The main account that I actively use is rikayo, however, my other alternative accounts would be tokyovibes and fatlesbo; the only time I am off of my rikayo account is when I am opening my shop on tokyovibes, or partaking in meetings on my fatlesbo account.
Explain your activity on the Server:
My activity often does fluctuate on the server, however, I often put in at least 10+ hours a day; on both accounts before the /ar check plugin was disabled, I had very close to 200 days in total combined between 2/4 of the accounts I use. I’m tabbed into the server almost at constant, however, I am usually tabbed into discord. Either way, I am available almost at a constant rate unless there is an emergency in real life; if anything were to come up and I would be unavailable, it will be brought up as soon as possible.
I will admit my activity does tend to fluctuate, however, I can guarantee that I will put in my best effort to both balance a well amount of activity on SchoolRP while still having a well balance between real life and the server.
What previous experience do you have working in a team?:
Over the past few years, my involvement in a group-oriented environment has progressed and improved throughout my experiences in multiple different fields of opportunities that I’ve taken. I can work well both alone and with involvement that regards others; This both involves in and out of the server, whether they were in real life or server-based, they’ve helped me improve in a team setting overall.
The next area I’ve taken teamwork capabilities in would be the School Council. I’ve had experience both in real life with this, as well as in the server too; Most experiences have been farther in the past, however, I know I had gained some sort of skill from both of them that I still continue to keep with me today.
I had joined the School Council on SchoolRP on 27/2/19; I’m not sure the exact date that I had left, however. The main event that I remember helping plan was the dance; regarding the date, organization, searching, things, and aspects similar to being able to hold the event without an issue. At the time there wasn’t much of an event team, so, for the most part, the School Council would manage a fair portion of the events seen on the server unless they were much larger or out of school-related. This helped me gain a sense of what events should carry/involve and how much organization, or thought should be put before they’re hosted. This was one of the first experiences I had on the server that worked within a group and is one I could easily apply to work in the Event Team.
Another experience I have had is regarding sports; I’m fully aware this is rather diverse from the fact of the event team, however, I have placed it here as I believe it is another bigger contributor to my experience of teamwork and/or the aspects needed to make it work out successfully. I’ll be providing both in real life, as well as internet-based experiences with this part similar to the last section as well.
One of the more recent opportunities that I’m still actively moving into and trying to improve within is the Highschool Cheer team. There's been moments of when being on the team issues have arisen; I believe once being put back onto this I was able to improve my communication immensely between players on the server. Before this point and my hiatus from the server, I was rather introverted overall and had a hard time speaking to players, let alone anyone who shared the same rank as me. Since first rejoining, I've developed more than I possibly could've thought and now am much more open, as well as actively communicating with others.
Regarding the team I had thought had impacted me in real life would be my more recent experience on a sports team, Volleyball; due to certain issues I haven’t been able to have more experience when it comes to this, however, my time on the team did help me majorly when it had come to working together and respecting the people you work with.
Another position I had taken earlier on in my experience with SchoolRP would be my hospital ranking; the Hospital is completely different compared to how it had been when I was let on, as there were much less active staff, and a smaller team at that. With this I had to adjust to often a smaller team with different people at constant, usually switching frequently. I admit I didn’t continue it for too long, maybe 5 months; I still believed this had helped me manage comfort and openness amongst people, especially diverse groups of them.
I’ve taken on multiple roles, ones of progress and ones I struggled through. With this, I do think it’s taught me lessons either way on how to work with others and how to communicate. Things such as my past staff experience and Shop Owner role were the two largest things to help me in this perspective; I did struggle immensely when I was placed into these roles, not knowing what to do and making some small mistakes here and there. Since then, I’ve been able to improve and look back on how to manage myself and how to manage to work with others.
There are more examples I could provide, however, these seemed to be the more impactive ones I could think of throughout recent events that have happened. My experience both through real life and the server over the years has greatly impacted me in more ways than one, and I believe I can perfectly cooperate within a team setting.
What makes you different from other applicants
I believe a lot of aspects that I carry could be an advantage out of other applicants that come to you. I’m positive in the reasoning I will further give, along with I can promise the fact that I have confidence in what I offer. I am not stating rather that others against me can or cannot provide the same, rather the fact that I can actively keep up, and promise what I provide should constantly be more than only satisfactory to every aspect that I am offering.
