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Denied Science Teacher | ImYourManMyles


Level 50

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
What is your time zone?:
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I have a full understanding.
Describe your activity on the server:
Out of 10 I'd say a 9/10 or maybe even a 9.5/10 because I'm never really busy doing anything else. If I'm not on, usually I'm on vacation, family things, etc.
Though, I will say I am definitely more active during the weekend than the school week, because of school and outside sports.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

Asahi's French Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
JSL Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Highschool Student​


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Science, specifically Biology. Biology is the study of life and how living organisms work and function to create a balanced life. Biology will make sure that students learn the basic ways of life and how different organisms can affect such big things in life. It is truly amazing. Biology is also very important to be teaching to students, because it will make sure they keep this information for their futures, just in case they want to work in Labs or any professional work with science.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for teaching biology and wanting to become a teacher is that I think it will challenge me, and I will also be learning something in the long run. Teaching has always been a role that I wanted to do, and I have actually done it in the past, but I made a huge mistake leading me to getting banned and having the role taken from me. I really loved doing the job and I would like to hopefully be able to redeem myself and be able to prove myself once more. When choosing this role out of many others I decided that it would be more interesting to go into teaching, because I love helping other people. Not only helping them when they get hurt or whatever, but actually helping them work through something, and get them to actually understand what I am trying to help them with. That is the best feeling. Not only this, but I also thought Biology might be a little uncommon for other Science teachers to teach, so hopefully students will be able to have a different education. Hopefully, students RPing will WANT to come to my classes and actually learn something when they leave my class. I also love being a big influence on people, and hopefully inspiring them.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes. I completely understand the purpose of a UT and what I will have to do to rank up from that position. I know the duties of a UT and will be sure to fulfill them.

If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
I completely understand that I will undergo training, I have been trained ICly and OOCly previously and am happy to review any material needed to pass the training I am given. Learning is an extremely prominent part of my enjoyment, and I would be happy to take on any extra training or learning necessary to progress in the teaching role.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are used to check whether or not teachers have been hosting classes or not, and if they have been active or how long they have NOT been active. It is also there to keep track of what subject of classes have been hosted and show how much they would or could get paid.

The class logs are a way for SLT/STAFF to see the activity of each teacher, and if they are doing a decent job with their classes. In the class log, they will write the amount of time a class was held and the specific person that hosted it. It will also show how many stars the class got by the students reacting to it. The class log helps the staff to see if the students enjoyed the class and if teachers are doing their job properly.​

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

OOC Rules:

-As the teacher I have the right to kick you out of my own class for being disrespectful or annoying towards me or other students.

ICLY Rules:

Rule 1: No swear words whatsoever

Swearing and insulting others is not allowed in any classroom. These two things can be very hurtful in some ways to another individual. Some people may take offense to what other people say very easily, which is why we have a rule. we don't want anyone to get in a bad mood. In my classroom I want a simple and respectful environment when everyone is working. By following this rule, we can all work peacefully and focused and create a good feeling in the room. It is very hard to work and focus if someone is throwing out swear words here and there, so this is why we should respect others

Rule 2: No Electronics
I believe that paying attention and being involved while the teacher is holding a class is very respectful which we all want in a classroom. Smartphones, flip phones, computers can be distracting for others as well as for ourselves in the room. By not playing with any electronic device in the class can help everyone staying focused. If you know you have someone on the phone that really needs to speak with you. you may ask the teacher for permissions beforehand if you got a specific reason for it. Else we do not want any devices in the room.

Rule 3: Raise your hand
I belive that everyone's voice is important. When you want to speak, you should raise your hand to get the teacher's and others attention. Raising your hand in class is a signal to the teacher that you have something to say and it’s a respectful way of talking instead of shouting it out. It's also for students that would like an clarification or add something. this shows that you are paying attention and that you actually want to learn something in school. By shouting out their question, all students will believe that they are free to do and talk as much as they want. This rule will help everyone in the classroom and have their class organized and focused!

Rule 4: Motivtion
Motivation and a smile on your face is always good to have when you walk into a class full of students. There is of course not a rule to have a smile on your face everyday but we all can at least try for others! Teachers love seeing the student have motivation in their class as well as being focused. This shows the teacher that they are actually interested in doing what they are told to do. Teacher always wants you to do the best you can but if you're not feeling too good you can always have a little mini break.

