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Science Professor | Astrology | Ibuki M. Ketsueki


Level 19

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Do you have any previous bans?:


What is your timezone?:


What is your discord username and discriminator (e.g. Tippie#6666):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I do.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

Usually check the forums to read the news, updates, and to also check out character biographies. I am extremely active on the server in general. I'm usually on from the evening into the morning of the next day.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:

Since January 30th 2022.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

French Language Application [Denied]
French Language Application [Accepted]
Third Language Slot [Accepted]
Spanish Language Application [Accepted]
Russian Language Application [Accepted]
French Language Application [Denied]

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:



What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

I've been wanting to be a professor since my first character but I saw that I didn't have enough role-play experience on SRP to apply, nor did I have the dedication and mental state to apply! I was extremely nervous at first, but now that I've had several months of experience I thought I might as well apply.

Originally, I thought I had to become a teacher then I'd just get promoted to a professor but I realized that process isn't necessary so I decided to apply then and there. I want to join the professors to be a part of the team and also help teach others icly and oocly.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

The logs are proof that you have done your job. They prove that you did the required classes for the month.

Logs are important because they contribute to your paycheck. They are for the SLT to prove that you have done your job for your paycheck.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Students are to behave in class and follow the Professor’s lecture while in class. They are to silence all electronic devices and they are not to be seen until the end of class.

College students have exceptions when it comes to their behavior.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I’ve been roleplaying for years. I used to be a full time roleplayer on a discord fantasy server that slowly migrated into a Minecraft roleplay. But eventually the owner ran into some trouble and we were forced to shut the server down for good.

At the time I had begun to do Minecraft roleplay, I had already been exposed to Youtubers like Technoblade, Aphmau, and SirCutieYuki.

My previous experiences on SchoolRP have been eventful and have also been a learning experience for me. When I joined SRP I had no idea what I was doing, as I progressively got into roleplay on the server itself it became easier for me.

College-Professor Knowledge

A professor’s main task(s) are to hold a safe yet realistic lecture. It is completely up to the professor whether or not they want to grade their students' assignments.

A Professor’s salary by default is 450,000 yen. Once they have completed the required amount of classes, which is 15 classes total for the month. They can turn in their logs. They have the option to host 10 more classes to receive the additional 50,000 yen onto their salary.

Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Ibuki is an abnormally tall female that is often seen wearing an angry or neutral expression. Her eyes noticeably have heterochromia. She has one blue eye and one brown eye. Ibuki’s face is also darted with small scars, she visibly has a long scar that goes across her lips as well. She has small piercing holes on her bottom lip and her nose.The front of her hair is bleach blonde, often mistaken to be white, the rest of her hair is black and it is tightly curled and in a small bun.

Ibuki views her students as her own children. She wants to give them the knowledge needed to succeed in life and will do anything possible to help them accomplish their wishes and dreams. She views the other teachers as close friends. Ibuki often enjoys giving them small gifts of appreciation or just generally conversing with them.

Ibuki has the personality of the average mother. She’s quite gentle when it comes to explanations and giving help but can often come off as condescending and rude if she isn’t respected nor is being listened to. She often comes off as overprotective but it’s all in good faith.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

Ibuki would look at the sport-team members from a distance. She’d gently smooth out any wrinkles in her shirt and skirt and walk over to them. Her heels clacking against the hard floor as she approached them with a warm smile.

Ibuki would look down at the group and ask them why they were so loud. She’d also remind them that they were indoors and not outdoors and to lower their volume. She’d give each student a sticker of their choice and watch them walk away.

College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

Ibuki would exhale a small sigh as she put a pause onto her lesson. She’d pull the disruptive student to the side and lower her voice down to a whisper. She’d kindly remind them of their age and expectations as a college student. She’d also kindly threaten them with detention and recommend a talk with SLT.

Provide at least 3 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Ibuki would spin on her heels in a full circle as her students piled into her class. She’d give them a supportive smile. She’d turn towards the board and begin to write a group of constellations on the board, once she finished she’d tap each one with the piece of chalk she was holding. “Alright. Name this constellation for me.”

/me Ibuki would smile at her students as she hefted her right hand over her forehead, shielding her eyes from the harsh sunlight. She’d extend her left hand towards the sky and point directly at the sun. “Today we’re going to study the sun!” Her earrings would jingle as she quickly pointed to the clouds. “We’re also going to study the clouds, get your notepads out.”

/me Ibuki would draw a diagram of the solar system on the board and she’d motion towards Earth, and she’d draw an arrow towards Jupiter, then towards the Sun. She’d make small bullet points, leaving points empty between each one. “Alright, today we’re going to talk about how the rotation of the sun impacts our weather and the weather on a planet somewhat similar to ours.” Ibuki had an encouraging smile on her face as she waited for answers.

On a stormy night in Provence, France, on the date November 12th, 1993, a woman had gone into labor on the side of the road in the back of an ambulance. That day, Ibuki and her twin brother Itsuo were born to a wealthy family. The ride to the hospital was eventful for Ibuki’s mother, who later found out that she had brain cancer. Ibuki was noticeably abnormally long for a child, other than that she was a very healthy child.

Ibuki’s childhood years were spent caring for her mother, which was heavily supervised by her father. Itsuo however, was allowed a normal childhood, while Ibuki remained her mother’s personal nurse. She didn’t complain about this, she enjoyed the time she got to spend with her mother.

Ibuki’s mother would later pass in her sleep, and she’d be heavily blamed and called negligent. Ibuki’s father became more and more aggressive and violent towards her. To the point he resulted in kicking her out at an early age. She wandered the streets until she was reunited with her brother 2 years later.

They realized the place they called home was unfit for them to live. Ibuki knew her father had so many connections due to his wealth, and they wouldn’t be safe living anywhere in France. So, they listened through the streets for any sign of a free way out, then they heard about a cargo ship heading towards Japan. It sounded like a fresh start and an easy escape to Ibuki, so she gladly took the opportunity alongside her brother.

Ibuki’s nights on the ship were always spent with an infatuation with the stars. She loved pointing out constellations to her brother. She pointed out the ones for the zodiac signs, even constellations she had only read about. She taught her brother everything she knew about the stars.

Ibuki soon found her home in Karakura, Japan. Although she was considerably different from the rest of her peers, due to how aggressive she could be when it came to her brother. She often spent a lot of her time in school in detention for fights, but it was always ruled as self defense and she never got too harsh of a punishment.

Ibuki struggled somewhat in school, she was usually complimented on her appearance and how she noticeably dressed differently from everyone else, but socially she really had no friends other than her brother. Ibuki often spent a lot of her time in the library, despite all the reading she did, she never understood the material. Despite all the hardships in highschool, she passed with excellent grades.

As college graduation neared, Ibuki had no idea what she wanted to do, she assumed she’d just figure it out in college, but she still wasn’t sure if that was a good enough thought process to have. One of her teachers had pulled her to the side and discussed the idea of working in the education field. She didn’t know much about being a teacher, but she considered it.

With graduation not too far away, she had the perfect idea as to what she’d do when she graduated. She’d join the faculty team. Ibuki had always held a tight bond with her teachers, so she was sure she’d fit right in with them.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:

Ibuki Marie Ketsueki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):

Hera, Ibuki

Preferred Name:






Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:



French Blasian

Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

3 Years

Working Experience (# of years):

9 years

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:



Astronomy, Chemistry


Sociology, Psychology

Native Languages:

French and Spanish

Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Welcome to the professor faction, the roles in-game & in discord will be given out shortly, more information about what's next will be provided in the #college-staff-chat channel. If you're not in the KA discord yet, join it via this link:

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