What is your Minecraft username?:
Rip_Fluccss (Applying on)
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
JSL Application (Accepted)
Romanian Application (Accepted)
Latin Application (Accepted)
Korean Application (Accepted)
Third Language Application (Accepted)
World History Professor Application (Accepted)
Romanian Application (Denied)
Counselor Application (Denied)
Caretaker Application (Denied)
KPD Application (Denied)
Psychiatrist Application (Denied)
Physical Education Teacher Application (Denied)
Staff Application (Denied)
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
If I had to put my activity on a scale of 1-10 I would put it at around an 8 as I normally get on everyday at around 9-10pm and normally log off around 8 am. While on SRP I tend to explore what types of roleplays I can get myself into as I am not in any faction. This has normally lead to me being involved within crime or gangrp as thats where I spend my time. I like to also just hang around with some friends doing whatever we can to have some fun on the server!
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I first started roleplaying around five to six years ago on Fivem what is a roleplay extension of GTA V, on there I mainly did roleplays being a police officer or a civilian living his life to the best he possibly can. Around 2-3 years ago I found SRP with my friends, I instantly fell in love with it and tended to get myself involved with a whole bunch of people what slowly lead to the world of gangrp I wasn’t too fond of it at first but slowly got the hang of it and I have been involved with it ever since, Within my time of gangrp I have been in multiple gang wars, aswell as being a higher up and even leading a gang! Around mid-way through 2024 I started to get bored with gangrp and decided to take a different side of SRP and applied to become a Professor I took on the subject of World History when I was accepted I tried my best being as active as I could be but sadly due to problems I was having in my personal life I wasn’t able to be active and was removed for inactivity. After that, I got back involved with gangrp and tended to stay in there.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College , Grade 12, Cat whitelist and a dolphin whitelist
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I would like to teach Physical Education
What is your Minecraft username?:
Rip_Fluccss (Applying on)
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
JSL Application (Accepted)
Romanian Application (Accepted)
Latin Application (Accepted)
Korean Application (Accepted)
Third Language Application (Accepted)
World History Professor Application (Accepted)
Romanian Application (Denied)
Counselor Application (Denied)
Caretaker Application (Denied)
KPD Application (Denied)
Psychiatrist Application (Denied)
Physical Education Teacher Application (Denied)
Staff Application (Denied)
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
If I had to put my activity on a scale of 1-10 I would put it at around an 8 as I normally get on everyday at around 9-10pm and normally log off around 8 am. While on SRP I tend to explore what types of roleplays I can get myself into as I am not in any faction. This has normally lead to me being involved within crime or gangrp as thats where I spend my time. I like to also just hang around with some friends doing whatever we can to have some fun on the server!
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I first started roleplaying around five to six years ago on Fivem what is a roleplay extension of GTA V, on there I mainly did roleplays being a police officer or a civilian living his life to the best he possibly can. Around 2-3 years ago I found SRP with my friends, I instantly fell in love with it and tended to get myself involved with a whole bunch of people what slowly lead to the world of gangrp I wasn’t too fond of it at first but slowly got the hang of it and I have been involved with it ever since, Within my time of gangrp I have been in multiple gang wars, aswell as being a higher up and even leading a gang! Around mid-way through 2024 I started to get bored with gangrp and decided to take a different side of SRP and applied to become a Professor I took on the subject of World History when I was accepted I tried my best being as active as I could be but sadly due to problems I was having in my personal life I wasn’t able to be active and was removed for inactivity. After that, I got back involved with gangrp and tended to stay in there.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College , Grade 12, Cat whitelist and a dolphin whitelist
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I would like to teach Physical Education
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My main motivation is getting back into faculty roleplay and interacting with the player base as much as I can, I have applied for other factions while I was away from professor, but sadly I have been denied from them. I then remembered how fun it was being a professor for the short time I was and how I fell in love with it, leading me to be motivated to apply once again hoping I can get back into it and changing my outcome this time. I tend to stay in professor helping out the students as much as I can within and outside the classroom aswell as helping the other faculty around the school if needed!
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. An interactive class in Physical Education is every single lesson in my opinion. A fun activity that students have seemed to enjoy in previous experiences was a diving game. Students would line up along the edge of the pool and wait for me to throw down a random item, typically reward tokens or random cheap prizes. On 'Go' they would all dive in the water and swim to the item, whoever retrieves it and brings it back up first would keep the prize.