One of the more common aspects you may see among good candidates is the activity, mostly regarding the server itself or the discord servers that manage the majority of the community out of it. As said in the activity section, I’m usually on the server for around 10+ hours a day; usually, it ranges more in 14-16+ hours a day unless I'm cutting down hours. With this, I’m usually not busy the majority of the time unless issues would be going on OOCly, along with practices with my team. This gives me plenty of time throughout the day/week to think of or aid in creating event ideas and thoroughly plan them before proposing them. This gives more direct, clearer thoughts and cleaner sketches of future and improved plans that could be done.
Another thing I can promise is overall commitment and devotion while working with the Event Team. I believe I would have no issue with this aspect of the Team as you’re often given more freedom when coming up with ideas; this sort of thing wouldn’t directly ever go to bore you at any point, and/or become tiring within my eyes as you can constantly think of newer ideas, as well as experiences. This is something that goes to help entertain, as well as goes to give the players a fair glimpse at the fact they are involved with the community and the server's day-to-day development and improvement. This may be a factor some lack as they may not have the same drive as I have mentioned above; that goes to support the fact I could be an exemplary factor of your team over others if I were to be added and given the chance to prove so.
Additional factors could include the fact that I do leave my mind open to trying diverse ideas/proposals despite it being farther out of the common goal and/or things frequently seen. This would go to affect both my own vocalization and when listening to others ideas and such; I’m open to different ideas that may have not been attempted in the past, however alongside this I would make sure to avoid certain aspects of events that haven’t worked in the past or have been disliked by the majority of the players that had taken part in the event. Even if they were to provide an idea that is heavily similar to one that had previously been denied/disliked, the tactic of pulling the events aspects and parts apart to ****yze what could make a good event and what could make an event fail could easily be used without totally disregarding the idea proposed to the team. Of course, some ideas may not be manageable and/or overall not well, but I believe this sort of mindset when applied to your own feedback, and others could encourage more ideas to build off rather than having a mindset to disregard any rough idea with flaws that could be improved to create an enjoyable event both to host and to offer to the community. I do believe people don’t think of doing this before they think about what is hosted, due to the fact that majority it will be shut down and/or passed over without further digging into it for small issues, possibly involving time or they may just look over that.
I believe my way and overall commitment to coming up with ideas would make me stand out, as well. Due to all of my time that I had mentioned in the paragraphs above, I have a good amount of time to dissect each one and it’s aspects in order to improve it to the best of my ability. This leads to the fact that I could be able to gain players opinions on the events they have, as well as haven’t liked in the past and ask what things they thought made it a good/bad experience on the server. Getting opinions from active players who have attended these events seems important to me as it’s someone from the community's point of view, and if they have attended the events frequently it may be easier to tell what events they did or did not enjoy. This may put me at an advantage over other applicants as some may target specific events they were to only enjoy themselves, rather than the SchoolRP community.
I do have the tendency to be able to think of ideas quickly; they usually are very rough ideas, however, I can quickly go to improve them and/or adjust them to what the situation needs or what the flaws seen from others are. I use advice and feedback frequently, as it’s one of the more important things to create an almost flawless idea to present to the player base. However, I’m still not afraid to state newer ideas to try that we have not before. Trial/Error is always an aspect before something good comes out of it; it may be different due to the fact we do have to propose this idea to the entire community, however, an easy balance is to block out ideas we’ve had in the past that hadn’t been a good proposal, as well as the facts that created a well-rounded event with the newer idea to use.
Another thing I think is important is my overall strive for organization. I am not saying organization is the key to a good event, rather that it helps aid in getting what we, as well as the people partaking, would want out of it. Hosting an unorganized event usually will not turn out well if it is to happen at random without clear goals/meanings to the things added to it; they also should not be targeted towards one specific group. Of course, it isn’t as much of a flaw if it is only targeted towards students, however, if it was directed at a minority group, like the Adults on the server we wouldn’t see many outcomes for it due to there aren’t many adults compared to students on the server that are active at a constant. With an idea like that, the majority of the players wouldn’t be able to enjoy it, and/or even partake in any sort of aspect of it. I feel as if others may try to push these sorts of events targeting smaller portions of what the server offers to highlight them more, however, usually you can’t make a very large and/or enjoyable event if a high portion of people wouldn’t even be able to attend.
