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Rockcrusher34's Police Application

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): Rockcrusher34

Previous bans: N/A

Describe your activity on the server: I try to log on daily but if I cannot I will do my best to give a valid reason. I miss the KPD so I will MAKE time for it

Which timezone are you in? CST (Central Standard Time)

Do you have Discord?
Yes I do, Rockcrusher34#8761

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes I do and I do not mind using it in a call

List your current and past applications:
  • Psychiatrist Application (Denied)
  • Police Officer application (Accepted)
  • French language application (Accepted)
  • Science Teacher application (Accepted)
  • Shop owner application (Accepted)
  • Shop owner application (Denied)
  • Shop owner application (Denied)
  • College application (Accepted)
  • German Language Application (Accepted)
  • Staff Application (Denied)
  • Staff Application (Denied)
  • Staff Application (Denied)
  • Staff Application (Denied)
  • College Professor (Accepted)
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying would be the fact that I miss my family. Being a police officer is the only role that I have genuinely loved. It made me stressed, happy, angry and carefree all at the same time. I already know nearly all of the rules for the police force and I am willing to learn more. I loved everything from teaching cadets to being screamed at to run faster. I feel that the KPD was like a second family to me and I want to go back being a better person and officer than before.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, The Laws and Basic Conduct are well known to me and I am willing to learn more about it if needed.

What are the Police ranks?
The police ranks go in order from least to greatest.
Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Head Lieutenant, Captain, Commissioner.

In the second division, Investigator Trainee, Investigator, Head Investigator

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work isn’t easy. People will argue and bicker but in the end, it’s their job to keep people safe no matter the penalty. Police aren’t bad people. They may seem bad but it’s only their job to keep people safe. At the end of the day, an officer is just a person, the same as you and I. Police officers don’t always fight crime and arrest rule breakers. They file paperwork, interrogate, train, and overall live life. Police work is mostly filing work. Some days go really uneventful and others may be really eventful. It all is a guess or a mystery. When officers are doing their job it is all for the greater good. Police are there to enforce rules and to plant fear into criminals. Most of the time police are used as a fear tactic to try to scare people into avoiding crime. I know how to correctly identify the laws and I know the distance of a taser. I am able to do all of the work from filing the roster to front desk to training cadets. I can take reports and I know how to set a bail if the price doesn’t seem correct.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP because they help limit crime. They also are there to enforce certain laws that would otherwise make schoolrp not schoolrp. without police GangRP would be through the roof and without consequence what stops them from doing it? Most problems are solved by just the players' fear of police officers. Police add a whole new aspect of Roleplay to schoolrp and it is needed. Without police the balance of the server would go down drastically and there would be murder left and right. This would mean struggles for every player on the server. Thats why cops are very important to SchoolRP

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I do understand.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? I acknowledge this fully and I am willing to be 100% dedicated.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I will go to training sessions that I can attend.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I am willing to take as much IC harassment as I am given.

In-Character (IC) Section
Description of Haru Yakumari: A Male standing at 6'4" with a very athletic build. He'd weigh 220 pounds with little fat. He would have a slight french tone. He would illuminate a strict but kind vibe to those around him. He'd smell of Caron's Poivre .

Haru is a different type of man radiating a different type of energy. He has always ensured that his Co-workers liked him but that they worked to a certain standard. At home he always is trying to achieve the best and be the best type of person he could be.

Haru has a unique outlook on his co-workers. He doesn’t look at them for how well they do at the time. He looks at them for their potential and will seek to find their flaws and exploit them until they grow out of them. He ensures he works his hardest to have his co-workers at just as high a standard as himself if not higher.

Haru Yakumari was born in Quebec, Canada; he lived there with his father and siblings, while his mother died giving birth. Haru lived there well, though when he turned 7 things backfired and he was disowned from his family causing him to live out on the streets alone, though in that time when he was out in the streets he learned his way around the world and started to ‘man up’ at an early age. During his time on the streets he found that working for others will get him money, though over time a family caught onto these actions and decided to take him in for a short time to lend him cash, over time he gained enough cash to move back to France, he was 12 at the time, once he arrived in France, he still spent some time alone though he ended up being taken in by a family called the Yakumari’s.

The Yakumari family took care of him but he ended up getting a loving-ish family from them, they were teaching him more of the traditional way of living, meaning strict but loving. Over the years of being with them he learned a lot and ended up getting accepted into a Police Academy and with the help of his new adoptive parents, he managed to get to the top of his class in the Academy. When he graduated from the Police Academy at age 16. At that time he was still High school and continued to study hard and keep his grades up. Once he turned 17 he graduated high school, once he graduated high school he moved to Japan to start a new life, there he entered College and began looking for things that could interest him.

Once he graduated from college he was 24 years of age with a Doctor's Degree, a minor in video broadcasting a major in Law Enforcement. When he graduated he ended up looking for jobs, he ended up running a shop for a while before it was shut down that only lasted a while since it wasn’t much of a success. Once he became 30 years old he decided to apply for the Police Force and start a new journey there, as an officer he began to rise the ranks quite quickly, though over the few years he was there he didn’t find that his interest after some time which meant he resigned from the force. After his resignation he realized the mistake he had made and had promptly reapplied hoping to be welcomed back.

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Haru Yakumari
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Haru, Yaku, Yakumari
Preferred Name: Haru or Yakumari
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Non-Religious
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: French
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
8 including SAT
Working Experience: Military Training, Police Training, SAT Training
Academic Degree: Doctorate in Law Enforcement
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Law Enforcement
Minor(s): Broadcasting, Medical Studies
Native Languages: French
Other Languages: German
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