted into the KPD, I would prioritize this role and am confident of bringing in the same level of enthusiasm, activity, and dedication. Just as I've learned and grown through my previous roles, I believe that joining the KPD will provide a fresh perspective. It's definitely a challenge that I'm eager to embrace. I aim to commit to spending 20+ hours a week on the server, and in case of any changes to my availability, I will promptly communicate with the faction lead.

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Which timezone are you in?

Central European Summer Time (GMT+2)

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List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

No former faction applications.
This is my very first attempt at joining any faction on this server.

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What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation to apply for the Karakura Police Department is multifaceted.

Firstly, I have a genuine fascination with law enforcement, which extends beyond the confines of the game. I'm eager to immerse myself in the role of a police officer, to understand the nuances of the system, and to use this role to create engaging and impactful storylines. Additionally, I yearn for the chance to broaden my roleplay experience, challenge myself, and grow both in my skills and character understanding.

Further, I perceive this role as an opportunity to actively contribute to our community, aiming to foster a safe and orderly environment for all players. I am determined to use this platform to serve as a positive influence on the server, fostering constructive interactions and promoting rule compliance.

Also, while there is a flourishing GangRP scene on SchoolRP that is felt quite prominently, I didn't feel the same impact from the KPD and overall Law Enforcement efforts. I hope to experience this side of the server community and offer the opportunity to engage with players, to provide a sense of order and security. Therefore, I'm not only looking to uphold the law and maintain peace but also to actively engage in the development of my character and those around me.

I acknowledge that being part of the Karakura Police Department brings with it significant responsibilities. I am ready to shoulder these and strive to make a lasting positive impact on our community. Despite the challenges that may arise, I am excited about the prospect of being part of the police force, and I eagerly anticipate the learning and growth that await me in this role.

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What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

While I have not personally been a part of a law enforcement faction in this roleplay server, my passion for understanding the mechanics of law and order extends into my real life where I've invested some of my spare time into studying and understanding the fundamentals of police work (the interesting bits at least.) I had a few books on Criminology and Forensics, which I cherished: Criminology and The SAGE Handbook of Criminological Theory (both by Tim Newburn), but also Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation by Ross M. Gardner. This might not smoothly translate into a better Police Roleplay, but certainly factor into my understanding of police procedure.

I do know that the police department structure and chain of command, starting from Cadets, to Patrol Officers, Corporals, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, and ultimately the Commissioner. It is a framework that I'm familiar with. The importance of each role and the responsibilities they bear, from patrolling, launching investigations, and dealing with emergency calls to arresting lawbreakers, is something I am ready to undertake.

I am also knowledgeable about the tools of the trade that the KPD uses such as batons, handcuffs, radios, breathalyzers, tasers, Glock 17, riot gear, and others like luminol spray and medkits. I understand that each tool has its purpose and specific situations, but I'm yet to learn where it's most effectively used. I hope to achieve this knowledge in further police training.

I am under no illusion about the weight of the responsibilities that come with wearing the badge. Maintaining public safety, managing volatile situations, and bringing criminals to justice are certainly core aspects of the role that I need to be able to project. Moreover, I understand that qualities like accountability, resilience, honesty, and quick thinking are crucial to be an effective police officer. I aim for developing these qualities and strengthen my play.

Although I have a good grasp of the essentials of police work, I am eager to learn more, particularly about protocols, codes, and server-specific rules. I understand that the role-play server's police department might have unique practices and norms that I have to familiarize myself with, and I am more than ready to do so.

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Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

I believe that the role of the police in the SchoolRP server is multifaceted and integral to the community's overall functioning. In a lively server such as ours, with an intricate weave of characters and narratives, the Police serve as a much-needed balancing force. The KPD not only maintains order and upholds the law but also counteracts criminal activities, ensuring the safety of the community members. This becomes especially important given the dynamic and engaging nature of gangRP and other criminal organizations.

The Police, in essence, add a layer of realism, making the server experience more immersive and enriching, offering opportunities for engaging storylines. Beyond their primary responsibilities, the Police also diversify the range of events and role-play scenarios, offering players new and exciting avenues for engagement. Their ability to respond effectively to emergencies and conflicts positions them as guardians of the Karakura population, entrusted with the well-being of the player-characters.

I would break it down into two core aspects: (1) maintaining a stable, safe, and (2) engaging environment for all players.

