This post will attempt to explain the entire Examination, Grading & Graduation Process. Everything has been made to help players better understand the system in the simplest way possible, if you believe anything is missing or believe that something should be elaborated on, please contact a member of SLT. All grades and graduation results will also be posted on this thread for public view.
GRADE 7 - (13 y/o)
GRADE 8 - (14 y/o)
GRADE 9 - (15 y/o)
GRADE 10 - (16 y/o)
GRADE 11 - (17 y/o)
GRADE 12 - (18 y/o)
COLLEGE MASTERS (21 - 22 y/o)
COLLEGE PHD (23 - 24 y/o)
ADULT (25+ y/o)
Examinations for both College and Highschool will take place every In-Character semester/school term (approximately every 3 months). During Highschool exams we allow the maximum of 150 students to partake in order to give every player new and old a fair chance at progressing through roleplay.
- HOW TO RESERVE A SPACE - A google form will be provided in the announcement where you are to enter basic details including your username, which the school staff will then review. By reserving a space, you'll have teleport priority which means you'll definitely be allowed into the exam room on the day.
- WHEN, WHERE AND HOW MANY EXAMS WILL TAKE PLACE - Ideally these will be scheduled to fit times ideal for all players, the amount of exams will vary on the amount of students wanting to attend & finally the locations for said exams will be the gymnasium. If there is not enough room there, classrooms may also be occupied.
- WILL EVERYONE WHO PASSES GRADUATE? - In short, no. Being put onto the 'graduation list' will be somewhat difficult; you must have good exam scores, attended classes within the month of the exam and prior, you must have a good reputation or standing with school staff & you cannot have more than two recent suspensions on your record. Up to 30 players minimum will be given the honour of graduating should they meet the requirements.
Graduations will take place a few days after the final results of the examination have been determined, be aware that this process can take up to 7 days as each exam must be manually marked by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Students who are known to contribute to classes, behave well and are general role models will have a higher chance of being picked to advance up to the next position within their academic career, in addition to the higher chance given to them already by their examination score. On the other hand, students that have a general bad history or generally misbehave, will have a reduced chance to advance up to a new position, regardless of their examination score being exceedingly good or bad.
Dropping out from Highschool isn't at all possible, however if you are to further your academic career and take the College exams, dropping out and only completing one degree is entirely possible.
Those who have reached their Masters after completing the College Bachelor → College Master exam have the option to drop out to directly move onto an Adult role within the same age range depending on degree level. On the other hand, those who have only reached their Bachelors degree (the first college rank) have the option to drop out and be put back to Grade-12 to restart the process.

The Highschool examinations will be relatively easy to majority of players to cater for the server's younger audience and the diversity of players partaking in each exam. These exams are always marked out of 75, meaning some questions may require working out or further explanation to pick-up extra points for your eventual grade. Alongside this, contrasting to College exams, Highschool exams require knowledge of server lore and information to help us decipher well-rounded experienced individuals fit to progress within our academic system; all history/server knowledge put into the exam will be taught in Highschool classes to give everyone a fair chance to study and learn.
College Bachelor → College Master exams are considerably harder than Highschool exams and will be held at a higher standard, however grading will still remain the same as Highschool following the above grading system. During these exams, a maximum of 75 players will be allowed to partake; a significantly lower number than Highschool exams due to the amount of College students. Upon completing this exam and successfully passing, you'll be moved onto College Master with a Bachelor's degree.
College Master → College PHD; upon getting this far, you must have shown exemplary behaviour, leadership skills and taken part in an internship programme whilst attending Karakura Community College. The exams for this are of course much more difficult and will require a 750 word dissertation on your chosen subject within the College to further progress! Once you've completed your dissertation and taken part in the exam, you will have a full Master's degree in a specific subject which adds realism for roleplay and gives your 'College Major' a purpose.
College PHD → Adult; this final process isn't at all mandatory, you may stay at College PHD permanently if you wish to keep your tag, however, those who wish to progress through roleplaying out the full college system are welcomed to do so. As expected these are no longer 'exams' and are completely based on roleplay and studying. PHD students that supply a 1,000 word dissertation as well as a 'life plan' of where they wish to work after leaving College will be granted the Adult role ages 25 and above.
All College degree roles can partake in Clubs, Council and Sports teams.
All examinations are held under 'exam conditions', this means that all students must follow a strict set of rules whilst taking part. All punishments (including disqualification) are received In-Character through roleplay with exam invigilators and the school's Senior Leadership Team.
- Absolutely no talking; talking during the exam results in immediate disqualification.
- No eating or drinking whilst taking the exam.
- Face the front, any distractions will be caught with immediate warning.
- No electronic devices, including: Phones, Laptops, etc.
Upon reaching the end of your progression stage, from Grade-7 to a College-PHD student, you are simply given a choice to either remain within your College PHD position, or dropout to the adult role at your current age, at any time.
The purpose of this entire system is to first off provide players with something to work towards. Secondly, to also benefit your application process for both factions and staff, all formats now require for you to display your current grade or degree level meaning application markers can distinguish more dedicated & experienced players with college degrees from ones who maybe are new to the server & not as dedicated for a role.
What happens if I miss an exam? Unfortunately exams cannot be taken individually (PHD exams are the only exceptions). There will be plenty opportunity for your to try the Highschool & College exams later down the line. Remember that they're hosted every 3 months and will be announced via the Academics discord.
I've just taken my exam, what now? Allow up to 7 days for the Senior Leadership team to process all of the exams, baring in mind that each must be marked manually and graded out of 75; it can be a lengthy process.
I passed, but I wasn't on the graduation list. Why? Each exam allows a handful of students who scored passing grades to progress via the Academic system; a minimum of 30. Those who scored a B or 75% and above will automatically be on the graduation list and those who scored a C 60%-69% will be randomized to give everyone a fair chance. ~ It may be worth noting that students can be removed from the graduation list due to bad behaviour or lack of class attendance/roleplay experience.
I've just taken my exam, what now? Allow up to 7 days for the Senior Leadership team to process all of the exams, baring in mind that each must be marked manually and graded out of 75; it can be a lengthy process.
I passed, but I wasn't on the graduation list. Why? Each exam allows a handful of students who scored passing grades to progress via the Academic system; a minimum of 30. Those who scored a B or 75% and above will automatically be on the graduation list and those who scored a C 60%-69% will be randomized to give everyone a fair chance. ~ It may be worth noting that students can be removed from the graduation list due to bad behaviour or lack of class attendance/roleplay experience.
Any questions? Feel free to direct them to the #help channel in the Karakura Academics Discord. https://discord.gg/xQBHzyNE4Y
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