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rioseidon | KPD APPLICATION #3


Level 57

IGN (In-Game Name):

rioseidon (APPLYING)

Discord Name & Tag:

Discord name - rios.
Tag - rioseidon

Which timezone are you in?:


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:



Describe your activity on the server:

I consider myself to be fairly active on SchoolRP. My activity ranges from 7-9 hours daily. I'm usually online on my two main accounts, rioscope and riospace. One of the main reasons I'm active on the server is due to the fact I typically participate in a variety of roleplays such as in StudentRP or FamilyRP. Most of my time is spent building character roleplay and lore. On Discord, I constantly interact with friends in emergency factions within the lobby channel of the emergency discord. Although I do have a focus for my OOC schooling, my school typically has a lower demand for homework and assignments which allows me to be very active within the server. Since moving to a new country with a time zone I've struggled to adjust to, I took a two week break from SRP. During this time, I focused on figuring out how to be active on the server according to my new timezone. Over the past few weeks, I've successfully managed to stay fairly active on the server and kept up with the roleplays I had developed before my move. I am now as active as I was when I was in my EST time zone, and sometimes even more so. I frequently stay up an hour or two later during weekends to roleplay with friends or attend serverwide or family events.

Sunday ┈➤ [ Sunday is my first and longest day of school, and I usually get home around 3-4 PM. After that, I eat lunch and hop on SRP for about 5-6 hours. During this time, I roleplay with my main characters, explore the map to gain attributes. With this, I’m capable of involving myself in KPD situations and meet my necessary quota. ]
Monday ┈➤ [ Monday is my second day of school, and it's very similar to Sunday. I'm able to be active, involve myself in KPD situations, and usually meet my quota. ]
Tuesday ┈➤ [ On Tuesdays, school typically ends much earlier, allowing me to get home by 2-3 PM. After completing my OOC homework, I can hop on SRP much earlier and once again, be active within the KPD faction. ]
Wednesday ┈➤ [ Wednesdays are as short as Tuesdays for school, but I have extracurricular activities, such as being part of my school's football team. I usually get home around 5 PM after practice. Then, I log onto SRP, where I'm able to be active within the KPD or engage in my other roleplays outside of the KPD. ]
Thursday ┈➤ [ Thursday's schedule is exactly the same as Wednesday, except football practice is shorter, so I get home around 4 PM and usually hop onto SRP right after. ]
Friday ┈➤ [ Since I recently moved to a new country where the school week runs from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Saturday as weekends, I usually spend Fridays playing SRP. During this time, I am able to involve myself in KPD situations, KPD related roleplay, complete logs, or handle any necessary tasks to meet my quota and demonstrate my activity. ]
Saturday ┈➤ [ Saturday is my second day of the weekend, and like Friday, it follows a similar routine. I typically spend most of the day playing SRP or other games with friends. If accepted into the KPD, Saturdays would be one of my most active days, as I would dedicate a significant portion of my time to being involved with the faction, just like on Fridays.]

Despite having schedules, I don't always strictly follow them. I often stay up late or wake up early to play SRP with friends from different timezones, like EST or BST.

What is your motivation for applying?:

It's no secret that KPD has always been my favorite faction. When I wrote my first application, my goal was to "try out" KPD and see if it was the right fit for me, while also exploring other factions like council, teacher, and EMS. None of those factions resonated with me the way KPD did. Despite enjoying my experiences with other factions, they never compared to the KPD. That's why I'm writing my third KPD application today, to return to the faction I consider home.

ೃ⁀➷ ❝ Your journey isn’t necessarily over, just take this as

a small break and as if you never even left.❞ - draculary

And so I did. Taking the advice of my good friend, Ary, I decided to view my KPD departure as a break. It, however, was much easier said than done, it required a lot of effort to not dwell on how much I missed my friends, the KPD community, and the faction as a whole for the past few months. When I departed from the KPD, I truly believed that my journey with the faction was over, thinking my OOC life had taken too much priority and I’d never be able to focus on the KPD or improve on the things I needed to. But then one day, I decided to join a voice call with a KPD friend of mine, which completely changed my perspective.

During this time, I spent more time bonding with some of my KPD friends. Over the months, they helped me improve, balance my OOC life and SRP, and ultimately became one of the main factors for my decision to reapply. Besides my KPD friends, I've also had a deep aspiration to go far in the KPD, more specifically the Detective Division as I've always felt the need to prove myself, to show that I could be exactly what the KPD hoped I would be from the very first time I joined the faction. I want to give real meaning to my Police Legacy role and leave behind a reputation that others will remember and look back on as something positive that happened within the faction rather than constantly hear about how much potential I had that was wasted due to my personal issues, I want to be remembered for the positive contributions I made to the faction and hopefully this application will give me that chance.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Having been in the KPD twice, I've gained a great deal of knowledge on police work, which I will list below.

