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Accepted rioosss | Doctor Application


Level 44

IGN (In-Game Name):

rioosss (APPLYING)

What is your discord username?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I spend nearly all my hours on SchoolRP roleplaying with my basketball character, mainly engaging in JockRP and StudentRP. On my basketball account, I've focused on gaining attributes to improve my skills with the basketball plugin. Besides that, I also spend time on my adult account, roleplaying with other members of my character's family. In addition to my activity on the server, I engage with many people on the discord server dedicated to the emergency factions, primarily speaking with my friends who are part of the EMS and KPD. I've acquired a playtime of over 5 months across all my accounts. I've also been extremely active on SRP mostly since it's summer and my schedule is nearly clear every day of the week.

What is your timezone?:


List your current and past applications:



What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

My first ever roleplay experience was with SchoolRP when I began roleplaying in March of 2023. It had not been a very long time since I joined the SchoolRP community, but during that short time, I was able to take part in a variety of roleplays, such as StudentRP, GangRP, CopRP, and FamilyRP. I've only ever roleplayed on minecraft, and although I wasn't particularly talented at it at first, I've learned how to improve at roleplaying and become more capable of DetailRP after involving myself in communities and factions. I've gained a lot of experience and love for roleplay from the friends I made on SchoolRP. They have taught me the majority of what there is to know about roleplaying on SchoolRP.

What is your motivation for applying?:

To be honest, the community is the main reason. I adore spending time with the emergency factions. I would really love to be among my close friends again, since they are all either in the KPD or EMS. Furthermore, since I first joined SchoolRP, EMS has been one of the main factions I've wished to join. I love the roleplay and the community that surrounds EMS. I'm interested in knowing what it's like to roleplay as a member of the EMS faction, particularly in the doctor department. Building my reputation has always been a major reason for me applying to factions, especially emergency factions. Although it was a year ago, I've always been dedicated to trying to improve my reputation within the server and move past the GangRP reputation I earned.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?:

Despite the fact that I've never been in the Hospital faction, my time in the Police faction gave me some understanding of how the Hospital faction works, however I still have many things to learn. I became familiar with some of the Hospital faction's rankings and positions.


Arguably, the most significant role in the hospital has to be that of a doctor. They need to be exceptionally patient. They are medical professionals whose responsibilities involve diagnosing illnesses, attending to civilian wounds, and performing check-ups in the hopes of preventing more serious illnesses. They are qualified to perform surgeries and write prescriptions for medications.


Ensuring that civilians are in a state of mental wellness is one of the responsibilities of a psychiatrist. In specific circumstances, their job is basically to speak with a number of different people in a day, so they must be understanding, compassionate, and patient in order to do their job well and give you the right diagnosis. After the diagnosis, they must see if it is necessary to give the civilian specific prescription medication.

Rankings from the highest to lowest in the Doctor Division:

Director, Clinical Manager, Doctor Clinical Lead, Clinical Supervisor, Attending Doctor, Senior Doctor Resident , Doctor Resident and Doctor Trainee .

Rankings from the highest to lowest in the Psychiatrist Division:

Director, Clinical Manager, Psychiatrist Clinical Lead, Clinical Supervisor, Attending Psychiatrist , Senior Psychiatrist Resident, Psychiatrist Resident and Psychiatrist Trainee.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?:

Yes, I acknowledge and understand that I could be demoted at any time if accepted.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?:

Yes, I acknowledge that I must be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role otherwise I risk the chance of losing the role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?:

Yes, I acknowledge that I must attend training when online.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?:

Yes, I acknowledge and understand that I cannot take things OOCly when dealing with trainings and situations.

Character’s Full Name:

Zentarō Saiky

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Male, He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):


Character’s Academic Background
(Grade-12/Bachelor/Masters/PhD): Neuroscience, followed by a Master’s degree in Criminology.

Character’s Nationality:


Character’s Marital Status:


Character’s Religious Denomination:


Character’s Spoken Languages:

Japanese, Jin.

