players online

SavoryKat's BMD application

IGN (and any alternate accounts):
SavoryKat and DramaholicRP​

Describe your activity on the server:
I was an old timer player, i had found SRP the earlier was around late 2017 and had quit around late 2020 or early 2021 due to just life getting in the way and I had ended up forgetting about SRP until around February of 2024, I have been on almost daily since coming back to the server. My activity on the server is pretty consistent meaning, Monday-Friday I work 8am-4pm and I'm usually online by 5 or 5:30 and stay on until about midnight. I have weekends off and I'm on pretty much all day and night unless I'm not home with running errands. I also have holidays off due to working at an elementary school and we get snow days off! So, I'm on fairly regular and almost every day and around the same times unless I'm just super tired.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
envy0204, yes! I do have a mic

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
United States, EST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Katniss has been Andres' BMDA almost his entire run of being a BMD give or take a week, until he had gotten arrested, she wanted to follow in his footsteps and do great things like he had spoken to her of doing. He had told her she could do great things and be an even greater BMD than he was. After his arrested she saw it to be the perfect opportunity to go through with what her father had taught her and finish the things that he had started, she wanted to become a better version of him. I had also had my eye on being a BMDA or a BMD for a while, I just didn't know how to go about it until my character gave Cap's information ICLY and I was able to get asked to be his BMDA from that. Which got me a foot in the door. Since I've been a BMDA I have learned the ropes of how to deal, find crates, and how to go about specific altercations and RP's. I've grown very fond of the BMD community in terms of how its run, how the players act things out in situations, and overall, the whole team for it. As much as I enjoy being a BMDA, I want to be able to have my own team while still working with the other BMD's. I also have been heavily leaning more towards CrimeRP rather than GangRp. Since I had been playing in the past around 2018 is when i caught wind of black marker, and even back then I've always wanted to try and be a part of it, but I was still newer to everything back then and really didn't have the rush to be a part of it. Now that I'm a bit older and know the rules fairly well, I figured it would be a perfect opportunity to at least try to at least apply. Even if this wave isn't my time, it's still something I'll continue on trying to get!

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What helps me stand out from the other applicants? I can contribute a lot to the team including event plans and offer motivation for the team to do more. I know the ropes around BMD from being a BMDA for the past couple of months and think that I have the skill set for joining the team. I have great communication skills when it comes to doing things together and hosting's, I have many ideas I want to see be brought to life and talk through with the other members of the team and want to be a part of leading them. I have strong will towards this specific team and its one of if not the only thing I've wanted to be a part of for a long period of time. I've grown very fond of BM, and it honestly takes up most of my time and comes first to me when invited to join RPs within the faction. I can bring fun and positive RP's while helping create lore for my own and other's characters. Others have told me that I'm an outgoing person as well, and like most I enjoy conversations with others, meaning I like everyone to feel included in things and think that can also help with bringing the team together even for smaller rp's and no major events!

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

Volleyball- I have been trying to find a good sports team to join that i was interested in and I had ended up getting on the volleyball teams, which is very teammate reliant on one another. Whether it be with call outs or catching the ball when someone misses it, or even just team sportsmanship and taking the blame and apologizing when it wasn't your fault, but also not blaming others when it is your fault. It has been a team I've fallen in love with due to everyone being nice and helping create an amazing balance within the team.

Bounty Hunter- I haven't been a Bounty Hunter for long and haven't been able to help much with the lead's requests due to them being done before i could get to them, but my char has created friendships and loyalty with some of the other Hunters and helping them with tasks that they need, or them helping her with her own tasks.

