He's kind of shy but wants friends. He was bullied at his old school for being trans and is newish to this school
First name: River
Preferred Name: Riv
Aliases: Student
Gender: MTF(Female to male)
Age(currently) 14
Build: skinny and short
Skin color: tan
Eye color: Black/very dark brown
Natural Hair color: black
Hair color dyed : cotton candy pink and blue
Fashion: Skater esc and fun
Abnormalities: bad vision (wears contacts)
DOB: 02/12
Place of birth: Canada
Nationality: Asian
Race: Chinese
Sexual orientation: queer
Religious beliefs: Not really religious
Political beliefs: Every one should be equal
General Appearance
Appearance: fluffy haired short skinny boy with pink and blue hair
Personality: Shy and kind
Mental Illness: Gender dysphoria
Character voice: Like Danny Phantoms voice 4Funsie Voice Demo: DANNY FENTON/PHANTOM (Danny Phantom) - YouTube
Equipment: Backpack with school supplies, Notebook with drawings and stories, Lunch box (sandwich and chips usually), chest binder, Sports bra, wallet, pride flags
Clothes: Boxers, Chest binders, t shirt(undershirt), Jacket(checkered), Jeans, vans(shoes)
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, and cooking
Skills: Drawing
Quirks: Awkward and nerdy
Family: Grandma (caretaker), Mom and Dad (abandoned Riv), and sibling (living with parents)
Backstory: He had always knew something was wrong with him. He would feel bad when people would call him (insert dead name here) and always enjoyed more masculine clothing. He told his parents when he had figured it out what being trans was. His parents told him that he would always be a girl and never called him Riv or River only (insert dead name here). Around this time his school life got worse as more people started bulling him. When he was 13 he had had enough. He asked everyone he knew if he could stay at their place. Their Grandma agreed and was very supportive and bought him his first binder. His grandma then helped him legally change his name and pronouns and signed him up for this new school. He's now questioning his sexuality since he thinks he might not be straight.