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reporter application | Katuss1


Level 0
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Kaktuss1 (applying on)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, I do! aloevera.1

List your time zone and country:
CST Canada.

Describe your activity:
I am fairly active on SRP, I get on every day for at least a few hours.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I have always had a passion for writing, and seeing this faction be focused on just that is exactly what drives me to apply. I love reading reports made by reporters and learning about what is new in Karakura. The idea of being involved in that sounds enjoyable! I believe that applying for reporter gives me a chance to grow and experience new things. It gives me a chance to open my RP interactions more and test my abilities.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have a lot of experience with writing. I write myself daily and have a love for English. I strive to find an occupation based on writing in the future. This is a chance to test my writing skills and push myself to improve as not only a writer but a roleplayer.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am aware and will follow the rules.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I believe I have a dedication and motivation to writing and getting out detailed and thorough reports regularly. I am active often and pay attention to what is happening around me. If accepted I plan on being as active as I can be on this character and completing quotas. I will also be active not only in character but out of character.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.):
Yes, I completely understand.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I believe I will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota, yes.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine it consists of plenty of writing and friendly co-workers. I imagine people in this faction are hard-working and experienced. However, ICly it is likely a challenge and revolves around maturity and civilness upon co-workers and possible clients/civilians. As well as having the set of skills required to do investigative research on topics and/or people. While being a reporter can be time-consuming, having to do intense research and fact-checking on topics you are discussing, verifying your resources and breaking a story not only into a simpler read for the viewers but a read that will pull them in.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:

Ken’ichi Sakata.

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):

Ken’ichi or Mr. Sakata.

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
I had worked as a mechanic for the majority of my teenage and early adult years before living in Karakura. I had started working as a mechanic when I was 14 under my father and grandfather's guidance. The two had taught me everything I knew and know today. Around 40 the company I had worked for hit bankruptcy and ultimately had to lay off their employees. I lived a bit north from here in Japan. However, upon moving to Karakura once again, my hometown, once I had become unemployed and in search of employment; I chose to return to schooling to get my master’s degree in English and Marketing.. I had picked up a job in marketing, revolving around making advertisements for companies and start-up small businesses. I enjoyed my time there, I had spent about 6 years working there until I had chosen to leave the company to pursue something more fulfilling and wouldn’t leave a sore on my conscience.

Master's degree in English and Bachelors in Marketing.

Nationality and born location:
I was born in Karakura and I am Japanese.

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I am an experienced and hardworking individual. I like to consider myself level-headed and socially knowledgeable. I look for where I can improve myself and was raised under a mannered roof. Being a father of two teenage sons, I have had to learn patience; for the information, that is certainly a struggle. I know I am a skilled individual and passionate in my career paths, I know the social construct of a work environment and how to make my presence there peaceful. I am stubborn and hold my ground, I do not let people sway me from my beliefs and choices. Nonetheless, I am open-minded to the opinions of those around me.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I have found an interest and fascination in the secrets and conditions of the city we know and love. I plan to achieve writing just that by speaking with the people of Karakura and learning about their experiences, be it the students of Karakura Academics or their lovely faculty. Perhaps even speaking to other towns workers and passing adults. I believe stepping out of my comfort zone would look like government reports, I do not enjoy involving myself in such manners.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I have had an interest in writing since I was a young boy. It started with the simplicity of writing stories, the imagination of a child’s mind can run wild. However, as one grows and mere hobbies involve into a passion for finding a career path that can lead you to writing, you begin to improve. I have the expectations that this job will continue to improve my skills in not only writing but as an individual person. I look forward to the memories I can make with my co-workers and the citizens I will be able to meet on the job. I see how passionate Karakura’s reporters are and I hope that I can share the same love and passion. I look around Karakura and see I can be a help, be a voice to the people. I hope to be just that, to help make an effort.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
I do not have a criminal record and do not plan on obtaining one.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, and English


#1 - General report.

Karakura’s Growing Population and Conditions

How much is too much? How will Karakura continue to withhold their growing population? It’s become apparent that Karakura is a thriving city that relies on the activity of its people to continue growing and blossoming as the beautiful city it is.

But, when is too much, too much? When will they run out of housing? Have they run out already? When taking a look around Karakura you’ll notice the constant battles for maintaining property, a battle that only seems to reign louder with more and more of Karakura’s youth entering their adolescence. How will Karakura solve this growing problem? Or is it already too late?