Gang Higher Up- I've been in a higher position in 2 different gangs, Inari and Sinnerous. Inari I was very active in, until it had started dying out due to members leaving and it quickly became a gang of around 4-5 active members, so I ended up leaving it. Sinnerous I was a part of the council and was active for a while in it until there was less and less events. But i had worked hard to get the spots I had received. I'm currently in Sasori-Za and was offered a higher up position on joining it but declined the offer due to wanting to work my way up the ladder, along with not wanting people to be biased just because they knew me. Another reason I declined was I'm aware that the rules state if one is a BMD they aren't allowed to be higher ups or own a gang.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
I want to try to bring more of the gangs into working with BMD better, see more of them crossing each other's path and not just within ordering weapons, but working together more. Also, in hopes to bring people more into GangRP or CriminalRP to become more alive than what it is right now. Everything criminal wise seems to have been slowing down recently and I want to see it come back to life, bring more to the table for people's enjoyment. I also want to see more of the BMD's doing more together and working as colleagues, make them more of a team rather than just individuals working in the same field. Offering to host more events within the team. I understand BMDs are all fairly private, but I rarely see interactions with them together while working alongside Cap7ainDes7roy as his BDMA, and I think it would create some suspenseful and enjoyable RP's, make BMD's want to do more than just open and close.

Now, as much as I would like to see more weapons implemented but that currently shouldn't be the focus of things while GangRP is dying slowly. Yes, there is some stuff happening but there's not a load of events happening where gangs are concerned, which in turn makes KPD less active and not roaming as much. Now I might be wrong with seeing the activity of things, but from where I stand, I rarely hear gangs being brought up anymore compared to a few months ago. People seem to not fear gangs or BMD as a whole anymore either a lot of people see them as a joke, I get you shouldn't always fear them, but they used to be something people aspired to be a part of and now, from what I've heard from friends and other people, it seems to be less interesting than before.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am fully aware of the rules pertaining combat and perms, those I have questions on I have asked staff about. I also learned what all the weapons were capable of with the block ranges so people couldn't exploit weapons.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, and i believe that it is a fair and reasonable thing to have, due to that character having knowledge on things others don't, including locations and details that could end characters in jail or harmed. It makes it more fearful for an ex-BMD to keep that information to themself.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, this is something that has been told to me by other BMD's and it makes sense to do this for the sole purpose of giving other people a chance at a spot in the market, furthermore, not having an unlimited number of chances since being a BMD is one of the most looked after roles on the server.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, it can ruin the surprise for new-comers, and I am rather big on find out icly for bigger things regarding events and planned out attacks, especially if I was a BMD. Even as a BMDA that's has been told plans, people have come to me to ask about things and I've always told them will find out when the event comes and goes.​
Full Legal Name:
Katniss 'Amo' Arguello-Calderon

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
Gender & Marital Status:

21 years old, Female and not married!

Ethnicity & Race:
Latina & Brown

Known Languages:
Russian, Romanian, and Korean

Former Associations/Occupations:
I was Andres' BMDA since August 29th, 2024, and Bounty Hunter. I was moved over to Epidemic's BMD once Andres had gotten caught.
Inari: Former higher up
Sinnerous: Former Higher-up and on the council along with overlooking Trainings.
Sasori-Za: Low-ranking member

Highest Level of Education:
Highschool Diploma

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Sociopath and arsonist

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Andres Arguello. Ezio Calderon, and Es-Eum Jett V.M

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Katniss was a younger looking female, standing roughly around 5'2. On first glance she seemed rather sweet with a gentle smile she always wore, she had long purple wavy hair that fell to her waist and wore it down just about every day, her skin was a bit on the tanner side, and she had these piercing dark forest green eyes. She had her septum pierced, snake bites, a belly button piercing and if she were to stick out her tongue you could see a tongue piercing there as well!

Behind her smile were sharp canines that she was lucky enough to be born with not paid for or fake along with subtle dimples. Now, her body was littered with carvings and scars, the most noticeable scars included of 4 scars on the front and back that aligned perfectly with each other from being stabbed through with a katana on the top of her right thigh, and a matching set of 3 on her left thigh. She had a scar on the palm and back of her hand as well from the same katana stabbing through her hand. Under her clothes were various scars from being stabbed in the shoulder, stomach or liver. She had a couple of carvings around her body, those being a kitsune carving with the letter E coming from the tail. She also had a full right rib carving of various waves crashing down and the letters 'MIZU' carved into them. She had another carving of a sigil of sorts on her wrist, a Butterly one!