The Commissioner oversees the entire Karakura Police Department, including both the main division and the detective division. As the highest-ranking officer in the force, the Commissioner leads the KPD.
Detective Superintendent
The Detective Superintendent Inspector is the highest ranking officer in the detective division, holding a rank equal to that of the main division captain. The DSI leads the detective division and manages private cases with other members of their division.
The Police Captain is the second highest ranking officer in the main division, directly beneath the Commissioner. They are considered the Commissioner’s second hand and have authority over the entire police station alongside the Detective superintendent in the Commissioner’s absence.
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Chief Inspectors are high ranking officers in the Detective division, ranked directly under the Detective Superintendent Inspector. They hold authority over lower-ranking officers in both the main and detective divisions and are of equal rank to Lieutenants. DCIs are more hands on with detective cases.
Lieutenants are the lowest ranking higher ups in the main division. Their primary responsibilities include notifying the Captain or Commissioner of any misconduct by lower ranking officers and directly leading any stressful situations as they are normally most qualified to handle them. They also are typically the ones who conduct line ups and hand out tasks to the rest of the force.
Detective Inspector
Detective Inspectors are qualified to handle important cases and are typically tasked with leading investigations. They assist in training new detective constables and perform stakeouts with the DSI's permission.
Sergeants are main division officers who play a crucial role in maintaining control within the department alongside Lieutenants. They undergo training for the Lieutenant position and are responsible for training cadets as well as they are qualified to conduct Line ups. They are typically the commanding officers.
Detective Sergeant
Detective Sergeants are detectives who have recently passed their exams and are working to prove themselves for a potential promotion to Detective Inspector. They are qualified to train constables and cadets.
Corporals are main division officers who have just become qualified to train and teach new cadets. They are often placed in more dangerous situations alongside patrol officers and are responsible for informing Sergeants of any misconduct.
Detective Constable
Constables are of equal rank to corporals or in some cases patrol officers. They are selected based on their demonstrated level of interest, as observed by the DSI and the detective higher up team.
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officers are officers who have just passed all their training and exams. They are qualified to participate in all procedures and situations, except for detective procedures like stakeouts and investigations, which are reserved for detectives.
Cadets are new officers who have yet to take their examinations and evaluations to become Patrol Officers. Cadets primarily handle less dangerous tasks as they are not yet trained for more critical procedures such as raids or gang situations. They spend about two weeks in informational and physical training to prepare for their exams, which, if passed, will allow them to become official Patrol Officers.

Stun Blaster
A stun blaster is used to prevent individuals from resisting or evading. The maximum range of the taser is 8 blocks, though it is better to use it when you are 4 blocks. When an individual is moving, actioning to stun isn’t required but if they were to be moving, you must action to tase. You don’t need to roll to tase anyone no matter what circumstance. 3 SECOND COOL DOWN. STUNNED FOR 1 OOC MINUTE.
Police Radio
A police radio is used to communicate with other officers, primarily through the use of radio codes. 10-20, 10-19, 10-12, 10-8, 10-4 and lastly, 10-16. To avoid potential metagame, I won’t list the meanings behind the Radio codes.
Body Camera
A body camera works very similarly to CCTV. They cannot be taken off in any way. Body cameras can be destroyed with one hit of a metal bat and two hits with a fist.
Riot Shield
Riot shields are used to protect officers from attacks by criminals and can also be used to push attackers away. They are muggable if the officer is knocked out.
Handcuffs are used to restrain an individual, typically by securing their arms, they can also be used on ankles during interrogations.
Police Baton
A baton is a weapon used by police officers normally when inmates are causing a disruption in the cells or if their opponent needs to be knocked out immediately. It has a 2 block range and can knock out an opponent in 2 hits. The baton can be mugged if the officer is knocked unconscious.
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is used to temporarily blind an individual to prevent them from causing harm to you or others. The individual will be blinded for 30 seconds when sprayed.
Tranquilizers are used to knock opponents unconscious for 2 OOC minutes. It's used in extremely dangerous situations when a criminal has a deadly weapon in hand and must be disarmed immediately.
Luminol Spray
Luminol Spray is used to identify blood and/or dents on weaponry. This item is ItemRP’d.
Police Vehicles
The KPD has two different vehicles, The police cruiser and police bike. Police bikes are handed out to officers who have reached the Corporal/Detective Constable and Detective Sergeant Rank. Police Cruisers are handed to Detective Inspectors/Sergeants and higher ups.
Crowbars are given to Patrol officers and above. They are used during raids to find any possible illegal weaponry.
Police Badge
A police badge sits on your uniform and is used to identify your callsign.