2. The second interactive class would be the "Getting to Know You" game where a student who is already a part of an official school sport would take charge of the day's lesson. They would get to teach the students about why they joined the sport as well as help them learn how to play in a period of rounds. The professor would supervise and help the students learn the sport, whether it be swimming, football, baseball, or anything else. The students would get to engage with each other on a more personal level than just going ahead and playing the game without actually interacting.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip I hope would be approved would be a trip to the Karakura Hiking trail. Students would get to use their own witts and leg strength to keep up with the professor and student-selected leaders to hike up the mountain to a certain point. The professor would form three groups, with two groups being run by students to set the pace for the hike, the fastest group starts and the slower stays in the back to keep any pushing and shoving in order so no one gets cut off! It would also be a chance to learn the history of the spooky house at the top of the hill.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My main motivation is getting back into faculty roleplay and interacting with the player base as much as I can, I have applied for other factions while I was away from professor, but sadly I have been denied from them. I then remembered how fun it was being a professor for the short time I was and how I fell in love with it, leading me to be motivated to apply once again hoping I can get back into it and changing my outcome this time. I tend to stay in professor helping out the students as much as I can within and outside the classroom aswell as helping the other faculty around the school if needed!
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. An interactive class in Physical Education is every single lesson in my opinion. A fun activity that students have seemed to enjoy in previous experiences was a diving game. Students would line up along the edge of the pool and wait for me to throw down a random item, typically reward tokens or random cheap prizes. On 'Go' they would all dive in the water and swim to the item, whoever retrieves it and brings it back up first would keep the prize.
2. The second interactive class would be the "Getting to Know You" game where a student who is already a part of an official school sport would take charge of the day's lesson. They would get to teach the students about why they joined the sport as well as help them learn how to play in a period of rounds. The professor would supervise and help the students learn the sport, whether it be swimming, football, baseball, or anything else. The students would get to engage with each other on a more personal level than just going ahead and playing the game without actually interacting.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip I hope would be approved would be a trip to the Karakura Hiking trail. Students would get to use their own witts and leg strength to keep up with the professor and student-selected leaders to hike up the mountain to a certain point. The professor would form three groups, with two groups being run by students to set the pace for the hike, the fastest group starts and the slower stays in the back to keep any pushing and shoving in order so no one gets cut off! It would also be a chance to learn the history of the spooky house at the top of the hill.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He'd first attempt to verbally get the jocks to step away from the bobcat jock, if a verbal warning isn't enough and it gets physical or verbal violence, he'll will first call for other faculty to come to help me split up the fighting. Haise would try to get between the students or pull the bobcat out of the circle. As well as give detention to all the college jocks involved and anyone else who had helped out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Firstly, he would give them a verbal warning to stop, followed by handing out a second detention for the following day or week. If they decide to continue Haise will tell the student that they will be suspended if they do not stop. He would also inform either the (vice)Principal or (vice)Dean depending on the age of the student.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Haise would tell the group to stop and turn off their phones, as well as to be respectful to their peers. If they continue then he will take away their phones until the end of the class as well as tell them if they don't stop being disrespectful to the other students then they will get detention. If the group continues to disrespect Haise and the other students then he will give them all after-school detention.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Call another faculty member to come to help him pull the students apart. If there is no other faculty available he will continue to try to break up the students as well as give them both detention. Haise would eventually get between the two if he is truly unable to break it up. Making himself a shield between the violence that was shed so there'd be no more injury to the students.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He'd first attempt to verbally get the jocks to step away from the bobcat jock, if a verbal warning isn't enough and it gets physical or verbal violence, he'll will first call for other faculty to come to help me split up the fighting. Haise would try to get between the students or pull the bobcat out of the circle. As well as give detention to all the college jocks involved and anyone else who had helped out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Firstly, he would give them a verbal warning to stop, followed by handing out a second detention for the following day or week. If they decide to continue Haise will tell the student that they will be suspended if they do not stop. He would also inform either the (vice)Principal or (vice)Dean depending on the age of the student.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Haise would tell the group to stop and turn off their phones, as well as to be respectful to their peers. If they continue then he will take away their phones until the end of the class as well as tell them if they don't stop being disrespectful to the other students then they will get detention. If the group continues to disrespect Haise and the other students then he will give them all after-school detention.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Call another faculty member to come to help him pull the students apart. If there is no other faculty available he will continue to try to break up the students as well as give them both detention. Haise would eventually get between the two if he is truly unable to break it up. Making himself a shield between the violence that was shed so there'd be no more injury to the students.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Haise Hashimoto is a 6’5” who was born in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Japan, While taking your first look at him, you will notice his blue hair as well as his tattoo’s on his left arm, He always has a smile on his face, showing that he is a kind-hearted person willing to help anyone in his way his body showing an athletic figure. Haise is a very loving man towards anyone he meets, wanting to help and teach anyone that asks him as he wants to help for the future of the world, hoping him teaching them will get them ready and giving them the knowledge on the past, He loves spending time with his colleagues asking them about their classes and their students hoping to learn more about them causing friendships, Haise is hoping to have a very bright future and to start a family with a loving and kind partner.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Haise started his life in Japan he was always active as a child tending to run around on the school grounds playing tag or some sports like basket ball or football, while at home he tended to watch a lot of sports movies and the Olympics Haise's parents saw how active he was and decided it would be a good idea of getting him involved with some sports as he got older asking him if he would like to partake in any, Haise responded with football being a surprise to his parents as he was always a taller child, and they thought he would pick basket ball, although they agreed and decided to get him involved with a football club outside of school, Haise stayed in this club for a lot of his younger years becoming an icon on the children's team.
