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Denied RobbedTaco | Tutor application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I am active most of the day. I wake up at 9 am and I work from home on my computer to around 1 pm. After 1 pm, I am on SchoolRP until around 11-12 pm, so I’d like to say I’m quite active for the majority of my day.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have, yes – for getting over four warnings. These accumulated over time and were for different reasons. I was banned for around a week, a while ago, and I was banned for ERP as I was foolish, childish and reckless. However, this all happened over 1 year + ago and I have learned from this mistake, and would not act in this way again.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A tutor. A intricate word, but in essentials its meaning is simple: a guide. When a student can't fully wrap their mind around a specific topic, they come to a tutor for a more in-depth look at it. They are someone who a student can go to in their times of need, for guidance and a path to achieve their goal. As the student works through problems or exercises, the tutor provides feedback and guidance on how to improve. They offer suggestions for study techniques, time management, and other strategies that can help the student succeed in all their school subjects.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have roughly four years of experience on SchoolRP. I’ve got a good understanding of the rules, GangRP, MedicalRP and more. I understand how each situation takes place, and I have learned that from involving myself in many different situations over the many years and learning from it. Furthermore, I have also recently been involving myself in more and more school ground roleplays to get an even better understanding of the roleplays that would be done by faculty
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
As a high-school student on SchoolRP you are able to do many different things but going deeper into the roles you can gain allows for more opportunities within roleplay. I would like to explore deeper into the Employee faction to be able to roleplay from another point of view. I think it could help me apply myself to more situations and situations that I want to be in from the faculty point of view. Not only that, but over all my many years of playing I’ve only joined the faculty once for a short period of time and it was the most enjoyable experience and not only did it allow me to experience new things but to also broaden my knowledge of the school faculty.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
zZyre_'s Swedish application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Accepted
zZyre_'s Spanish application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Accepted
zZyre_'s Third Language slot request | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Accepted
zZyre_'s Japanese sign language application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Accepted
Denied - zZyre_'s Tutor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Denied
Denied - zZyre_'s Ban Appeal | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Denied
Accepted - zZyre_'s Ban Appeal | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server - Accepted

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Fox / High-school student, Grade 12

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
He would remain calm, reminding the students that the kind of behavior and language they’re using is against school rules and highly inappropriate. If the student continues the immature comments, he’d then give them a warning, informing them that if their infractions continue, the consequence will be detention.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
He would remind the student that it’s against school rules to fight and that continuing would result in detention. Once the fight had broken up, he would ask each student involved a few questions about what led up to it. He’d then walk off and watch from a distance, checking to see if they continued fighting after he warned them about the consequences. If so, he would give them detention.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He'd reprimand the individual, telling them that as an employee of this school, you have to show an example to the students because if they see you doing this they will think it is okay to do this. He'd then proceed to tell him that it is best if he stops that and if he continues to do that, he will be reported to SLT.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
He would be happy to speak with everyone, telling jokes, and attempting to socialize with his coworkers. When he’s feeling more serious, however, it’s likely he would sequester himself in a corner and complete whatever work his superiors were expecting.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:


He’d clear his throat before answering the student. &f“So you need help in math, hm? I’d like to get a rough estimate of where your strong and weak points are within the subject. May I ask you a few questions to begin with?’’ He’d wait for the student’s reply and once the student replied he'd pick up a piece of white chalk as he began to write in horrendous handwriting on the whiteboard &f“If a polygon has 320 sides, how much would each interior angle be?’’ He’d then turn to the student and ask &f”Let me know when you are ready to answer and remember, interior angles of a polygon equals ‘n’ minus two multiplied by one hundred and eighty divided by ‘n’ "

He’d look into his desk drawer to find any sort of pen or pencil for the student to write with. He’d let out a lengthy, painful sigh as he couldn’t find any. &f’’Seems I have left my pencil case at home. Please give me a moment while I get some pencils and pens from the staff room” He’d then push his chair back, standing up as he let out another pained sigh as he walked out of the tutoring room, feeling the judging eyes of the student on his back.

Trips on a bag, which was on the floor. He would have gotten a bruise on his head from the fall. He would then get up slowly. He would then dismiss the student since he wouldn’t be able to teach them anymore. The bruise would start to redden. He would retrieve an ice pack from storage and put it on the bruise, having to take care of the injury himself as the nurse is absent.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Kyoudo Chikara
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Preferred Name: Mr. Chikara / Kyou

Age (Minimum is 25): 29
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Masters
Major(s): Information Technology
Minors: Mathematics, Psychology, and English

Nationality: Swedish
Known Languages:
Japanese (my acccount got hacked so I'm currently in the process of getting everything transfered over, if I can get languages transferred over too then itll also have JSL, Spanish and Swedish)


I, Kyoudo came from a more troubled academic background. I used to live in Stockholm together with my single mother until I was 5 years old. You see, my mother didn’t plan on having a child. And as a single mother she had a rough time taking care of me alone and working a lot of jobs, she barely had enough money to send me to elementary school and to pay the rent and the cities' government didn’t grant us financial support. So my mother eventually had put me up for adoption, and she signed me in for a foster care home. I spent a lot of my further years traveling between foster care homes as I refused to go to an orphanage, but once I turned 12 it really got tiring. Every time I had to go to a different school, different town, different house. My academic ability was a total failure, and this only got worse. I eventually decided to let me be sent to an orphanage as I still awaited adoption.

