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rowschew | Doctor Application


Level 1

⋆.˚ Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section ⋆.˚

IGN (In-Game Name):

rowschew (alt)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Although I am a student outside of SRP, I put in a fair amount of gameplay into
each week. If I were to rate my activity, it'd be a 9/10..
During the weekdays, I dedicate my afternoons to the server - considering I am on the Volleyball team as well,
and that itself requires my attendance. Rather than weekends, where I will be on almost all day and night.
I have provided a table below that lists my availability accurately.
6am - 12am
4pm-5pm VB prac.​
3:45pm - 12am
3:45pm - 12am
4pm-5pm VB prac.​
3:45pm - 12am
3:45pm - 12am
3:45pm - 12am (or later)
4pm-5pm VB prac.​
6am - 12am (or later)

What is your timezone?:
Central Standard Time (CST)

List your current and past applications:
spanish app | accepted
russian app | accepted
maiden app | denied

List your current roles on the server:
(main) rosechu_:
[Grade-12][Volleyball] Amore Flowers
x4 Grade 12 / x1 Grade 11

(alt) rowschew:
[Grade-9] Ae-Cha Yun

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been in roleplaying communities for years since I was young! Born from an app called "Omlet Arcade" . .
it was really what sparked it all. There was the given option to join others in their Minecraft worlds, where
some people would host silly school roleplays themselves. As cheesy as it is, I would come home to
wind down and watch Aphmau along with many other Minecraft content creators. During this time, I was also beginning
my journey with art, and wanted to portray the characters I drew in some way that was possible for me to do so.
What was better than bringing both of my hobbies together? My roleplaying abilities were definitely rocky at first,
but over time I have learned vast writing styles by interacting with others and experimenting on my own.

What is your motivation for applying?
Outside of SRP, I am preparing my path for Sonography in the future.
The medical field has actually been a personal interest of my own, as I am
currently taking classes to pursue my dream career. To play
a role related to the field in general, would be encouraging in a way.
Since I have joined this server, I have only involved myself and interacted with those
within the sports faction. I have not experienced roleplay outside of only detailing
stretches, jock roleplay, many unserious roleplays.. and so on. I'd like to be more
productive and interactive on this server, and branch out of my comfort zone.

Which role are you applying for?
I am applying for the Doctor role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
As of now, I am not 100% informed of the tasks certain roles take on in game. .​
Doctors are usually who tend to you upon entering the hospital. They examine, diagnose, and find a solution to treat your physical condition.Paramedics respond to emergencies first, and issue immediate medical care at the scene - Whether that's providing transportation via ambulance, typically shuffling together in a group.Psychiatrists examine a person’s behavior, diagnose and treat mental illness whilst prescribing medicine that will aid them, regarding to their mental health.Veterinarians are inclined to care for animals who've ended up sickly, or wounded.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

& (1).jpg.

Character’s Full Name:

Imogen Ávila-Kyǒng

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female , She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
Doctor of Medicine degree (MD)

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:
Divorced / Single

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese , Spanish

Character Backstory:
The desire to meet with the shore that once blessed Ávila’s feet, often tugged at her heart strings. On the pacific coast in America, was where the narrow slope of sand grounded itself, emanating warmth and the overwhelming feeling of ease like no other could provide for her. Oh, how she yearned for an experience like that again.

Since her youth, Imogen has depicted herself to be of a lowly nature. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about the woman. She always strived to be the best version of herself, whilst putting others before her own welfare at all times. Anyone could presume that to be her weakness, no? Surely enough, it was. Even in her adolescence, Ávila was handed the responsibility of looking after her brother’s children subsequent to his unhealthy work hours.. - Patience was running endlessly through a fragile hourglass for her, resetting with each day passing. It was no easy task, I mean.. Could you do it? She endeared the troubles for her beloved niece and nephew, Aphrodite and Nikolai, while raising them with her pure-hearted individuality as much as she could in contrast to what the cruel world had to offer. This left Imogen to neglect her own needs, but it never gave her a reason to regret doing so. If it meant giving her last crumb of bread to these children, then so be it. Obviously enough.. If you were to ask her, “would you do it again?” the answer would speak for itself: Yes. Throughout these years of her life, came maturity and a flourishing sense of liability.

