players online



Level 4

What is your Minecraft username?:

Account applying for: unh2ly
Main account: unh6ly

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Standard Timezone (EST).

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
On a scale from 1-10 I would consider my activity an 8.5. I'm mostly always active, but the times that I'm not means i'm probably tabbed out playing another game.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Ive RP’ed on numerous servers, both on and off of minecraft. Each having their own rules. Some similar, some completely different. Some have voice chat and cause players to be quick-witted and immersed the whole time. While others are strictly typing only and more casual. Mainly focusing on SRP, I have been on the server for some time now and Lucky has gotten a lot of roleplay with all the different factions. Even though I haven't been a part of certain factions per say. Having a fair understanding of each one and their community still helps me understand the differences that set each one apart, to the point I feel very confident and ready for any kind of roleplay that might be thrown my way, or brought upon me.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
unh6ly: College [M] Volleyball-Captain
unh2ly: Grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Hopefully I will be able to teach Forensic sciences!


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Well obviously for the paycheck.. But besides that I also want another faction that I can be a part of that isn't just drama and can give me a different style of roleplay. Also allowing me to have MORE ability to roleplay instead of sitting afk doing nothing. This only helps me become more familiar with different people and the community that comes with being a part of this faction. I see it as an exchange kind of deal. The faction is getting someone to add to their roster, offer more roleplay opportunities to others and give them a professor and class where they can experience something new rather than the same old, same old. In return what I'm getting out of it is more experience, fun and MONEY!!! Who wouldn't take that? I also really love forensic sciences and think not only will this be something I could teach and enjoy, but for roleplay purposes could help students that want to become a detective for the KPD. giving them a class that can help them for the roleplay they might encounter, similar to medical sciences being more focused towards the Hospital faction and events they might encounter.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

  1. Guess who:
Similar to the game. Students will get a line up of a group of fictional characters, maybe even their very own classmates, one being a murderer to a crime whilst the others were suspected. The objective for this class will be for students to piece together evidence, alibi’s, anything that could possibly be used to catch the person who committed the crime. During the lesson students will work together or in groups. Asking questions and making decisions on who they believe the murderer to be. However they better be sure of their conviction. If the wrong person is chosen then an innocent person will end up imprisoned whilst a criminal gets to walk free. The line up however must be quick on their feet. Any wrong testimonies and they might dig themselves their own grave.

  1. Lab work forensics:
This class could be something that also could be tied into the previous lesson plan or separate on its own. In this class students will learn how to look under a microscope to examine, distinguish and figure out details of evidence collected from a crime scene. They will learn how evidence so small might lead to the prosecution of someone. Compare and contrast footprints left behind. Hair follicles, even what kind of tools/weapons might have been used. I wouldn't be surprised if the students graduated from this class with tricks on how to get away with murder…

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Field work forensics:

For this class activity I will take them to a predetermined area (woods, courtyard, school roof.) where a ‘Crime scene’ has occurred. The objective for this class will be for the students to work together in order to find clues, fibers, DNA. Anything that could help them find out more information about who the unknown perpetrator of this crime might be. During the class I will use actions such as /it’s To explain what the students are looking and, as well as /it’s to tell them what they find as they are looking and searching for clues. This will give them an example of what a forensic scientist/Detective usually does on the job. Giving them hints along the way to teach them more about the subject if needed. Leaving no stone unturned. With just this class alone gives me room to set up numerous other class ideas that can take place both before and after this interactive class.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Considering my character is a professor and loves the college students he would look out for their own benefit. Clearly unable to turn a blind eye, and show biasness. My character would instead warn the Spartans that whatever they're planning to do is not worth it, whilst trying to cause an end to whatever the altercation may be. Being sure to use as much authority as would be needed. Sadly handing out warnings and even detention slips, etc., that might be warranted.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Considering my character is a ‘bro’ kind of guy who still tries to fit in with the youth. If it were a spartan, he would try to reason with them to quiet down. Maybe even getting closer in order from them to whisper a conversation instead of being disruptive. However, if it were a child, he would tell them to quit all the ruckus and do their work. Not trying to support their childish agitations any more than he needs to. Obviously handling both situations the same if the abrupt behavior continues. Only one situation was upsetting though.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My classes will be so intriguing that this situation would never even be considered as a possibility but let's say this were to ‘hypothetically’ happen. In this situation, even though my character does love Spartans, he does not tolerate Spartans behaving like a bobcat would. So, he would insist with a more pleading and calm tone for them to lock in and focus. However, the more the situation continues and after numerous warnings, his tone would begin to change, and his kindness would become more of a direct order for the students to cut it out or else they would face consequences as proceed.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Taking a step back, before even getting involved with the altercation. My character would already have radioed in for caretakers and/or other faculty that could come help with the situation. After doing so, being the first one there, he would move in towards the crowd, making sure to separate the spectators from the participants. Making sure the area was cleared out. Then continuing to verbally separate the students, if not then physically separating them. Hopefully by then other faculty would arrive to assist, however if not then still to the best of his capability he would try to separate the kids from causing any more damage than what was already done.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