Desk Duty
Desk duty takes around 45 IC minutes. You’re only able to log 3 Desk Duty quotas a day. It's very simple, all it takes is officers seated at the front desk to provide any sort of help that citizens may need. With desk duty you may receive reports, file protective custody logs or fine disruptive individuals in the lobby.
Patrolling includes going to specific routes around Karakura in order to find and possibly stop any criminal activity from continuing. You’re only able to log 2 patrol quotas per day.
Court Assistance
Officers are sometimes needed during court trials, especially when it's a criminal trial. A minimum of 4 officers are needed at court trials.
Interrogations are reserved for only detectives as they are trained in this task. Interrogations happen when there isn’t significant evidence to charge someone.
Raids occur when someone has been arrested for a weapon related charge. 3 officers are normally needed to conduct a raid.
Line-ups occur when main division officers such as Sergeants and Lieutenants are able to conduct them. Line-ups happen at the KPD rooftop where everyone gets handed their tasks for the day.
There are two types of arrests: Misdemeanor and Felony. Felony arrests earn 4 quota points, while Misdemeanor arrests earn 2.
Report Taking
Report taking typically occurs during desk duty. It's a simple process where a civilian walks into the station to report a crime. These reports are usually taken seriously when there’s solid IC evidence.
Inmate Care
Inmate care is sometimes known as JailRP, It involves roleplaying out your jailed characters in Karakura prison. Officers can take inmates to the cafeteria or the courtyard to perform tasks and engage in activities.
Case Updates
Case updates can only be performed by detectives. When a detective is leading or involved in a case, they may update it with additional important information that might be needed.
There are three types of training in the KPD, Cadet training, Sergeant training, and Detective training. Cadet training takes place when a new wave of cadets are accepted. Sergeant training occurs when officers are promoted to the Sergeant rank. Detective training is conducted when select officers are deemed trustworthy enough to become detectives.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

From an OOC perspective, the KPD brings a unique aspect of roleplay that in my personal opinion, no other faction can offer. The KPD is important in supporting the GangRP community through roleplay, lore, and events. The KPD also allows many other factions and communities to engage in unique roleplay experiences, and KPD events often involve the entire SchoolRP community. I believe that no other faction, aside from BMD and the GangRP community, can bring as much roleplay and excitement to the server as the KPD does. I believe the KPD also works directly with the EMS and Town factions in criminal cases and doctor reports, and sometimes with school factions, such as sports teams, when rivalries get out of hand and KPD’s presence is needed. From an IC perspective, the KPD exists for upholding the law and ensuring the city's safety from masked criminals who lurk around the power plant or the sewers. Karakura, despite being a small city, has an insanely high crime rate, mostly involving the youth, with 18 year olds knocking people out with bats and mugging 5k in the power plant and gangs attempting to take over the city by marking their presence with spray painting on building walls. The KPD is needed for many things in this city, it’s a police force that brings a sort of balance to the crime filled environment. The KPD is simply meant to prevent crime from continuing. The KPD adds believability and realism to roleplay, making the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:

Yes, I acknowledge that if training is held while I’m online, that I must attend it or I’ll be punished.

What's your character's full name?:

Elijah Axelsson

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:


Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters in Criminology following a Bachelors in Psychology.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Elijah is only fluent in Japanese, however he is in the process of learning Jin.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ His appearance ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah Axelsson was a very tall, slender, and athletic man who weighed 160 pounds and stood at a height of 5 feet 11 inches. Elijah's medium length, chestnut brown locks were the main feature that attracted the public's attention. This physical characteristic is shared by all members of his family, but in the public eye, Elijah stood out for his unique appearance. Elijah Axelsson had excellent skin displaying an olive skin tone, absent of any flaws, thanks to his daily strict skin care routine. Elijah Axelsson was frequently referred to as a "gym man" by his family members on account of his involvement in numerous martial arts related sports, including boxing, taekwondo, and other forms of martial arts. However, boxing was his main sport. His life revolved on his health, and boxing served as a form of therapy. He would maintain his muscular appearance by exercising consistently. Elijah wasn't the kind to wear suits; instead, he wore whatever made him comfortable. He frequently wore extremely casual attire and didn't think he needed to go above and beyond for any event. Apart from funerals, which are the lone exception! Another thing that comes to Elijah’s physical appearance, there's something abnormal about it that he wouldn’t exactly consider unique, just different in a sense- he has a massive scar on his back. It's a large scratch, likely from an animal, possibly a lion or a wolf. The scar is usually hidden by his clothing, and even when Elijah goes swimming, he wears a t-shirt to avoid anyone seeing it. He believes the scar is something that should be hidden, thinking no one needs to be distracted by it or be curious of the story behind it.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ What makes him unique ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah's ability to continuously remain in shape and maintain beautifully kept skin, hair, and other physical characteristics is, in my opinion, what makes him truly unique. That may not be of much significance as millions of others have undoubtedly developed that skill however Elijah is a committed martial artist who spent years building his vision of the "perfect" look, but it still took him some time to get there. If Elijah wasn't so passionate about boxing, he probably wouldn't be as committed to keeping that appearance. Along with his physical appearance, Elijah is exceptionally kind and will typically offer you comfort for as long as you require it. He has always been regarded as the family psychiatrist and was frequently trusted and cherished, even as a little boy. He possesses the ability to turn any negative situation into a positive one. Although this may not be a special quality, Karakura definitely needs more of this. Elijah has many tattoos across his chest, back, and legs, each one symbolizing something meaningful in his life. All of his tattoos tell stories from his past. The themes of these tattoos often blend together visually, giving them a cohesive look, even though the meanings behind each one of them are completely different.

