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Official SCHOOL | Explanation, Requirements & More

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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Karakura high school is a large building that holds students from grades 8 to college. You can get your degree and continue your life in the town in hopes of a job in the future, or you may end up in the streets. Nonetheless, any citizen of Karakura attends this school unless you’re Expelled, An animal, or an adult. Many different roles and things happen in the school, which may confuse those around. Below, you will find the answers to any questions you might have. If you still possibly do have a question, you can join the discord below for answers.

Karakura Academics Discord
(Click above)

Councillors are a main factor of the school, they’re the type who monitors students and watches their behaviours. Depending on the severity of the situation, they have the power to give those who are acting like delinquents detention. These types of students are moderately feared as they have the power to go straight to SLT if one does not comply. They’re still considered students, meaning they are the ages 16 to 24 years old, just as other roles apply. When applying, the things you should point out are how reliable you are as a student, your responsibility measures, and how you reflect on situations. It’s good to have a microphone while having this role, but it is not needed. More things are explained on the actual council page if you are looking forward to actually applying. As for every role, there are requirements you must follow for council; overall it is good to be a hardworking and motivated student, yet that is something that you must do on your own time and work forward to.

‣ You must have a decently clean history, any recent warns with failure to fearRP will get you automatically denied.
‣ No form of gangRP is allowed, this includes passing perms and more; if you are caught doing this OOCly, you will be removed.
‣ You are meant to be available for most situations such as giving detention and watching drunken students in the nurse’s office.
‣ You will be able to host and help on school-wide events alongside the other councillors.

‣ You’ll be able to give and host detention to students;
‣ You’ll have access to the council room and to the detention room;
‣ You’ll be able to host school-wide events with your fellow councillors;
‣ Each councillor will get a tag in-game which looks like the following:
[Grade-12][Councillor] Aoi Akihito
[College][Councillor] Aoi Akihito

‣ Student Council Application:

In Karakura High, we allow both college and high school students to create clubs with their own creative ideas. These applications are always open 24/7, which means you can submit them anytime you wish without having to feel rushed! This does not automatically mean they’ll be checked in a certain time frame, but they will be looked at when needed. There are many things to look forward to before applying for a club, making sure you meet the requirements and looking carefully at the rules and expectations of being a club leader before submitting any form of application (Which will be listed below). Every single club will get a club room. If your club is not accepted before others, it still has a chance! Some may be picked over others due to the idea being more beneficial for the server and events.

‣ Each club must have 5+ members in order to be considered;
‣ You must have a character of the age of 16-24 in order to have the club leader tag in-game,
keep in mind that you can change your age at any given moment;
‣ You must have at least three pre-existed events planned before posting the application.

‣ You’ll receive a club room;
‣ You’ll be able to host school-wide events;
‣ Each club leader will get a tag in-game which looks like the following:
[18][Grade-12][Club-Leader] Aoi Akihito
[20][College][Club-Leader] Aoi Akihito

‣ As a club leader, you must hold events in order to promote your club
‣ The usage of your club room should be moderately active; Failure to often use it can get it removed/replaced

‣ Club Application link:

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The school has its own news team which has replaced the news-reporter role. Students can apply to have a role that allows them to report any school events, drama, and situation in the town that deserves to have publicity. These are posted onto the forums which then allows those who wish to read the reports and the information stored in them can be taken ICly. People with this role are not paid to create these, it’s of their own free will. With the Journalist tag, there's more freedom with the age range of characters,

— You are allowed to GangRP, just refer to the rules below.
‣ You can only have the max amount of 2 arrests on your record (After becoming a journalist)
‣ Being suspended or expelled from school will result in removal (During your time as a journalist)
‣ 2+ detentions on record will result in either a temporary suspension or removal from the club. (After becoming a journalist)

— Journalists are expected to be respectful and mature about their position, they shouldn't be using the ability to throw news around to their advantage or to specifically target another student. Not only this but they should respect teachers and school staff as they are doing something extremely unique, and thus keeping a good reputation for themselves and the club is important;

— To become a journalist you’ll have to apply to be part of the Journalist Club over discord.