On January 19th, 1985; A Half-Japanese Half-egyptian baby, named Kenryoku Yuhi was born. up north, in a Largely populated city in Aomori, Japan. The dusty brown haired Ken’ was born into a lower-middle class family, He was the first and only child within his household. Growing up as a single child, the family's legacy, expectations, and pride/reputation would constantly be placed upon him. I guess you could chalk it up to parents wishing the best from their child, as the reasoning that they were always wanting the best out of him. Family life and early school was pretty boring and nothing you'd hear about in movies or books. He grew up with the traditional one income household as his mother stayed home doing most of the chores. So Kenryoku ended up being a very family-oriented mama's boy. Always so excited when he met the always increasing expectations of his mother. He wasn't a loner per say but he enjoyed his time expanding his knowledge and finding out new interesting pieces of information. Something about being the only person who knows something just felt right. Having nothing to complain about school wise, since he had a knack to learn, he would focus a lot of his off time into his family. making sure he was well mannered and maintained a humble persona as he got most of the things he wanted, as long as they were affordable.

Skipping ahead a couple of years, finally came the day that all families are nervous for. The day the college letter came in. After working his butt off throughout almost the entirety of his highschool, missing out on parties, most drama, and extracurricular activities; Kenryoku Decided focus on a dream. A bar that was set incredibly high. He applied for a very renowned college, located all the way down in Chiba, in hopes he'd get accepted. Not only to get a future in a career that he himself, and his near future family could be proud of, but also as a sign of relief for his parents to show that all the work and effort they have put in has paid off. There were a lot of new challenges and possibilities that Kenryoku would have to face such as living on his own, having to sustain and survive for himself, but also having to move to some place where he knows nothing about. Either way, He knew his goal, and what he wanted to do, and just because he would be in a new environment he wouldn't let this be what throws him off of his tracks, and who would have guessed it. The family were cheering and celebrating their son getting accepted.

Now already moved and adapted into his new dorm apartment, Kenryoku would put all his time and effort into gaining not only knowledge, but also as many degrees in the field of which he was pursuing. That field being the medical and science field. Taking up the difficult task of majoring in two fields side by side, somehow Kenryoku would carry himself through it, almost seeming like he was a mad scientist who would only love to work. Along the way meeting a special girl in one of his science classes who seemed to be a science major,the lady making the first move on introducing herself to the work-aholic Kenryoku. From being lab and study partners, they would soon become something more than Kenryoku would ever imagine himself as. Now dating, the Chiba native would show Kenryoku that there was more to life than just working, gaining knowledge, and always wanting to achieve the highest position possible. Now he would seem more human, than a task assigned to a robot. Once graduating college, he'd soon pursue his next goal. Starting a family with this woman he'd fallen in love with, the girl who added a kick of life to the man, throughout his time in college. Now married, and moved back into Aomori by the age of 24, Kenryoku would find a stable job as a assistant nurse in a local hospital, Kenryoku would begin to live his life, not only as a husband but now, as a Father to his newly born son Kokichi Yuhi, and to the his other two kids, Eiko and Isamu, Who followed after.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

After college and the start of his new family, Ken wasn't sure what the game plan was now. Should he pull out some of his time to focus on his family? if he did that then he would start struggling to maintain a balance between the two. Does he put aside his own selfish wants and needs for his families? nor does he continue to pursue his dream of being someone who is a scientist that can help change the world. Still with that Work-acholic mindset lingering inside of him, Kenryoku decided to try splitting his time, hoping he would be able to maintain the balance. A couple of weeks later he realized that in the end, even if he does reach his goals. his family would have already grown up without him there. So instead of trying to create a balance, he decided to put more focus on his family and meet his goals in the middle. Maybe he wouldn't become a scientist who could figure out the key to fatal diseases, but maybe he would be able to teach and guide the next generation to become that scientist he strived to become. That's it! He finally settled on what he was going to do from now on. Maybe instead of being the name that changes what it means to be a scientist, he could be the person who gave the direction for the people to become what could change the world. This way he could spend time with his family but also have the experience to still do what he loves, with the perk of being a mentor to others.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Kenryoku Yuhi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Ken, Kenny, Ryoku, Dad (by my kids)

Preferred Name:
Ken, Kenryoku

40 years young

Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Religious Denomination:
traditional shinto

Marital Status:

Japanese. (Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-Egyptian)

Current Location:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

1 year/s

Working Experience (# of years):
21 year/s

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Class of 2006

Two master's degrees. One being a Public Health Degree (MPH) and the other being a psychology, Degree.

Three minor bachelor's degrees. All of the being Sociology, Pre-Medicine (BS), and Forensic science’s (BFS)

Native Languages:


Other Languages:
N/a Currently

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Science’s (Preferably anything to do with human Biology)


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Nuh uh!



Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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