body (1).png

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Professional Attitude ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah has always shown compassion regardless of how difficult circumstances might have been. Although he is often referred to as a rather sarcastic individual this doesn't draw away from his professionalism. Elijah is capable of handling any kind of situation, no matter potentially dangerous or distressing it may be. He believes that if he keeps his composure, good things will come to pass. When it comes to disrespectful civilians, Elijah is incredibly kind and occasionally doesn't even realize when someone is being rude as he believes that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, if Elijah were to interact with any rude civilians while at work, he would probably respond politely or choose to ignore the disrespect and carry on with his work. Elijah is the sort to speak when spoken to. He merely keeps to himself while working to fulfill all of his responsibilities and reach his monthly quota. While Elijah is mostly serious and focused on his work, he does make time to bond with his co-workers, joking around with them and even befriending them- but he usually saves these interactions for when he's off duty. If Elijah is bored, he's likely to head to the CCTV cameras to catch anyone committing a crime or just stick to his regular duties like desk duty or patrolling. When it comes to dealing with inmates, Elijah’s demeanor changes significantly. He becomes more cautious and strictly follows the protocol he was taught to ensure everything runs smoothly. Whether it’s inmate care, interrogations, escorting someone to the padded cell, or simply reading out charges and processing non-guilty pleas, Elijah can be considered very by the book in his professional approach.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Casual Attitude ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah has a similar casual and professional attitude. He is exceptionally kind and has a way of winning people over without being overly insistent. He tries his best to be in everyone's good graces as he avoids drama, particularly in the workplace. When Elijah is not on duty, he generally spends his free time calling his old friends from Sweden as he still feels a stranger to Karakura’s city. Elijah generally lets the universe take over when it comes to making friends given that he is quite shy and nervous when attempting to form bonds. Besides making friends and the way he interacts with people, Elijah has become increasingly interested in the Shinto religion so he spends a lot of his off duty spare time at the shrine learning more about it. Elijah has never shown any interest in anything other than boxing until he relocated to Karakura and adapted. Besides his interest in Shintoism, Elijah has developed a strong curiosity about Karakura's history. He spends a lot of time reading history books, speaking to well known figures in the town, and even asking his co-workers questions about past commissioners. Through this, Elijah has been able to learn more about Karakura, helping him feel like he fits in, especially as he gradually began making friends.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Outlook on co-workers ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah has almost the same outlook on his coworkers as he does on everyone else. As previously stated, he views everyone with kindness and offers an open mind to everybody. Elijah is usually very appreciative of his coworkers since working as a police officer is not an easy job and it is common to save your coworker from tense, dangerous, and even deadly circumstances in Karakura. Elijah has nothing but positive things to share regarding the majority of his coworkers, he has never had a problem with them in the past and has no intention of having one now. Additionally, I would say that Elijah continues to be polite and friendly to his coworkers when he is not on duty. His demeanour doesn't really change when he is working or not working, just that, instead, he also manages to maintain a professional demeanour when interacting with his coworkers within the station. Elijah used to have some social anxiety when he first moved to Karakura. He wasn’t very skilled in the Japanese language and was initially quite reserved and quiet. However, as he became more familiar with Karakura, his true personality, sense of humor, and extroverted nature began to shine. He’s now become much more comfortable showing his friendlier side rather than just his overly serious professional side, especially to co-workers he's closer with.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Outlook on teamwork ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah worked alone for the duration of his.. very short boxing career prior to landing his first job. He was proficient in working alone as he had become accustomed to it. That does not, however, suggest that he did not recognize the value of teamwork. Elijah is aware of the importance of teamwork, particularly in a city like Karakura and within the police department. Despite being so accustomed to working alone, Elijah loves working as a team and feels that he performs better when working with others rather than working alone. He feels that if there was teamwork along with successful communication, more could be accomplished and more favorable outcomes would be possible. Elijah understands that working alone in a city like Karakura could lead to dangerous situations, such as getting kidnapped, jumped, or robbed- risks that have historically been shown to happen in this city, especially near places like the powerplant. Because of this, Elijah has been extremely nervous about facing such outcomes and prefers to work with a team when it comes to his role in the police force. So in summary, Elijah performs successfully working alone but excels in a team setting and favors working alongside others.

What's your character's backstory?

