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Level 62
What’s Up With?

03 AUGUST 2024 - by Tsugi Urushido Jahii

What’s Up With: All Of These Detentions?

So Many Drunk Students!

What’s up with students bringing alcohol and downing half a bottle before classes? They stumble around school with faculty in clear view as if they’re not going to get caught. Why cause trouble if you can’t run away?

The Assault is Too Much

Where are people getting the ideas of beating each other up? Once caught they run away, but little do they know, the intercom will call their names for all to hear. So many assault instances, the detention rooms are full of them. Pretty soon it’ll be suspensions and expulsions!

Pranks and Swirlies?

What’s up with the sudden urge to flush someone’s head down a toilet? What’s up with the pranks jocks play on cheerleaders? Why can’t we all get along? If both people aren’t laughing at the end, it’s never considered a prank, it’s harassment.

Faculty Abuse, whose idea is this?

What’s up with all this faculty abuse? It’s bad enough for students to harass each other, but to do it to faculty? Who came up with this? They already have it hard enough trying to make the school a better place and keep it in working order, but students don’t make it any easier.

Verbal Harassment, words hurt!

Who made the phrase “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me”? It’s not true, physical and mental health are equally important! Stop attacking people with words. If they can’t fix something in 30 seconds or less, don’t mention it! Telling someone their shirt is untucked is fine, but telling them their fashion sense is bad is not okay!

What, Why?

  • Why do people like detention?
  • It could be that people love school so much they don’t want to leave. However, did you know you can still be in school until gates close?​
  • Maybe they want to get suspended (or expelled) so they don’t have to go to school. People must underestimate the harm being suspended does to your permanent record. Did you know when you work hard enough you can graduate school, never having to return?​
  • Is it the room? I haven’t seen it myself, but from the window it seems pretty boring. I talked to someone who went to detention, and he mentioned it being boring and wanting more from it. Isn’t that the point? For it to be so boring and unenjoyable that you wouldn’t want to return? Is it really worth it?​
  • Is it the task? Did you know if you like to write up detention tasks, you can grab a notebook (or borrow one from a teacher) and write your own stories? Oh, and if you want people to see, journalism is an option, or creative writing classes. Oh and don’t forget, submit your stories to the library for some sweet rewards.​

What Can We Do?

  1. Security - Can we hire KPD for security? Making sure students don’t have alcohol on them before they enter school, scaring students into not fighting, and even breaking it up themselves. It would just make the school seem like a prison.​
  2. Assemblies - Who doesn’t enjoy a looong assembly with information that gets drawn out and obscured by the loud voices of your seat mates? Does anyone ever take the information seriously? I mean, when was the last time we had one?​
  3. New Policy - I bet if SLT gives faculty one student a day to tear into, it can end great or horrible. There is no in between. However, this may end in disaster, but then again, the student must really deserve it.​
  4. Intercom - Time for lunch, time for class, so-and-so come up to the front. What if we leave positive messages as well? Maybe having a moment everyday to leave a nice intercom message can brighten up people’s days and distract them from causing trouble. Perhaps have some reminder for the lesser known rules, or some tips to navigate school. I feel like some people forget the library exists, and the poor librarians can’t keep up with the boredom, there’s only so much books they can read.​

Next Time On: What’s Up With?

Next time I wonder:

What’s Up With The Littering?


Level 1
Honestly, I just think it's because outside of like suspensions and being expelled, there aren't any real consequences (even suspension and expulsion are like hidden blessings for people who experience them). I got back like a solid two months ago and it really doesn't seem like much has changed. At least in the states, if someone got caught doing anything you listed, they were getting much more punishment than they do here. Either that or other students took it upon themselves to deal out punishment, but that doesn't really help the issue either.

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