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Denied School Librarian-Assistant

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Level 1
name: Locklyn0602

applying job: School Librarian-assistant

how often do you log onto the server?: Everyday after school

Do you have teamspeak3?: yes I do

Do you have a microphone: yes I do

Have you ever been banned: yes, for metagaming I honestly didn't know that I was- 2 hours

Can you ensure that you will often come on?: yes, I will 100% come on after school each day

In as much detail as possible describe the role of your school employee: My role would always be respectful to the librarian and do whatever they say whenever they say. I will always be kind to the students. My role will fill in for the librarian if needed. Finally my role will be loyal and honest.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay: yes I do. I used to follow my aunt around doing what she does in our family library. (if that counts as roleplay)

What experience in general do you have in a roleplay: In roleplay you get to experience things that you don't get to in your normal life which makes it so fun and loved by many creative people

Are you familiar with what your job does if so describe it: yes, my job helps organize the books, help out around the library, make sure the books are lined up correctly, make sure that if students mess them up I will clean up, and the most important thing the job does Is helping out the librarian when she/he needs it

During a work shift a student starts cussing at you for being pathetic how do you react?: first I would ask the student nicely to stop, if he/she doesn't stop I will just ignore it until I get in contact with a higher staff member.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the school principal how do you react: I will instantly do whatever the principal asks because I have to always respect the higher staff members.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order how do you react: I will ask him/her what they are doing and how does it help, if it doesn't I will tell him/her that they need to stop or I will later tell higher staff members. If they don't I will tell a higher staff member.

Application name: Jessica Culto

Chosen Job: Librarian-Assistant

Motivation for joining YHS: I was always constantly looking for great roleplaying servers and I decided to try this one out and it turned out this was the perfect server!

Why should you pick me over everyone else: I should be accepted over others because I have more experience than others honestly. I am loyal, honest, kind, and of course I am really appreciative. You really don't have to pick me before others but if you do I will really love that! Thanks for your time!
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