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Denied SantaClausRP's lore team application


Level 19

List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a deal breaker for the team)

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
Yes, I have a working microphone and am available to speak through discord.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
EST Time and currently live in the United States.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
I am fully aware of this.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
The only things that come to my mind that could obstruct my progress or development on the team are my real-life job and possible writer's block. I work a few days out of the week for a few hours but I am free the rest of the day afterward and any other day I don't work. Writer's block is also something I know can happen at times. I’ve experienced it before when doing certain activities, but I am confident I can overcome it quickly if it were to happen.

What makes you passionate about writing?:
What makes me passionate about writing is simply just because I’ve always been drawn towards activities that allow me to creatively think and come up with interesting ideas. I’ve drawn, made music, written, and more throughout my entire life. All things that allow me to do creative thinking, and it’s those activities which I’ve enjoyed the most doing. Even now one of those activities I mentioned before is a hobby I’ve been doing for almost nine years. And writing is one of the few ones I’m most passionate about because I find being able to come up with an idea and turn it into an actual story or even create a world out of it is really interesting and fun to do.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I do have experiences in the past with creative writing as a general aspect. I've worked on and made many stories before, especially during school for certain classes I had. Most of them were about really any idea that came to mind whether it be fiction or non-fiction.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore is the history of anyone or anything that tells a story about it and can define aspects about it leading up to the present day. Things such as how something works in the present time or how something such as a structure came to be for example. It’s the history behind something that gives it a story that can be passed down forever no matter what or who it is.

  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 200-800 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

The season had just changed days ago and there is already snow on the ground in Karakura. The town was quieter than usual due to snow being porous and absorbing most of the sound. In a small alleyway next to the shopping district would be a male that looked to be that of an older man in his forties or fifties. He would be wearing light ripped-up clothes that look like they haven’t been washed in months. Clothes that would provide barely any warmth during the cold snowy months of Winter. His hands would be covered in dirt and his hair would be messy as if he had just woken up. He would be walking down the alleyway with a bottle in his hand, his steps being oddly Irregular, and would be like those of someone how barely knows how to walk. The irregular movements in his steps and the bottle in his hand were enough for anyone to decipher that the man was drunk. Most likely suffering from poverty or grief as well by one look at his clothes and hair. It was clear he was using alcohol to make him forget everything, to get rid of the pain of everything and make him temporarily feel nothing.​

As the older drunken man kept walking he would finally make his way out of the alleyway and towards the road. With squinted eyes trying to see through the falling snow he would look around before noticing two figures in the distance in the middle of the road. By the looks of it from the distance he was at and the alcohol hazing his vision, it would look to be the figures of a child and parent, possibly mom and daughter. It took the man a moment to realize if they were walking away from him or towards him. Concentrating on the figures and trying to see better he was subconsciously walking closer to the edge of the road without notice. It wasn’t until he was almost in the road that he noticed the figures were in fact coming towards him.. and at a very rapid pace. Before the man could even react the two figures were racing towards him at inhuman-like speeds. He stumbled backward barely able to keep his footing and almost ended up on the ground as the figures sped past him like a car and the loud noise of a car horn echoed out at him. The figures were gone and out of his current view within seconds… that was before he turned his head to look in the direction the figures were headed in. To his surprise, the figure of a child and parent was no longer there, but instead, the blurry image of a car coated his vision. The drunken man was too drunk and out of it to even try to comprehend what just happened and what he had originally seen. In his eyes, the figures of two humans racing at inhuman-like speeds almost like a monster not even from earth ran past him before turning into the figure of a car in just the blink of an eye. But anyone else that could have been there at the time would have seen the reality of what really happened. Any person without an ouch of alcohol in them could have seen that there was never any figure of a child and parent, it was always a car to begin with. But the older man was drunk and confused, and still grieving from the loss of his family he had suffered months ago. Trying to cope with it by drinking, he instead inflicted more wounds on himself. Hallucinating the images of his lost wife and child as if they were really still there due to the alcohol playing tricks on him.​

