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rorocvts | KPD application


Level 1
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IGN (In-Game Name):
rorocvts (APPLYING!)
lovecvts — [Grade-12][Cheerleader] San Thorne

Discord Name & Tag:
“rowan” tag: lovecuts

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Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m fairly active! My main account, lovecvts, is seen online everyday for about 5+ hours. I’m on the Cheer team, so San Thorne has definitely become a name in Karakura. . Within my timezone I’m usually on after 7pm until after midnight Mon-Thurs, and have more flexibility Fri-Sun.

Sunday → Flexible the full day.
Monday → Fully active after 7pm.
Tuesday → Fully active after 9pm (sometimes later, depending on the day).
Wednesday → Fully active after 5pm or later. My second lightest day!
Thursday → Fully active after 7pm.
Friday → After 3pm until about 9pm, sometimes later.
Saturday → From the morning until 9pm occasionally, if not that then active all day.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Joining an adult faction has always been on my mind. KPD has motivated me the most thus far. As for one, I’ve always felt comfortable and accepted by the faction but also I’ve gained curiosity on the work that they do. It would provide a new perspective on SchoolRP and roleplay as a whole; how the adults in the city protect citizens and stop crime (and all the funny side quests that come along with it).

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know of the roles and some commonly utilized equipment, along as some of the tasks they’re expected to uphold.
There are TWO divisions: The Main Division, and Detective Division. The Commissioner is the highest role in KPD and overlooks all members, regardless of division or role.

Captain – Higher Up
The Captain overlooks the Main Division police officers. They’ll command the division, asserting guidance on all matters. They assist on most cases.
Detective Superintendent – Higher Up
Like the Captain, the DSI overlooks the Detective Division officers. Cases that require more investigation will be managed by the DSI and handed off to the rest of the division.
Lieutenant – Higher Up
Directly under the Captain, they manage the lower division members and keep contact with the Commissioner and Captain on all updates for the division.
Detective Chief Inspector – Higher Up
The DCI manages the lower members of the detective division. They also keep contact with the Commissioner and DSI for detective updates.
The Sergeant role is typically of an experienced officer who’s shown reliability in various situations; they have more responsibility and access but aren’t higher ups.
Detective Inspector
The Detective Inspector holds more experience, therefore their reliability within the Detective Division gives them access to more tools and responsibilities, including training the Constables.
Corporals are a slightly more experienced role within KPD; they’ve been around long enough to start training Cadets, and hold more abilities than the Patrol Officers.
Detective Sergeant
This role is granted once a Detective Constable has passed their exams. They get the most basic responsibilities and roles of a Detective.
Patrol Officer
After training and passing exams, Cadets become Patrol Officers. They hold the base abilities and responsibilities of the officers.
Detective Constable
Once a Cadet has passed training, they can express interest in the Detective Division. If picked to move divisions, they’ll become a Constable and go through more training.

When you first join the police force, you’re a Cadet. This signifies that you are in training, and will spend most of your time with Police Trainers. You cannot patrol alone or go off duty and will go in groups to ensure safety, with a non-Cadet.

Police Baton
⋆ The police baton is a short ranged tool for officers to protect themselves and knock out dangerous individuals (takes two hits).
⋆ A tool for restraining individuals by the wrist for detaining or arrests.
Police Radio
⋆ A communication device for all officers to receive announcements and messages, also to send their own and reach any officer on duty.
Stun Blaster
⋆ A long ranged device which stuns the individual and forces them to stop moving.
⋆ A device to measure the amount of alcohol within someone’s system.
Pepper Spray
⋆ A mid ranged tool to temporarily blind an individual.
⋆ A long ranged tool which will temporarily neutralize an individual; similar to the stun blaster but knocks the target out. The tranquilizer can only be used by the Sergeants, Detective Inspectors, and any role higher.
Riot Shield
⋆ Part of the Riot Gear given to officers for protection during situations that can cause great harm to them or others.

Common duties for officers to uphold are patrolling, staying in the station for any inquiries, assisting with detains/arrests, taking police reports and at times detective work.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
SchoolRP is a server that runs with the incorporation of real life drama, including crime whether it holds malicious intent or comes accidental. This adds consequence to people’s actions, making Karakura not only a safer place to exist in but assists players OOCly. On one hand, the idea of law and consequence means certain players that want to avoid their character getting hurt have better chances at doing so. On the other hand, the players who like to partake in crime get an extra layer of drama and interaction! Police overall provides an interesting aspect to SchoolRP for the sake of keeping things realistic and exciting for everyone involved.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, attending training is important and avoiding training could result in punishment.

