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Shinsei Seinaru Monastery Staff Application

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Information


DISCORD TAG: AngelGlider11#8804

PREVIOUS BANS: I have no previous bans, nor warns.

DO YOU HAVE A WORKING MICROPHONE FOR DISCORD CALLS: Yes, I have a working microphone for discord calls and I am able to join voice chats.


DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: I am more active on weekends, but also during weekday afternoons

WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OF SHINTOISM AND ARE YOU PREPARED TO LEARN ABOUT THE RELIGION? I have basic knowledge of Shintoism, the customs, culture, and kami. I am very excited to learn more, as I have always wanted to learn about other cultures.

WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FOR THIS ROLE OVER OTHER APPLICANTS? I have visited the shrine many times since my first days of SRP, aspiring to be a shrine maiden. I always wanted to help people understand the religion more and understand it myself more. I believe my determination makes me stand out from the other applicants. I want to work as a shrine maiden. Determination helps you overcome the unexpected. When things do not go according to plan, it’s tempting to give up. We lose our confidence and think about moving on to something that is easier. This is exactly what most people do because we’re afraid of failure and shirk away from things that are hard and necessary. But, I would never shrink down, making my determination a powerful asset.

In-Character Information

Asai Sakata


WHY ARE YOU APPLYING TO WORK AT THE MONASTERY?: I am applying to work at the monastery because I always found it mystical and beautiful. I always admired the Miko and Shinshoku who worked at the monastery. They kept it clean, answered any questions the visitors had, and showed them around the monastery. The workers at the monastery always acted warm to me, answering any questions I had. I want to become closer to my idols.

TELL ME WHAT HISTORY AND INFORMATION YOU KNOW ABOUT SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY: I know that the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery was originally a place of the Buddhist religion, as Japan had both Shinto and Buddhist religions prospering at the time. I am aware of the customs that you must take to enter the monastery and to make offerings. I know that the combined religion of Shinto and Buddhist customs was introduced to the monastery about 1000 years after its creation in 762.

Asai was born in Hanoi, Vietnam where she lived with her mom, grandmother, and sister for her elementary school years. She studied a lot at home as her mother made it clear she would do anything to give Asai "new opportunities". A few years after Asai graduated elementary school, around age 12, her mother died from unknown causes. After examining her body, the morgue decided it was cancer. Asai was shocked after she heard of her mother's death. So shocked, her hair was dyed silver. The fact that her mom died from cancer didn't help. She felt as if her mom couldn't trust her and that in turn caused her death.

Through the traumatic experience, Asai also developed an alternate personality. Her friends and family all assumed it was to cope with the stress. Her alternate personality first made its appearance on Asai's 13 birthday. She got so mad that her mom wasn't able to blow out the candles with her that instead of crying, she began to destroy the table and the cake on top of it. When she finally came to her senses, all of her family and friends were staring in horror. Their faces were frozen like that and it was etched into Asai's memory. After this event, Asai went through 3 years of depression, considering suicide.

During Asai's darkest moments (3 years of depression), her Grandmother helped her a lot. Her bà handed Asai the brochure for Karakura High School and convinced her to go. That moment completely changed her life. However, when her bà didn't want to go with her and Haru, Asai was devastated. Eventually, she remembered how her mom always talks about opportunities and snapped out of them. She was able to recover and move to Karakura.

After her move to Karakura, she visited the shrine more and more often. That helped her heart heal. The shrine maidens and priests left a big impact on Asai's life. They helped out with her dual personality. After coming to Karakura, Asai didn't switch from one personality to the other as much. However, Asai never stopped visiting the shrine.

LETTER TO THE MONASTERY LEAD: (did not know how to write this)

Knowledge Section

What are the steps before entering the Shrine?
You should first bow to the Torii gate in front of the shrine to show respect to the kami. Then, you should grab the ladle and fill it with water. After, pour it over your left hand then switch hands and pour it over your right. Next, switch your hands once again and pour a little into your cupped left hand, sip it up, and spit it on the ground next to you. Then, pour a little over your left hand again. Finally, you should tip the ladle upwards letting the water run down washing the ladle before setting it down.

How are rituals to a Kami performed? First, jiggle the rope above yourself. Then throw 100 yen into the offering box at the monastery and do two deep bows. Bring your hands up to your chest level and clap them twice. On the second one, you should hold them like that and say a prayer to the Kami. Finally, you should close with a deep bow

What is the job of a Shinto Priest and Maiden? The job of a Shinto Priest/Maiden is to greet people with a bow, clean and manage the grounds of the monastery, sell things in the gift shop, assist people with prayers, assist with learning, and help with anything else someone visiting the shrine might need.

Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?: I would proceed with giving the child their Hatsumiyamairi. I would pray for the child, asking for them to be kept safe and I would also lead the child's guardian in prayer as well.

Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoism, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?: I would tell them about the basic history of the shrine(when it was made, the religion, etc.). Then I would ask if they wanted anything else specifically and answer that.

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship? Asai would probably not worship just one of the kami, but all of the kami together because she loves the religion so much, that she can't choose
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