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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Summer Time Safety


Level 87

Good day students of Karakura high and College, As we all know summer has just begun for all of us so today i went out of my time to speak to a few members of faculty on how YOU can stay safe in school during summer

First things first I interviewed a Tutor by the name of Mr Munakata, I did this because he is constantly in his tutor room and I thought surely he would know a thing or two about heat. Bellow is a MP3 of the audio recording. Feel free to listen to learn a thing or two about his tips.

The audio recording started

Serene: “So i am doing a school school news report on how to keep safe during the summer in school time. I know the heat can be very draining on students and also very dangerous too, Do you have any suggestions to the students and event faculty of this school and college on how to keep safe?”

Munakata: “Well I think an obvious but important answer would be staying hydrated. In and out of the sun, If the temperature is hot, Heatstroke can still get ya. So its best to stay nice and hydrated to avoid that as much as possible. I think combining that with keeping out of the sun for a long period of time and proper sun protection, The students can stay safe during the summer.”

Serene: “Interesting, How will you keep safe in this room? Are you going to dress a bit less professional? Use aircon? So on”

Munakata: “Well you can still dress professionally while staying cool, I can just replace this lovely pink weather for something more lightweight. The school buildings seem to remain quite cool most likely due to good ventilation, But maybe a cool little fan would be something handy to just have on you.”

Serene: “I see i see, That should be enough for now though sir, Thank you for your time Mr Munakata i really appreciate it!”

The audio recording stopped
Next I thought the school nurse would be able to tell us a few things since she is a professional in this kind of stuff. Bellow is the MP3 of what she had to say!

The audio recording started

Serene: “So Miss, as a nurse of this school I figured you may have one or two things you can share with the students. How would you recommend the students keep safe during summer time on school grounds?”

Yamada: “Alright so… Firstly i would suggest to play some more indoor sports, For example basketball instead of football. In order to stay in more cool areas. Of Course staying hydrated is not less important. Drinking water on a regular basis even if you are not thirsty is very important in order to not become my next patient.”

Serene: Chuckled “That sure would not be great for you now. The heat is draining enough!”

Yamada: “Dressing up as comfortable as you can, Wearing something light will always help you stay a bit cooler and of course use sunscreen, The sun gets very dangerous during summer time. If you do choose to be outside of school where there is now AC, Please remain under a tree or anything that might provide you with a little bit of protection”

Serene: “Thank you for giving us some suggestions Miss Yamada, I am sure students and even faculty can learn a thing or two from this. Thank you for your time.

Yamada: “Of course! Anytime! I was very glad to help out!”

The audio recording stopped

I think everyone in Karakura high and college can learn a thing or two from the lovely staff. Please keep this suggestions in mind as it could be a threat to life if you do not. Thank you for reading my school report. Serene Misono Ōmori out!

Big thank you to the two lovely people who let me interview them for this report
TobiIsAngel_ and SirDirp2nd


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