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sauvagee Surgeon Application


Level 1

OOC (Out Of Character) Information


Current In-Game Name (IGN) : KleinCalvin

What timezone are you in?: Pacific Standard Time Zone

Do you have Discord, if so what is it?: joshy#3000

Specify your activity on the server and how long you’ve been associating yourself on Roleplay Hub: I first joined SRP around the beginning of 2020. I’m very active on the server, playing a total of 3-6 hours or so, getting on when I have time available.

If you have any previous bans and or ongoing warnings, list them:


List and categorize your current and past applications:

All on sauvagee-

[Accepted] Assamese Language Application:

[Accepted] French Language Application:

[Accepted] 2nd Russian Language Application:

[Denied] Italian Language Application:

[Denied] Russian Language Application:

What’s your motivation to apply for EMS, how will you benefit our medical team?:

EMS appealed to me as a new opportunity to enhance my roleplaying skills in a different environment. I’ve already experienced certain areas of RP such as participating on the football team as well as different forms of CombatRP. Within the new experience, I am motivated to join a new community and with that a form of networking and making new friends. Also, I wish to join in order to gain knowledge of how to use MedicalRP in scenarios outside of EMS, hence someone is injured and is in need of assistance of any sort. The knowledge, though might not be applicable to other characters, is something that I would be able to recognize and in some cases use to other’s benefit.

I would benefit the medical team in the aspect of the activity level. I found myself in some cases in need of specific positions of doctors for different RP and the lack of activity stuck out to me the most. I feel like with new additions, people will be able to rely on the EMS almost as if it were in real life, always working.

What medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist, Surgeon.):

I’m applying for the surgeon role.

Specify your knowledge of the role you’re applying for?:

Surgeons specify in areas of emergencies involving illness, injury, or disease. They also have the ability to diagnose these diseases or illnesses or injuries all based on simple operations that are performed beforehand. Surgeons can fall under different variations and specialties, such as general, colon and rectal, neuro, and many others. Examination of surgeons would be done through the use of tools, making small incisions onto a specific surface. The routine of a surgeon is to examine their patient, after receiving a form of a referral from a doctor, and come up with the best solution fitting their specific needs.

Are you aware of the basic color codes for medical emergencies? If so, specify all the ones you’re conscious of with their meanings.

Code Pink: Infant or child abduction.

Code Orange: Hazardous material or spill incident.

Code Silver: Active shooter.

Code Violet: Violent or combative individual.

Code Yellow: Disaster.

Code Brown : Severe weather.

Code White: Evacuation.

Code Green: Emergency activation.

Do you take acknowledgment to the fact that if you’re inactive for a long period of time you will be demoted, and do you respect this fact?

Yes, I acknowledge and respect the fact that if I am inactive without notice for a long period of time, I will be demoted.

Categorize all the EMS roles and specify what each of them does:

HEAD PHYSICIAN: The HP of the hospital runs everything revolving around the hospital. They make the official decisions, though often taking in consideration opinions from other higher-ups.

CLINICAL MANAGER: The CM’s of the hospital are in charge of regulating and making sure that the CL’s do their job properly, as well as observing the rest of the hospital staff themselves. Though obtaining control over lower positions, the CM is still advised to implement ideas and follow the lead of the HP.

CLINICAL LEAD: The clinical leads each are heads of their own clinical denominations (Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist, Surgeon) The CL’s are considered higher ups, and applicable to lead or support the other leads if necessary.

SURGEONS: Surgeons obtain more strenuous work such as dental work or more severe, operations upon their patients when required.

DOCTORS: Doctors are described in some cases as well-rounded or able to be in different areas of the hospital whenever needed, though they look first to the specific department to deal with a situation. If ultimately necessary, doctors are allowed to perform surgeries, and psychiatry work.

NURSES: Nurses focus on minor yet still significant work, for example births, though they are allowed to assist in different areas if necessary. They should look first toward a doctor or surgeon to resolve the more significant injuries.

PSYCHIATRISTS: Psychiatrists focus on the psychological aspect of the hospital, though if needed they are allowed to perform /it f2b rather than a full roleplay scenario that they must perform. They mainly take care of the mental work on patients providing therapy if needed.

IC (In-Character) Information / knowledge


How does your character act during their shift and not during their shift?:

During his shift, Kyo would remain quite passive; speaking when only required to do so and if fond of certain individuals. He would make sure his clothing was tidy and overall orderliness at uttermost importance. If needed personally, Kyo would make haste with every action he took, still precise and accurate.

On the other hand, while off his shift, Kyo would remain in the vicinity of the hospital as it is his only place of comfort. He would in some ways interact with those working but keeping his space considerate of their activeness at work.

Describe your character’s personality / personification in summary:

Kyo gave off a somewhat intimidating aura unless you spoke to him personally. He would give blunt responses to those that he didn’t feel comfortable with yet. Ultimately, he put his work before else and displayed at times some strictness to demonstrate his passion for his work.

Describe your character’s appearance:

Kyo Chang Min was a prominent appearing Korean male at 190.5 centimeters tall. His body would be somewhat slim, still proportional to his somewhat abnormal height. He had dark black hair fixed formally and carrying a calm resting expression. His voice would be somewhat deep and raspy. Also, his slim shaped face would compliment easily his greyish green eyes. His skin would appear smooth, yet rather pale.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?


Character Background

(Make sure this biography / lore has 150+ words.)

Raised in the capital of Korea, Seoul, Kyo Chang Min was raised as an only child by his strict, yet formal parents. He was born on December 1st, 1991, and gained high recognition to exceed his parent’s expectations. He was inputted into difficult elementary schools and middle schools. He would be almost brainwashed to obtain perfection. This idea was implemented by his parents very early and therefore caused some issues with self-confidence and social skills. Rather than sports or socializing, Kyo took time to enhance his knowledge by reading books or obtaining information from his teachers. Not only this, but Kyo took a psychological path and questioned his own purpose in the world. During this time, Kyo continued his practice of Buddhism and learned more ideas that would question the morals of the world. Finally, upon reaching the age of 18, Chang Min traveled to Japan to finally finish his education. He took various courses that of which involved medical education courses. He stayed up various nights hastily studying for difficult tests and finals for both Biology and Medical Technology. Slowly, Kyo began socializing with individuals that shared similar passions and eventually married his significant other. He finally finished his education and found satisfaction with that. He decided that he would take the initiative to find a job within Karakura.


Section One: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Kyo Chang Min

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):


Characters Given Name(s):

Kyo, Chang Min

Characters Preferred Name:


Characters Age:


Characters Gender:


Characters Religious Domination:


Characters Marital Status:


Characters Nationality:


Current Location / Designation:

Karakura, Japan

Section Two: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

9 years

Working Experience(s):

Worked in another hospital for a total of 2 years

Academic Degree:

Medical Science Degree, and Masters Degree


Human Physiology, Health Sciences, and Human Biology.


Sociology, Foreign Languages

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


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