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What's your character's full name?:
Esmesence Tsukasa

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female. She/Her.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
JSL (already on account), Spanish (applying!)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
With midnight hair of silk to her thighs, Esmesence carries the weight of a legacy on her shoulders; the tanned skin from head to toe along with her sharp features resemble not only her fellow Tsukasas, but the Eastern Indigo Snake. The scars carved beneath her tight-fitting clothing emit the signals to take caution (— what has she been through, and what has she done?) The natural gaze which follows those she’s interacting with shows no mercy. Despite all elegance and cordial behaviors granted by her impeccable self-restraint, there was a tendency to hold an irritated expression. As an aspiring police officer, Esmesence cares for her health more than the average person. Her build is slim yet incredibly toned, showing her dedication to her work.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Esmesence would love to boast her professionalism; others would say, there’s a strong lack thereof. Her patience runs thinner than water with a snappy tongue. If she’s graced with the ability to second-think, she can usually hold such comments and attitudes back. In other situations.. Well, Esmesence has never been the type to get physically violent, per say - verbal usage is another point. Her true thoughts come to play. Casually is never much different, as she consistently masks whenever she’s in a social situation. The only difference is that she would /never/ swear in the workplace, and holds no restraint otherwise.

When Esmesence is alone, her mask wears off. This is when she’s become eerily silent and focused, absorbing all the information she craves about her special interests of the time. She tends to her home, mind, and body, through unique hobbies such as — oh, you aren’t supposed to know about that. Either way, isolation helps to recharge her mental battery.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
In short terms, Esmesence despises teamwork. There is no “team player” aspect to her — she would rather do things independently, by her own terms and owning control. She’s not a fan of sharing control, nor is she very good at taking criticism or accepting new ideas. If plans aren’t going the way she’s thought them out to be, that’s reason enough for a sour mood and attitude. . which gives insight as to how quickly - and often - her fuse will blow. However, despite this strong distaste for society as a whole, Esmesence still understands that being functional in a unit is most expected. Because of this, her professional mask comes into play. Due to being forced into a new personality, she starts to hate teamwork even more. There’s only one cheat code to get her to work and listen /happily./ Good luck finding out.

What's your character's backstory?
The eldest daughter of seven — Esmesence never knew of the fickle vulnerability called /dependence/. She held her head high and stepped closely behind her father, grasping their family’s extensive history within her hands and branding it into her chest; /a sun inked to her collarbone/.

Growing up, Esmesence considered herself intelligent. Too intelligent for her own good and for her peers, in specific. She knew her way around the woods (— more than a must, this was an expectation and second nature), she knew how to care for others ( — in very basic survival needs), and most of all she lacked the delusions of grandeur that many children held onto. Because of all this, and more: she was smart. That is what she decided in her early ages, and something that has stuck well into her third decade of life.

Yet, for someone who knew /all/ the answers, she couldn’t quite grasp the concept of devotion. Who was she to devote herself to her parents? The excessive feeling that one talks about, expressing full trust in one person — /or many/ — to follow their word. She looked up to her parents, but devotion would be something avoided, or rather, impossible. Esmesence couldn’t make the connection necessary. She thought of religion as idiotic, pushing away the familial culture that appreciated what nature has done for them. What could nature do without a living spirit? All of these swarming thoughts, critical of those around her, were drowned when she laid eyes on Constance Morris.

Not that anyone would know her, anyways. Or /meet/ her. That was something of the past. She stays there.

Following the turn of a chapter, Esmesence entered adulthood with a lack of sense or purpose. She lived her life on a day to day routine. . after all, this was the most peace she’s had since Constance had entered her life. But, with one door closed, another opens. Someone else has entered her life.

With that, she’s happily decided to put her strength and attitude to work in the police force.

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Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No. Being caught with a pocket knife leads to a charge; possession of illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription.
Cough syrup for 6,000 yen. You can purchase 2.
Unbranded bandages for 1,000 yen. You can purchase 2.
Wooden Canes for 7,000 yen. You can purchase 2.
Eyepatches for 5,000 yen. You can purchase 2.
Paracetamol for 1,500 yen. You can purchase 3.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
The first course of action would be to use any police tools necessary (if any) to break up the situation and remove each party from each other’s presence. After, calling for backup if my character is handling the situation alone will be important - it’d be preferred if the backup can be a higher up which can directly assess the situation and give directions for further action. If the backup is not a higher up, my character would be left to work closely with whoever assists by communicating with the police radio and getting as many details as possible, also supervising both parties. EMS would have to be called for checking on the inmate, and my character would try to get a higher up on the scene as soon as possible for proper instruction.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The same actions as above would be applied as appropriate. Most importantly, the inmate would be placed in a more secure holding with more supervision and charges would be added to their preexisting case.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Informing a higher up as soon as possible is most appropriate, bringing forth exactly which co-worker it is and any details and proof of such an accusation. Confronting the co-worker directly is most likely to bring more harm than good to the situation, as it’s uncertain what they can do to my character or how they’ll cover up their corrupt doings before the information reaches a higher up.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
The criminal would be turned down immediately and fined for bribery. If the criminal continues, disregarding the boundaries and directions set by a police officer would be ‘obstruction of justice’ and therefore a charge for arrest.
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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