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Sam Reed | PI of Karakura


Level 4

Basic Information​

Sam Reed | PI of Karakura
(Forever WIP, Last Edited July 28th)


First Name: Sam
Surname: Reed
・┇Preferred Name: Sam
・┇Nicknames: Sammy
・┇Gender: Male

・┇Age: 20
・┇Height: 6'1
・┇Weight: 176 lbs
・┇Build: Tall and muscular.

・┇Skin Color: He's pretty pale but not ghost-white.
・┇Eye Color: Deep brown
・┇Hair Style: He has short fluffy, brown hair, a shaved undercut and bangs combed to one side.
・┇Hair Color: Medium brown
・┇Fashion: Sam has a very formal sense of fashion, often going out with a dress shirt and a harness. He's also been seen with a black trench coat and a fedora.
・┇Abnormalities: N/A

・┇Date of Birth: July 3rd
・┇Place of Birth: Nebraska, Lexington
・┇Nationality: American
・┇Ethnicity: American-British
・┇Sexual Orientation: Hetero.
・┇Religious Beliefs: N/A
・┇Political Beliefs: Sam won't get too political, but he does have strong moral beliefs and is law-abiding. Otherwise known as a snitch.

Character Voice:

[ This voice may change over time ]


・┇English/Japanese | Proficiency 5

General Appearance​


・┇ Sam is a tall figure standing at 6'1 (182cm), and at first, appears to be rather scrawny. Truth be told his clothes don't outline his physique well, giving him a 'weak' look, but Sam is very athletic and with a closer look it's very clear that he's well-defined in a lot of areas. Of course, a left hook from him could also tell you that. He doesn't mind appearing scrawny at all to people, all that matters is he knows he isn't. His hair is also well-kept and combed to one side, sometimes even gelled. The backside has a shaved undercut and it is outlined well, especially when he wears a hat. His skin is fairly pale but not pasty white. Probably from a single glance, it's easy to tell he's not of any Japanese descent.


・┇ He can mostly be found in a trench coat with a fedora on, preferring to keep it classy. Other than that, he'll be wearing a harness and dress shoes with either outfit.


・┇ Sam is a warm and easy-to-get-along-with guy. He's great for advice or just to keep company but also a flirt at times. He likes to spread positivity and it's far more likely for him to express that with females, but as usual, he likes to keep classy. Any word of being uncomfortable or upset and he'll drop it pretty fast with an apology. Unless it's friends though, he'll probably keep at it to be fun. Usually caught whistling or singing Frank Sinatra, Sam walks with jazz in his steps and of course acts that way too, tipping a fedora even if he doesn't have his on.

・┇ However, Sam isn't just warmness and jazz delight. He can be serious, and very at that. He's stubborn and has a strong sense of morals so he won't back down for something that's right. It's incredibly hard to knock him down mentally and push him away from his moral compass. He seems more than capable of pulling himself back up no problem. With him being more on the side of the law, it'd probably be better to keep your crimes away from Sam who naturally investigates stuff like that and reports his findings to the police. He might come across as 'high and mighty' or 'arrogant' to some, but truth be told he's not entirely sure of himself all the time either. He's got his own guilts, regrets, and of course failures, but he'll still try at the end of the day. And Sam ain't no pushover, even by life itself.

・┇ He's got his romantic side as well, which is a mix of his seriousness and joking flirtatious sides, depending on the situation of course. He'll be serious and protective one time and then try to get his lover to crack a smile with a joke another. He doesn't hide one bit of himself at all and sticks to his guns pretty deeply. You might get sick of him quoting Mark Twain though.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

・┇ Sam doesn't have anything really wrong with him, yet.


・┇ He may not act like it, but he's a fighter and can fight well, preferring to use his fists rather than weapons.
・┇ He's pretty good at giving advice and being a general company keeper. Or just making people feel better.
・┇ Sam is able to factor a lot at once into his head and has a keen mind, which is why he's good at investigating what he does. He's just naturally a detective, and with a deep knowledge of forensics and criminology too.
・┇ Another thing he can do well is to preach knowledge, use his own, and not back down from his words. Stubborn but good morals stick to him well.
・┇ Sam has a deep sense of writing and could probably make a good news reporter one day.
・┇ Dancing. Sam dances! A lot too, ranging from tap to jazz but also ballroom and waltzes occasionally.