Rule 5: Ask for help
You should never be afraid to ask for help in a classroom full of people, for some it can of course be difficult to express yourself among others, but if you have a necessary question, you should always raise your hand. You should never be afraid of what people will think of you. Of course, you can always ask your question after the class is over as people may find it easier. but this is a way to improve as you will probably be in front of a lot of people when you get older and look for a job.​

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My roleplaying experience ranges from 5-7 years of my entire life. I started roleplaying when I was a little bit younger, but still mature enough to know how to roleplay without it being cringy or anything. I started off roleplaying in those neighborhood games in Roblox with all of my friends and to be honest, they would get very interesting and intense at times. I started roleplaying in Minecraft about 4 years ago, and I couldn't stop ever since.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The Head of Department is basically the leader of the department, and they have the most experience and have been there the longest. As an example: The sensei of taekwondo. They also have to showcase themselves and be role-models for the new people.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A Qualified Teacher means that they earned to rank up from a Newly Qualified Teacher to a Qualified Teacher. They have hosted some classes and showed that they deserve to be a higher rank.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This teacher can successfully open lessons but need approval from their HD (Head of Department) if they want to start a lesson, they most likely need to look at the lesson plan for their lesson plan.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: A new teacher to the field and needs the HD to host a class. They also need to go through some trainings so they get used to hosting classes.​

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
A teacher both in game and out of game are and should be similar to the ones we know in real life. A teacher is a professional who guides and instructs students in acquiring knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes. They plan out lessons and then give those lessons as well as evaluate the students' performance throughout the lesson. To put it short a teacher is supposed to both provide support and guidance to students, so they can not only succeed academically but socially and emotionally. They play a good part in a kid's development.

As for their salary, that entirely depends on where the teaching is being done. In certain countries such as America. Teachers in America make on average $26,1943 a year. The price differs in each individual country and sometimes even the regions within those countries. In Japan, you can expect to earn anywhere between ¥250,000 and ¥650,000 Yen per month. If you're a starting teacher, you can expect to earn at least ¥250,000 yen. Of course, a teacher's wage will increase as they meet the qualifications later down the line of their career.

However, in Srp newly Qualified Teacher has a base pay of ¥350,000 when they have hosted 10 classes each month, Qualified teachers make ¥400,000 a month, and they even have the opportunity to work overtime for an extra 500,000. The maximum a teacher can earn each month is ¥500,000.

As for what teachers do in their spare time, that solely depends on the teacher, what subject they teach and what is required in the subject. For some teachers they may spend their time watching videos, reading books and learning more about their subject. For others they may spend their time planning lessons ahead of time or planning different things for the school.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers flesh out the school environment, conducting classes and maintaining a presence on campus. Without teachers, there would be no school. In addition, they act as mentors that can guide the path of newer characters, as well as authority figures that enforce rules and create a power dynamic, enhancing the RP experience. Above all, they provide variety to potential characters and their subsequent interactions.

They also are technically the base of the entire server. The server is based around going to school and then doing stuff outside of school. But school wouldn't have happened without the teachers, correct? So they play a very intracule part in this server.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school appears to run on a system called, "MoSCo" which seems to stand for, "Must have, should have, could have"​

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on students and their co-workers? What are their plans for the future?
He'd stand at 6'3ft, having quite a fit/average build to him. Kenai had inherited mainly his mother's genes (who was French) allowing him to have his bright fluffy dark brownish-red hair, complimented by his deep brown eyes. He'd be fairly tan and would always have a set stern facial expression planted on his face. Kenai although looking very serious at times, has quite a soft-spoken voice with a slight French accent behind it. As far as personality goes, Kenai is as bright as anyone can get, he is always very welcoming and kind to anyone he comes across! Due to his very outgoing personality, Kenai loves working with others, whether it be having a chat in the lunchroom or sharing lesson plans, he is very happy working within a team. Kenai makes sure to take everything he has into consideration and doesn't take anything for granted.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
he would first ask them to stop before reminding them of the school rules, assuming they had not listened to his request, he would tell them they had been warned, and if they continued, it would lead to getting detention. If they for some reason still refused to listen, then he would call for another person to deal with the student(s) if they would not listen. The entire time he would try to speak clearly and with a strong tone, trying his best to get the point across.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Kenai would first kindly request they participate and listen to what heam explaining. If they still refuse to comply, Kenai might give them a trickier assignment than normal to get their attention, or bring up the subject of detention (of course, none would go to detention if the class were to be very big and none were listening). If they continue to not listen, this may lead to a kick from the class or a call up a higher-up for assistance.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Kenai is open to conversation and welcomes interactions with his colleagues. he greets others with a warm smile and engages in casual conversations, showing genuine interest in their lives and experiences. Kenai treats his fellow teachers with respect, recognizing their expertise and the value they bring to the school community. he listens attentively to their ideas, opinions, and concerns, fostering a supportive environment where everyone's voice is valued. In the teacher's lounge, Kenai remains focused on his responsibilities as an educator. While he enjoys friendly conversations, he maintains a sense of professionalism, understanding that there are tasks to complete and students to support. he uses the time in the lounge to recharge, gather his thoughts, and prepare for upcoming lessons or meetings. Overall, Kenai V.'s presence in the teacher's lounge is characterized by professionalism, positivity, and collaboration. he fosters a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, where colleagues feel respected, valued, and motivated to excel in their roles as educators.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