Backstory (100+ Words):


Born within the beautiful walls of the Saiky Estate, specifically the Teikoku House of Imperials, Zentaro Saiky was the eldest child of Hifume and Yuzuki Saiky. Raised primarily by his father and grandfather, Hifume and Yariama Saiky, Zentarō was instilled with the importance of their important lineage from an early age. He quickly embraced his privileged status, understanding what it meant to be born into Yariama's house. Throughout his life, Zentarō demonstrated traits of arrogance and egotism, often relying on attendants to handle tasks he was fully capable of managing himself. His hatred for those beneath his status was a well kept secret, especially from his great grandfather, Junpei Saiky. Despite his flaws, Zentarō was undeniably a bright child. In Saiky customs and tradition, It was mandatory to choose an instrument as a young child, and so he chose the violin as his instrument and played it with near perfection from the moment he first picked it up. Academically, he consistently achieved perfect marks, earning a reputation as a child genius.

Zentarō was one who deeply enjoyed being the centre of parent's attention however After the birth of his younger sibling, Zentarō was no longer the centre of attention. Zentarō felt that it was no longer just about him, despite the fact he was already receiving attention from his caretakers and parents. He hoped his parents would only pay attention to him, he would soon come to realise that was not going to happen as the world in fact did not revolve around Zentarō. Zentarō loved his sister, however he felt obligated to share his parents' love with her. This situation only got worse for Zentarō when learned that his mother was expecting another child, in the same year. Despite what he thought in his head, Zentarō continued to show his parents respect and pretended to be pleased with the news. One could argue that Zentarō was a very self-centred child who wanted his parents' love to be exclusively for him. When Zentarō's siblings were born, his entire world fell apart. It took Zentarō some time to really acknowledge his love for his siblings, and that came shortly after the birth of his youngest and last sister, Ren. After Ren was born, Zentarō realised the value of his siblings.

Teenage Years

Throughout Zentarō's teenage years, he participated in various clubs and sports, forming friend groups in diverse circles. Although he was primarily focused on his studies, Zentarō made time for numerous hobbies. He was mostly known for his academic achievements, which overshadowed his other pursuits. Despite his school commitments, Zentarō often spent time at his estate, making the lives of his younger cousins miserable with pranks that would give the average person a heart attack. Seen as the troublesome child, he was frequently scolded by his father, Hifume.

For the majority of his teenage years, Zentarō struggled to decide what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He considered becoming a doctor like his cousin Katsuhito or an officer like his cousin Daiki. Zentarō felt confident that he could meet the academic requirements for both job options, and he did. concentrating on studies in medicine and criminology. He put a lot of effort into his studies, passing Advanced classes with perfect grades.


Zentarō Saiky’s life took quite a disastrous turn when he had learned of his father's unexpected death. Zentarō was left to take care of his two younger sisters, Ren and Tori Saiky, when his mother, Yuzuki Saiky, returned to her own house following this unfortunate tragedy. Zentarō was profoundly affected by these terrible losses, which had a big impact on who he is till this very day. He chose to emotionally isolate himself from his sisters, placing them in the care of caretakers, while he became focused in his studies due to his overwhelming grief. The years of pain and emotional neglect transformed him into a harsh man, often hurting the ones he loved most with his behavior. Zentarō took advantage of the chance to study abroad at Harvard after graduating from Karakura High School in an attempt to leave the city that had caused him so much sorrow. Once he had finally earned his Ph.D in Neuroscience, he returned home to Karakura and took up a temporary job as a police officer for Karakura's police department before moving his attention to Karakura’s hospital.

Zentarō had an extremely difficult time serving as a police officer; he was frequently the target of gangs and had been hurt in a number of incidents. Although Zentarō didn't appreciate most of his time working as a police officer, he was pleased with the friends he made there. Zentarō came to the realization that a career in medicine was what he was meant to do following his kidnapping. The unsettling experience had left a permanent mark on him. Never again would he display the cruelty that had once defined him. The once arrogant and entitled Zentarō Saiky had learned a lesson in humility that he would never forget. He knew he could no longer carry the job of a police officer. Then finally, in June, Zentarō completed his application to Karakura's hospital.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?:

Neurology & Neurosurgery

At the young age of ten, Zentarō Saiky received the news that his father had passed away from severe brain trauma after having been involved in a car accident. The loss of his father had affected him so greatly that he became determined and passionate about preventing others from sharing her fate and making certain that no one was forced to endure the kind of pain that he had. Zentarō specialized in neurology for the better part of his studies and career in medicine and even took upon studying it as a child. It was never difficult for Zentarō to decide on what speciality to choose because he had his mind made up from the start. Neurology was always the area that most interested him as a child, studying further ahead and taking advanced classes just to learn more about Neurology. It was no surprise that he instantly chose to specialize in Neurology.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?:

He applied for a residency at Massachusetts General Hospital shortly after receiving his Ph.D. in neuroscience from Harvard Medical School. He spent about three years there before returning to Karakura and taking a short-term position as a law enforcement officer.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?:

Not yet. He intends for Karakura hospital to be his first Medical related job experience.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?:

No, after accomplishing his Ph.D in Neuroscience, Zentarō didn't feel the need to continue pursuing any further education.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?:

Zentarō Saiky appears to be a very athletic and slim male, weighing about 170 pounds and standing at the tall height of 6 feet and 2 inches. His height is usually the first thing that draws people's attention, as he tends to surround himself with friends and family members who typically stand no taller than 6 feet. The next noticeable feature is his dirty-blonde hair, which falls in a messy yet charming style that complements his sea-blue eyes. His skin is incredibly pale, nearly white as snow, and almost flawless, free of wrinkles and imperfections, as if he hasn't experienced a stressful day in his life.

If you catch Zentarō wearing shorter-sleeved shirts, you'd notice the many tattoos that stain his skin, telling stories of his past. The most noticeable ones are the names 'Tori' and 'Ren' on his right arm. Zentarō enjoys being the center of attention and goes above and beyond with his appearance, commonly dressing in elegant attire consisting of suits and kimonos. If you were close to Zentarō, you'd often catch a lingering scent of coconuts around him.

body (2).png
How does your character act on and off duty?:

On Duty

Zentaro is Usually found at the front desk and is always willing to help people who walk through the hospital’s doors. Even when it comes to patients who tend to be impolite or disrespectful, Zentaro is direct in his responses. He cuts up conversations swiftly when it comes to aggressive individuals in the hospital in order to avoid unwanted misunderstandings or.. other problems. He is somewhat reserved and has a tendency to keep to himself. Though recent circumstances have made him more private, this wasn't always the case. He frequently studies neuroscience and any new discoveries in the subject during his break time.

Off Duty

When Zentaro isn't working, he generally hides himself within his estate's walls and reads, glances upon the night skies, or simply goes on little strolls. Zentaro would regularly invite his former coworkers to his home, where they would sit down for straightforward breakfasts and tea and discuss the most dull subjects imaginable. Despite how boring the topics were, it always satisfied Zentaro as he enjoyed being around his friends. Apart from that, he maintains his healthy lifestyle by going on lengthy jogs when he does eventually leave his estate.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?:

Zentarō Saiky discovered that he is effective when working both by himself and with a team. In the operating room, Regardless of the amount of people present, he will only look at his tools and the patient who is lying on the hospital bed that he is operating surgery on. He acknowledges teamwork is needed and performs well in a larger group in anywhere other than the operating room as when he is in the operating room, he prefers to work alone and have complete control over the room with no distractions besides another doctor passing him a tool. Zentarō values teamwork since he is aware that he can't manage a more serious situation, such as multiple patients in need of immediate care, without the assistance of the hospital team. Zentarō prefers to work alone when conducting a surgery, but apart from that, he is more than capable of working with his co-workers as a team.

What plans does your character have for the future?:

Zentarō hoped that in the future he’d have his own clinic somewhere in the world, most likely Japan or the USA. He desired to grow into a highly respected doctor in Karakura as well as the rest of the world. His goal was to feel worthy enough to hold the Saiky name and to bring pride to his family, especially his father. He is motivated, like the majority of doctors, to save lives and ensure that no one must endure the pain of losing a loved one as a result of a preventable situation. He wants to inspire his future children in pursuing a career in the medical field, whether it be a doctor or a psychiatrist. He hopes they could be honored to have him as their father.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?:

People perceive Zentarō in many different ways, they typically range from stern and unfriendly to overly serious and occasionally frightening to young children. Zentarō unintentionally displays those vibes through his intense resting face. People frequently assume Zentarō has a huge ego and believes he is superior to everyone else. He doesn't put much effort into changing that impression since, apart from those who are important to him, he doesn't give much thought to what other people think of him. Zentarō doesn't think of himself as a harsh or unkind man but rather, he thinks of himself as kind to the people who are significant to him.

Although Zentarō doesn't try much to change other people's perceptions of him, he would prefer that people think of him the same way he thinks of himself, which as said before is a highly just and fair person. He fears that his family's perception of him may be influenced by what outsiders think of him. He hopes that his family, especially the younger generation of his family, will continue to see him in the way he sees himself.
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Level 237
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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