This leads me to my next reason; my overall effort and knowledge when it comes to planning events. I’m perfectly aware that I can clean up aspects that may not be the best when going to plan them, however, I believe this would be easy for me to adjust to. Most commonly I’m a good learner when it comes to topics such as this; I fully acknowledge certain things about my events ideas and/or how I go to get them may need to be adjusted if disliked.
Another thing is my overall teamwork skills mentioned in the above question; I do work well with people when placed into a group overall and have additional aspects I can bring to get the most out of it. Having a well-rounded manner when speaking, and collaborating with others is something I can easily go into as I usually stick to the topic at hand and stick to the most important factors about what we’re doing to finish it and perfect it together as much as we possibly could. Speaking openly about your ideas, and taking the feedback from your peers and using it accordingly is extremely important when collaborating on a project at hand. Some others may outright disagree with someone without going to understand their proposal fully, and/or may not try to help improve more on it.
I am also very good at working with the current members on the Event Team, at least from the experience I’ve had with the majority of them. I’m not a hostile person, nor have I ever been when working in a group or overall speaking to another person. I try to keep my response both respectful towards them and considerate, while also speaking my mind about things I see relevant to what topic we are on.
Something I see as important would be maturity. Now I do act immature and/or jokingly, however, this is only when I am in that environment with friends or people around me I know would be comfortable with that. I've had my struggle with this in the past, but I do believe strongly this has changed. I’m easily able to detect when things should, and shouldn’t be taken seriously and when maturity along with attentiveness would be required. I believe this should be taken into account as often others may not be able to keep to a certain topic without overly steering into something else when speaking about important matters; I’m not trying to explain this as if I am tense and/or completely serious when in a team, rather I know how to manage it accordingly so we don’t steer off of what is needed or allow it to affect what we are trying to currently do.
A relevant fact would be that I also know how to take criticism, and encourage it as well; I’m fully aware that my ideas may need improvement, or someone would like to add onto it. I’ve mentioned this frequently above how this is important to me when developing ideas, so I would respect anyone who would come to me with feedback. The reason I put this on why I should be accepted over others is some don’t take feedback correctly, and/or may never accept the opinions of others. Of course, I may not take feedback that others disagree with, however, if I see their point and/or others do I would be willing to adjust it without getting offended, and/or hurt over it.
An additional aspect that I can bring is I’m almost at constant availability to speak and enter calls. If it’s planned and I know I cannot make it, I can easily tell you at the soonest possible date. Besides that, however, I’m almost always available to speak and/or listen depending on what I would be needed for. In calls I am more open to vocalize my opinions and ideas compared to text most commonly, as I usually do feel more comfortable and see it as an easier way to receive feedback on what I state.
There are many people planning to or already have been applying for this and I am not saying specifically I can overtop every single person, rather the fact I could be highly beneficial and a good aspect to add to your team. The reasoning above, along with other factors may go to support this claim with what has been stated. I can promise everything above, as well as anything else that may be wanted and/or changed depending on the situation at hand or the views given towards me.
Provide a detailed event proposal that would be seen by the Event-Team
The main aspect of this event would be raising money for each side of the school. Due to the fact we most commonly don’t have sporting events, the sports teams, as well as the council, could come together on both sides to plan ideas representing their side of the school. Whoever would earn the most amount of money would win the event as a whole; however, throughout it, multiple events could be held as an entire group.
Clubs could have their own section if wanted as well, going to raise money for the selected group they’d like to take part in. On top of the clubs' booth would include the color for which side they are on to display which; clubs would be in charge of selling items rather than events.
Teams willing to participate will both be required to run their own booth, whether it be selling items and/or running some sort of event they would have to pay to participate in. This could range from small stands to larger games depending on what is wanted by the team's hosts.
◘ All booths will first be built and organized accordingly, outside of the area of the Track
Field and around it; the opposing sport, (Etc. College and Highschool Track) will be facing one another across from the field.
◘ All sport team members must first organize what their booth will be running before being entered onto the roster; there will be 3 members running each booth at max per school sport.
◘ There will be the Student Council at the entry selling tickets to the students; these will be around ¥100 yen per ticket.