On another lighter note, thanks to Karakura’s continuous improvements the city has become less and less of a hazard. Worried about tripping and falling into Karakura’s massive sewer system? They’ve got you covered now. Worried your fancy new shoes will get tarnished from the puddles and streams within the forest? Look no further, bridges have come to rescue you. But, how will this affect us as a community? How will this help the problem at hand? Well, that is up for you to decide. How will you contribute to your known and loved city? Will it be helping the elderly woman you see cross the road? Or will it be volunteering to help your overworked teachers? It is up to you to decide how you can be the change you want to see. It starts with you.

But hey, you’ve seen our new streetlights, right? I’d say that’s a great beginning. We all know how dark those streets get in the night. Make suggestions, report what you see. We’ll be sure to slip in the dire concerns in upcoming articles. I can assure you this.

#2 - Interview.
Stepping Into The World of Sports

[!] The tape recorder had begun rolling and a creak would echo from the floorboards. [!]
Ken’ichi Sakata
“Are you aware and accept to having this interaction recorded?”
Keiji Ishida
“Yes sir, I am aware and accept.”​
“Perfect, let’s start off with a simple question; tell me about yourself, Keiji. Who are you?”

[!] There would be a stretch of silence and the uprising of quiet mumbling. [!]
“..I am a football player for the Karakura bobcats. I play defense and I’m eighteen years old.”​
“Do you find your experience as a football player enjoyable? Is there a weight placed on your shoulders when being a part of such a popular and well known team?”
“I mean, yeah. You gotta worry about Spartans hightailing you while being ready to kick a ball across the field.”​
“I see. So it’s a layer of stress you endure? How about in the dorms, do you feel safe there?”
“Oh. Well, I enjoy my time in the dorms. I have found my experiences fun and chaotic, a never ending cycle of running around with my team.”​
“Well, that’s good. Though, a mouse caught in a trap with cheese is still stuck in a trap, no?”
“How is your relationship with your teammates? Do you find you put the team in mate? Or does your team lack the construct of teamwork and exhibition?”
“We work together wel-…… wait, what the fu-”​

[!] Rustling could be heard before the audio would stop and cut off Keiji’s following words. [!]
“ said you work well together? So not great nor perfect? How about outside of the dorms? How does your team associate on school grounds?”
“We mostly catch up and play football together from time to time, y’know outside or practice. And aside from that we mostly just hang around in groups, socialize, and behave...”​
“....behave.. so it’s all about a social construct? Without it your team would be…?”
“A mess? no, it would be a disaster. We’d have no bond or friendship, I guess. Being a part of a team only works if you put effort into it.”​
“Disaster… would you mind elaborating on that a bit more?”
“What else is there to elaborate on? I mean, our team wouldn’t be able to function as a team without communication, bonding, or friendship.”​
“Hmm, and how is your relationship with your teammates? You mentioned bonding, what does your team do for bonding? Any spontaneous and thrilling activities? You are all still in your youth after all.”

[!] A chuckle would be heard from Sakata. [!]
“Well, for a mandatory practice… We did a bonding exercise with the Bobcats cheer team, which.. Didn’t go all too well. And no, I won’t elaborate on that. It wasn’t that fun for us as a team… ”​
“The cheer team? How fascinating. You guys must have some sort of positive relationship, no? What does the football and cheer team's interactions look like?”
“... I’m surprised Karakura’s school hasn’t burnt down yet. There is this one girl on the team who is legit a pyromaniac, although. There are some tolerable girls there, notably-”​

[!] The audio would be redacted here for privacy reasons. [!]
“...hasn’t burnt down, yes. I myself am shocked the school hasn’t burnt down. The sports teams have quite a way of making themselves known! Well, I’m sure those girls would be over their heels to know you tolerate them. How long have you been on the football team, Keiji?”
“Eeugh…. Anyway, uhh.. I’ve been on the team for a while now. I can’t really remember how long exactly but it's been at least a few months.”​
“A few months, yes. Well, I hope your experience with the football team continues to stay lively. I believe this concludes the majority of the interview… is there anything else you’d like to say?”
“Nope, nothing else.”​
“This concludes the remainder of the interview. Thank you for sitting down with me, Ishida.”

[!] The audio would end here. [!]

Further reports on Sports teams will be made.

Additional Information:

The account I am applying on will need to be aged up as it’s a newer account.​


Level 174
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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