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Katniss has two very different sides to her, one under the mask, and one in the mask. Under the mask on first meeting, she comes off as sweet, maybe even a bit innocent and can sometimes be child-like when it comes to certain things she enjoys. She can be rather clingy and even rambunctious. However, she can also be narcissistic and becomes easily obsessive. She's a rather guarded person at times about specific topics, like the scars on her legs! She can be easy to upset and becomes violent when pushed to far, she can snap in an instant and becomes very irrational, which is her biggest down fall. Katniss always gives people the benefit of the doubt, though she doesn't trust easily, but she will respect everyone that shows her the same respect. She is very big on Respect is earned not given, and she will stand up for what she believes. If you were to betray her and that trust or respect is disregarded, it is hard to regain that from her, and she holds grudges for life if she needs to! She has a bit of kick in her attitude and can be quite snappy towards someone when something is said that she isn't fond of, but she knows not to act up in public though, she knows how to keep things civil when she needs to and can deal with her battles in her own time without involving others. She's a very emotional person when it comes to close people in her life but if it were to be someone, she knew nothing about and didn't care for, she can snap in an instant and have no remorse for what she had done

Under the mask, she's a completely different person, she talks when she needs to or has input to give in. She keeps all her personal life, well personal! home life stays at home and work life, everyone gets the bare minimum about her. She becomes more serious with pressing matters and event plans. Katniss is very respectful towards her colleagues unless they do something to her first, she is loyal and trustworthy until someone harms her in way. She isn't one to take for granite, she might be small, but she has a mean bite to her, Shes not all bark. She doesn't like relying on others to do her bidding for her, but she does usually have backup with her. As much as she likes to take control of situations, she will always hear everyone else out for more ideas on what they could do to make what they're doing more efficient and precise. She's ruthless, does not care to harm someone for a paycheck, considering the fact that she loves money!

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)
Katniss Amorosa was born in Mexico with her 4 siblings, Ren, Juba, Dezmon and Es-Eum. They had grown up with an abusive father and an alcoholic ridden mother, their father would torture, hit and use them at his disposal that he saw fit. He had favored Juba and saw her as his prized possession, and hated Ren, but Ren and Kat were always close and inseparable, they protected each other and took hits for one another. When Kat had hit about the age of 7, the oldest of the group, Dezmond, had taken them from Mexico and brought them to Karakura, where they were raised, they had an aunt there that took them in and helped raise them. Kat and Ren never bothered to continue learning Spanish and quickly it became a forgotten language for them. One day when Katniss was around 13, her best friend got stripped from her, Ren had gotten disowned, and she had become the family punching bag. Ren left her and went to Romania where he was raised while Katniss stayed in Karakura. As she grew older, she had gotten a bit more distant with her blood family and started seeking out her own family on the side that saw her for who she was, she also sleeked love constantly from another man as she hit 18. During her time alone she traveled to various placed, Russia had become one of her favorites, she was pretty much an outcast already from her family, so they never realized she was gone, and she traveled there regularly and learned the language from traveling to and from between the ages of 13 and 18.

One of her adopted brothers. Makoto had realized she was seeking out this attention from men and started using rash and harmful ways to get her on a 'better path' at least that's what he called in, Kat had loved the ocean, it was her safe space, her peace, and Makoto had stripped that peace from her, using it as his way of torment. He'd shove her head in the water drowning her to the brink of being unconscious, he'd water board her, to try to get her to stop going after men for love. It didn't work... but it did make her afraid of the ocean! She had found a guy she thought she was in love with, turns out she was just a place holder for him until he found better, he wanted her to be his puppet and do his bidding while he went out and looked for someone better. At this stage she started seeking out a father figure, asking just about anyone and everyone to adopt her, to feel that love she had never received, she never really looked for a mom though, hers was never around so she couldn't miss what she never had... right?

