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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Volunteering in KHS


Level 63
Volunteering in KHS

June 26th 2024 - by Tsugi Urushido Jahii

Should volunteering be a new norm for KHS students?​

Yes! People should be able to volunteer.

When walking around school, I notice how many students are out and about during class time. Classes are full, students are running rampant, and boredom walls come caving in. When students aren’t busy, they seem to gravitate towards causing trouble, getting attention from faculty. It can be exhausting, so why not allow students to volunteer?

Volunteering can allow students to take control and learn how to become respectful leaders. It can teach them valuable skills and how to get along with others. Sometimes students can expand their knowledge by volunteering somewhere they never thought of before. Perhaps they can discover a new interest while they're at it.

No! People should not be able to volunteer.

Karakura High School is a lawless place, and trusting students to follow the rules is almost impossible. Students shouldn’t volunteer because if anything goes wrong the school will be held accountable, like if a volunteer lifeguard fell asleep at their post. Students may only volunteer for the power, if they enjoy bossing people around. Students may also only want to volunteer for the rewards, like stickers. You never know with the unpredictability of KHS how students will act, and adding volunteering may cause more problems than good.

What if we gave volunteers full access to the intercom, that wouldn’t be good at all! Instead of hearing ‘a lifeguard has reported to their post, come swim!’ we’ll spend the day hearing ‘Joe Mama is at the pool, come meet her!’ How will we know if volunteers are ready to volunteer? Ask faculty? That would add even more pressure on their already hectic days.

Types of Volunteering

School Pool: Lifeguards​

Have you ever seen a lifeguard on their post? Have you read the pool rule at the end where lifeguards enforce them? The pool is a lawless place without lifeguards. This is a big one, which is why I’m starting here first. There should be training for lifeguards here at school so more people can volunteer. Like who wouldn’t want to hangout at the top of the tower like Rupunzel? LOL, I would love that. Saving someone’s life would totally qualify you for a sticker! Don’t forget about your resume, too. Jobs would love to see your lifeguarding experience!

Club Rooms: Meetings​

I’m not too familiar with clubs beyond journalism, however, volunteering is a good way to join clubs without the commitment! Think about it, have you ever visited the club events where the members showcase their clubs, but you can’t decide which one you want or you just don’t think you have it in you to commit? What if we add volunteers!

People can join meetings, go out with people, get to know them, and later decide if they want to join whilst helping make the club a better place!

For example, the journalism club! My favorite! Perhaps someone can volunteer and give us journalists some tips, or even the other way around. Literature teachers alike can even participate too. And what about the Photography club? Photographers can volunteer and give tips on how to shoot great photos for projects we students may partake in, like writing an article or making a science experiment. Gardening and Environmental clubs can help volunteer to make the school a brighter and more efficient place!

The more volunteers, the better, and the more club members there can be.

Classrooms: Field Trips and Cleanup​

Teachers have it hard already, having to keep track of more than twenty students. When they want to do a field trip, they worry about rounding everyone up, keeping them safe, and returning back to school in time. What if we have volunteers to help keep track of students, or someone to follow behind the line in case someone gets left behind?

Some classrooms can get messy, especially culinary and science! What if we can have volunteers to stay after class and help clean up for the next class? Who knows, maybe the regular volunteers can rack up some stickers!

Higher Ups: Helpers and Councilors​

With the introduction of Prefects, I’d say we have a good chance of turning students into helpful volunteers to make the school a safer environment. It should be encouraged to help out others the best you can, but the addition of prefects is a great way to make it official.


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