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER ONE: The Miracle Baby┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah Axelsson, the second son of Fredrick and Anna Axelsson and the younger brother of Anthoni Axelsson, was born on November 3, 1999, in the beautiful city of Stockholm. Elijah’s birth was seen as something of a miracle, as Fredrick and Anna hadn’t expected to have another child after Anthoni, due to Anna’s numerous health issues. When she learned she was expecting again, she was overjoyed and decided to name Elijah after her father while Anthoni was just four years old at the time of his birth. After Elijah’s birth, many distant relatives visited, each hoping that their name would be the first word he spoke. But when Elijah finally began to form words, the first name he uttered was “Freddie” the affectionate nickname his mother had given his father- a name Elijah had often overheard. His first word brought joy and laughter to the hearts of the Axelsson family, this would be the start of a new chapter in their lives.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER TWO: Elijah’s Troubles┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah was a clever child, born into a family of geniuses, many of whom pursued careers as detectives, scientists, and engineers. It was clear that the same intellect would pass on to him. But being a curious toddler, Elijah despised being cooped up in the house while his parents went to work and his brother Anthoni was off at school. Weeks were spent watching his favorite cartoon, Ninjago, where Elijah developed a plan to defeat his greatest foe- the baby fence. That wretched fence stood between him and the unexplored world of his neighborhood and the forest trails nearby, robbing him of his freedom. One fateful day, as his parents left for work, Elijah decided it was time to put his plan into action. Armed with the strawberry jam he had been feasting on, he tucked the rest into his pocket and faced the baby fence. With all the determination his toddler mind could muster, he stepped back, ran headfirst, and broke through the barrier.

At last- he was free!

Elijah made his escape through the backyard, finally connecting with the forest trails he had longed to explore. To him, this was the greatest adventure of his young life. He paid no mind to the ants, dirt, or leaves that fell on his face- he was discovering a whole new world. But back home, his family was in a panic. Two hours had passed since they realized Elijah had vanished. Fredrick and Anna were frantic, turning the house upside down in search of him. When Little Anthoni returned from school and heard the news, he was tasked with the responsibility of finding his little brother. Luckily, Anthoni had a clue. Elijah, while smart, wasn’t crafty enough to cover his tracks. A trail of sticky strawberry jam led straight from the house to the forest trail connecting to the backyard. Anthoni followed the trail, and after 30 minutes of searching, he found Elijah sitting against a tree, happily finishing the last of his strawberry jam. "Oh, Elijah..." was the only thing Anthoni could mutter before he sighed, picking up his baby brother and carrying him back home.

Since that day, the Axelssons have invested in taller and stronger baby fences.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER THREE: Middle School..┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah was never the type to struggle with social anxiety. In fact, he was loud, sarcastic, and had always found it easy to make friends- at least in elementary school. But when he reached sixth grade, things changed. Elijah transferred to his brother Anthoni’s school, which held grades 6 through 12. “It’s going to go great!” Anna Axelsson said, adjusting his uniform tie. Elijah, ever the optimist, nodded, “Yes, mother… it will.” But to his surprise, it did not. At his new school, Elijah found himself the target of bullying from a classmate named Erik Erikson- a name Elijah had accidentally laughed at during a class attendance call, setting off months of torment. Though he kept the bullying a secret from his family, Elijah could never hide anything from Anthoni, no matter how hard he tried. One day, before Anthoni headed off to the high school side of the campus, he pulled Elijah aside for a private conversation. They shared a long, heartfelt talk, where Anthoni gave his younger brother advice, including the classic line “Don’t let anyone walk all over you.”

That conversation gave Elijah the confidence he needed to confront Erik. The bell rang, it was the start of the first period, and Elijah locked eyes with his bully. As he approached, Erik wore a smug grin. “I’m here to tell you that, uh…” Elijah stammered, which made Erik laugh even harder. “That you should… stop bullying me! It’s not my fault you have a funny name!” Erik stood up, ready to launch a punch, but Elijah was quicker. He shoved Erik back into his seat and then threw a right hook. How hard could a sixth grader punch, anyway? “ELIJAH AXELSSON! TO THE OFFICE!” the teacher shouted, dragging him out of the classroom. Elijah sat in the principal’s office, proudly kicking his feet in the air, satisfied with what he had done. When his parents picked him up, Elijah had earned himself a two day suspension. That afternoon, when Anthoni came home from school, he found their parents scolding Elijah. “And where on EARTH did you learn to behave like this?” his mother asked. Without hesitation, Anthoni stepped in. “From me, Mother.”