As Mr. Kenai Repurto scans the classroom, his attentive eyes catch a flicker of movement and a soft glow emanating from one of the students' desks. Curiosity piqued, he approaches the student with a calm and observant demeanor, determined to address the situation with understanding and guidance. Closing the distance between them, Kenai notices the student's eyes fixed intently on their phone screen, their attention divided between the device and the surrounding lesson. he remains composed, allowing a moment for the student to realize his presence before gently clearing his throat to gain their attention. With a warm yet assertive tone, he addresses the student by their name, ensuring a personal connection. His voice carries a sense of authority tempered with empathy. "Excuse me, [student's name]. I couldn't help but notice that you have your phone out during our class. In our classroom, we strive to maintain an environment that promotes focused learning and respectful engagement. Could you please pause what you're doing and turn off your phone?"

/me Walks around his class passing their own personal sheet of paper for the notes. After passing their papers, he scans the room making sure every student has their own paper then excitedly walks back to the front of the class to announce the class activity for the day. "Now that we discussed the way of life and how organisms can affect the whole world, I want you to write or draw a scenario that represents this lesson in your personal way."

/me Kenai picked up a dry erase marker and started writing the lesson plan for today and decided to add a little game at the end if they finish their notes fast enough, just to encourage them to at least take their notes for once! he then turn back around to face the class, seeing the glowing eyes staring back at him, reading the lesson plan, their eyes lighting up when they see "Game (but after notes)" on the board. Kenai hands out all the note packets and to my surprise, every single student is working hard on their notes. "Hah, get them everytime." He mumbles to himself, then laughing, before continuing on importing grade from their last quiz into their programs.

/me Kenai took a sip of his morning coffee, before importing a mint-flavored gum into his mouth as he waiting with a smile for his students to finally arrive. hearing the clattering of the students in the hallways, slowly approaching class, Kenai's expression lights up, as he sits up professionally in his seat, greeting all his students with a smile.

