IGN: Scxbo
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Full Carbon Alfa Romeo 155
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was involved in a chase near 11/7 with the car (Which is fully upgraded) but then it sent me in a queue in the lobby. I tried to reconnect immediately but it kept saying "Disconnected" so I had to restart Feather Client. When I relogged I was inside school, I tried to do /vehicle pickupall but it didn't work and now I lost a fully upgraded car because of a random crash and I don't have any proof of it being upgraded. 6Pancake told me to make an item request here. I'm sorry for not having any proof of it

VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Full Carbon Alfa Romeo 155
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was involved in a chase near 11/7 with the car (Which is fully upgraded) but then it sent me in a queue in the lobby. I tried to reconnect immediately but it kept saying "Disconnected" so I had to restart Feather Client. When I relogged I was inside school, I tried to do /vehicle pickupall but it didn't work and now I lost a fully upgraded car because of a random crash and I don't have any proof of it being upgraded. 6Pancake told me to make an item request here. I'm sorry for not having any proof of it