The man sat there confused as the outline of the car continued to drive off. After a few seconds of sitting there dazed and somehow coming to the realization that he had almost just lost his own life by stepping out into the road. He looked at the alcohol bottle still in his hand and threw it at a wall near him. The glass bottle shattered and sent thousands of small sharp projectiles shooting outwards from the wall as the sound of breaking glass pierced the eardrums of the man. The realization that his coping mechanisms to deal with the grief of his family were also the start of his losing battle with alcohol addiction. The broken-down male would walk a bit further before resting next to a wall with his back up against it. He sat there in his own thoughts… watching the millions of snowflakes coming down from the sky on top of him and coating the town of Karakura. It was up to him to win his battle, to overcome his grief and addiction so that his life wouldn’t end prematurely. And that was the thought he kept telling himself over and over so that he could continue on.​
(844 words)​

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; Tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

There is a tale that takes place in Karakura in the forest under the Shinsei Seinara Monastery. The tale of an unknown abnormal abomination that is only present within the times of Three AM to four AM within the forest. It’s described by many to look horrifying, something of fiction that wouldn’t make sense to even be living. The abomination is said to tower over any normal human at ten feet tall. That’s including the arch in its back as if it had scoliosis. Moving on to the bottom it’s said to have six spider-like legs that stick out, legs that let it nimbly move around at fast speeds and would put terror in anyone with arachnophobia that even thought of it. The legs would be attached to a torso that looked like that of a human’s with slight burns on it, before turning into something more sinister at the hands where sharp arched blade-like claws would grow out from and could easily cut whatever they touch. At the head, it would have one bloodshot eye with the other missing and being a gaping black hole. A cutout of a nose where there was none almost as like a ghoul and sharp pointy teeth at the mouth, where some say they’re used for eating the memories of someone if attacked. There would be no ears and would have one sharp horn on the top of its head. Throughout its face and body, it would be wrapped in chains with the ends of two of them having a sort of blade that it would hold in its hands.

According to the tale, the people that describe it differently are the ones who were attacked by it and didn’t get away. It’s said the abomination also known as ‘X’ by some isn’t out to murder anyone just yet… rather it eats their mind. It takes their memories and all knowledge away from the person attacked and saves it for itself. The only thing it lets the attacked person remember is that an attack happened by something horrifying, but they don't even remember what the creature looked like. Letting them remember the horror that lurks in the forest, but not knowing what it is that attacked to scare them for eternity.

The creature gains new knowledge and becomes smarter with each person successfully attacked. Learning new knowledge on the human race and the world it lives in.

The stealing of memories and thoughts is why some groups that are attacked have reported they have heard it mimic the voice of those who they were with after having that person's mind eaten- almost like a wendigo. It can take almost anything anyone remembers or knows of, of who it attacks including their voice… by simply remembering what the person sounds like from the person's own internal memories. The only thing it can't take is their physical form. The reasoning for the attacks is entirely unknown besides the idea that it simply wants to gain all knowledge. To become smarter than everyone and everything. The timing of said attacks always occur between Three AM to four AM… the time considered ‘the witching hour’, which is why some believe it's a creature summoned by the devil himself. And others think it’s a formation of all evil spirits that lay within the forest that somehow conjoined together and created the creature. There is simply no way to know, but what people do know is it’s a creature summoned with some purpose that is unknown besides the idea of it gaining knowledge and becoming more powerful. Some say it’s simply to cause hysteria within the town and cause everyone to go crazy. Others say the abomination is fake and is just a story told by those who are crazy. The only way to know is to see it yourself and somehow escape it before your mind gets eaten.

One thought always lingers in the mind of many… that's the chance of it being real and the question as to why it’s never come out of the forest. Those who know of the tale have had this thought, the chance of ‘X’ showing up somewhere they thought was safe such as their own home when they least expect it. To get rid of this thought most say ‘X’ can’t leave the forest, that something has bound it to the forest and if it leaves it will die. This is where the theory of it being a formation of evil spirits came from. If someone died in the forest it’s said their spirit wouldn’t be able to leave. That the spirit would roam the forest forever and not be able to find its way out. And over time all these evil spirits conjoined to form the creature. But realistically nothing is stopping the creature from leaving the forest. And that is why when the clock strikes Three AM… some turn all their lights off and don’t make a sound until Four AM when the Witching hour ends.

(837 words)



Level 35
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
The reasons for your denial include:
- Repetition in wording
- Your history on the server
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