Kenai was born in Madeleine, France to an overprotective, caring mother and a half-brother named Myles. His dad was sort of out of the picture since birth. His mother–named Olivia at that period in time–always cared about his well-being and education, especially since no one in his family had gone to college yet. On the other hand, his stepbrother, Myles, was like a best friend to him. Always there for him when he needed him the most and always supportive.
Everything changed when his mom was diagnosed with a kidney tumor. The doctors said it was growing rapidly, and she would most likely pass away within a month. Olivia, mother, thought her family would want to make the most of her time left, but instead, everyone drifted apart. Myles went away and joined a gang on his own, which really hit Kenai hard, since him and Myles were tight since childhood, and to just leave so suddenly like that... it's just wrong.
Soon enough, his mother was gone. She had passed away, and Kenai thought his life was over. He had nothing left. No where to go, nothing to do, he was just... there. Myles ended up encouraging Kenai to join his gang and that they can take care of him if he does what they say, Kenai was always smarter than Myles when it came to things like this, and Kenai knew that was a bad idea. Politely declining the offer, Myles still decided to help Kenai and bring him to a place in Japan called Karakura.
A few weeks after his mother's passing, Myles and Kenai were honestly doing pretty good. They got a cheap apartment, which his gang paid for, and Kenai started taking classes at a high school there.
Kenai was doing really excellent in school. School was starting to get a little, too easy for him. So, he decided to help himself out and start tutoring people. There were a lot of people who were in need of tutoring and Kenai decided to help himself and set up a tiny business so he could make some money, as well as helping others out. During this, Kenai saw a chain, people were always struggling in the Science field. Kenai never would have thought people would struggle in there, since it was his favorite subject, and it was way too easy for him. He liked it though, he liked that he could actually help and actually cause a change in other people's lives. He was being helpful, just like his mother.
Immediate notice was brought onto Kenai. Teachers, Counselors, and even Vice Principals were questioning if Kenai was cheating or if he was some sort of robot. They decided as a whole to let Kenai be an assistant teacher in science. This was it. Kenai knew what he wanted to do just from those words. He wanted to be a teacher. By the end of the day, Kenai had to make a decision on what specific Science field he wanted to assist on. Through a little bit of research, Kenai decided to go with Biology, and being partnered up with a biology teacher.
The teacher in name went by Mr. Hankly. Kenai adored Mr. Hankly like a father that he never had. Him and Mr. Hankly paired up almost instantly and got a long very well, even though he was much older than him. Kenai also was very inspired by Mr. Hankly, because of how fluent he was in his skills and how technically advanced he was in Biology. he decided to ask him if he would let him in on his secret on storing all this knowledge in his brain, although all he said was "I followed my heart. and my heart chose Biology." Those words stuck with Kenai for the rest of his life.
After being used to helping and assisting Mr. Hankly, Kenai decided to take a few "Teaching" courses on his own to see if he could eventually qualify as a teacher when he's older. The courses took place in Tokyo, Japan, which was a little away from where he was now. But Kenai didn't care. He instantly booked those train passes and headed to the courses. As he was attending the courses, he looked around, scanned the room, and noticed everyone here was just like him! they wanted to know more and more and wanted to peruse their dreams. Kenai didn't realize how serious this course could be until he heard a speech that was given to him by the Hostess of the entire program.
A few months passed by, and Kenai was getting pretty sick of this town, but only had a few hours left before he found out his results and could head back home. He went to go check in his mailbox and to his surprise, the results were in. Kenai had passed the exams and could qualify for an Unqualified Teacher when he got old enough, this was his dream. This is the whole reason why he came so far out. Kenai was so excited to go home, tell Myles, tell his friends, and especially tell Mr. Hankly about the amazing news.
Getting off the train and hugging Myles as soon as he got off made him feel so much better after getting served just plain crackers the whole ride home. Kenai told Myles the great news and Myles gave Kenai an even bigger hug than before. Without thinking, Kenai ran into the school, noticing he still had time to get in the school and see Mr. Hankly before they closed the school down for the night. Happily running, Kenai ended up at his classroom. But wait? Something was off, there was a different teacher inside, looking like she was getting trained by a higher up. Kenai thought he had the wrong classroom, so he looked at the name on the sign that read "Mrs. Porche" Mrs. Porche? who the hell? Where is Mr. Hankly? Kenai frantically sprinted to the main office to alert the principal that someone was stealing Mr. Hankly's classroom. The principle was acting all confused, then sighed, then told Kenai to sit down next to him.
The principal stated that Mr. Hankly suddenly passed away due to a heart attack when I was in Tokyo. Kenai's heart shattered. He was the reason he did the course in the first place. He's the reason Kenai is getting so far. He's the reason Kenai has motivation. And now he's gone. The principal slipped me a note that read "From Hankly, to Kenai." Kenai couldn't bear to open it at that time. So, he took the note, thanked the principal, and sprinted as hard as he could back to the apartment. Running to his room, he leaped onto his bed, opening the note. "I followed my heart. and my heart chose Biology. Now follow your heart, choose Biology."
Those 15 words have never left Kenai's mind, and never will. Up until this point, Kenai will never forget Mr. Hankly and what impact he had on his life.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Kenai Repurto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kenai
Preferred Name: Kenai

Age (Minimum is 25): 30.
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: French
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: N/A
Year of Graduation: N/A
Major(s): N/A
Minors: N/A

Native Languages: French
Other Languages: JSL, French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: N/A​


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: No!​
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • There were other applications that stood out more
  • The subject you applied for is currently capped

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • You have not been online in quite a while. Make a new application when you are active once again.

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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