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Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, I acknowledge.
I am subject to being demoted at any time for whatever reason is necessary.
When this happens, I will appreciate this development as part of my roleplay experience and part of my character's personal story.

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Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes. While I do still plan to spend time with my peaceful citizen main character, I will give police work priority at any time when requested!

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Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I acknowledge. I won't miss any training whilst online and will accept the consequences if I do not attend.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Hiro Kato

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Character's age (if accepted):

25 years old

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Character's gender & pronouns:

He/His (AMAB)

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Character's Academic Background


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What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?

JSL (His first Language Application, currently still pending)
Korean (His second Language Application will follow)

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Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Hiro Kato is a tall, broad-shouldered man standing at 6'0" with medium black hair,
hombre reddish tips, and piercing green eyes. His skin bears the testament of a troubled
past, a faded scar across his back, and a large, removed tattoo of a yin-yang symbol on
his chest, disappearing under the sleeve of his shirt. Hiro's muscular build and husky
aura indicate regular physical training, and his physique is well-kept and in peak

Hiro's clothing preference is simple, often seen in black or white tees paired with black
jeans and combat boots, though he also possesses a worn-out green fake-leather
jacket. He always wears a silver chain next to his belt, a keepsake from his family.

In his personality, Hiro is a stoic yet compassionate individual. His determined
appearance often hides his kind heart and protective nature. He carries an air of quiet
confidence, often choosing to observe and listen rather than dominate the conversation.
His self-assured demeanor, combined with his imposing physical presence, makes him a
versatile and capable character.


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professionally, Hiro embodies the essence of determination, dedication, and effort.
His work ethos of "getting the job done under any circumstances" prevails, and he
adheres to the rules, respecting the guidelines with pragmatic clarity. He is a quiet
observer, patient, and perceptive, capturing details and nuances that others might
overlook. In challenging situations, he stays calm and collected, showcasing his
problem-solving skills and ability to make decisions under pressure.

However, off-duty, Hiro transforms from a stoic figure to a more approachable, friendly
individual who appreciates the simpler pleasures of life like enjoying a good beer.
His assertive professional nature gives way to a more relaxed persona, one that knows
how to unwind and relish a hearty laugh. Being a good listener, he shows genuine
interest in others' experiences and stories, ever ready to lend a sympathetic ear.
His casual demeanor highlights his adventurous spirit; he enjoys exploring new places,
trying out different cuisines, and engaging in physical activities. Regardless of the
setting, Hiro remains respectful of personal boundaries, adeptly adapting his behavior
according to the situation and the comfort level of those around him.

Hiro carries a profound sense of family values, treating the protection of his biological
and professional families as his life's highest priority.

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What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Resolute and devoted, Hiro Kato sees co-workers not just as colleagues, but as integral parts of a larger family unit working towards a common goal. Drawing strength from the different stories he heard from a close deceased friend, a decorated officer, he understands the profound impact a united and well-coordinated team can have on maintaining peace and order.

He holds immense respect for his peers, acknowledging that each one brings unique talents and perspectives that enrich the team. Hiro believes in the power of collaboration and is always willing to lend a hand or share his expertise for the collective good. He treasures the camaraderie that comes with working in a team and sees it as a vital tool in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

However, this doesn't mean Hiro shies away from individual tasks. He recognizes that certain responsibilities may require individual effort, and he's prepared to take them on to avoid burdening others unnecessarily. In these instances, he draws from the motto of "strength in unity, courage in solitude."

Hiro also understands the complexities and emotional strain that come with law enforcement work. He is empathetic to his colleagues' struggles and readily offers support, both emotionally and professionally. He views open communication as key to maintaining harmony within the team and ensuring everyone's voices are heard.

In high-stakes situations, Hiro remains calm and focused, encouraging his teammates to maintain the same level-headed approach. He firmly believes that a united front in the face of adversity is pivotal in ensuring the success of their mission.

At the end of the day, for Hiro, the idea of co-workers and teamwork is less about simple cooperation and more about building a shared bond of trust, resilience, and unyielding dedication toward maintaining peace in Karakura.

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Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?

"See, it's a bit like walking a tightrope between being a leader and a follower for me. I see myself more as a "servant leader" if that makes sense. To me, true leadership, it's not just about barking orders; it's about being able to listen, learn and yes, follow!