◘ Each game participated in will cost a single ticket; this doesn’t include things such as merchandise that will be counted towards the total at a separate booth.
◘ Students will have between 25-30 Minutes to run through games and complete them before the total will be calculated by the Council; whoever earns the most, Spartans or Bobcats, will win a trophy along with winning the event total.
Extra, free events in between will be held every 15 minutes, concluding 2 total;
◘ 1st will be a Water War between selective students. Whoever is the last standing will represent their side of the school for the win; In their action, they must specify who they are spraying, along with sending out an equal role between both players.
◘ The 2nd will be a match of Tug-A-War, having 10 people per side of the rope. The winner will be determined of who beats the most rolls; such as let’s say the 2 people in front roll, the Spartan student wins over the Bobcats. That will count as a single tally towards the win, and the pattern will continue as tallies are taken until the end until the winner can be determined.
◘ Booths will be built along each side, along with their desired game(Such as a dunking booth, basketball, etc.) will be adjusted to match.
◘ The area should be fenced off around the outside of the booths to leave a small amount of space between lines.
The main aspect of this event would be raising money for each side of the school. Due to the fact we most commonly don’t have sporting events, the sports teams, as well as the council, could come together on both sides to plan ideas representing their side of the school. Whoever would earn the most amount of money would win the event as a whole; however, throughout it, multiple events could be held as an entire group.
Clubs could have their own section if wanted as well, going to raise money for the selected group they’d like to take part in. On top of the clubs' booth would include the color for which side they are on to display which; clubs would be in charge of selling items rather than events.
Teams willing to participate will both be required to run their own booth, whether it be selling items and/or running some sort of event they would have to pay to participate in. This could range from small stands to larger games depending on what is wanted by the team's hosts.
◘ All booths will first be built and organized accordingly, outside of the area of the Track
Field and around it; the opposing sport, (Etc. College and Highschool Track) will be facing one another across from the field.
◘ All sport team members must first organize what their booth will be running before being entered onto the roster; there will be 3 members running each booth at max per school sport.
◘ There will be the Student Council at the entry selling tickets to the students; these will be around ¥100 yen per ticket.
◘ Each game participated in will cost a single ticket; this doesn’t include things such as merchandise that will be counted towards the total at a separate booth.
◘ Students will have between 25-30 Minutes to run through games and complete them before the total will be calculated by the Council; whoever earns the most, Spartans or Bobcats, will win a trophy along with winning the event total.
Extra, free events in between will be held every 15 minutes, concluding 2 total;
◘ 1st will be a Water War between selective students. Whoever is the last standing will represent their side of the school for the win; In their action, they must specify who they are spraying, along with sending out an equal role between both players.
◘ The 2nd will be a match of Tug-A-War, having 10 people per side of the rope. The winner will be determined of who beats the most rolls; such as let’s say the 2 people in front roll, the Spartan student wins over the Bobcats. That will count as a single tally towards the win, and the pattern will continue as tallies are taken until the end until the winner can be determined.
◘ Booths will be built along each side, along with their desired game(Such as a dunking booth, basketball, etc.) will be adjusted to match.
◘ The area should be fenced off around the outside of the booths to leave a small amount of space between lines.
[This event was done when I was Staff and hadn't needed to apply; this had involved me, sw4ggy, and lawao, however I had things going on OOCly causing for me to not attend]
With the recent addition to Jobs such as News Reporter, Police, etc. and their program for Internships, a day could be dedicated to giving students the chance to take part in the sections they are most interested in. The event could be split into 3 parts;
The first part would be where the students would be called to the auditorium for an assembly between the school advisors and the Lead of each branch of jobs that will be present at the event. They could go into detail about certain aspects of why their job is important, what they do on an average day of work, and the main things they search for when looking for new members to add to their work environment.
The second part could lead to where they could have stands set up for the students to approach to ask questions about their job and/or any information they’d need if they would want to apply for the job in the future and be prepared. This could also include things and/or sheets that would quiz them on whether they’d be fit for the job, regarding how much knowledge they currently have and if their personality would fit with it.
The last section could be where they are given a demo of what it would be like to intern at one of the institutions; what would happen would be organized by the job leads. To manage size, they could be split into groups and move into different areas. Here they could show situations they often go through, and/or give them information and tips applicants should know or often forget.
