Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
1-day ban for glitching in the Nurse’s Offices two years ago with cosmetic. (Horse Cosmetic)
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m active every day on SRP for the past weeks.
Do you have Discord?
Do you have a microphone?
List your current and past applications:
Teacher Application(s), Police Application(s), Language Application(s).
I’ve mostly in the time of my activity summed up is being in Teacher. That’s what I know most about.
I’ve mostly in the time of my activity summed up is being in Teacher. That’s what I know most about.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve always loved to roleplay on SchoolRP, I have had Teacher Jobs to Bartender Jobs. It’s always been my biggest dream is to achieve this on SRP. I want to better the community and create better role plays. I want to help the Karakura local community from all the GangRp and put that to a side, and create for fun RP than losing a character over it. I love the community and wish to contribute to it furthermore. I’ve always had a passion to create, and even conduct RP that goes extremely well, alongside I did complete the “Karakura Protest” which also ended horribly, but it was an exciting roleplay. I want to complete this off my bucket list- and furthermore contribute to the School RP community which leads to better roleplay, and better people that follow the rules, and laws of the Karakura Community. I know that I’ve had previous run-ins with the staff members, but I’ve learned my lesson from my experiences. I’m aiming for higher goals in the community, and I really do want to prove myself. I want to complete this for the Community, and for myself, and I want to create better role plays for myself and others. Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the basics of laws and conduct.
What are the Police ranks?
Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Police Investigator, Lieutenant, Vice-Head Lieutenant, Head Lieutenant, Captain, Commissioner.
Commissioner: This position oversees the entirety of the police force and ensures the standards are met for every police officer at hand. Serves as the Chief Administrator of the Police Department and is responsible for the development, control, supervision, and program implementation of this Department and is accountable for the effective delivery of services to the community. The Commissioner has the final say on all matters regarding the Police Department.
Captain: You now assist the commissioner in running the police department, you are in charge when the commissioner is not present and lead the police force in operations. A command position within the Police Department, aiming to coordinate assigned operations with other command staff. The position strives to provide leadership and direction to Sergeants and other officers. Duties require substantial initiative and judgment over a wide variety of situations.
Head Lieutenant: The Head Lieutenant is to overlook the operations of Corporals, Police Investigators, Vice-Head’s, Lieutenants, Patrol Officers, and Cadets. You provide leadership and direction assistant to the ranking below, and sometimes help patrol with the Cadets. You do have the verdict of many of the questions, and directions of lower rankings in some cases.
Vice-Head Lieutenant: The Vice-Head Lieutenant from time-to-time supervises the lower ranking, and assists them with directions needed. You help with the Leadership of the Police Department. You also will have the verdict of the same questions in lower-ranking cases. You’re also in charge of checking in of the lower rankings, and receiving progress and reporting to the Head Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: You now have the ability to use a firearm when performing operations. You are to report any mishandled responsibility of an officer to the commissioner. A command position within the Police Department, aiming to coordinate assigned operations with other command staff. The position strives to provide leadership and direction to Sergeants and other officers. The Lieutenant is a leader, the front line commander who orders everyone else.
Police Investigator: The Police Investigator works to gather evidence and facts for criminal cases. Duties include interviewing potential suspects, examining records and apprehending criminals. These police officers will work on specific cases until they are solved or dropped.
Sergeant: Your position is to oversee the training of officers and ensure every officer is performing their duty correctly. Supervise teams of cadets, patrol officers, corporals, overseeing police operations, making sure that all officers are following their duties and take initial control of critical incidents. The Sergeant is a supervisor, they supervise police and the civilian help team.
Corporal: You are in charge of training new officers and setting an example for the standard police officers. Under the general supervision of a Lieutenant or Sergeant, Corporal performs a wide variety of lead patrol and related cadets, patrol officers involving keeping tactical communication, the enforcement of laws and ordinances, and making sure all rules are enforced.
Patrol Officer: You are now able to patrol on your own, but are a standard police officer. The Patrol Officer is assigned an area to patrol, they are assigned to either regulate traffic, arrest lawbreakers and control crowds.
Cadet: This is the first rank in the police department, you are not allowed to go out on patrol alone and still need to receive training. Cadet is a trainee police officer, they usually have a higher ranked with them while on patrol.
Commissioner: This position oversees the entirety of the police force and ensures the standards are met for every police officer at hand. Serves as the Chief Administrator of the Police Department and is responsible for the development, control, supervision, and program implementation of this Department and is accountable for the effective delivery of services to the community. The Commissioner has the final say on all matters regarding the Police Department.
Captain: You now assist the commissioner in running the police department, you are in charge when the commissioner is not present and lead the police force in operations. A command position within the Police Department, aiming to coordinate assigned operations with other command staff. The position strives to provide leadership and direction to Sergeants and other officers. Duties require substantial initiative and judgment over a wide variety of situations.
