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Science Club Application | xPopiezius


Level 6

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader: Daichi A.MacLeod

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Popiezius#3517


What is the Official Title of the Club: The club's official title would be - The Science Club.

Your current Members RPName & IGN:
Kentaro A. MacLeod, NotRokazh_
Jojy Akiyama, Double_V_13
Lily Z., OLilyy
What is your Motivation for Creating this Club:
(150 Words)
I wanted to create a club for such a long time now, and then I thought of actually attempting to create it, I tried finding members that could join this club and tried to create an application for it(the old one), but then it passed like 2months and there basically was no response so I kinda lost hope, but then I saw that the applications are open again and I immediately wanted to try to get in again. Right now as I'm filling in this application I think a lot of how many fun activities this club would do and I would try to be as responsible for this club as I can, I even thought of all the events this club could create so I really hope this application will be accepted.
What Events could your Club do?:
I think this club could create some events featuring the latest robot models, not only that but competitions such as creating the coolest robot, doing the coolest and mind-blowing experiment ever but of course you would be awarded some kind of prize if you would take first place in the competition, Also there's still plenty of time so I think me and my club members will think of a lot more ideas on how the event could be done.
How could your Club benefit the School?:
This club could benefit the school, as the students would learn more about science, interesting liquids and how to do some cool experiments with them. Of course, I don't wanna make only a club about liquids, I wanna make some other things that would be creating a cool robot that could move, and maybe do some actions or even say some phrases.
Could your Club benefit from a club room or space on school grounds? If so, how?:
I would want a club room that would have a pretty big table to do all the experiments on it, I would also like some seating for the members as if they would be tired. I would also like some counters as inside would be stored a lot of liquids, and glasses.
Does your club have a supervising Professor/Teacher? If so, who?: Yes,
Isabelle ''Izzy'' Auroras

Is your club global, or only open to specific students?: This club will be open, global for anyone who would want to join.​
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