The first part would be where the students would be called to the auditorium for an assembly between the school advisors and the Lead of each branch of jobs that will be present at the event. They could go into detail about certain aspects of why their job is important, what they do on an average day of work, and the main things they search for when looking for new members to add to their work environment.
The second part could lead to where they could have stands set up for the students to approach to ask questions about their job and/or any information they’d need if they would want to apply for the job in the future and be prepared. This could also include things and/or sheets that would quiz them on whether they’d be fit for the job, regarding how much knowledge they currently have and if their personality would fit with it.
The last section could be where they are given a demo of what it would be like to intern at one of the institutions; what would happen would be organized by the job leads. To manage size, they could be split into groups and move into different areas. Here they could show situations they often go through, and/or give them information and tips applicants should know or often forget.
We could host an event, similar to the annual Olympics in Karakura. However, it would be hosted on the school grounds as it’s where the majority of the plugins are placed; the only issue would be that we would have to allow adults to enter school grounds for this. 4-5 people wanting to be involved could be placed as the “Sponsors”, and the main Judges/Hosts of it. This could be mentioned 1-2 weeks before being hosted, where people wanting to join could go to get their attributes raised to the max. People would have to enter onto it by the forum and/or DMing the hosts their IGN/RPName where they would be added to the game, the max amount of people could be 20-30 participants.
They could be divided into groups of 6, where they would have a selected color that would display them differently from the other teams, where Jackets displaying their color could be placed onto their skins to tell them apart from one another. The “Olympics” could include Sports like Swim, Volleyball, and Dodgeball that could be done in different branches, the last people standing taking the win for their team.
To make this more server-wide, the News Team could be producing announcements regarding the process, scores, and winners of it overall. People could watch this on bleachers, where Shops could place stands to sell food items to the attendees to snack on as they watched over it. Since this is more of an IC event overall, it would make sense for the reward to include IC Yen/Prize rather than something OOCly.
◘ The event would first start off with one member from each team being assigned of a sport; Such as Team “Green” would have Player A playing Basketball, B Volleyball, C Football, D Baseball, E Dodgeball; Judges will be placed at a table at each of these areas.
◘ Players will have 10 minutes of free time before any of the sport activity events begin to get items, food, etc. of the booths offered by shops.
◘ The first match will be Volleyball, where 1 member per team will be placed onto the court. Whichever player scores the most points will be the overall winner, which will gain a tally towards their teams win. This will continue on through Foobtall, Dodgeball, Basketball, and Baseball.
◘ At the last match, Baseball, every team will send 3 members onto the field to play; this will go to add 2 points onto whoevers total.
◘ Whoever wins the most matches, will win prize money (250k spread evenly depending on the Team Leader) along with a trophy per member.
◘ Booths could be built along the entryway of the school heading towards the Main Entry
◘ Small tables next to every field for Supervisors to watch over.
We could host an event, similar to the annual Olympics in Karakura. However, it would be hosted on the school grounds as it’s where the majority of the plugins are placed; the only issue would be that we would have to allow adults to enter school grounds for this. 4-5 people wanting to be involved could be placed as the “Sponsors”, and the main Judges/Hosts of it. This could be mentioned 1-2 weeks before being hosted, where people wanting to join could go to get their attributes raised to the max. People would have to enter onto it by the forum and/or DMing the hosts their IGN/RPName where they would be added to the game, the max amount of people could be 20-30 participants.
They could be divided into groups of 6, where they would have a selected color that would display them differently from the other teams, where Jackets displaying their color could be placed onto their skins to tell them apart from one another. The “Olympics” could include Sports like Swim, Volleyball, and Dodgeball that could be done in different branches, the last people standing taking the win for their team.
To make this more server-wide, the News Team could be producing announcements regarding the process, scores, and winners of it overall. People could watch this on bleachers, where Shops could place stands to sell food items to the attendees to snack on as they watched over it. Since this is more of an IC event overall, it would make sense for the reward to include IC Yen/Prize rather than something OOCly.
◘ The event would first start off with one member from each team being assigned of a sport; Such as Team “Green” would have Player A playing Basketball, B Volleyball, C Football, D Baseball, E Dodgeball; Judges will be placed at a table at each of these areas.