In that moment, the bond between the brothers only grew stronger. From then on, Elijah and Anthoni shared a deeper trust, taking the fall for each other and keeping secrets- just like all good brothers do.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER FOUR: “Anthoni Robotson!”┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

By the time Elijah was 12 and Anthoni had just turned 16, a year had passed since he moved to the new school. Ever since standing up to Erik Erikson, Elijah had become popular on the middle school campus. Over that year, Elijah and Anthoni had grown closer, often sneaking out at night for long walks or to visit a nearby construction site, a 30 minute walk from their home. Though Fredrick and Anna had strictly forbidden them from visiting the site after hearing about a boy who died in an accident there, Elijah was fascinated by the machinery, watching roads being built and buildings torn down. One day, Elijah came home with a deep frown on his face. “What’s wrong with him?” Fredrick asked, noticing his mood. Anthoni followed behind and muttered, “A girl… don’t ask.” Elijah had fallen for Emily Lindberg, a classmate who ended up humiliating him in front of the entire school. Elijah, always the bold one, thought it was a great idea to ask Emily out in front of the whole cafeteria, complete with flowers, a poem, and a poster. But instead of a heartfelt reply, Emily laughed, and soon the entire cafeteria joined in.

He was humiliated to say the least, once coming home from school, Elijah stormed to his room, put on his shoes, and announced, “I’m heading to the site.” “No, you’re not” Anthoni said, but Elijah wasn’t asking for permission. He slipped out of his window, intending on making his way there. Anthoni followed close behind, but Elijah darted through different streets to lose him. For a while, it worked, but Anthoni wasn’t easily outsmarted. Elijah eventually reached the construction site, blocking out the world with his headphones as he wandered through the debris. About ten minutes later, Anthoni arrived, frantically searching for his brother. When Anthoni finally spotted Elijah, it was too late- just as Anthoni approached, a forklift operator, unaware of his presence, accidentally dropped a load of bricks onto Anthoni’s foot. Anthoni’s scream was incredibly loud, loud enough to cut through the noise of the construction site. Elijah ripped off his headphones and turned to see the horrific scene. Tears filled Elijah’s eyes as he ran to his brother’s side, along with several workers. “Anthoni… I’m so sorry” Elijah repeated, horrified by what his recklessness had caused.

At the hospital, Fredrick and Anna rushed to Anthoni’s bedside, practically pushing Elijah aside as the doctor delivered the devastating news.. Anthoni would lose the use of his foot permanently. Elijah stood off to the side, guilt heavy on his chest, realizing his actions had led to a tragic consequence that would haunt them both forever. For weeks, Elijah visited Anthoni in the hospital, but his brother was unforgiving- and understandably so. Anthoni’s life had been changed forever, and Elijah knew he was to blame. Elijah, desperate to make amends, Elijah came up with a plan. He set up a lemonade stand and posted about it all over social media using hashtags like #PLEASEHELPMEGETMYBROTHERAPROSTHETICFOOT and #PROSTHETICFOOTFORANTHONI. To his surprise, hundreds of people come to support him, and he raises enough money to buy Anthoni a prosthetic foot. It seemed as though many people were fascinated by Anthoni’s story. When Anthoni, who had been disconnected from social media while in the hospital, heard the news, he was shocked. Though it was hard for him, he hesitantly forgave his younger brother.

“Come on, Anthoni Robotson!” Elijah joked as they practiced walking with the new prosthetic, but Anthoni shot him a glare. “Too soon… sorry” Elijah mumbled, backing away. As Anthoni grew comfortable with the prosthetic and regained his ability to run and move as he had before, their bond slowly started to rebuild. Though Anthoni’s trust in Elijah was still shaken, Elijah made it his mission to earn it back and to mend the bond he had broken.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER FIVE: Alone In A Strange World┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

At 14, Elijah entered his first year of high school as a 9th grader. He had always dreamed of becoming a high schooler, eagerly awaiting the day it would come, but the excitement was bittersweet. His brother, Anthoni, now 17 and soon turning 18, was starting his final year. Elijah dreaded the last day of school, not wanting to face the reality of his brother leaving for university. During his freshman year, Elijah quickly rose in popularity, securing a spot on the school’s football team and eventually becoming the team captain. He played flawlessly, never losing a game, and loved hearing the crowd chant his name. “Elijah Scoreson… or Goalson?” a teammate joked. “Neither” Elijah grinned “just Elijah the Handsome.” The team laughed at his ridiculous wit. Everything seemed perfect in 9th grade- he was the youngest star, even Emily Lindberg regretted rejecting him two years ago, and he was on top of the world. While Elijah excelled in sports, Anthoni was deeply focused on his studies, earning scholarships left and right. Anthoni’s academic brilliance stood in contrast to Elijah’s athletic strengths. Elijah’s grades were good, but his true passion lay outside of academics- especially in football and, more recently, criminal justice. Over the months, he developed a fascination with detective cases and crime documentaries, often spending hours trying to solve cold cases instead of doing his homework.