There was once this guy that had become one of her dearest friends, Akyra! They were damn near inseparable, she was filling a void of missing her brother with him, but she forced herself to believe he was what she needed. They had a small fling, nothing ever perused further. Until one day, he was pushing her to be a better person, she didn't want that. She was very stuck up with her lifestyle, she was classed as the town dorm bunny. Akyra wanted her to settle down and be happy, it led to a fight between the two, he ended up slapping her and saying nasty things to her, which only lead to his death. She had killed her best friend, she was always one to fight and cause problems, but she had never killed before. It taunted her for months; she was confused on whether she liked seeing the fear in people's eyes or if she hated it. She secretly enjoyed the thoughts of it though.

Skip forward a few months and Ren returned! He was always her favorite, when he came back, he taught her Romanian, making it their own special little language. They had become inseparable again; he tried to reconcile with the family but was once again pushed away. Kat went down with him this time, having to choose the Amorosa's over her brother that she loved and looked up to, obviously she chose him, getting disowned from the Amorosa's alongside with him. Which she was fine with because she wasn't alone anymore. The happiness of him being around slowly faded, he had emotionally and physically hurt her. He'd stab himself just to see if she cared enough to help him, to prove to her that he was crazy enough.

After a while, she still never abandoned Ren even through whatever crazy stuff he got her into, she found out he ran a gang and had become one of his members, she would've done everything he asked, hell she did! Once she was in the gang with her best friend Desiree, they both had gotten a carving of a kitsune with the letter E coming out of it, Ren had told her it was a calling to be a higher up, at the time she was unaware of him being her higher up, but her and Desiree had thought so due to some of the things he had said Infront of them unmasked. Ren had put a lot of pressure on Katniss to do better in weaponry and trainings, wanting her to be unstoppable in battles, obviously she was small but boy was she mighty. She loved training, always strived to be better and never once held back even when going against Ren or even her best friend Desiree. In any case, she worked for him until the gang slowly died out, she also had left for her safety because ren had started becoming unhinged, as much as she loved her brother, he was becoming a liability to her. On her last day of being in the gang, he asked her to do a heist with him and Desiree, the heist went bad because Ren had come back for Desiree and Kat who were stuck in an elevator with people chasing them, the cops had arrived and got the 3 of them on Gang Affiliation, Kat had taken the fall for all the bloodied weapons so Ren's bail was lighter to get out quicker. Which is now why she is a felon, it ruined her dreams of being on the volleyball team and still haunts her to this day.

After Katniss left the gang, she started creating a life for herself, going out and finding her own family, and someone she could call her own. She started dating Riku who had disappeared shortly after them getting together, he was gone for months on end, no word no text no nothing. In this time is when she had met Andres, she begged him on numerous occasions of seeing him to adopt her, not thinking he actually would! He treated her like a project more than he did a daughter, but he was something she clung to, she loved him with all her heart even if he didn't know how to be a father to her. She ended up in Sinnerous and her teammates had got the smart idea of going crate hunting, her and her colleague were sitting in powerplant as a joke talking about a crate being dropped off there, and to their surprise... it actually happened. Kat had told her colleague it was a bad idea, i mean she respected BMD's because duh, that's how she got her weapons, but her friend didn't listen, she called the team for back up incase Andres had rolled up. At this point in time, Kat was unaware that her father was a BMD, but she did fear death as any normal person, the rest of the team was not afraid and tried to take his crate. He rolled up and opened the crate first and it turned into a battle that Katniss and one of the other Associates watched, Andres had gotten stabbed by the college that Katniss was with, now she knew who was under the mask, and she felt bad. She hunted the BMD down and gave him all the information he needed to know who what gang it was, who stabbed him, and who tried to take his crate. In return he offered her a BMDA spot the next time one had opened.

