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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Anxiety of School and Yourself?


Level 15

A Guide for those in need of help against fears of school and popularities.

Fear of school itself?
Everyone can be afraid of something sometimes, but this is about Karakura High School and college itself. Are you afraid that you won't be able to move up the class and are you putting pressure on yourself? Are you doing homework but think it's wrong and contains too many mistakes?

All this stress doesn't have to be the case if you can't help yourself.
The school and its staff ensure that you are doing well, especially if they notice that you are sitting alone and sad on a bench, for example, where you may show your emotions, either a councilor or that type of school employee will depend on you and you will automatically asked if everything is okay. It would be the beginning of free help against depression and loneliness.

However, it is best to pay the Counselor a visit. A few years ago there were no Counselors and the tutors had an additional task of helping students with mental problems. Today it's a little easier.

However, if you have one or a few friends you can trust, you can also get advice on how to socialize with other people. You are never alone, you just have to put yourself in the light to make yourself known and become popular.

No Friends and you’re a bad/good student?
You think you're a great person and you ARE good in class, getting good grades and making an effort to show the teacher that YOU are a hard-working student? But you see your classmates more as just anyone else around yourself and you unfortunately don't dare to get in touch with them to share your interests and make friends?


..are you more of a person who generally doesn't care about school and just hangs out alone like a lazy person who is just a little light in the deep dark forest? But are you more afraid of making friends and you are even bullied by other students, no matter what grade level?

Get help from
council members, Faculty in general, Teachers and Professors and best of all Counselors.

Counselors also offer a type of therapy to show you that you are ready to start building friendships and that you don't have to put yourself through fear before school.

There are solutions for everything

Is someone trying to hurt you emotionally or does someone want to do something bad to you and you're on your own?

This is often one of the worst problems that exists here at the KHS. If you stay silent and prefer to keep everything to yourself, answers will only be limited, but you have to speak up and place yourself on the side of the helping and loving people in order to feel safe. Bad people, who know what bad things stick in their minds, can cause chaos. However, the opposite wins if something is done about it.


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