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What’s Up With?

16 September 2024 - by Tsugi Urushido Jahii

What’s Up With: All Of This Littering?

Books are Everywhere!​

What’s up with students making copies of books and just sprawling them out everywhere they walk. And no, they’re not accidentally dropping them and waiting for their true love to bump hands and lock eyes. No way, it’s always GOSSIP, and RUMORS, and CRINGE stuff. Maybe PARTY invites or unwanted CLASS ASSIGNMENTS. Either way, it’s getting old. Sometimes it’s not even signed so no one knows who wrote it.

The Trash Cans are Empty?!​

Every time I see some trash on the floor, there’s at least two trash cans nearby, which are empty! Is no one using them? Are caretakers just taking trash out every chance they get to avoid dealing with students claiming they need to go out back to the dumpster when they’re actually playing connect four with students? Maybe! But yes, I’ve never seen a full trash can in Karakura’s Schools.

Anything Else Being Dropped?​

Of course! However I’ve never personally seen it, but I’m sure there are marshmallow treats out there somewhere. On the floor. Do people ever eat them? I mean, they’re packaged and students are broke, I’d think so.

What, Why?

  • Why do people like littering?
  • It could be that people want to spread their message because they don’t have any other ways to do it. Party invites and vicious rumors are easily spread with tons of paper books being thrown around groups of people to pick up and read. I’m glad people are reading, but is this really the best way to do it? And what happens if they don’t care… that’s right, they toss it right back on the ground! Unless they’re decent and locate a trashcan first.
  • Maybe they want to get detention because they love school so much. Maybe they want to keep “who is doing this” rumors among faculty going to mix things up. Perhaps they just want attention.
  • Maybe students are just lazy. They’re just not bothered to open a can and toss it in.
  • Germaphobe? Physically unable to? Okay, now there are real reasons people litter, I get it. What if they can’t handle germs? Lifting up a trash lid isn’t the smartest thing to do when you want to avoid germs. Oh well, time for you to wear gloves or go to the many bathrooms and wash your hands. What if they’re physically unable to? What if they broke their leg and can’t hold a book and open the trash at the same time? What if both arms are broken and they can’t open the lid without pain? Sure it’s a valid reason, but faculty and fellow peers are around, just ask for their help! Students it’s a 50/50, but faculty are legally required to help you when they’re free. Totally.

What Can We Do?

  1. New Punishment Policy - Perhaps punishments should be more strict. No more warnings for litterers, instead, hit them with an instant detention slip!
  2. Limit Printers - So much ink for their stacks and stacks of books to just litter around campus. Let’s limit school printers to 3 copies an hour, or only allow librarians and receptionists to print your books in order to give them something to do and to be able to limit the amount printed.
  3. Do Your Part - Don’t litter! If you see a friend who tossed something on the ground, tell them enough! If you see litter on the ground, pick it up and throw it away. With your help, we can eliminate the problem!

Next Time On: What’s Up With?

Next time I wonder:

What’s Up With Ditching?

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