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Sage G. L-Jökull | The UPDATED Biography


Level 102
F99B0AF4-7C4A-47ED-9EA2-89E0BA54677C.jpeg Sage G. L-Jökull, 2024


Name: Sage Green Lockwood Jökull
Aliases: Sagey, Sages, Lockwood
Blood type: O-
Birth date: November 4th
Age: 18
Biological Family:
MOTHER: Kate Ann Gatemen (Alive)
FATHER: Evan Rob Gatemen (Alive)
Nationality: British
Languages Known: English, Greek, Some Japanese, Some JSL.
Lockwood Parents:
Elias Garret Lockwood (Deceased)
Susan Karr Lockwood

Appearance: A 6,0 female with stubby bleached hair, normally accompanied by a y2k inspired outfit of sorts. She was on the skinnier size, about 149 or 150 pounds.

Actual Height: 6,1
Actual Weight: 151 lbs
Hair Color: Ivory
Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown
How Many Times She Dyed Her Hair:
…Four to Five times?-

Phobias: Pharmacophobia, (Fear of Drugs) Methyphobia, (Fear of Becoming Addicted to Alcohol) Obesophobia. (Fear of Gaining Weight)

Mental Problems/Disorders: Fear of Abandonment, Insomnia,
Anorexia nervosa.

Teddy Jökull (Adoptive Mother)
Riku Jökull (Adoptive Father)
Dänae L. Osiris Jökull (Lockwood Sister)

Other Mentions:
Pink Hori
Maria Reyes

Sage was born on November 4th, 2005 in Brighton, England. Disappointingly, her delivery was unexpected by her young parents. After one year from the child’s birth, Sage was sent to a foster home. She grew up in different ones for years, from a lot of places. She always managed to get in trouble in all of them.

After Sage nearly burned down a foster home, she was transferred to one in Greece, where the Lockwoods took pity on her. She was adopted into the family, meeting her long lasting Greek friend and sister, Danäe.

After Years of living with them, The Lockwoods began to teach Sage Greek, helping her read and write it to the best she could. Sage later quoted that she speaks Greek with incredible fluency nowadays.

Disappointingly, this came to an end 2 years later, for her new mother and father died in a shipwreck. With nothing much but some spare change, newly orphaned Sage and Dänae made their way to Karakura, for they were visiting Japan at the time.

Sage and Dänae spent 5 years in Karakura, enjoying it to its fullest. Sage’s life had been built up from there, and she had no regrets.

- Sage L-Jökull
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