Andres contacted Katniss to be his BMDA and they were even more inseparable than before! One day Riku had come back and was livid of the fact that she had moved on from him after nearly a year of him being gone... he expected her to sit around and wait for his return, but she wasn't one to wait that long for someone without even a letter or a call. He had slapped Katniss while Andres was home, because she was living with him. Andres lost his temper and Juuzou was there during this encounter and Andres had given an order for him to kill Riku right then and there, she never found out it was Andres that gave the order until his arrest, it devastated her to bit and pieces, Afterall she still loved Riku, she just couldn't wait alone anymore. She learned it was her friend Juuzou that had killed her lover, and she held a grudge from him for a while, she forgave him but never forgot the torment he caused her.

Around the same time Ezio had started hanging around Katniss more and more, Riku's death wrecked Katniss, her brother stopped coming around due to starting his own family and quite frankly she had grown terrified of him, he had put her through turmoil distress. She sat on the hot springs at the beach and just told Ezio everything, cried on him and then as a joke to cheer herself up, she asked Ezio to adopt her as well, little did she know he'd actually say yes and become one of favorite people. Not only did she have 1 father that loved her, but now she had two! Ezio had taken things into his own hands to deal with Ren which only made Ren resent Katniss. She was on a falling slope at this point, she couldn't catch a break. At this point in her life, she started going through rigorous training with her father, throwing herself into gang training, she wanted to become a ruthless, emotionless, killing machine, just like her father.

One day Ren had ordered someone to kidnap Katniss, they smacked her with a spiked bat, covered her head, and took her into a hidden room in a house, she was unaware of. He tied her to the chair, took the bag off her head and tortured her for hours. He had stabbed through her thighs numerous times, he stabbed through her hand, he even went as far as to stab her stomach and twist the blade. All love she had for her once beloved brother had ceased to exist this day. She had officially, stopped caring about him. What brother would do that to a sister who would have done everything for them? That loved them. He made her swear she would never tell anyone, that it was a spirit that did it. Thats exactly what she did, she was completely, and utterly terrified of him. Even to this day, hardly anyone knows the truth of what happened to her, who did it. She never told Ezio or Andres, she only just recently told her current boyfriend about it by mistake, not knowing he knew Romanian...

Once Andres had seen her like this, was when he actually started becoming a father to her, he grew overprotective of her, almost overbearing, telling her she wasn't allowed to see Ren anymore, that she was not to leave the house without him. He was terrified for her safety, but he still allowed her to work with him, because well... ultimately, she was with him, and he'd be damned to let anyone harm her in any capacity. But of course, as soon as he started being an actual father to her, he gets caught. Now Katniss had known he was a BMD at this point, she was questioning him hard, especially because he would send his 'friends' to watch over her and protect her, she had heard their alias's from when they were around her at home and while working. Eventually Andres had admitted to being a BMD and he started working with her and training her more, he wanted her to be a BMD had even told her to apply. He wanted to see her do greater things than he did, he had told her she would make an amazing BMD and started letting her do some sales to get the hang of things, he really believed she could become one, and even more so that her father believed in her too. No one has ever made her feel like she could achieve something more than her father.

FINALLY!!! She found an amazing boyfriend that appreciated her, she was quite aggressive before meeting him, she chased this man for MONTHS before finally he asked her out. He had her almost completely figured out, he had secretly learned Romanian to know what she was talking about, he treats her like an utter queen and has her wrapped around his finger. Leon is 100% sweet spot. but of course, she wouldn't admit that out loud, he has shown her what love truly is when everyone else has failed her at doing so. Andres and Ezio were good fathers when they wanted to be.. but that wasn't very often, at least not until recently. It was strange to her that Leon had stuck around, even now it baffles her. He had been put through it by her family, Ezio has held a knife to his throat about not hurting Kat, and Andres beat him up when he found out they were dating. Leon even watched an illusion of a ghost slitting her throat right Infront of him. The spirit had told her she was to make up for her father's sins of killing innocent people with families. Would you stay after that? Instead, it only made their bond stronger.

