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Now, after speaking with students at Karakura High School and College, I understand that some students have concerns over raccoons being in schools due to their wild nature; however, there is an argument to let more animals into the school for emotional support and the mental wellbeing of students.
When speaking to students Tsugi U. Jahii and Keio Y. Akori, they had concerns around raccoons being in schools due to the diseases they carry and the deceitful nature of the creatures. There was this Where’s-Waldo looking youngster who seemed to be afraid of the existence of raccoons, as well as me, but stayed to talk about their concerns. How can we ensure students’ safety and that the animals will be effective at emotionally supporting students? This brings up other questions such as: what animals can best support students? What if students have allergies? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Are the animals going to revolt and take over? Are we all going to die?!? Let’s have a look into some of these questions.
In my quest to instate raccoons in schools, I ran into Kai Wigglesworth. I believe that Kai has a service dog named Nysa. This is another example of animals supporting students. Kai thinks that ESAs, emotional support animals, should be allowed in schools.

ESAs are an important resource to people who need some support emotionally. According to animal doctor scientists, animals help people lower their blood pressure, feel less lonely, and establish routines. These things are seen by the doctor people as good for humans. Having a companion in an animal can reduce stress and anxiety. They also are a good reminder to humans that they are humans and not animals. With emotional support animals, moods will boost and purpose may be found.

To become a supporting animal to your desired human counterpart, you must jump some through some metaphorical hoops (and maybe some non-metaphorical ones). According to the all-knowing gods G, P, and T, you must first convince a licensed mental health doctor that your human needs you in order to be emotionally supported. If you are able to obtain a written and signed letter from the mental doctor, you will be more legitimately recognized by some people and organizations. After this quick chat with the doctor, you are free to follow around your human into more places, like possibly Karakura High, to emotionally support your distraught wreck of a companion. Please feel free to distribute this information to raccoons you see on the street.

When forming the argument for enjoying raccoons’ company on school grounds, students have brought up their concern for “safety.” Raccoons are very lovable creatures. Some may say that they have diseases, but I think that you can feed them or stab them with potions to make them not have diseases. Testing ESAs for rabies is an important step in ensuring safety of humans. Humans should also make sure that they are up to date on their rabies vaccinations to prevent contracting the disease. Although Japan has technically banned the importing of raccoons and keeping them as pets, emotional support animals are emotional support animals and technically not pets. There is a precedent of domestic raccoons in Japan that led them to ban their importation in the first place. According to a sun on a magazine, 1,500 raccoons were imported a month at the height of the craze which started in 1977. They were kept as pets by children who were inspired by books about Rascal the Raccoon. Raccoons are cute and their cuteness can emotionally support you, keeping you safe.

No one actually dies of allergies. If someone has severe allergies, for example a severe allergy to dogs, they may go into anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction. So, really, people don’t die of allergies, they die of allergic reactions, which are totally not the same thing. If you feel like you are swelling or not breathing while near an animal, you may be allergic to it. If it is not your animal, you should walk away or be careful. If you are looking to have an emotional support animal that will not induce allergic reactions and/or death, there are other options for you. If you are allergic to hair/fur, you can get a hairless cat. Sure, they are ugly beyond belief, but it is still a cat and can support your emotional needs. Other options include emotional support salamanders, emotional support snakes, emotional support eels, and emotional support naked-mole rats.

Dogs are the most common emotional support animal. I feel that this creates financial barriers for people. Any old domestic animal will do, and you can domesticate animals you find too, LIKE RACCOONS! If you have allergies, there are animals like frogs, lizards, and birds that you can have as an emotional support animal. If you have a lot of complicated emotions and are therefore looking for an emotionally intelligent animal to accompany you as your ESA, you may want to consider an elephant or dolphin. If you are looking for a unique supporter of emotions, you should obtain a miniature horse or pig. Both have a history of being domesticated and used for emotional support.

Each type, breed, and species of animal poses their own risk in terms of allergies, disease, and ability to support. Ultimately it is up to you if you need an animal in your life to help take the edge off of existing. Animals make people happy and provide health benefits and encourage healthier, human lifestyles. People have pets and emotional support animals all the time that pose little risk. With Karakura schools being a more populated place than a residential home, there may be more exposure of animals to humans and humans to animals. However, animals are capable of coexisting with humans as service animals and street animals do.

If you emotionally support your emotional support animal, your emotional support animal will emotionally support you and likely not revolt. But then again, raccoons have been known to travel in groups.

Not all of us will die. Some may if they insist on interacting with animals that will cause them to have an allergic reaction or if they contract rabies. But some of us will be smart and strong and emotionally supported and not die.


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