You know - When things get tough, I can step up and steer the team toward our goals. It's about duty, commitment, and upholding the rules... all the procedures, ... all while knowing that it's teamwork that gets us to the finish line. ~mhm. What matters is the results, whoever leads the team.

Life and work have shown me a few things, like... the importance of clear communication,..... respecting different viewpoints, and ...the value of working as one! It's about fostering a positive vibe,.... a supportive environment that encourages growth! Like one that strengthens camaraderie and..."

"Hey! But don't get me wrong, I'm also a learner at heart! I'm always ready to soak up wisdom from my superiors, my peers, with the aim to keep growing, keep developing in my role.

Though I might seem more of a follower at first glance, I'm not one to shy away from taking the lead when it's needed. Yeah - I think I can adapt, roll with the punches, you know? I see each challenge as a stepping stone, a chance for personal and professional growth, and such.

And yeah, my goal? To sharpen my leadership skills as time goes on, all while being a reliable cog in the team machine. TEAM MACHINE! ... "

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BACKSTORY (100+ words)

Born into a close-knit family that valued compassion and understanding above all, Hiro Kato had always been inspired by his grandparents' unwavering support for his younger sister. After a childhood trauma led her to develop Selective Mutism, Hiro found himself growing into a diligent, independent, and protective figure, excelling in academics and extracurricular activities (sports team, debate club, etc.) while nurturing a relentless pursuit of personal growth and broader horizons.

While attending Karakura High, he regularly visited Osaka in support of his sister's unique educational needs. Split between the island and the mainland, Hiro was robbed of his former friendships and connections but opened his eyes to an array of new cultural nuances and societal challenges. Both Hiro and his sister immersed themselves in an after-school Japanese Sign Language (JSL) program, supported by their resilient grandparents' abundant educational resources. Hiro's participation in community gatherings for the "deaf, mute, and hard-of-hearing community" only served to deepen his proficiency in JSL, making him an irreplaceable pillar in his sister's world. When in Karakura, he enjoyed his regular visits to the Shrine, where he was a devout Shintoist and practiced his belief with deep reverence. He jobbed as a fisherman, DJ, and at the auction house to get by and support his grandparents and his sister's education.

Hiro's life took an unexpected turn when his humble and innocent aspirations were shattered by the harsh realities of the criminal underworld he witnessed in the city and at the docks. The tranquility of his world was disrupted, and his trust in public order was shaken to its core when he was drawn between two sides of a clan war. Amidst the chaos, he found solace in a group of misfit companions, one of whom was a former police officer turned private investigator. The tales shared by this fallen hero would inspire Hiro to devote his life to his community, and the detective's tragic end in the line of duty would ignite a burning desire within Hiro to ensure justice and safety for all.

Upon commencing his college journey in Karakura, with the intention of graduating, Hiro found himself targeted by the city's criminal underworld. In an agonizing decision to protect his family, Hiro distanced himself from them, vanishing from their lives until the danger subsided. This broke his heart, but he endured the separation, knowing that his disappearance would be for the safety of his sister and grandparents. He spent his time traveling, hiring on fisher boats, visiting Korea (mostly), but also briefly China, and the Philippines, making friends and losing them.

A few years have passed since then. The time has come for Hiro to step into the fray once more, as he musters the courage to face the lurking danger head-on and fulfill his ambition to join the police force.

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Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot. Karakura law explicitly prohibits the possession of weapons such as pocket knives. If one is found carrying such an item, it's a punishable offense.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Medical items that do not require a prescription include Paracetamol, Multivitamins, Iron Supplements, Cough Syrup, and Eyepatches. These items can be procured over the counter.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would immediately intervene to protect the inmate and then report the situation to my superiors after documenting all the necessary details. Abuse in any form is against the ethics of our department and will not be tolerated.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Firstly, I'd intervene and call for backup to ensure that the situation is brought under control. Once the situation is under control, I'd provide necessary medical assistance and secure the scene while informing the higher-ups.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
In such a case, I would start by gathering concrete evidence to substantiate my suspicions. Upon acquiring enough evidence, I would bring this to the attention of my superiors. It is vital to maintain the integrity of our department.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
My reaction would be immediate and strict. I would report the bribe attempt to my superiors without delay. Bribery undermines the foundation of our justice system and cannot be tolerated.

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