・┇ It's not odd to stand around him and feel like he's from the 1940s, he does give off that vibe for a reason. He prefers old styles and likes being classy.
・┇ Can be heard whistling catchy toons or singing Frank Sinatra and will tap his foot to the music, even when sitting down. Can be a tad annoying sometimes
・┇ Always quoting Mark Twain, you'll hear it a lot.
・┇ Likes reading and solving crosswords, typically with a cup of coffee.
・┇ Favorite coffee is an americano, or iced coffee if he can't get any americano.


・┇ Main items: A silver/white watch, a yellow umbrella, his phone, car keys, a Polaroid camera, a digital camera, tape record, binoculars, ID, and credit card.
・┇ He sometimes will carry around a book or journal. He enjoys reading a lot and is rarely seen with a crossword to solve for himself.
・┇ He recently started carrying around an omamori. The blessing inside was etched into metal. Currently, the charm is bent and has a deep scratch in it, like a great force was applied to a sharp point into it, causing it to fold.


・┇ Dancing. He's done it for a long time and uses it to keep his legs active.
・┇ Singing. Again, mostly jazz stuff. Sometimes on the modern side surprisingly.
・┇ Investigating/writing. He's got a keen mind and thoroughly thinks things through, often encouraging others to do the same. He documents his findings a lot.
・┇ Photography. Somewhat under investigation, but Sam is actually good at photography and has his own Polaroid.


・┇ Overall, Sam is relatively new still but does have a good amount of friends. Being the extrovert of the group he tends to attend parties but mostly sticks to his known friend group. He'll sometimes talk about his folks at home and keeps up with them, but old enough to be independent and have his own life. If you need someone to cheer you up and give you a confidence boost, he's your guy.

・┇Mason Reed | Mother | Alive┇・
[You got any more work for me?]
Sam's father is the head of the police
force back in Sam's hometown. Sometimes
he asks for Sam's help on cases.
・┇Ella Reed | Mother | Alive┇・

[Yes I know I'm a big boy now.]
His mother is still protective of her
'baby boy', but still understands
what he does and why he does it.
・┇Goro Hayashi | Uncle | Alive┇・

[You really like taking me to the mainland for jobs.]
Sam's uncle-in-law. He's a detective who's with the
police on the mainland of Japan. Often times
recruiting Sam to do tasks, similar to his dad.

・┇Ji-Yun Wu | Best Friend | Alive┇・

[Y'know we really should get a beer together sometime.]
Ji-Yun is Sam's best friend and is the first
guy he really stuck around with
in Karakura.
・┇Kira Reese | Roommate | Alive┇・

[Didn't mean to scare you, I was just standing around a corner]
Kira is Sam's roommate and friend,
she's often forgetful and very easy to scare by
doing about anything.
・┇Jasper Nakale | Roommate | Alive┇・

[We'll make the most of it, I promise.]
Jasper is his friend and roommate.
Sam though is filed as Jasper's
caretaker. Jasper also suffers from a
condition called FOP.
・┇Ava Hoshino-Hanasaki | Wife | Alive┇・

[Your smile is contagious, you know that?]
Ava is one of Sam's good friends, but also
his wife. He's quite flirty with her a lot
and definitely the most charismatic.
His love is often kind-hearted, but fun.
・┇Belle Davis | Ex | Alive┇・

[You could have talked to me...]
Belle is Sam's ex. They were highschool
sweethearts back in the U.S., but after
she nearly got Sam killed intentionally
and was arrested, they hardly talk anymore

My Art Section
[This is the art I've made of him, all other art someone drew of him will be in the section under this]

Others Art Section
[This is the art of him others have drawn with links to who drew them if I can]

[Ko.18|Ko Hamasaki]
[Cartier Art Discord!]

Sam_and_Vincent_comm2.png[Antumbra|Helena Solas]

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