Once I turned 14 someone named Alissa Brôvsik had apparently adopted me, at first I was happy to hear this of course, but she turned out to be a single mother as well. So I never had the best feeling about it afterward. And I was somewhat correct. She was a very loving woman and for once I had a good mother figure in my life, who also was actively looking to try and find me a father figure and a husband for herself. Of course, there were some issues, one of which was I had been homeschooled. She didn’t have enough financial support to send me off to a middle & high school full-time, as even I had to work a small job in a local shop to help pay for rent. Eventually, when I turned 16 she had found a very nice man who was a bit more settled in and stable than us who we moved with, still remaining in Stockholm.

He was a very nice guy and felt like a real father to me, which I haven’t had in a lot of years, but still, some things didn’t change. My mother still wanted to home-school me as she grew so attached to me, the only time I ever left the house was to go to work which she was already scared of, but she allowed it because we needed it for rent. It was once I got a new phone for my 17th birthday that I realized how much my life was really isolated from the rest of the world, and I got really struck with a sense of loneliness but also a realization on my academic status, I’ve always wanted to maybe work as a teacher or tutor as I looked up to them when they were helping me out, it was all about wanting to help out kids who were struggling a bit. Which I knew is why I had them, but I never opposed it as such a big problem. On my phone I signed up for online classes and tutoring lessons, sometimes using my father's laptop to attend to online classes and do courses that assigned us tasks and homework. I was by far the oldest, but I did get done fairly fast with all the programs, at the age of 19 I got done with everything and I tried to apply to a college in Stockholm. Which I sadly got denied for. But this only served as more motivation for me.

I decided to spend some of my own money I earned by working on a new laptop and a library card, and suddenly I was outside a lot, well.. outside my house, I spent a lot of time studying inside the library and also grew fond of reading books, which from time to time I can still get on with very easily! Later that year, my mother and father wanted to go on vacation to Japan, but they also had some plans to maybe stay there. It was always a dream of coincidentally both of them to move to Tokyo, Japan, all my father was waiting for was an extra bonus, so he could quit his job there and take us all to Tokyo. This kind of performed as an issue though as. Now I had to learn Japanese As well, so back to the library I went! But I also brought home some of the books, since my parents of course needed to learn it as well. Right before I turned 21 my dad had saved up enough money and had gotten an extra bonus, meaning he could quit his job and make us pack everything for Japan!

I had already been browsing some of the colleges in Tokyo and my main goal was to apply to the University of Tokyo which I was already working on, it took a couple of weeks preparing everything to move and then about a month or so till we actually moved to Tokyo but once we landed in Tokyo it felt like a whole new beginning to my life! Like I was actually going to grow up with a true family. Not so long after my application into the University of Tokyo got accepted and that is where I spent the next 3 years studying English, mathematics, and psychology. Although there was a problem. In Tokyo itself there was a flood of teachers and tutors, so there was no possibility for me to work In Tokyo, I had to browse on Google Maps to find other small local towns and cities which might need future workers to which I then stumbled upon Karakura!

Karakura was quite a bit away, and my parents weren’t too fond of me moving out but after all, I was 24, and I’m an adult, I could take care of myself and I need a job to possibly have a place of my own. We discussed it for a couple of weeks, and we decided to travel to the town before I should make the decision, of course in my head this didn’t really matter, but I played along for the while, and I ended up discovering that the town was nicer than I had imagined, I definitely wanted to move here now for sure! And so I did, 2 months later all the work had been done, I found a small cheap apartment I could stay at, and I decided to wait for a small while before applying for the job, but I still wasn’t done with my studies In the university, but I had found out there was an online class program I could still follow, and as long as I flew out for graduation I would be all set! So that’s exactly what I did. I kept following my online classes whilst getting to know the town a bit better, and before you know it I was flying out to Tokyo again to see my family and to graduate at… age 25.. but that didn’t matter!

Although once I was there after getting my diploma I found out my parents were running into some issues together and, possibly divorcing which was horrible, I decided to just wait it out for a bit and keep in contact with both of them regardless, as I never really asked for the reason or anything whatsoever. Once I went back to Karakura I was considering applying for this job, but I found out there was a Master’s degree I could get via an online class project, which would take another couple of years but apparently was faster and cheaper than going to the university in Tokyo, even though it was one for their own programs, I signed up. Got accepted and spent 2 years consecutively following online classes and courses to get my master’s degree. I didn’t immediately apply for this job, however, as there was some trouble in the family.. so i took some time for myself, so I could help with whatever was needed, and helped my mother sadly move back to Stockholm, but I still kept in touch with her afterward. Once all of that was over, I decided that now was the time to get this job I wanted.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
My whole childhood I have struggled with academics and that really took an impact on my life, and all the kinds of tutors that were assigned to me over the years. I really look up to them, and they were all about helping people, and it really worked! I couldn’t imagine others in possibly my position or something similar where there is no available help for them! So I really wanted to become a tutor, so I could help these students!

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I have a great deal of patience and compassion for these students. I want to help the students study and broaden their knowledge. I know I’ll enjoy working with each and every one of them who seeks me out. I just want to be a part of their journey and help them achieve greatness. I want to help these students be the best versions of themselves and to know that I helped them achieve that.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
I’d like to say thank you so much for taking the time to go through my application.

Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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