◘ Players will have 10 minutes of free time before any of the sport activity events begin to get items, food, etc. of the booths offered by shops.
◘ The first match will be Volleyball, where 1 member per team will be placed onto the court. Whichever player scores the most points will be the overall winner, which will gain a tally towards their teams win. This will continue on through Foobtall, Dodgeball, Basketball, and Baseball.
◘ At the last match, Baseball, every team will send 3 members onto the field to play; this will go to add 2 points onto whoevers total.
◘ Whoever wins the most matches, will win prize money (250k spread evenly depending on the Team Leader) along with a trophy per member.
◘ Booths could be built along the entryway of the school heading towards the Main Entry
◘ Small tables next to every field for Supervisors to watch over.
Planned for an August Event, a Ghost Festival could be hosted; during this festival, as per usual usual Shops/Buisnesses can open up stands throughout the area [Most likely down the mountain from the Shrines,] where mini-games can be held like fortune telling, bag toss, etc.
An area could be set up [A small, stage area] where performers can sing, dance, etc. as well as perform. People involved with the school, such as theatre, could be involved with this event where they could set something up.
After the performances and a small amount of time for people to purchase merchandise, where they can also get offerings towards those who have passed. A time will be set to where they can give the offerings towards the deceased, and shortly after they have the option to purchase lanterns to lift into the sky to honor those who have passed.
Planned for an August Event, a Ghost Festival could be hosted; during this festival, as per usual usual Shops/Buisnesses can open up stands throughout the area [Most likely down the mountain from the Shrines,] where mini-games can be held like fortune telling, bag toss, etc.
An area could be set up [A small, stage area] where performers can sing, dance, etc. as well as perform. People involved with the school, such as theatre, could be involved with this event where they could set something up.
After the performances and a small amount of time for people to purchase merchandise, where they can also get offerings towards those who have passed. A time will be set to where they can give the offerings towards the deceased, and shortly after they have the option to purchase lanterns to lift into the sky to honor those who have passed.
A local shop within Karakura has had an accident! At another one of their average openings, someone bumps into one of the animal cages, which eventually leads to the chaos of them breaking loose throughout Karakura..
◘ The event will first start off with an average opening, of a shop, (This is something I plan to transform Mokuzai into.. If I don’t get the shop, you can use my Monkey Custom for the animals???)
◘ If able to go through with it IC, (My shop being available to take part), a selected person will initiate the event by bumping into one of the cages.. This basically causes havoc, where multiple animals are able to escape.
◘ A /event will be released announcing the sudden misfortune; similar to the old news report; possibly the intercom if not available to use, as the Journalist Club overtook the news reporters.
◘ Through the day, small clues will be given one by one as to where the animals are generally located. Whoever finds them the quickest, or whoever gets to them first, will be given a cash reward.
◘ The “Animals” will be player items in item frames, that will be watched over in vanish to make sure they’re returned to the shop owner. Every time they find an animal, they’re required to take the item back before they move on the next to make sure no one tries to keep it themselves.
◘ Nothing else will be needed, other than a few item frames where the animals will be placed in opposing areas.
A local shop within Karakura has had an accident! At another one of their average openings, someone bumps into one of the animal cages, which eventually leads to the chaos of them breaking loose throughout Karakura..
◘ The event will first start off with an average opening, of a shop, (This is something I plan to transform Mokuzai into.. If I don’t get the shop, you can use my Monkey Custom for the animals???)
◘ If able to go through with it IC, (My shop being available to take part), a selected person will initiate the event by bumping into one of the cages.. This basically causes havoc, where multiple animals are able to escape.
◘ A /event will be released announcing the sudden misfortune; similar to the old news report; possibly the intercom if not available to use, as the Journalist Club overtook the news reporters.
◘ Through the day, small clues will be given one by one as to where the animals are generally located. Whoever finds them the quickest, or whoever gets to them first, will be given a cash reward.
◘ The “Animals” will be player items in item frames, that will be watched over in vanish to make sure they’re returned to the shop owner. Every time they find an animal, they’re required to take the item back before they move on the next to make sure no one tries to keep it themselves.
◘ Nothing else will be needed, other than a few item frames where the animals will be placed in opposing areas.
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