Once Haise hit high-school he strayed away from the football club leaving and caring more about his school life as he was falling behind in his grades, He realised that his main focus was always on sports wanting to always be active. He loved when he had gym class or any classes to do with being active. Haise kept at his sports life while also going through his classes, leaning it's the best way for him to go. As he got in his last few years of high-school, he tended to be more of a teacher assistant to his Physical education teacher, always staying behind after class helping him clean up as well as always being involved with the class helping out the other students if they didn't understand how to do things.
Once Haise left school he deiced to join a college for football joining back in and getting involved surprisingly to his teachers Haise was a natural at football speeding through and getting contracted at the young age of 20 to a pro team. Haise kept on this team until reaching the age of 25 feeling he was loosing his touch, Haise decided to being a coach helping out players who have just been introduced to pro teams. Haise loved this job but wanted to help more with the youth of the world decided to take a step down and applying at the Karakura college as a Physical Education professor helping out with students who want to learn about sports having his whole life on it.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Haise Hashimoto is a 6’5” who was born in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Japan, While taking your first look at him, you will notice his blue hair as well as his tattoo’s on his left arm, He always has a smile on his face, showing that he is a kind-hearted person willing to help anyone in his way his body showing an athletic figure. Haise is a very loving man towards anyone he meets, wanting to help and teach anyone that asks him as he wants to help for the future of the world, hoping him teaching them will get them ready and giving them the knowledge on the past, He loves spending time with his colleagues asking them about their classes and their students hoping to learn more about them causing friendships, Haise is hoping to have a very bright future and to start a family with a loving and kind partner.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Haise started his life in Japan he was always active as a child tending to run around on the school grounds playing tag or some sports like basket ball or football, while at home he tended to watch a lot of sports movies and the Olympics Haise's parents saw how active he was and decided it would be a good idea of getting him involved with some sports as he got older asking him if he would like to partake in any, Haise responded with football being a surprise to his parents as he was always a taller child, and they thought he would pick basket ball, although they agreed and decided to get him involved with a football club outside of school, Haise stayed in this club for a lot of his younger years becoming an icon on the children's team.
Once Haise hit high-school he strayed away from the football club leaving and caring more about his school life as he was falling behind in his grades, He realised that his main focus was always on sports wanting to always be active. He loved when he had gym class or any classes to do with being active. Haise kept at his sports life while also going through his classes, leaning it's the best way for him to go. As he got in his last few years of high-school, he tended to be more of a teacher assistant to his Physical education teacher, always staying behind after class helping him clean up as well as always being involved with the class helping out the other students if they didn't understand how to do things.
Once Haise left school he deiced to join a college for football joining back in and getting involved surprisingly to his teachers Haise was a natural at football speeding through and getting contracted at the young age of 20 to a pro team. Haise kept on this team until reaching the age of 25 feeling he was loosing his touch, Haise decided to being a coach helping out players who have just been introduced to pro teams. Haise loved this job but wanted to help more with the youth of the world decided to take a step down and applying at the Karakura college as a Physical Education professor helping out with students who want to learn about sports having his whole life on it.
Full Name:
Haise Hashimoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Mr. Haise or Mr. Hasimoto
Gender & pronouns:
Male He/Him
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Exercise Science
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Romanian, Korean, Latin
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Full Name:
Haise Hashimoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Mr. Haise or Mr. Hasimoto
Gender & pronouns:
Male He/Him
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Exercise Science
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Romanian, Korean, Latin
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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