‣ Journalist Club Discord:

School-related events are announced within the Karakura Academics server. These announcements provide the date, time, and all crucial information that you may need to know about the event.

Events come in many shapes in forms, whether it’s school-wide like the recurring Student of the Month event, or an activity as simple as a Club Event. Some events are even reminiscent of school dances! On special occasions, some events may go unannounced and instead occur on the server itself without warning.

Club Events are held by club leaders once a month and spectated by the Senior Leadership Team. Depending on the club that hosts the event, the topic and activities can fluctuate. It’s good to keep an eye out on the #announcements channel of Karakura Academics! You will be able to determine which club event may appeal to you most.

A recurring event held on the server is the Model Student event. As the name suggests. It revolves around a vote, decided by the students, to determine who the face of the student body will be for the next season. If you’re interested in voting, it’s important to oversee the #announcements channel so you don’t miss your chance. Details regarding how to participate are also mentioned, like in every other event. Along with this, you are also able to vote for the following; Model Employee, Model Professor, and Model Teacher! Although there will still be an employee of the month, our model faculty will be chosen by you!

Most of the time, the only sports-related events you’ll see announced are tryouts. However, on rare occasions, sports teams themselves may host or partake in events! Anything from cheer-sponsored parties to sports tournaments, which are only held in summer and winter.

Alongside the previously mentioned events, there are many others that are announced across the server. These could range from dances to festivals -- The details of them vary but you’ll be able to read about them when they happen in the Karakura Academics Discord.

Several different sports teams are available for students to join on the server. These sports teams spread throughout both High School and College, allowing each student a chance at making it onto one of the teams! Each sport varies in activities and plugins, alongside tournaments that you may get the chance to partake in!

Some sports are specialized for one sex, and some are open to both. The different sports teams open to players are the following:

When it comes to joining a sports team, the player must go through tryouts first. Similar to school events, try-outs are announced with all required information & guidelines in Karakura Academics. Try-outs work just as you’d expect them to, by trying out!

Players are expected to show the following during try-outs:
‣ An adequate understanding of the sport they are trying out.
‣ Proper attire
‣ Meet each requirement specified in the announcement
‣ A proper interest in the sport

From there, once you’re on the team, there’s a variety of activities you can become involved in! These include sports tournaments or even just practice. By joining a sports team, a new world of opportunities is opened. Looking to try your hand at practicing and competing against other teams? Try out for whatever team calls out to you!

GRADE 7 - (13y/o)

GRADE 8 - (14y/o)

GRADE 9 - (15y/o)

GRADE 10 - (16y/o)

GRADE 11 - (17y/o)

GRADE 12 - (17 - 18y/o)
COLLEGE MASTERS (21 - 22y/o)
COLLEGE PHD (23 - 24y/o)

Examinations will be scheduled once every semester (3 months) and will allow as many students as possible, from both College & Highschool to partake. Examinations will be announced well beforehand informing you of the following:

A google form will be provided where you are to enter basic details including your username, which the school staff will then review.

Ideally, these will be scheduled to fit times ideal for all players.

Graduations will take place a few days after the final results of the examination have been determined, however not only your examination result is taken into account. Students who are known to contribute to classes, behave well, and are general role models will have a higher chance of being picked to advance up to the next position within their academic career, in addition to the higher chance given to them already by their examination score.

On the other hand, students that have a generally bad history or generally misbehave will have a reduced chance to advance up to a new position, regardless of their examination score being exceedingly good or bad.

If you are to drop out at certain positions within your Academic Career, you will be given specific roles based on where you are.
For example, those who have reached their PHD, have the option to drop out or are kicked out directly to an Adult role;
Those who reached College Master’s have the option to go back to Bachelors or are kicked out only to Grade 12;
On the other hand, those who have only yet reached their College Bachelors' (the first college rank) have the option to drop out or are kicked out only to Grade 12.
Faculty members when stepping down from their positions, if they fill in their respective factions' requirements, they can choose to have the College Bachelors role.