As the end of the year approached, Anthoni chose a university overseas. Each day, Anthoni packed his belongings, while their mother, Anna, cried at the thought of her eldest son leaving. Finally, on the last day of school, Elijah stood by the buses filled with new freshmen, watching his brother prepare to leave. “You’re… really gonna go, Anthoni?” Elijah asked. “I’ll be back before you know it, Eli,” Anthoni reassured him. They shared a tight hug, knowing things would never quite be the same again. That summer, Elijah and Anthoni spent their days packing, preparing for Anthoni’s move to university. As the next year rolled around, Anthoni officially moved overseas. Elijah, now in his second year, continued to thrive in school, remaining popular, earning above average grades, and eventually graduating. He went on to attend a university abroad, much like his brother, majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Elijah worked hard to follow in Anthoni’s footsteps, determined to learn what Anthoni had learned and to one day work alongside him. Elijah spent the better part of his high school years alone and his university years completely on his own. He had grown so used to Anthoni’s security, presence, and help that the idea of him managing independently for so long seemed almost unbelievable to their parents, Anna and Fredrick. They knew how much Elijah valued his older brother. Despite the absence of Anthoni, Elijah handled himself well. He earned outstanding grades at university and received numerous job offers from across Europe. However, Elijah chose to return home to Sweden, where he began his career as a Junior Detective at just 23 years old.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER SIX: The Disappearance of Elia Bovin┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

Elijah Axelsson had made quite a name for himself in Sweden, becoming a household figure in news outlets, TV, and newspapers for solving cases that were once considered unsolvable. His reputation as a detective was admired by many, everyone except criminals. His older brother Anthoni had built a similar career overseas, solving cases across Japan before settling in Karakura to continue his detective work. When Elijah turned 24, his boss handed him a special birthday present- a particularly difficult case: the disappearance of Elia Bovin, a 20 year old woman who had been missing for nearly two weeks. Elijah was confident in his abilities, he wasn’t worried at first since well.. He’s tackled worse cases. However, as time dragged on, the case led him to dead end after dead end. Despite interviewing hundreds of people, reviewing evidence repeatedly, and combing through Elia’s dorm countless times, Elijah found nothing. It was as though she had simply vanished without a trace.

The pressure was overwhelming, with Elia’s distraught parents pleading for answers Elijah didn’t have. The case consumed him, becoming the one he could never crack. Weeks turned into months, and eventually, after a year, Elia Bovin’s case was declared unsolved and closed. It left a deep.. scar on Elijah’s career. He despised himself for failing to bring closure to Elia’s family and for not being able to bring her home. Her death was eventually presumed, and the public shamed the Swedish police for their inability to solve the case. Elijah, as the lead investigator, bore the brunt of the backlash. By the time he turned 25, Elijah realized he was too early in his career to let one case destroy him, though it felt like it would haunt him forever. He couldn’t take it anymore. In a short phone call to his brother Anthoni, Elijah made the decision to move to Karakura. Whether it was to reunite with his brother or to escape the stress of the unsolved case, even Elijah wasn’t sure but he moved anyway.

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ CHAPTER SEVEN: Karakura┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌

The day before his departure, Elijah Axelsson placed his resignation letter over his boss's desk, and with his luggage packed, he boarded a plane for Karakura. It was a 16 hour flight, plenty of time for Elijah to think on everything he was leaving behind, his once promising career, his parents, and the haunting memory of Elia Bovin and her family. Upon landing, Elijah settled into a home near the infamous Karakura power plant, an area with a dark history he knew well enough to keep his distance from. Despite moving to the same city, Elijah hadn’t yet seen his brother, Anthoni, who was always busy. Instead, Elijah spent his early days in Karakura making friends, getting to know the locals, and working tirelessly to complete his police application. Starting over wasn’t easy. He had been a Senior Detective in Sweden, and now he was coming to re-enter the force as a cadet. It was almost a humbling transition, but Elijah came to terms with it in time. He quickly grew to love the city's scenery- the beautiful shrine, the business district, the little parks, and the impressive architecture of the hospital and town hall. Yet, Karakura wasn’t all that great. Masked men roamed the streets at night, vanishing into the sewers to commit crimes. The police presence was constant. It was far more dangerous than Elijah had ever anticipated. "How does Anthoni even manage to work here?" he thought, questioning his decision to apply.

Then he met Yong-Sun Seong, a kind and a rather understanding officer he encountered at the police station. She seemed almost unaffected by the city's rampant crime and frequent 110 calls. Perhaps she had simply grown accustomed to it. Regardless, Elijah enjoyed her company, appreciating her sense of humor and patience. Over the next few weeks, he finished his police application, and as he continued to explore Karakura, he made more friends and learned about the city's culture, including its primary religion, Shintoism, through frequent visits to the shrine. One day, curiosity led him to explore the power plant, wanting to see for himself what made it so feared. The place was as chaotic as the rumors suggested- masked teenagers leaped from building to building, demanding others for a small amount of 5,000 yen. Elijah kept his distance, finally understanding now why the police patrolled the area so heavily.