Head Lieutenant: The Head Lieutenant is to overlook the operations of Corporals, Police Investigators, Vice-Head’s, Lieutenants, Patrol Officers, and Cadets. You provide leadership and direction assistant to the ranking below, and sometimes help patrol with the Cadets. You do have the verdict of many of the questions, and directions of lower rankings in some cases.
Vice-Head Lieutenant: The Vice-Head Lieutenant from time-to-time supervises the lower ranking, and assists them with directions needed. You help with the Leadership of the Police Department. You also will have the verdict of the same questions in lower-ranking cases. You’re also in charge of checking in of the lower rankings, and receiving progress and reporting to the Head Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: You now have the ability to use a firearm when performing operations. You are to report any mishandled responsibility of an officer to the commissioner. A command position within the Police Department, aiming to coordinate assigned operations with other command staff. The position strives to provide leadership and direction to Sergeants and other officers. The Lieutenant is a leader, the front line commander who orders everyone else.
Police Investigator: The Police Investigator works to gather evidence and facts for criminal cases. Duties include interviewing potential suspects, examining records and apprehending criminals. These police officers will work on specific cases until they are solved or dropped.
Sergeant: Your position is to oversee the training of officers and ensure every officer is performing their duty correctly. Supervise teams of cadets, patrol officers, corporals, overseeing police operations, making sure that all officers are following their duties and take initial control of critical incidents. The Sergeant is a supervisor, they supervise police and the civilian help team.
Corporal: You are in charge of training new officers and setting an example for the standard police officers. Under the general supervision of a Lieutenant or Sergeant, Corporal performs a wide variety of lead patrol and related cadets, patrol officers involving keeping tactical communication, the enforcement of laws and ordinances, and making sure all rules are enforced.
Patrol Officer: You are now able to patrol on your own, but are a standard police officer. The Patrol Officer is assigned an area to patrol, they are assigned to either regulate traffic, arrest lawbreakers and control crowds.
Cadet: This is the first rank in the police department, you are not allowed to go out on patrol alone and still need to receive training. Cadet is a trainee police officer, they usually have a higher ranked with them while on patrol.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police should stick to their roles and have to stick to the rules that are enforced to all. This means they can't break laws, commit murder on their own time, or arrest for no reason. They enforce laws, obtain warrants, arrest and interview suspects, secure crime and accident scenes, write detailed reports and testify in court, among other duties. Officers often respond to emergency calls, working shifts that operate around the clock. Police Work is to “Serve and Protect” which is Serving to protect their community and their home. Police are to ensure Security with the Community and protect at the same time against drugs, weapons, underage illegal activities. Police are role models for the public and other team members. Police reports require effective written communication skills. Police must also have strong, yet varying, sets of communication skills when dealing with co-workers, courts, criminals, and civilians. Also the ability to work with neighborhood stakeholders to find innovative solutions to solve problems with crime. Today, cops need skills in problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork. Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. GangRP may be reduced to the law enforcement being involved, and e.g catching the suspect red-handed. Law Enforcement is there for the safety of the community and ensures security too. Police are to “Serve and Protect” at most times, this proves my point of protecting the Local Communities e.g Karakura. Police are important to solve criminal acts, and provide justice, like the term “Can’t do the time? Don’t do the crime.” Police are there to protect and serve the community of Karakura e.g protecting from the interest of weapons, and Gang violence. Police are to provide justice and security for the people of Karakura. Safety is added because you also know that if something does go wrong the police can be there to protect you and be your healing hand when you need one. The main thing about police officers is they are usually always there. They may not always be there because they are people too and they have lives outside of SchoolRP but that’s beside the point. They help with cases and help decrease crime rates. Police is to enforce laws and interpret them at this same time while withholding the protection, and security of the people. It is very important due to the rise of Weapon importance, and the deals of the Black-Market. It also provides furthermore roleplay to the Community, as it’s “SchoolRP” it’s revolving around the safety and security just like a School Resource Officer. SchoolRP is needed for protection against the Black-market users, weapons users, drugs users to keep the Community Clean, and non-violent. It does and more advanced role plays to with the “School Roleplay” server.Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Darryl is a young, fresh-looking man. His hair slicked back casually as a Civilian. His dedication is unique as he works 24/7 to ensure others safety. This goes for Traffic Enforcement to dealing with Gang members. Darryl is one hell of a guy that moved to Japan for his parents, his bright future, his home. Karakura is one of his most favored places into his heart and wishes to treat it like that.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Darryl is a young, fresh-looking man. His hair slicked back casually as a Civilian. His dedication is unique as he works 24/7 to ensure others safety. This goes for Traffic Enforcement to dealing with Gang members. Darryl is one hell of a guy that moved to Japan for his parents, his bright future, his home. Karakura is one of his most favored places into his heart and wishes to treat it like that.