Like many others, Imogen wasn’t sure of what the future held for her. It was an intimidating foresight. No one gives you an instruction sheet on how to become an adult, therefore.. she was unprepared, unsure of what was next. It seemed as if she did all of the important things in her youth - and before she knew it, the days and months were being marked off of her calendar. Sunrises were passing, and sunsets were dawning with each minute she wasted. To overcome this, she indulged in harvesting and taking care of plants for a greenhouse manager. It kept her busy, opening a door to welcome more productivity into her life. A light bulb lit up, perhaps this was her passion: Taking care of the living, and perhaps it didn’t have to be just plants.

Those herbs had a charisma of their own, indeed. Wouldn’t you know, a passerby found himself drawn to the greenery, making frequent visits. Watching as Ávila hydrated and gave life to the variety of shrubs, he stood out to her, yet she never attempted to create an active conversation with him. Until one day he approached the woman, despite their language barrier; asking questions regarding specific plants. He owned a distinct French accent, luring her interest. And thus, marked their introductory, allowing their relationship to blossom further.
but just how unfortunate was it, when his ruthless behavior ricocheted their love? Leaving Ávila to bear her daughter, Fleur Kyǒng, all on her own. All hope must’ve been lost, until she picked her life back up alongside her niece and her nephew in the heart of Karakura, Japan.
There, she decides to pursue her studies in the medical field, supporting patients in need of care - and most importantly, her daughter.


What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

“I chose to work in Family medicine. and to be completely honest with you, I wasn’t sure if this profession was going to even be an option for me at first. I mean.. really, I was taking care of plants way before my time here. But in a way, that's also why I decided to expand my abilities. - Looking after organic life kindled my passion, truly.. and taking people in for check-ups, monitoring their health and well-being.. that is a blessing in itself. I love what I do.”

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
“I went to school for Family medicine, of course. That training program.. I’d say it
took me five years to get to where I’m at now. It was definitely a struggle as a single
mother myself.. my daughter just loved running around! . . Multitasking my studies was not easy, but so worth it.”

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
“Though it wasn’t done professionally, I tended to the stray cats during my time at the greenhouse. They absolutely loved the sun. What is it called..? Sunbathing? That's what they’d do. I’d take them in during hurricanes, and away from the harsh weather. This may not count as experience.. I don’t think I could ever pull off the hard work Veterinarians do. It's admirable.”

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
“I’ve only dedicated five years into my education. Other than that, I have not completed any additional schooling.”

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
If it weren’t her abnormal hair color, her striking blue irises grabbed your attention: preserving your every move, per the coherent woman she was and presented herself as. Unblemished, and always kept tidy - her features dazzled with freckles and beauty marks. Imogen strolled with a notable essence, whilst a citrus scent trailed behind every step she put forth. Silky locks of green hair cascaded, hugging her waist and a voice as gentle as the summer’s warm breeze was greatly remarkable.

How does your character act on and off duty?
You best believe Kyǒng is on her best behavior while on the clock. A humble woman she is, communicating with her manners at all times whether or not you are a colleague or a patient. For being a hardworking woman whos mainly
worked independently throughout the years, she loves collaboration - Expressing her gratitude to fellow co-workers in gifting ways, such as bringing in supper for each to share. There's not much that differs off duty, actually. In her personal time she is more lenient, charismatic, and perhaps one could call her a social butterfly. That might be a stretch, though..

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Imogen has already depended on her lonesome for many years. It was more preferred than anything to step out of her shell, and engage in more group activity. It can’t be easy, though - It's better to say she works at her best solitarily, as much as she wishes for that to change. However, this doesn’t make her unwilling to work with others all-together.

What plans does your character have for the future?
As of now, there doesn’t seem to be a next step for miss Kyǒng. She is content with the stability of her life, simply going with the flow and blowing with the wind at ease. Cute, right?​

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Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to apply to the faction, and we appreciate your interest. Furthermore, we hope you're excited to hear that you have been accepted into the Hospital Faction! You'll be contacted regarding setting your roles up shortly.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles. You will also be contacted over Discord in regards to receiving an introduction to your duties as a Hospital Worker and receiving the necessary equipment to follow through with said duties.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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