Finally, after weeks of preparation, Elijah completed his police application. He reviewed it multiple times, making sure every detail was correct. "Did I really forget my own damn name?" he muttered before quickly scribbling it at the top of the page. He was now satisfied with his writing, he folded the application into an envelope and sent it off to the Karakura police department.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. You will face a charge of possession of illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

There are currently nine medical items available at Karakura Hospital. Five of these include

Unbranded Bandages, priced up to 1,000 yen
Paracetamol, priced up to 1,500 yen
Cough Syrup, priced up to 6,000 yen
Wooden Canes, priced up to 7,000 yen
Eyepatches, priced up to 5,000 yen.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

Given my previous experience in the faction, my approach to this situation has evolved based on the knowledge I’ve gained. If I were to witness a co-worker physically abusing an inmate, seeing as my body camera would have already captured evidence of the incident, my first step would be to radio in and inform the rest of the station about what was happening. Next, I would intervene to stop my co-worker from inflicting further harm on the inmate. By the time the other officers arrived, the situation would be under control, and the offending officer would be detained and dealt with by a higher-up, such as the DSI, Captain, or Commissioner. Elijah’s reaction would remain the same even if his co-worker had been defending themselves against the criminal. The police department’s self-defense guidelines are clear- harming an inmate in retaliation is not permitted. Officers are trained to disengage from the situation, use non-lethal methods such as a stun blaster, and secure the individual in a padded cell if necessary. Elijah would strictly follow these protocols, ensuring that even in the heat of self-defense, the proper procedure is followed. His priority would still be to move the injured inmate to safety and de-escalate the situation without resorting to unnecessary force, hoping by that time the rest of his co-workers had arrived.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

If my co-worker were to be assaulted, I would respond the same way regardless of the situation- whether on duty, off duty, in the station, or elsewhere. I would first radio for backup, as my body camera would have already captured the incident. Then, I would intervene before my co-worker sustained further injury. My method of intervention would likely involve stunning the individual or, if they were wielding an illegal weapon like a naginata for example, tranquilizing them would be the better option. If I were on duty, I would personally handle the arrest or detainment, whereas if I were off duty, I would wait for another officer to manage it once backup arrived. Elijah's response to a criminal situation also heavily depends on the scenario. Whether the criminal is armed or part of a group of criminals significantly influences his approach. While his first instinct is to be cautious and call for backup, especially when weapons or multiple people are involved, he becomes more measured in his actions. If the situation is dangerous, Elijah will hold back and assess before stepping in directly. However, if his co-worker has sustained serious injuries, either from a weapon or an attack by the group, Elijah would likely intervene- his priority in such a case would be to move his colleague to safety, even if it meant putting himself at risk.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

If I discovered that a co-worker was corrupt and involved with a criminal organization, my first step would be to report the issue to a higher-up, most likely to the DSI, Captain, or Commissioner. After informing them, I would collaborate on a plan to gather solid evidence, ensuring everything was documented properly, and then present it to them in order for them to take the appropriate actions to address the situation. I would handle it discreetly, ensuring the officer remained unaware that I was gathering evidence against them, in order to collect everything necessary without raising suspicion. This way, I could secure the proof needed for the higher-ups. Elijah’s approach to handling a corrupt co-worker would also depend on the nature of their corruption. If his co-worker were leaking sensitive police information to a gang, the process of gathering proof would be much more complex than if the co-worker were involved in overt criminal activities like violent crimes or gang affiliation, which could be more easily captured through video or photographic evidence. In the case of information leaks, Elijah would suggest that his higher-ups review security camera footage of the office cubicles and thoroughly inspect the co-worker's work computer for any suspicious activity. This could involve checking email records, chat logs, or any data transfers that could indicate the sharing of confidential information. Elijah knows that gaining proof in such cases requires a more strategic and discreet approach, basically ensuring that the proper course of action is followed based on the specific form of corruption.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Criminals may try to bribe you in various ways, but money and criminal information are the most common ways of bribing an officer. Regardless, I would refuse the bribe and issue a bribery fine. If they persisted after being warned, I would likely charge them with obstruction, as they would have ignored instructions I’ve given them to stop attempting to bribe me. However, If Elijah had obtained permission from the DSI or Commissioner, and a criminal attempted to bribe him with valuable gang information that could aid an ongoing case, he would take a more strategic approach. Elijah would lie to gain the criminal’s trust, assuring them they would be released, face lesser charges, or be granted some form of leniency. This would hopefully encourage the criminal to reveal the useful gang information. Once the intel was gathered, Elijah would proceed with the arrest and also impose a fine for bribery. However, since this tactic is typically reserved for detectives, if Elijah were a regular officer, he would stick to standard protocol- refusing the bribe outright and issuing a fine for the bribery attempt, as he was trained to do.

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