High school Teacher is a vital role in the world of SchoolRP. This role opens you up to an insane amount of roleplay opportunities, whether that be by teaching or with your fellow colleagues, you'll never find yourself bored. Within this faction alone, there are many subjects available for teaching - all together giving you nine options to find the subject you're skilled in out-of-character that you wish to teach the players of SchoolRP through roleplay. A teacher's job within the school is to provide entertaining classes for students during school hours, so all lessons must be planned to be both fun and interactive.

‣ You must have a clean history, Having such will make your acceptance chances higher.
‣ You are not allowed to gangRP once so ever, If you are caught doing so, You can be warned on the roster.
‣ You must be active within the server, Being active shows you are dedicated and ready to host classes often.
‣ You are expected to be mature and know how to roleplay according to the role.

- You gain a paycheck of ¥350,000 every month for only completing 10 classes, If you complete another 5, you get an additional ¥50,000 until you reach the maximum of ¥500,000.
- Get your own classroom and roleplay with both new and experienced players!

‣ Being a teacher you are expected to hold a class field trip every month at least once.
‣ Being active will get you promoted to other ranks within the field;
[Teacher][UT] Kurokawa Akihito
[Teacher][NQT] Kurokawa Akihito
[Teacher][QT] Kurokawa Akihito
[Teacher][HD] Kurokawa Akihito

UT = Unqualified Teacher
NQT = Newly Qualified Teacher
QT = Qualified Teacher
HD = Head of Department

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Within the College side of Karakura Highschool, Professors are the main factor in keeping many College Students in and becoming successful adults in the future when going through exams. Applications are checked at the beginning of every month, then every week following, When applying for Professor you are granted to teach any Course within a School Subject, Allowing this feature will allow more intriguing classes for College Students to attend. When being a Professor you are able to monitor other classes, handle students, and make sure everything is orderly. You get to work alongside many amazing coworkers who are always around to help, as well as work alongside the SLT of Karakura High.

‣ You must have a clean history, Having such will make your acceptance chances higher.
‣ You are not allowed to gangRP once so ever, If you are caught doing so, You can be warned on the roster.
‣ You must be active within the server, Being active shows you are dedicated and ready to host classes often.
‣ You are expected to be mature and know how to roleplay according to the role.

‣ If your course is something special, Your classroom can be edited to fit the needs,
‣ You gain a paycheck of ¥350,000 every month for only completing 10 classes, If you complete another 5, you get an additional ¥50,000 until you reach the maximum of ¥500,000.
‣ Granted to teach whatever course as long as it's educational

‣ Being a Professor you are expected to hold a class field trip every month at least once.
‣ Being active will get you promoted to other ranks within College Professor;
[Professor][UP] Iwao Akihito
[Professor][AP] Iwao Akihito
[Professor][QP] Iwao Akihito
[Professor][HD] Iwao Akihito

UP = Unqualified Professor
AP = Associate Professor
QP = Qualified Professor
HD = Head of Department

. . .

Employees can be found all around the school whether you're a part of the Community College or the High School, each of their duties varying from role to role. The receptionist is one of the more popular roles in the faction; you've most likely already come across one during your time on SchoolRP. This role is given the task of directing new students around the school, completing simple tasks such as taking calls, making use of our intercom system, and, of course, handing out school schedules. From receptionists to caretakers, the school has an array of different and exciting roles to choose from! The roles are:
[Receptionist] Aoi Akihito
[Tutor] Aoi Akihito
[Librarian] Aoi Akihito
[Nurse] Aoi Akihito
[Chef] Aoi Akihito
[Caretaker] Aoi Akihito
[Counselor] Aoi Akihito

‣ You must have a clean history, Having such will make your acceptance chances higher.
‣ You are not allowed to gangRP once so ever, If you are caught doing so, You can be warned on the roster.
‣ You must be active within the server, Being active shows you are dedicated and ready to roleplay with your role.
‣ You are expected to be mature and know how to roleplay according to the role.

- Choose a role that best suits you and your character
- Roleplay with both new and experienced players & meet new people through roleplay.
- School employees can claim a minimum of ¥150,000 for just 10 OOC hours of work & up to ¥250,000 for completing overtime.

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