What he's like on the and off the job?
He's a respectful guy, great to the community, making sure all Citizens are okay and safe.
Darryl is known for being the most “Physical” while learning. Darryl is very mature, alongside helpful in situations that involve physical abuse/violence, and in emotional situations. His plan for the future is to retire from shaping kids into smart, mature, young adults.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He treats his co-workers with respect, and as his best friends or bar-buddies on the force, he’s always there for each and everyone apart of his community, and team. His plans for the future is to 'Die happy' in the best way he can. He wants to grow old to see a better Karakura.
Darryl was born in Iceland along with aside his brother Seth, as once he becomes to the age 5 he moved to Japan. Growing up Darryal’s parents cared for their his future so they made him read books almost every day along to add and subtract at a young age, hoping that Darryl would be ahead of the other kids in their grade school years. Darryl started Middle School at the age of Ten. As Darryl was promoted up in the grades he found good friends he still hangs out with today. Darryl passed his classes and graduated from Middle School, but his parents had decided that instead of staying in together, they would break apart from each other. Darryl was sent to Miyake High School for their High School year. Darryl's brother Seth was invited to a gang in Tokyo that he happily accepted not knowing what he would be getting into, after a few months of fitting into the High School, his brother dropped out and left home to show his loyalty to the gang. Darryl, didn't know what to do so he began to focus less which caused his grades to fall a bit low, but after some time he understood his brothers choice and accepted it instead of trying to make him come home. Darryl inevitably graduated from Miyake High School as Class of 1980, after his graduation he began to apply to possible University's within Tokyo, though he was accepted to four of them he made the choice to go to Waseda University. During Darryal’s freshman year at Waseda University, he picked classes that he knew he enjoyed and hoped to major in them, one of them being Criminal Justice, and the other Police Science. Darryl studied at Waseda University for two years and gained his Bachelor’s Degree, he knew that he wanted to do something with his life so he moved out. Darryl is known for being the most “Physical” while learning. Darryl is very mature, alongside helpful in situations that involve physical abuse/violence, and in emotional situations. His plan for the future is to retire from shaping kids into smart, mature, young adults.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He treats his co-workers with respect, and as his best friends or bar-buddies on the force, he’s always there for each and everyone apart of his community, and team. His plans for the future is to 'Die happy' in the best way he can. He wants to grow old to see a better Karakura.
His motivation for joining the Police force was outstanding. Adam is always bar-buddies with other police members/friends. Darryl is known for being the most “Physical” while learning. Darryl is very mature, alongside helpful in situations that involve physical abuse/violence, and in emotional situations. His plan for the future is to retire from shaping kids into smart, mature, young adults. He wishes for the Safety of the Karakura Community, and young adults to grow, and be safe and sound. Darryl is the fit type who cares for the future of the community and wants to stop the gang habited uses around the field of duty. Darryl is to Serve and Protect his home, his community and shape it into a better view, and safer community rather being non-safe and having weapon imports and exports out of his home. He wishes to see non-use of weapons/drugs/physical violence and really see the peace into his work. Darryl is one hell of a Scottish guy that moved to Japan for his parents, his bright future, his home. Karakura is one of his most favored places into his heart and wishes to treat it like that.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Darryl Clarkson
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s): Darryl
Preferred Name:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Full Name:
Darryl Clarkson
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s): Darryl
Preferred Name:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
3 years of training
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
3 years of training
Working Experience:
1 year of police work
Academic Degree:
Bachelor degree in Police Science, Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): STEM, P.E, Health, Criminology, Math
Minor(s): Art, Public Speaking,
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Japanese
Other Notes:
I’ve taken the time to think of my past actions, of what I caused by the Police Force before, from being hot-headed are learned from my actions. I will not disrespect Higher Ups as I did before, which in my opinion I take full claim to that, and it was stupid on my part. Otherwise, let me explain the reasons why I got full-on demoted, I sent Aania screenshots of Courtney being toxic in the chat, but I was not trying to “Frame Her” as they claim, I was trying to prove a point, but either way I learned my lesson, and it was a stupid, childish act.
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): STEM, P.E, Health, Criminology, Math
Minor(s): Art, Public Speaking,
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Japanese
Other Notes:
I’ve taken the time to think of my past actions, of what I caused by the Police Force before, from being hot-headed are learned from my actions. I will not disrespect Higher Ups as I did before, which in my opinion I take full claim to that, and it was stupid on my part. Otherwise, let me explain the reasons why I got full-on demoted, I sent Aania screenshots of Courtney being toxic in the chat, but I was not trying to “Frame Her” as they claim, I was trying to prove a point, but either way I learned my lesson, and it was a stupid, childish act.