When Andres had gone through the trial, kat hoped for the best, she knew he was guilty because duh, she worked for him and she helped him with the murder, but she hoped he could lie well enough and had a decent enough lawyer to get him out of the charges. Alas, it didn't work out that way, Katniss was devastated with the results of the trial, she ran to the station as fast as she could afterwards in hopes to see her father one last time. Luckily! She was able to, she was filled with anger over him getting caught, she was furious even. She didnt want a new BMD she wanted her father, to stay under his wing. He assured her she would do just fine without him, even if she didn't think that was the case. She clung onto the thought of being better than him, fulfilling his wants for her. He even went as far as to give her his blessing on marrying Leon in their last moments, which only made her angrier. He was supposed to walk her down the aisle, he was supposed to be there for her biggest day. Meet his future grandchildren, but that would never happen now... to her, he chose work over his family this time. But how could she yell at him knowing it would be one of the last times she sees him? She couldn't bring herself to do it. The anger turned into sadness as she hugged her father one last time... This only happened 4 days ago, which brings us to today! Where all that anger and sadness turned into determination, follow in her father's footsteps, but become a better and stronger version of him with a better future.

What really sold Katniss was a conversation with her current BMD and Amelia. Amelia told her "Then do him justice in a good sense. He's the one who fucked up and got caught, Show him your better. Continue his name." this only fueled her more, the woman didn't realize what the words she had said to Katniss, was going to spark a fire in her. Amelia doesn't know what her words just pushed Katniss to do, she immediately went home and began finding every way to apply for the position she now knew was open for her to try. After applying during an opening, Soushi told her that this was in her blood, something she was destined for.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
As 'Arcana' waited for a call in the BMD hideout, she leaned back against the wall, her phone vibrated in her pocket, she picked it up and answered the phone call 'What do you need.' She spoke bluntly.

The other voice on the phone came out quiet, almost whispered as they had answered her question, "Can I order a bat"

She nodded to herself even though the person over the phone couldn't see it clearly and pushed herself off the wall, "Stay on the line and await a location to pick it up from" She pulled the phone away from her ear to put the order in to be dropped off in a random location, she waited for the drop off coordinates before motioning for her associates to follow and handing the directions off to them as well, taking off quickly to find the crate before someone else had grabbed a hold of it and taking notes from her associates if they had a quicker path to where it was located.

Once she found the crate and acquired the weapon she took off in a different direction, she knew these sewers by heart at this point. Finding herself at the 11/7 sewer entrance, speaking back into the phone for further directions to her customer '11/7 Sewers and make it fast.' Leaning against one of the walls while the 2 associates she had with her were perched on either side of her. Can never be too cautious is what her dad always taught her.

Someone had appeared but it wasn't her customer, she stood up straight on alert, moving one arm behind her back to pull out her dagger just in case of emergencies. The man who was unmasked walked up the stairs startled at the guarded people he saw standing Infront of him. Arcana's words cut through sharply as she spoke out "Turn around and go back the way you had come.''

The started young man had done exactly that, turned and went back the way he had come. She let out a slight sigh of relief as she didn't have to fight someone and that they were no danger to her or her associates, she spoke through the phone once more "Hurry the fuck up. I don't have time to wait here all day.'' The other person on the phone answered with a hurried "I'm walking down now!"

She watched the entrance like a hawk while the associates watched the sides for her, once she saw her client, she walked up and asked, "What are you here for." Just to make sure it was her customer, "I had ordered a bat" Arcana had nodded once and hung up the phone

"125,000 Yen" She said while she pulled the weapon out from her bag, Once the money was in her hand she handed the Bat over with a simple "Have a good day" and waited for no response before walking backwards making sure there was enough room to not get jumped before spinning on her heels, to head back towards the hideout, motioning her associates to follow.

Once in the safety of the hideout with her associates she counted up the earning from that day's deals and handed out their share for being there with her. speaking out to them "We're closing up shop, your free to go. thank you for your help today'' She opened the doors for them and watched them leave, taking down her open post and then she too, went home to her family.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A): N/A​
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Level 336
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your application, I have decided to
unfortunately deny your application to join the faction.

Why have I been denied?
This decision has been made based on the following reason(s)
Though we enjoyed your application, we have decided to go for other applicants. You're welcome to reapply in the future.

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